Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • kkvon
    kkvon Posts: 21 Member
    So today I got on the scale and it said 267. That puts me 1 lb lighter then I was last week. A little off of my goal of 2 lbs a week but I feel ok about. I find that my biggest challenge every week is the week end. Is it just me or does anyone else gain weight over the week end? I am always good for 2 - 3 lbs. My plan this week is to stick to tracking my food as i usually don't do this on the week end. I have achieved on goal so far.... 3 days tea free. :)

    SW: 270
    GW: 245
    CW: 267
    Short term goal 260

    For those of you who lost this week.... great job. For those of you who didn't... great job, " just keep swimming"
  • Hova1914
    Hova1914 Posts: 82 Member
    here are my results:

    SW: 207.0
    LW: 188.4
    CW: 185.6
    GW: 170.0

    so 2.8 pounds lost since last week's weigh in, 21.4 total pounds lost and 15.6 pounds to go. nice bouce-back from last week :-)
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    This week weighin 131.6, last week 132.0
  • phoenixrising31
    phoenixrising31 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I want to join the group too. I like Thursday weigh-ins because it give me time to recover from the weekend (hee hee) and gives me extra motivation to work out on Wednesday. I've gotten off track in the last month, but am trying to get back with healthier eating and exercising.

    SW: 255
    GW: 149
    CW: 211.2
  • rachel2011
    kkvon, thanks very mcuh for the info re how to change a goal :-)

    I hope everyone is having a good week.

    Welcome to all the new joiners and sorry to those who haven't had a good last weigh in - keep going and you'll continue to make progress.

    After being really quite dedicated for about 3 months I went on holiday for a couple of weeks and then did some travelling with work so I've really got out of the habit of looging my food and exercising....and, sure enough my eating habits have got increasingly bad and I've got back into the habit of eating chocolate / crisps and generally more bad food. I know that if I keep this up I will undo all my good work - and the silliest thing is that I felt a lot better and healtier when I was being good.....
    I've decided that today I need to make a fresh start and not stress about the break for my holiday and work trip and just concentrate on getting back into my good habits...wish me luck!!!

    Have a good weekend all.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Down another pound this week. I was hoping for more, but I'll take it!! That's 22 pounds total. I REALLY want to get to the 30 pound mark. I also took my measurements this week. The number of inches I had lost, made me hopeful that I had lost more weight than that. I'm a little disappointed, but mostly I'm proud of the progress I'm making. I've enjoyed fairly consistent motivation to just stay on track. The results will come, even if not as quickly as I'd like. I'm trying to stay focused on the smallest of goals, such as making wise food choices each day. Those will add up!

    I hope everyone is having a good week!
  • kkvon
    kkvon Posts: 21 Member
    A little disapointed with the loss this week. Was hoping for more then 1/2 a pound. The good thing is i am back into the swing of things with diet and excercise. Feeling good about that.

    SW: 270
    GW: 245
    CW: 266.5
    Short term goal 260