What is your take on a Fully Raw Vegan Lifestyle?



  • teanahk
    teanahk Posts: 81 Member

    86% of vegetarians and 70% of vegans go back to eating meat. I'd call that most.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    teanahk wrote: »

    86% of vegetarians and 70% of vegans go back to eating meat. I'd call that most.

    Please could you point me to where is says it was because of health issues.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    teanahk wrote: »

    86% of vegetarians and 70% of vegans go back to eating meat. I'd call that most.

    Only 29% of ex-vegetarians/vegans indicated that they experienced specific health-related symptoms while on a no-meat diet.

    And it's not clear from that whether that's the rationale for returning to meat eating.

    Equally, even the case cited at the beginning of the article suggests someone who wasn't eating a particularly effective vegetarian diet.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    I'm a vegan for ethical reasons and plan my vegan diet with lots of fresh whole foods and careful attention to nutrition for health reasons (but I also have treats like chocolate and wine now and then for psychological reasons!).

    I am not convinced that doing vegan plus raw, gluten free, sugar free, oil free, or any of the other fads out there are really important for good health unless you have a specific medical condition (like Celiac disease) that you are trying to treat with those approaches. It seems like too much strictness and limitation for no good reason to me.

    the ethical argument always confuses me

    people spend money all the time, and eventually that money will work its way up to a government or business that exploits, injures, oppresses, and/or slaughters other human beings. and people rarely blink an eye

    but eating animals is unethical

    Just because your ethical about animals does not mean you not ethical around humans. I try to live as ethically as I can through all streams of my life. I do not believe in the needless slaughter and exploitation of people the same way I do not believe in the needless exploitation or slaughter of animals.

    Your argument that not eating meat or animal products will not save animals because they will be replaced by others is just a silly argument. It's an argument never to do anything that could have a positive effect. It's like saying there's no point teaching people to swim because if they don't drown they'll be replaced by another child. Rather than thinking well if we teach one person to swim and others realise that this is good thing more people swim so eventually lives will be saved. Luckily a lot of people do not think like you and believe it worthless to do something because it does not have a major change. All large changes in society and big political/ethical movements started with small steps and people doing things that may not have an immediate effect but there opinions actions spred

    This thread is a prime example of as soon as someone mentions as they are a Vegan (normally because someone asked them) they suddenly get accused of preaching. The title of this thread is about Vegans if you don't want to hear about it dont read it otherwise they'll be Vegan content

    As for shoving veganism in people's faces as Vegan's get accused off. Have you seen all the advertising and television. Watch your favourite TV program if you can come back and tell me that 20% of the adverts have a Pro Vegan Agenda then you may have a point but you'll be lucking to see less than 1% mentioning a plant milk. There is far more preaching about and using animal products than there is of Vegan ones

    I always find it rather sad that as soon as someone mentions that they are Vegan, Numerous comments come out about Bacon and how many animals you eat in comparison to a Vegan. Why would anyone think this is funny? Personally that response is rather sad and I think it's more of a sub conscious self defense because just by using the Word Vegan your ethics are being challenged

    I'm not on MFP to preach my Personal ethics I very rarely even go into Vegan threads because of the small minded approach some people seem to take. I probably wont go into one again for a long time. Those who know me know I don't preach my ethics at others I engage if people ask me other than that your ethical choices are your decision. Those of you in this thread who immediately attack vegans or feel the need to reply with childish comments about bacon or the amount of animals you can eat I would ask you to take a step back and think about why you respond like that? Yes there are some pushy vegans who will preach at people but compare that to other people who preach at you and it's a small minority. Most vegans are like me just normal people who have mad a choice and just get on with their lives.

    Luckily on my friends list I have many people who eat both Omnivorous and Vegan/vegetarian lifestyles who do not feel the need to try and put peoples ethical opinions down. I do not believe a Vegan diet is better than anyone else's you can nutritionally have good and bad Vegan diets the same way you can have good and bad involving animal products.

    Also to those of you who say you could not be a Vegan because you could not live without Cheese or Bacon. I'd like to tell you you can. You just stop eating it *simples*

    I will no revert to my quiet avoiding Vegan threads state. Make your own ethical choices but don't think that because someone's else's are different to yours you immediately should attack because that says more about you than them. Have a Good Day

    I'm sorry I don't know how to embed GIFs in a post, because if I did, you would see a group of people giving a standing ovation instead of this sentence.
  • mjffey
    mjffey Posts: 72 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    I'm a vegan for ethical reasons and plan my vegan diet with lots of fresh whole foods and careful attention to nutrition for health reasons (but I also have treats like chocolate and wine now and then for psychological reasons!).

    I am not convinced that doing vegan plus raw, gluten free, sugar free, oil free, or any of the other fads out there are really important for good health unless you have a specific medical condition (like Celiac disease) that you are trying to treat with those approaches. It seems like too much strictness and limitation for no good reason to me.

    the ethical argument always confuses me

    people spend money all the time, and eventually that money will work its way up to a government or business that exploits, injures, oppresses, and/or slaughters other human beings. and people rarely blink an eye

    but eating animals is unethical

    Just because your ethical about animals does not mean you not ethical around humans. I try to live as ethically as I can through all streams of my life. I do not believe in the needless slaughter and exploitation of people the same way I do not believe in the needless exploitation or slaughter of animals.

    Your argument that not eating meat or animal products will not save animals because they will be replaced by others is just a silly argument. It's an argument never to do anything that could have a positive effect. It's like saying there's no point teaching people to swim because if they don't drown they'll be replaced by another child. Rather than thinking well if we teach one person to swim and others realise that this is good thing more people swim so eventually lives will be saved. Luckily a lot of people do not think like you and believe it worthless to do something because it does not have a major change. All large changes in society and big political/ethical movements started with small steps and people doing things that may not have an immediate effect but there opinions actions spred

    This thread is a prime example of as soon as someone mentions as they are a Vegan (normally because someone asked them) they suddenly get accused of preaching. The title of this thread is about Vegans if you don't want to hear about it dont read it otherwise they'll be Vegan content

    As for shoving veganism in people's faces as Vegan's get accused off. Have you seen all the advertising and television. Watch your favourite TV program if you can come back and tell me that 20% of the adverts have a Pro Vegan Agenda then you may have a point but you'll be lucking to see less than 1% mentioning a plant milk. There is far more preaching about and using animal products than there is of Vegan ones

    I always find it rather sad that as soon as someone mentions that they are Vegan, Numerous comments come out about Bacon and how many animals you eat in comparison to a Vegan. Why would anyone think this is funny? Personally that response is rather sad and I think it's more of a sub conscious self defense because just by using the Word Vegan your ethics are being challenged

    I'm not on MFP to preach my Personal ethics I very rarely even go into Vegan threads because of the small minded approach some people seem to take. I probably wont go into one again for a long time. Those who know me know I don't preach my ethics at others I engage if people ask me other than that your ethical choices are your decision. Those of you in this thread who immediately attack vegans or feel the need to reply with childish comments about bacon or the amount of animals you can eat I would ask you to take a step back and think about why you respond like that? Yes there are some pushy vegans who will preach at people but compare that to other people who preach at you and it's a small minority. Most vegans are like me just normal people who have mad a choice and just get on with their lives.

    Luckily on my friends list I have many people who eat both Omnivorous and Vegan/vegetarian lifestyles who do not feel the need to try and put peoples ethical opinions down. I do not believe a Vegan diet is better than anyone else's you can nutritionally have good and bad Vegan diets the same way you can have good and bad involving animal products.

    Also to those of you who say you could not be a Vegan because you could not live without Cheese or Bacon. I'd like to tell you you can. You just stop eating it *simples*

    I will no revert to my quiet avoiding Vegan threads state. Make your own ethical choices but don't think that because someone's else's are different to yours you immediately should attack because that says more about you than them. Have a Good Day

    I'm sorry I don't know how to embed GIFs in a post, because if I did, you would see a group of people giving a standing ovation instead of this sentence.

    I'm part of that standing ovation :-)