Does turning vegan helps with weight loss



  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    edited June 2015
    It did me.
    Not because it was a vegan diet, but because I completely changed my eating habits. I was trying to follow vegan whole foods in the beginning (it's a hell of a learning curve,) probably got it completely wrong and put myself in a massive deficit for the first Month until I better educated myself. It also "barred" me from my usual over-eating foods like meat and cheese.
    So, I lost, and continue to lose, on a mainly vegan diet because of calorie control.

    (Disclaimer: I'm not a vegan, now, I eat a mainly vegan diet.)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited June 2015
    Isn't it a tossed around myth that plants have feelings or whatever?
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    No, veganism isn't a weight-loss diet. I've been a thin near-vegan, and I've been a 25-30 lb overweight vegan. You can overeat on any diet. But if you are considering veganism as an ethical choice due to your feelings about animals, and/or hoping to improve your health, then it might be the way to go for you. I have no trouble at all meeting my nutritional goals on a vegan diet, and a lot of the concern omnivores tend to have about vegan malnutrition is misplaced. It's easy to get enough iron, calcium, protein, etc...but you have to at least read up a bit on vegan nutrition. Soon it will be second nature to you. Vegetarian Resource Group is a good place to start. As for the dinner invitations, that is one reason I am only "near" vegan. I will eat eggs/dairy when I'm at someone's house or in a restaurant with limited options. I find that people who really want to spend time with me won't hold my diet against me. Some of them have dietary issues (low carb, gluten free, food allergies, etc) of their own, and we all do the best we can to find recipes that support each others' needs.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Incidentally, I see plenty of omnivores on here who have more trouble hitting their macros or eating a balanced diet than I do. Planning is important for *any* kind of diet. Eating meat does not necessarily mean you are getting the nutrition you really need from plant sources.
  • StarvingAuthor
    StarvingAuthor Posts: 67 Member
    You can easily be overweight as a vegan because a lot of foods are vegan (no animal products), like tortillas, fat free refried beans, oreos, bread, etc., which are all calorically dense foods. It may be easier to lose weight on a raw vegan diet as opposed to a standard omni diet just because the calories of a good portion of allowable foods are low, but you'll still have to do some monitoring (even if you do this just by weighing and if you have gains cutting down on avacados, nuts, oils, bananas, etc). But, no, vegan dieting is not a free for all food wise because you can easily become overweight.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have been vegan for nine years and I've been my heaviest and my lightest as a vegan. It all depends on calories in versus calories out.

    There are some situations where being vegan limits the amount of food you can eat: for example, I'm on a special project for work this week and the bosses brought in a bunch of snack foods. Most of it isn't vegan, so I'm not going to eat it. But that's really a small part of life -- it certainly wouldn't be hard to be an overweight vegan.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    I think the bolded part should be the reasoning behind your choice to be vegan.

    Calorie deficit is what is required to lose weight, doesn't matter what your dietary preference is you will always gain weight at a calorie surplus.

    From my personal experience I have been an overweight vegan and an extremely in shape vegan, it doesn't guarantee success in weight-loss. Examples below...

    I had been vegan for quite some time but didn't pay attention to how much I was eating or my nutrients...


    Still vegan but had learned the value of CICO and macro/micro distribution and lifting...


    It is possible to have success at having a vegan diet and meeting your macro/micro nutrients you just have to pay attention and at times and supplement your diet when necessary. Protein shakes are extremely useful as there are plenty of vegan options out there. Also a vitamin B supplement as this is the most difficult vitamin to get from a plant based diet. But most health food stores carry vegan options.

    Maybe look at this group for support...

    I have nothing valuable to add... so I'm just going to quote this. because it's valuable um.. information.

    yeah- information. that's it. ahem. cough cough.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Do what your personal morality tells you to, do one can judge that, but remember, even Oreos are vegan.

    Do valid research as you take the dive. I like the NIH and Mayo clinic for solid research starters. Don't use blogs for research (I'm sure there are some great ones, but learn from medical sources first to be a better blog judge!) but scour them for recipes.

    Good luck!
  • bronkeekong
    bronkeekong Posts: 49 Member
    Trying to find vegan/vegetarian friends. add me!!! thanks.

    To the OP:
    You can lose weight by going Vegan, I've done it however you have to avoid fat and added sugar to put it simply. Look into a Raw till 4 plan. I hope that helps. Peace.
  • blwasson73
    blwasson73 Posts: 92 Member
    It didn't work for me. My body doesn't respond well to beans, grains, etc. and I gained weight. I still love the vegan vegetable recipes but the protein substitutes like tempeh, soy, etc just weren't a good match for me. Good luck!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Trying to find vegan/vegetarian friends. add me!!! thanks.

    To the OP:
    You can lose weight by going Vegan, I've done it however you have to avoid fat and added sugar to put it simply. Look into a Raw till 4 plan. I hope that helps. Peace.

    You can lose weight as a vegan without cutting fat and sugar from your diet. I have lost about twenty-five pounds as a vegan. It isn't necessary to go raw unless you want to.