Returning to keto/paleo: veg. not working

Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
I think I have to return to flat-out text book classic keto or paleo at the minimum. Vegetarian keto, even lacto-ovo-pesco just ain't a-gonna cut it. I tried lacto-ovo-pesco keto, I tried lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 p/c/f. Lacto-ovo-pesco doesn't give enough fat and gives too much carbs. With lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 I can't get enough protein, and I get too much carb! I felt "morally and ethically" good about veg., but I've put on some weight and I feel physically crappy. So I think in the interest of health I need to return to being carnivorous and lipivorous (I think I just made up that word :bigsmile: ). I still like my yogurt and cottage cheese, but if I have to shun them because of their carbs, I will. I've switched to plain unsweetened almond milk which is DA BOMB! I'll track more diligently in MFP to see if the dairy has too much sugar and carb.


  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
    Food and Nutrition
    Topic: Returning to keto/paleo: veg. not working

    BY: Jainarayan Joined Mar 2013 POSTED June 14, 2013 6:29 am

  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    You should check out the keto group here if you haven't already.

    Edit: I recognize you now. Sorry to hear the veg thing didn't work out. :-/
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It all comes down to a calorie deficit...
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    He was avoiding meat for religious reasons.

    I do ketogenic as well. I aim for Primal but it doesn't always happen.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I think I have to return to flat-out text book classic keto or paleo at the minimum. Vegetarian keto, even lacto-ovo-pesco just ain't a-gonna cut it. I tried lacto-ovo-pesco keto, I tried lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 p/c/f. Lacto-ovo-pesco doesn't give enough fat and gives too much carbs. With lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 I can't get enough protein, and I get too much carb! I felt "morally and ethically" good about veg., but I've put on some weight and I feel physically crappy. So I think in the interest of health I need to return to being carnivorous and lipivorous (I think I just made up that word :bigsmile: ). I still like my yogurt and cottage cheese, but if I have to shun them because of their carbs, I will. I've switched to plain unsweetened almond milk which is DA BOMB! I'll track more diligently in MFP to see if the dairy has too much sugar and carb.

    Any system that stipulates macronutrient breakdown by percentages or ratios is flawed...
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I think I have to return to flat-out text book classic keto or paleo at the minimum. Vegetarian keto, even lacto-ovo-pesco just ain't a-gonna cut it. I tried lacto-ovo-pesco keto, I tried lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 p/c/f. Lacto-ovo-pesco doesn't give enough fat and gives too much carbs. With lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 I can't get enough protein, and I get too much carb! I felt "morally and ethically" good about veg., but I've put on some weight and I feel physically crappy. So I think in the interest of health I need to return to being carnivorous and lipivorous (I think I just made up that word :bigsmile: ). I still like my yogurt and cottage cheese, but if I have to shun them because of their carbs, I will. I've switched to plain unsweetened almond milk which is DA BOMB! I'll track more diligently in MFP to see if the dairy has too much sugar and carb.

    Any system that stipulates macronutrient breakdown by percentages or ratios is flawed...


    So, you're IIFYM, right?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I think I have to return to flat-out text book classic keto or paleo at the minimum. Vegetarian keto, even lacto-ovo-pesco just ain't a-gonna cut it. I tried lacto-ovo-pesco keto, I tried lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 p/c/f. Lacto-ovo-pesco doesn't give enough fat and gives too much carbs. With lacto-ovo-pesco 40/35/25 I can't get enough protein, and I get too much carb! I felt "morally and ethically" good about veg., but I've put on some weight and I feel physically crappy. So I think in the interest of health I need to return to being carnivorous and lipivorous (I think I just made up that word :bigsmile: ). I still like my yogurt and cottage cheese, but if I have to shun them because of their carbs, I will. I've switched to plain unsweetened almond milk which is DA BOMB! I'll track more diligently in MFP to see if the dairy has too much sugar and carb.

    Any system that stipulates macronutrient breakdown by percentages or ratios is flawed...


    So, you're IIFYM, right?

    My ticker kind of gives it away. If you are so taken aback by my statement, please explain to me how macronutrient percentages are better than bodyweight macro calculations, or Lean Body Mass macro calculations...
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.

    Thats why many of us Vegans opt for organic produce to avoid the pesticides and fertilizers. And it is also about making the best choices available. It costs the "lives" of a vast number of plants to make just one pound of beef, so....lesser of two evils is to eat the plants, obviously.

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Lesser of two evils? Human beings have canine teeth evolved for eating meat...why shouldn't we?
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.

    Thats why many of us Vegans opt for organic produce to avoid the pesticides and fertilizers. And it is also about making the best choices available. It costs the "lives" of a vast number of plants to make just one pound of beef, so....lesser of two evils is to eat the plants, obviously.

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Lesser of two evils? Human beings have canine teeth evolved for eating meat...why shouldn't we?

    Because we simply don't need to. And our teeth are FAR from the teeth of other meat eating species. We don't have the claws and razor sharp teeth to rip into a raw animal's flanks, and our digestive system is far too long to be efficient at digesting meat as well. The "canine" argument is so deeply flawed as two pairs of teeth hardly indicates that we evolved to be carnivorous. Seriously, four teeth in our whole mouth prove that we are like the lions of the savannah? Sure we have the capability to eat meat, but that doesn't mean that our diet 25,000 years ago was meat centric. If anything, we only started to eat meat on any regular basis when we developed tools and weapons, and even then it wasn't without difficulty as our bodies don't digest un-cooked meat well at all. It was the advent of modern man with modern tools and modern cooking methods that allowed us to truly start eating meat, but all of that occurred far after or physical form evolved into what it is today.

    And my argument previously had nothing to do with evolution at all. It was on the ethics of our food choices. The lesser of two evils was a reference to the fact that we don't need meat to survive, so why cause the deaths of more living things than necessary? It isn't speciesism, its making the smallest footprint. It has everything to do with morality and ethics, as well as environmental impact. We are a higher, more evolved species than any other on the planet. With that comes the responsibility to care for it and make higher, more evolved choices than our primal cousins. We aren't base, soul-less animals, but we are individuals who have the capacity to make humane, ethical, educated, well-thought-out choices. It is what separates us. If you don't see any separation, then go live your primal life in the jungle and lets see how those canines get you through.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.

    Thats why many of us Vegans opt for organic produce to avoid the pesticides and fertilizers. And it is also about making the best choices available. It costs the "lives" of a vast number of plants to make just one pound of beef, so....lesser of two evils is to eat the plants, obviously.

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Lesser of two evils? Human beings have canine teeth evolved for eating meat...why shouldn't we?

    Because we simply don't need to. And our teeth are FAR from the teeth of other meat eating species. We don't have the claws and razor sharp teeth to rip into a raw animal's flanks, and our digestive system is far too long to be efficient at digesting meat as well. The "canine" argument is so deeply flawed as two pairs of teeth hardly indicates that we evolved to be carnivorous. Seriously, four teeth in our whole mouth prove that we are like the lions of the savannah? Sure we have the capability to eat meat, but that doesn't mean that our diet 25,000 years ago was meat centric. If anything, we only started to eat meat on any regular basis when we developed tools and weapons, and even then it wasn't without difficulty as our bodies don't digest un-cooked meat well at all. It was the advent of modern man with modern tools and modern cooking methods that allowed us to truly start eating meat, but all of that occurred far after or physical form evolved into what it is today.

    And my argument previously had nothing to do with evolution at all. It was on the ethics of our food choices. The lesser of two evils was a reference to the fact that we don't need meat to survive, so why cause the deaths of more living things than necessary? It isn't speciesism, its making the smallest footprint. It has everything to do with morality and ethics, as well as environmental impact. We are a higher, more evolved species than any other on the planet. With that comes the responsibility to care for it and make higher, more evolved choices than our primal cousins. We aren't base, soul-less animals, but we are individuals who have the capacity to make humane, ethical, educated, well-thought-out choices. It is what separates us. If you don't see any separation, then go live your primal life in the jungle and lets see how those canines get you through.

    Once you bring ethics into eating meat, you've lost me. I eat meat and I don't have the slightest feeling that it's immoral. I don't lose any sleep at night. The beauty of it is that we are both free to do what you want, so remember, for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat 3 :smile:
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.

    Thats why many of us Vegans opt for organic produce to avoid the pesticides and fertilizers. And it is also about making the best choices available. It costs the "lives" of a vast number of plants to make just one pound of beef, so....lesser of two evils is to eat the plants, obviously.

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Lesser of two evils? Human beings have canine teeth evolved for eating meat...why shouldn't we?

    Because we simply don't need to. And our teeth are FAR from the teeth of other meat eating species. We don't have the claws and razor sharp teeth to rip into a raw animal's flanks, and our digestive system is far too long to be efficient at digesting meat as well. The "canine" argument is so deeply flawed as two pairs of teeth hardly indicates that we evolved to be carnivorous. Seriously, four teeth in our whole mouth prove that we are like the lions of the savannah? Sure we have the capability to eat meat, but that doesn't mean that our diet 25,000 years ago was meat centric. If anything, we only started to eat meat on any regular basis when we developed tools and weapons, and even then it wasn't without difficulty as our bodies don't digest un-cooked meat well at all. It was the advent of modern man with modern tools and modern cooking methods that allowed us to truly start eating meat, but all of that occurred far after or physical form evolved into what it is today.

    And my argument previously had nothing to do with evolution at all. It was on the ethics of our food choices. The lesser of two evils was a reference to the fact that we don't need meat to survive, so why cause the deaths of more living things than necessary? It isn't speciesism, its making the smallest footprint. It has everything to do with morality and ethics, as well as environmental impact. We are a higher, more evolved species than any other on the planet. With that comes the responsibility to care for it and make higher, more evolved choices than our primal cousins. We aren't base, soul-less animals, but we are individuals who have the capacity to make humane, ethical, educated, well-thought-out choices. It is what separates us. If you don't see any separation, then go live your primal life in the jungle and lets see how those canines get you through.

    Once you bring ethics into eating meat, you've lost me. I eat meat and I don't have the slightest feeling that it's immoral. I don't lose any sleep at night. The beauty of it is that we are both free to do what you want, so remember, for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat 3 :smile:

    The last comment was out of line. Grow up and take some accountability as part of the dominant species on the planet. To claim we have no responsibility to honor life is to declare that we are no more evolved than the basest of wild animals, which I do not believe.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Now for me:

    BRILLIANT. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. I AM GOING TO QUOTE YOU!!! Thanks for the help with 'my' statement."

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a HFLC diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of HighFatLowCarb without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Oh, and the actual numbers -- in FOUR months: lost 25 lbs, glucose from 6.2 to 6.0, Cholesterol from 202 to 162.
    for a 58-yr-old diabetic, hypothyroid old lady, pretty good results there! and I FEEL better
    than I have since I was 38!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member

    The last comment was out of line. Grow up and take some accountability as part of the dominant species on the planet. To claim we have no responsibility to honor life is to declare that we are no more evolved than the basest of wild animals, which I do not believe.


    now for me: THIS last comment is out of line. Grow up and take some accountability as part of the DOMINANT SPECIES on the planet -- is my right to choose what I eat. I am not EVOLVED from any creature or cell or organism.

    Enjoy your plants. I like them a side salad to my steak or chicken or fish etc etc etc. I'll donate the grains to you. Good Luck with your CHOICE of eating. It's yours and I have no issue with it.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    WHY were you trying to avoid meat? I've read a number of accounts published by former vegans who describe in detail how their health deteriorated but they refused to acknowledge it. Some of them have permanent damage. I tried vegan briefly in my youth and my body rebelled immediately. Unfortunately, I continued on starving myself on low fat diets for many years after that. :sad:

    How does one do Vegetarian keto? I'm not being a jerk, just really curious. It's a high carb diet by design.

    My lifestyle can be described as ketogenic Primal, soon to be ketogenic Paleo. I love it and I feel awesome. I don't feel "deprived" at all. If eating ribeye steaks, mushrooms fried in butter and a side salad is other people's idea of an "unsustainable fad diet" so be it. :laugh:

    Edit: today's crops and what is done to grow them is no more ethical than eating meat, and far less ethical than eating wild or free range meat. Also, plants are no less alive than an animal. I don't really understand the specieist attitude of many vegetarians/vegans. The death of watersheds, soil organisms, and the widespread use of petroleum products for pesticides and fertilizers seems to matter not at all to them.

    Thats why many of us Vegans opt for organic produce to avoid the pesticides and fertilizers. And it is also about making the best choices available. It costs the "lives" of a vast number of plants to make just one pound of beef, so....lesser of two evils is to eat the plants, obviously.

    I've never been stronger/healthier/more alive that I am now on a vegan diet. As an athlete I'm getting faster every day and my endurance is going through the roof. I avoid illness and injury, and my blood tests are immaculate. Your arguments are completely invalid and coming from an uneducated stance. Making a blanket statement about the health of veganism without actually having ANY idea about its health benefits when done right shows your ignorance and closed-mindedness about the subject.

    Lesser of two evils? Human beings have canine teeth evolved for eating meat...why shouldn't we?

    Because we simply don't need to. And our teeth are FAR from the teeth of other meat eating species. We don't have the claws and razor sharp teeth to rip into a raw animal's flanks, and our digestive system is far too long to be efficient at digesting meat as well. The "canine" argument is so deeply flawed as two pairs of teeth hardly indicates that we evolved to be carnivorous. Seriously, four teeth in our whole mouth prove that we are like the lions of the savannah? Sure we have the capability to eat meat, but that doesn't mean that our diet 25,000 years ago was meat centric. If anything, we only started to eat meat on any regular basis when we developed tools and weapons, and even then it wasn't without difficulty as our bodies don't digest un-cooked meat well at all. It was the advent of modern man with modern tools and modern cooking methods that allowed us to truly start eating meat, but all of that occurred far after or physical form evolved into what it is today.

    And my argument previously had nothing to do with evolution at all. It was on the ethics of our food choices. The lesser of two evils was a reference to the fact that we don't need meat to survive, so why cause the deaths of more living things than necessary? It isn't speciesism, its making the smallest footprint. It has everything to do with morality and ethics, as well as environmental impact. We are a higher, more evolved species than any other on the planet. With that comes the responsibility to care for it and make higher, more evolved choices than our primal cousins. We aren't base, soul-less animals, but we are individuals who have the capacity to make humane, ethical, educated, well-thought-out choices. It is what separates us. If you don't see any separation, then go live your primal life in the jungle and lets see how those canines get you through.

    Once you bring ethics into eating meat, you've lost me. I eat meat and I don't have the slightest feeling that it's immoral. I don't lose any sleep at night. The beauty of it is that we are both free to do what you want, so remember, for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat 3 :smile:

    The last comment was out of line. Grow up and take some accountability as part of the dominant species on the planet. To claim we have no responsibility to honor life is to declare that we are no more evolved than the basest of wild animals, which I do not believe.

    It's only 'out of line' to YOU because you can't seem to understand that not everyone has the same values as yourself. People actually eat meat and don't feel bad about it. Sorry.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    Instead of arguing who is the more righteous person, how about everybody just accepts that everybody else has the right to have different beliefs, whether they are about food, religion, or anything else.

    I eat meat. I like the taste. Yes, I know it was once a fuzzy animal, I used to hunt before I started working on fishing boats. Do the comments that imply that I'm an amoralistic, soulless devil for eating a defenseless cow piss me off? Yes, but it really doesn't affect me personally in any way, and does more to alienate me to your cause than anything else.

    I have vegan and vegetarian friends. We can go out to eat together and not get into a fight because one of us ordered a steak and another ordered a salad. I actually eat more vegetarian and vegan foods because they have introduced me to good recipes. It is called respect. The world would be a better place if more people worked on it!

  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    When someone finds the killing of animals appalling, the last appropriate thing to do is to wave killing "extra" animals because I won't eat any. That was what was out of line. Eat how you will, but please don't say that since I don't eat animals you will now kill extra to balance the equation. It is a morally reprehensible statement to me and to say it to my face knowing how I feel/stand is incredibly insulting.

    And I wasn't saying that the keto HFLC diet is evil or wrong. I feel that the LFHC vegan diet is healthier, but I wan't putting down any other lifestyle choice. I was just defending the diet and how no one should shoot it down based on an incomplete education on its merits. I've done the HFLC, paleo, etc before and I will admit that I felt amazing on it. Then I switch to this and I feel even better. I'm not cutting down the diet based on its health benefits, as I believe that it is far better than the SAD/lifestyle.

    And rgugs13, I was saying it was inappropriate (as stated above) to tell me because I eat less animals you will eat more. Saying you eat animals is one thing, but thats like saying because you're christian I'm going to go blow up a cathedral. Or rape a child. Or something like that. NOT ok, and incredibly insulting on a deeply personal level. THAT was what is out of line with his last statement. Eat animals, go ahead, just don't try to insult my deep set beliefs on the matter by stating something similar to what that gentleman said.
  • Livdoesketo
    Livdoesketo Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome back to carnivorous keto! The fage total yoghurt isn't too bad for carbs, I think America has some funky carbmaster yoghurt though which I can dream about. Hope it works out for you.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    When someone finds the killing of animals appalling, the last appropriate thing to do is to wave killing "extra" animals because I won't eat any. That was what was out of line. Eat how you will, but please don't say that since I don't eat animals you will now kill extra to balance the equation. It is a morally reprehensible statement to me and to say it to my face knowing how I feel/stand is incredibly insulting.

    And I wasn't saying that the keto HFLC diet is evil or wrong. I feel that the LFHC vegan diet is healthier, but I wan't putting down any other lifestyle choice. I was just defending the diet and how no one should shoot it down based on an incomplete education on its merits. I've done the HFLC, paleo, etc before and I will admit that I felt amazing on it. Then I switch to this and I feel even better. I'm not cutting down the diet based on its health benefits, as I believe that it is far better than the SAD/lifestyle.

    And rgugs13, I was saying it was inappropriate (as stated above) to tell me because I eat less animals you will eat more. Saying you eat animals is one thing, but thats like saying because you're christian I'm going to go blow up a cathedral. Or rape a child. Or something like that. NOT ok, and incredibly insulting on a deeply personal level. THAT was what is out of line with his last statement. Eat animals, go ahead, just don't try to insult my deep set beliefs on the matter by stating something similar to what that gentleman said.

    Sir, do you READ what you write? You say you are not attacking our way of eating--that you didn't call it evil or wrong? ARE YOU INSANE????? You basically told us we were immoral and unethical. and your last paragraph is absolutely SCARY IN A UNIBOMBER WAY in your comparisons.

    But I have only one question WHY ON EARTH DID YOU COME TO THIS THREAD AND EVEN OPEN YOUR MOUTH???? It is pretty dang obvious to a NORMAL/SANE person that this subject is NOT FOR YOU;. You poor dear--you SHUDDER at the thought of killing an animal for food. WHY WHY WHY are you trolling a thread that is about MEAT EATERS. Why aren't you talking with your Vegan buddies????? Then you don't have be horrified that we wanna talk about meat.

    It is 'INCREDIBLY INSULTING ON A DEEP PERSONAL LEVEL" (to quote you) for you to invade a thread that has nothing to do with you and includes folks that don't want to hear from you.

    i don't go to the Vegan threads and talk about chopping heads of chickens or hitting cows in the head with a mallet! ooooh and that nice venison sausage from Bambi's daddy. Why don't just stay off the meat eaters threads. Because you want to spout your crap for your cause. and then turn around and play the victim.