Where does the low carb group hang out?



  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    565 North Clinton Drive, Milwaukee, WI
    Lots of low carb love here. :) Jk
    See a nutritionist. Most of the time it is free on health plans for the first visit. Just sayin.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Also why all the rude remarks? Geez.....not looking for advise. Just looking for fellow low carb(not no carb) people. And btw not everyone processes food the same, just sayin.

    Absent of health issues, humans do process food the same way. I know you said you do have a medical condition, soy at makes things a bit different. I asked for the actual conditions because that can make a difference on advice. For example if you are diabetic, you will need a different approach than someone who has IBS triggered by certain carbs, etc.
  • loridebacker
    loridebacker Posts: 24 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I'm curious. What "health reasons" would require someone to have to go low carb. I've never heard of an illness that required that before

    Hosimotos (thyroid) insulin resistant and prediabetes. Believe it or not, not everyone can just eat whatever as long as below your calories burn.

    it's not a requirement for those.


    My brother is a diabetic and his specialist never once recommended low carb for him...ever ever.

    My sister in law has thyroid issues...never once was she told by her specialist to go low carb.

    Maybe it works for hers. Not me. I know hard to believe that not everyone is built the same. Go figure.
    You do what feels good for you and since I have changed the way I eat I feel 100% better. So back off.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Wow why are people so rude on here?
    I've literally just joined and it so sad to see some people on here being negative to others.
    Like stfu and mind your own weight loss. If you don't agree then who cares? Move on, don't make stupid comments.

    And yet you are here being negative to others? Like someone else said, you might want to follow your own advice. Just a thought.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    Wow why are people so rude on here?
    I've literally just joined and it so sad to see some people on here being negative to others.
    Like stfu and mind your own weight loss. If you don't agree then who cares? Move on, don't make stupid comments.

    I've noticed that too. And it's always by the same people you'll notice them, just block them. I came to the conclusion that this is where they get their kicks.

    We have a block feature now?

    used to..it was great...seems to have disappeared tho.
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I'm curious. What "health reasons" would require someone to have to go low carb. I've never heard of an illness that required that before

    Hosimotos (thyroid) insulin resistant and prediabetes. Believe it or not, not everyone can just eat whatever as long as below your calories burn.

    it's not a requirement for those.


    My brother is a diabetic and his specialist never once recommended low carb for him...ever ever.

    My sister in law has thyroid issues...never once was she told by her specialist to go low carb.

    Maybe it works for hers. Not me. I know hard to believe that not everyone is built the same. Go figure.
    You do what feels good for you and since I have changed the way I eat I feel 100% better. So back off.

    back off???? wow why so angry....

    just pointing out it's not a requirement for diabetes or thyroid issues...

    Glad you feel better
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    The group that @pedidiva and @Ty_Floyd suggested is a good place. Unfortunately we don't get much love on here.

    Perhaps if you didn't play the victim in literally every post you make, you might get more respect.

    If you have general low carb questions, you can ask on the boards, but for more specific answers, that group that was linked I hear is quite active and helpful (not being a low-carbber myself I can't personally vouch for it).

    Um, where have i played the victim exactly? I answer questions and warn those who eat the same way that there will be criticism because THERE ALWAYS IS. That's NOT playing a victim.

    you said "unfortunately, we don't get much love here" = playing the victim card.

    and if the sentiment in the LC group about the main forums is any indicator, it sounds we don't get much love over there either...

    I'm stating a fact. Low carb is under constant criticism on the main forums. And none of that, nor any of you, are mentioned in the group.

    no its not...

    The only LC'ers getting criticized are the ones claiming that CICO does not apply to Low Carb or the ones claiming LC is the only one true way.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I'm curious. What "health reasons" would require someone to have to go low carb. I've never heard of an illness that required that before

    Hosimotos (thyroid) insulin resistant and prediabetes. Believe it or not, not everyone can just eat whatever as long as below your calories burn.

    it's not a requirement for those.


    My brother is a diabetic and his specialist never once recommended low carb for him...ever ever.

    My sister in law has thyroid issues...never once was she told by her specialist to go low carb.

    Maybe it works for hers. Not me. I know hard to believe that not everyone is built the same. Go figure.
    You do what feels good for you and since I have changed the way I eat I feel 100% better. So back off.

    I retract my previous comment. It seems you are not looking for information and are content with what you are doing. Modern medicine is always evolving. Who knows, you might just find something that will make you feel 200% better. But you have to lower your shields first, and not tell someone who posted a possible relevant link to your condition to "back off", without even looking into the info provided.
  • loridebacker
    loridebacker Posts: 24 Member
    Not a requirement for all but for some. My point. Not everyone is the same....
    Thanks and yes I feel much better!:)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I wish people would stop slinging insults and just use the Flag > Report feature for posts that are clear violations of the Community Guidelines: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines and let the moderators deal with them.

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.

    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?

    No...why what's the point?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    I personally had bad long term results from trying low-carb on 3 different occasions but if it suits an individual it's as good a way as others to meet calorie defecit requirements

  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?

    Your question confuses me. If you are at a deficit, whether you count it or not, CI<CO. One does not need to be aware of it for it to work. But being aware makes it easier to allow it to work.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    < low carb.
    feel free to add me! :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?

    Has anyone ever said that it doesn't? If a tree falls in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? What's the point of your question?
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    In hell along with all the other people who can't have ice cream.

    wow. Maybe you should go eat some. It might improve your mood.

    Oh, wait, nope. Carbs don't eliminate psychopathy.

    No personal attacks allowed in the forums :)

    Like telling all low carb dieters, not to mention all vegans, some vegetarians, lactose intolerant individuals, as well as anyone with a dairy allergy that they are going to hell because they don't/can't eat ice cream? A personal attack like that, you mean? Pointing out the mental instability that must precede that sort of comment is not a personal attack, nor is pointing out that carbs (including those in her precious ice cream) do not cure mental illness.

    Perhaps less rocky road and more Prozac (or Thorazine... just sayin') is in order in this particular case.

    Please source this accusation so we can all read the posts where that has happened

    Never mind I just saw the obvious joke that you're basing your diatribe on


    How come when she jokes about low carbers going to hell it's just a joke, but when I joke that carbs obviously don't cure psychopathy it's "abuse" or a "personal attack"? Double standard much?

    It's not a joke about how low-carbers can go to hell. It's a joke about how living without ice cream is like being in hell.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?

This discussion has been closed.