Where does the low carb group hang out?



  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    While counting them is not, the deficit is absolutely necessary. I for one prefer to take luck out of the equation and know where I stand so that I can adjust accordingly.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    While counting them is not, the deficit is absolutely necessary. I for one prefer to take luck out of the equation and know where I stand so that I can adjust accordingly.

    I've said nothing about CICO. Just that counting isn't always a necessity.
    Glad you found what works for you!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    While counting them is not, the deficit is absolutely necessary. I for one prefer to take luck out of the equation and know where I stand so that I can adjust accordingly.

    I've said nothing about CICO. Just that counting isn't always a necessity.
    Glad you found what works for you!
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    No one says it is.

    Being in a calorie deficit is though (assuming weight loss is the goal).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since actually counting calories is how one generally verifies he/she is in a calorie deficit.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    that was my reading of it too ..

    that some just believe they can drop carbs and CICO goes out the window, because carbs...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Why are people being so rude :'( not even adressing ops questions. Well I don't think low carbers are well recieved on here. Cant we just spread love and drink the keto coffee? Ill make u some its fantabulous:)

    Love peace and yes chicken g r ease <3

    I don't have an issue with low carb or those that choose it for reasonable reasons such as a life choice and preference or recommended by specialists/doctors but not because it's "cool" or they heard it's a fast way to lose weight......I have friends who are low carb due to preference we have no issues...at all.

    I have the issue when it is said...you don't have to count calories just carbs to lose weight or they accuse people of "attacking like a pack of lions" etc...that is their view...

    it is a back and forth due to the facts that low carb is not a requirement for weight loss being said frequently and them disagreeing without backing it up.

    Fine eat low carb but don't spread misinformation...and don't play the victim.

    You're ignoring the question - does CICO stop working if you don't count calories but still eat at a deficit?

    Has anyone ever said that it doesn't? If a tree falls in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? What's the point of your question?

    It was brought up as a warning. Why warn about something if it's not harmful? What's so dangerous that people need to be cautious before exchanging information with people who don't count calories? This is the remark that lead to my question:
    "be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs."

    What are the dire consequences that will befall OP if he ventures into the LC group without advance knowledge of the existence of people who are at a deficit or maintenance without counting calories?

    you make me laugh...honestly...I mean yes nit pick at my words...fine but to be honest this just really makes you look well....*trying to figure it out without being mean*...foolish...really...why because at this level you have to pick that particular phrase out knowing full well what it means...*smh*

    My words were of a cautionary sort as I did read in there the thread where it was touted that only keeping carbs at a certain level was required for weight loss and that calories were irrelevant..

    ETA: as a cautionary note for you...not everyone here has english as the first language and picking apart a post based on words used could be construed as making fun of them for not knowing how to speak english...be careful with that...esp since I am from Canada...my native tongue could be french...

    Actually, when I first read it, what I thought you meant was that you wanted to say something to join in the conversation and make the group sound ominous or dangerous, but couldn't outright say so, so you'd attempt to imply something that's not really representative of what's typically advised in there. Knowing you are a well respected member of this community, it didn't seem in character for you to do something so petty, so I thought it was only fair to give you the benefit of the doubt and see if perhaps I'd misinterpreted your comment.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    I did see that phrase that you quoted at the end and I kind of cringed because I think what the poster meant to say was that there are people in the Low Carb group who believe that you can eat in a calorie surplus while doing low carb, and still lose weight. That is the part that I think most object to, however, I find that to be a pretty isolated belief for just one or two extremists that I've seen in the forums. I think most of the LC group, like you, understand that a calorie deficit is required to lose weight and that low carb is just a tool to help achieve that calorie deficit. If you are good with that tool, you may not even need to count the calories, which is where I think the confusion comes in.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I have had that perception as well. There have been some who seem to deliberately avoid stating that, in the end, CICO is what leads to weight loss, and create diversions instead. Low carb, so long as you maintain a caloric deficit, is just one of many tools. But it won't help if you still eat to much overall.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I don't see that to often. I do see from time to time new people questioning it for understanding and a few regulars who follow their own methods. Each time the new people are corrected, I see the regular members say, "calories always matter for weight loss"

    It's a myth that the whole low carb community believes that you don't need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't think its something that warrants a warning.

    If 5% say that and are corrected by the other 95%, but are still portrayed as low carbers don't think they need to eat at a deficit, aren't we then demonizing low carbers based on things that aren't true?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    funny, they refer us as the "CICO" people....I wonder why ..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I don't see that to often. I do see from time to time new people questioning it for understanding and a few regulars who follow their own methods. Each time the new people are corrected, I see the regular members say, "calories always matter for weight loss"

    It's a myth that the whole low carb community believes that you don't need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't think its something that warrants a warning.

    If 5% say that and are corrected by the other 95%, but are still portrayed as low carbers don't think they need to eat at a deficit, aren't we then demonizing low carbers based on things that aren't true?

    Funny, that was not going on when we were being lambasted as "CICO" people...
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I don't see that to often. I do see from time to time new people questioning it for understanding and a few regulars who follow their own methods. Each time the new people are corrected, I see the regular members say, "calories always matter for weight loss"

    It's a myth that the whole low carb community believes that you don't need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't think its something that warrants a warning.

    If 5% say that and are corrected by the other 95%, but are still portrayed as low carbers don't think they need to eat at a deficit, aren't we then demonizing low carbers based on things that aren't true?
    Its also a myth that "some vocal people" is the same as the "whole low carb community" so, really, all you did was confirm his perception.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I don't see that to often. I do see from time to time new people questioning it for understanding and a few regulars who follow their own methods. Each time the new people are corrected, I see the regular members say, "calories always matter for weight loss"

    It's a myth that the whole low carb community believes that you don't need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't think its something that warrants a warning.

    If 5% say that and are corrected by the other 95%, but are still portrayed as low carbers don't think they need to eat at a deficit, aren't we then demonizing low carbers based on things that aren't true?

    But you do have to admit that the low carbers are demon spawn, right? J/K. I have a good friend who lost 90lbs doin it. We joke with each other. He tells me that I starve myself and I eat bread in front of him and overly enjoy myself. It's all in good fun. Whatever is healthy and sustainable, I'm all for.

    How the time must fly by

  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    pedidiva wrote: »

    DM, insulin resisitance, PCOS are a few of illnesses that are treated with low carb.

    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    If you are on a low carb diet for health reasons good luck and perhaps check into getting an appointment with a dietician (registered) to get more education on the topic.

    Does CICO no longer work if I don't actually count the calories going into my body?

    That was my question as well. I DIDN'T count calories to lose weight (and I wasn't low carb).

    The act of calorie counting is not 100% necessary for 100% of the people.

    who is arguing it is?
    I don't know that anyone really believes that, but it was stated.
    There is that group yes but be forewarned there are lots there who do not believe you need to count calories to lose weight...just carbs.

    At the risk of speaking for the person quoted, I would imagine the phrase "count calories" was not meant literally that you HAD to count calories, but that you needed to be in a caloric deficit, since the phrases are often interchanged on these boards.

    Perhaps. I know she's smart, and knows her stuff. But based on THAT statement, I replied to clarify.

    Still, you'd have to admit that there are some vocal people in the group that seem to espouse the view that caloric intake is not an issue for weight loss as long as you're eating low carb, wouldn't you? I saw them there myself yesterday before the group was closed.

    I don't see that to often. I do see from time to time new people questioning it for understanding and a few regulars who follow their own methods. Each time the new people are corrected, I see the regular members say, "calories always matter for weight loss"

    It's a myth that the whole low carb community believes that you don't need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't think its something that warrants a warning.

    If 5% say that and are corrected by the other 95%, but are still portrayed as low carbers don't think they need to eat at a deficit, aren't we then demonizing low carbers based on things that aren't true?

    Perhaps this is true in the group. However, in the main forums, when those 5% come in spewing that nonsense, I rarely see the 95% participating in correcting them. And then it often leads to the false labeling of CICO as a diet methodology, which it isn't. Regardless of diet selection, CICO is what makes any of them successful. As a result, low carbers and IIFYMers both get stereotypes, when in reality CICO is what allows both to lose or gain weight.
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