Mother Nature...



  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Sorry you're feeling like poop , but I never eat my emotions or attach said emotions to fuel. That way leads to the dark side :)

    Hold up hold up oh you of no ovaries!!!! :lol:

    I don't intend on having a blow out. I have calories and I'm not afraid to use them.

    I am feeling sorry for myself and wanted a nice bit of yum to ease my pain.

    Don't make me go all Hulk :lol:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Sorry you're feeling like poop , but I never eat my emotions or attach said emotions to fuel. That way leads to the dark side :)

    Hold up hold up oh you of no ovaries!!!! :lol:

    I don't intend on having a blow out. I have calories and I'm not afraid to use them.

    I am feeling sorry for myself and wanted a nice bit of yum to ease my pain.

    Don't make me go all Hulk :lol:

    go Hulk please

    after all his ex-girlfriends called him a moron .. it only seems fair :wink:
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I do think that tonight may involve a little bit of factored in chocolate. And that risotto sounds amazing!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I do think that tonight may involve a little bit of factored in chocolate. And that risotto sounds amazing!

    it is - but that amount would feed you for over a week so if you don't like it .. woops .. sorry
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I do think that tonight may involve a little bit of factored in chocolate. And that risotto sounds amazing!

    it is - but that amount would feed you for over a week so if you don't like it .. woops .. sorry

    Oh I will like it... Don't you worry!
  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    Mac and cheese. Really cheesy mac and cheese. With butter. (I'm feeling pretty piggy myself today, can you tell?)

    Or.. Or.. Or! Really poofy chocolate chip cookies. Slightly crispy on the outside, gooey and chocolatey on the inside. Like these:

    Or... Buttermilk biscuits. With real butter. And some shredded cheddar thrown in.

  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    Weirdly enough, I'm having butternut squash risotto tonight! I 'fry' the onions in a little of the chicken or vegetable stock - they soften up and also have that extra flavour. Also, because the crimson wave arrived today for me too (TMI?!!!), I've worked out I can have extra parmesan on top, which is just lush and comforting, and still leave a calorie deficit enough for an 'emergency' snack size chocolate bar - I have back ache, stomach ache AND a headache, in the grand traditions of my first day's on - I think I will need the choc bar sooner rather than later!

    If I wasn't having risotto tonight, it would probably have been my sweet potato, spinach and chickpea curry, as my go-to comfort food. With chocolate afterwards!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    New red potatoes, boil three pounds with three tablespoons of Zatarain Crab Boil, when tender cut them up leaving the peels on, melt a stick of butter with three tablespoons of finely chopped onion, pour over the potatoes, pure heaven. Chocolate? I can take it or leave it; my problem isn't sweets but savory.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Sorry you're feeling like poop , but I never eat my emotions or attach said emotions to fuel. That way leads to the dark side :)

    In the words of Rachel Green: "No uterus, no opinion" ;)
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Sorry you're feeling like poop , but I never eat my emotions or attach said emotions to fuel. That way leads to the dark side :)

    In the words of Rachel Green: "No uterus, no opinion" ;)

    Yes my sister!!! Preach!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    chocolate. it's the only time I want it.
  • cazbit
    cazbit Posts: 122 Member
    I ate an entire medium dominos pizza on Sunday night waiting for mine to arrive. It's finally here today and my appetite the a line backer would struggle with has finally slunk away.

    Did I need an entire pizza..... Yes. Was it awesome...... Double yes.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    cazbit wrote: »
    I ate an entire medium dominos pizza on Sunday night waiting for mine to arrive. It's finally here today and my appetite the a line backer would struggle with has finally slunk away.

    Did I need an entire pizza..... Yes. Was it awesome...... Double yes.

    So what I'm hearing is if I eat pizza my period will come

    cool .. fed up of waiting
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Is a cruel and senseless beast.

    Woke up today feeling as fat as a hippo, spotty and in pain. So I had an extra breakfast biscuit.

    That's just how I roll.

    Anyone got any comfort food ideas that make you feel awesome when you feel poop? Recipes would also be appreciated. I wanna feel speshul.


    Sleep, hot bath with epsom salt, a good book, hot tea, cheese, a bit of dark chocolate, some exercise, music, vitamins.
  • cazbit
    cazbit Posts: 122 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    cazbit wrote: »
    I ate an entire medium dominos pizza on Sunday night waiting for mine to arrive. It's finally here today and my appetite the a line backer would struggle with has finally slunk away.

    Did I need an entire pizza..... Yes. Was it awesome...... Double yes.

    So what I'm hearing is if I eat pizza my period will come

    cool .. fed up of waiting

    Not sure if it will make it come, but it sure made the waiting a lot more fun. Medium chicken mushroom and peppers pizza. Yes please!!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    cazbit wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    cazbit wrote: »
    I ate an entire medium dominos pizza on Sunday night waiting for mine to arrive. It's finally here today and my appetite the a line backer would struggle with has finally slunk away.

    Did I need an entire pizza..... Yes. Was it awesome...... Double yes.

    So what I'm hearing is if I eat pizza my period will come

    cool .. fed up of waiting

    Not sure if it will make it come, but it sure made the waiting a lot more fun.

    Sorry, I can't quite make out what you said there, must be an internet issue or a bad line or something

    .. it's OK I think I got the general point from your previous post .. you are advising pizza consumption .. gotcha



    bah-bye now

  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    BTW, the yummy sweet potato curry recipe is here - It makes AT LEAST 6 portions, but so easy to do.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It may be weird but a large bowl of oatmeal with chocolate chips to replace a meal does it for me. Not a calorie monster either for how satiating it is (about 200 for the oatmeal and 150 for the chocolate). I throw the chips in when the oatmeal is still a bit hot and they turn into this half melted gooey goodness that complements the oatmeal. It's more filling than eating a chocolate bar and has a comforting texture.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Sorry you're feeling like poop , but I never eat my emotions or attach said emotions to fuel. That way leads to the dark side :)

    For you ladies hating on this statement - I get premenstrual food cravings (although they were much less this month due to a variety of changes I made), and I sometimes get premenstrual blues, but they are two different issues for me. I've found that exercise helps with the blues better than food, or antidepressants for that matter.

    For me, not eating emotions was indeed key to developing a healthy relationship with food. I'm overweight now due to not eating mindfully, rather than eating emotions. This makes it easier to lose weight, as I just switched over to eating mindfully via MFP.

    ("Not eating emotions" encompasses more than just premenstrual blues - I'm not at all saying exercise is a quick fix for this entire issue.)

    markiend made a valid point - let's not dismiss it just because he doesn't have a uterus. Medicating with food is not just an issue premenstrually, or for women only.