Negative feedback on my food diary



  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    Don't hide your diary or feel guilty because of one idiot just delete her u need support not criticism we all have cheat days and bad days and we all support each other at least my mfp friends do, so just get rid of her!
  • Lala_White
    Lala_White Posts: 52 Member
    Do what you know is right for YOU. Don't let the negative people get you down. From the posts I've read before I've made this one, everyone has said what I was thinking or even what I could say. You know yourself what works for you. Keep up the good work :)
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Just ignore them, you know personally you did well. You've already come so far so try not to let negative comments bring you down.
  • OMGitzj3551k4
    OMGitzj3551k4 Posts: 85 Member
    Consider her deleted. Thanks you guys, I know there's no reason for me to feel guilty about what I've eaten. I'm taking this in stride and am only focusing on the positive. I agree that if the foods that we enjoy eating are totally cut out, then we'll be totally miserable! Thanks for all the love and support. I wouldn't mind having all you guys on my friends list! You're so positive! :)
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    Sounds more like a friend list problem than a public/friends-only diary problem.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    That person definitely does not want to see mine for the last week....

    Mine either :laugh:

    OP if comments on your diary bother you then don't feel like you have to leave it open. Mine is open to friends only but I don't complete it at the end of the day so it doesn't show in my feed. Also I'm very careful about the friends I add, because I want to be surrounded by people who feel the same way about food that I do.

    Your cheat day doesn't sound bad at all to me. I've been craving DQ myself lately. :wink:
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I have a friend on my list that is consistently getting negative feedback on her diary. I felt so bad for her that I emailed her because I was afraid that she would get discouraged with the negativity.

    When I first started on here, I had a friend that was eating 1,000 calories a day and I would tell her that she needed to eat more. She let me know that because of a health condition, that was the number of calories that her doctor recommended for her. Thankfully, she taught me not to judge other people's diaries.

    I know when I have a crappy day, the red numbers blare it out to me. Graciously my friends don't jump my case about it. They know my pattern of eating and that if I have a crappy day or two, I'll pull it back the next day.

    I had a chocolate dipped cone (270 calories, I think) from McDonald's the other day. It worked in my calories and it is my journey. And today for Father's Day, I'm not even going to worry one bit about what I eat.

    I love my mfp friends, they have been the absolute best and support me thru the good days and the bad.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    There is an alternative. You can still have your diary open but not have it auto-posted every day that you "completed her food and exercise diary for 2013-06-15 and was under her calorie goal". Without this daily reminder, people won't likely be going through your diary. Yet your diary remains open should you want to share it.

    To do this, go to

    Settings>>> Automatic News Feed Update Settings>>>and uncheck the box "I have completed my diary for the day"

    Best Wishes!
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    Don't close your diary because someone made you feel guilty. First of all weather it is a diet or a lifestyle, Don't feel guilty for what you ate, just enjoy it. Because sometimes people like to live a little and enjoy. You only live once. I personally have made this a lifestyle, yes for several months I was up and down, because I got discouraged. When I got my head right again, my motivation back and made the commitment again, it becomes a lifestyle choice. and sure if I want ice cream or a blizzard I have one, I get a small one and eat all or half. I find as long as I can fit it in with my calories, or it puts me a little over, than I deal with that. Now if you get a large one and eat all, ya that's bad, but I have days where I get a chocolate dipped cone (270 calories and make it a meal or a snack). Personally I have closed and open my diary a number of times, and realized you know what I am more accountable to myself and everyone else when I keep it open. But don't let someone's negativity make you feel guilty for enjoying life. I know people may get upset for me saying this, but to me it is a lifestyle a way of life eating 1200 calories a day, sometimes I am over and sometimes I am under. In my world there are no rest days or cheat days, because I have made this a life choice to get thin. The fact is I eat what I want with in my calories, I don't eat back my exercise calories, cause (I may not understand) but I think it defeats my purpose of losing weight and I enjoy life. Okay That's all. sorry. That was my 2 cents worth.
    If you have questions send me a message. thanks.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Yea ppl can be judgemental.
    Im in the same boat, just took on a new job, so my food is horrible, frightening and so unhealthy.
    Thought about making it private so ppl cant judge me, but guess what, Im logging for me, not for anyone else.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I never make a negative comment on anyone's diary. I might get envious if they've has something yummy, or I might use an idea for a different lunch option, but what you eat is your choice. I would only comment on the content if someone ASKS "what is wrog with my food choice" or similar - one of my MFP friends did that, and most of us pointed out the obvious (lot of processed high salt products) and gave suggestions for alternatives. Which she thanked us for.

    But I'm not going back and checking if she's followed up on our suggestions - that's down to her.
  • reapsow
    reapsow Posts: 1
    You go girl, 23 lbs is no joke and it is AWSOME!!!!! Everything in life in moderation and for anyone that has been on a weight loss journey knows, if you deny yourself everything, you will binge. I have a book called body for life, which has a lot of information in it for people who want to get healthy. I have one free day a week ( in moderation) and I am not putting it on the food list. Even Dolly says she isn't giving up her chocolate sundae's on Stay positive and you will reach your goal.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    I'd say the person on your FL that gave the uninvited critique on your food choices for the day was being pretty presumptuous, to tell you what you should or should not be eating. Did you ask for an opinion?
    I keep my diary open too, but I don't expect anybody to come along and act like they know better than me, what I should be eating or not eating, unless I ask them specifically to check it out and give me advice.

    I have days that I go under my goals and days I go over. I am more interested in my weekly average anyway and that is what is working for *me*. How does the person on your friends list know what your plan is and what is best for you and your goals?
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Just delete that person from your friends list.


    I love looking at people's diaries because sometimes I need to remind myself that starving myself won't make the pounds come off and stay off.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My diary is and has always been private, but no one who is on my friends list would be obnoxious enough to offer unsolicited advice.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    I'd simply have explained it was part of a cheat day. I have a small friends list, and they are there for support. Every once in a while support means criticism where appropriate. If I just wanted endless "You go girl!" responses that is easy to come by here. If I appeared to be going off the rails though I would want someone to call me on it. YMMV
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I think I'm going to make my food diary private. Yesterday was my rest day and cheat day, as we went to Applebees for dinner, and I had a small blizzard from DQ. Someone on my friends list commented that I "shouldn't have eaten all those calories at lunch" which was only 250 and had dinner instead. I refuse to feel guilty about what I eat and skipping meals is a big no no to me.

    After I read that post I did feel a little guilty about what I ate, even though I went running and burned about 220 calories beforehand. I keep trying to tell myself, one bad meal won't make me fat.

    Edited to say that I'm down 23 lbs.

    It sounds like the criticism offered wasn't even really constructive. It didn't offer any suggestions. Had I left a comment, I might very well have written something the lines of, "Please consider changing wording from a cheat meal to a treat meal."
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    Our friends on our friends list here are supposed to be our SUPPORT network, not our criticism network! They are our cheerleaders and shoulder to lean on. There are so many reasons for people to use this site, and everyone's body reacts differently to foods. I have my "relaxed" days where I eat a good restaurant meal without thinking of calories, (that was yesterday for me :drinker: ) and I don't log those days. I don't log mostly because it's hard to find restaurant food or I get in too late and just flop into bed! I've been doing this for 4 months here and have lost nearly 70 lbs....and I do have "relaxed" days a few times a month. Everything is good in moderation is what my doctor told me and he seems to be right! I am open to friend requests if you want to add me! LOL, you won't have me peeking at your diary and gasping in disbelief!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh don't feel bad. Seriously look at my diary, I have some type of 'junk' food every day... and still losing!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Options's just constructive feedback....I doubt they meant it to offend you. I'm sure you're on here to lose weight since you mentioned that you lost 23 pounds so far, so perhaps the person was pointing out where you can improve.

    If it bugged you so much, you could have commented on her profile and explained it was your cheat day....or do what I do and ignore it and move on with my day.

    If this person would continue to pick at every little thing I do, then I would consider deleting her.