Boyfriend thinks I spend too much time on MFP



  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    Don't worry unless you're like surfing MFP while ur hanging out with ur bf and not really conversating with him because of it.
    He's probably a little jealous that you're trying to get your stuff together and maybe paying him less attention

    ^^^^^ Bingo.
  • scubar17
    scubar17 Posts: 43
    Maybe you spend too much time on here because you get something from MFP that you aren't getting from your support, comeraderie/friendship, compliments, etc.??

    Food for thought.

    My thoughts exactly!

    I too am in a long-distance relationship and my boyfriend...oops, now fiance, has been nothing but supportive of my weight loss efforts. I know my guy is very special, but isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

    Granted, I don't surf the web when we talk on the phone every night either. Perhaps you might want to set aside your phone time just for that one activity.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    tell him it's this or his choice... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (j/k)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If I wasn't here, I'd be on some other message board.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    My partners (yes, plural, I'm unconventional) do make fun of me for spending too much time on this other website, but not this one because I don't really talk about this one. Which speaks highly of it, because when I talk about the other one, it's because I'm complaining about all of the morons...

    I think "My Fatass Pals" is *hilarious*.
  • That's silly and it's called jealousy.........

    hes actually quite controlling...which I dont always mind LOL

    My, oh my, did you find Christian Grey? If so, get the hell off MFP lol. In all seriousness, if he isn't being supportive, maybe he just doesn't understand. Have you tried explaining it to him?

    LMMFAO...Im reading 50 Shades right not dare to be seen reading it in public, what tasty SMUT haha.. yea hes a lot like Christian Grey minus the rope lol...
  • tell him it's this or his choice... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (j/k)

  • Maybe you spend too much time on here because you get something from MFP that you aren't getting from your support, comeraderie/friendship, compliments, etc.??

    Food for thought.

    My thoughts exactly!

    I too am in a long-distance relationship and my boyfriend...oops, now fiance, has been nothing but supportive of my weight loss efforts. I know my guy is very special, but isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

    Granted, I don't surf the web when we talk on the phone every night either. Perhaps you might want to set aside your phone time just for that one activity.

    My new rule is shut off the laptop when the phone rings... and as for the food for thought, love the pun btw, well...its not a perfect relationship...but I think there will always be different friends or "relationships" for different needs. I dont believe just ONE person can fulfill all my needs. That's a lot to ask of one person :)
  • I haven't had this happen to me personally, but I've had friends on here who have. My advice is to really consider what he's saying to you. This place can suck you in. If you're spending more time here than is healthy, he may have a point. He loves you. He's the one who knows you in real life. If he's saying you may have a problem being on here too much, please take a look at yourself and be open to what he's telling you. Don't let MFP ruin your relationship. We're not worth it.

    Awww Tanks! good advice :)
  • I think my bf thinks Im obsessed with food, and while I am obsessed~

    There is a big difference between obsession and dedication

    not sure which one I I have had an eating disorder my whole life. Grew up in poverty was forced to clean the plate growing up. Then developed body dismorphic disorder as a teen and used to try (without success) to vomit what I ate, then used drugs as a form of weight control through my 20's...Then sobered up and gained like a mo-fo only to lose it all, only to gain it all back after the birth of my second child...flash forward six years to the date I decided to lose weight the healthy way (dec 2012)...and here I am...I believe that I am in a place of retraining my mind and body about food. And since it has been the most amazing journey I have no regrets. Will things settle down eventually? I dont know, Im still learning...