"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited August 2015
    Terrie you are doing great and being a big girl makes you that more beautiful and you CAN pull off carrying more weight. We are all here to help motivate you and appreciate your input. B)
  • Tmccall55
    Tmccall55 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Terrie
    At 59.5 yrs old I'm slowly working my way to a weight I can comfortably carry. I've lost about 28 lbs and have a out forty more to go,
    Height 5'6"
    Starting weight: 230
    Current weight: 202
    Goal weight: 160.
    Goal date: Jan. 1 2016

    That may seem like a lot of weight for my height, but I'm a big girl and have no desire to be skinny. I wear a size 10 shoe and ring and am very active physically. Wish me well! Ten lbs a month is pretty aggressive, but I must get busy. No more messing around! Think I can do it????
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited August 2015

    "Write down your challenges and obstacles. Then do some problem-solving and come up with specific strategies to help deal with them. The more honest you are with yourself, both in recognizing your obstacles and coming up with realistic strategies, the greater the likelihood you'll succeed."— Donald D. Hensrud, M.D., M.P.H.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Good Morning All
    I am off to a good start, I walked 3:36 miles in an hour =7000 steps for me so far today. I am going to try the intermittent fasting. Today is my first day which is the 500 calorie 14 hour fast. So we will see if it really works.
    I had a 2 day slip up last week and now back on track. Not to bad sense I am into 6 weeks of the 12 week challenge. I am not perfect, but I do and have taken this challenge very seriously. I have lost a total of 27 pounds
    sense March 2014. I know that's not setting the world on fire, but it is something to me. I exercise every day and eat very healthy with occasional slip up. I have averaged about a pound a week and if I can do that, then I know in a year I will have met my goal. My doctor said about a half pound per week was what my goal should be and that if it comes off slowly; I am more likely to keep it off.

    One thing for sure, I am NOT the COUCH potato I use to be. I am much more happy with twice the energy and down 3 sizes. That's not to bad. ;) I will keep going even when I feel like giving up and I will be patient and not get crazy if I do have a slip up. I am human and I give myself permission to enjoy an occasional slip up. Life is way to short to worry about being perfect.

    Go out today and enjoy being present in this beautiful world and be Thankful for all we have and accomplished.
    "Life is a journey....Enjoy the ride."
  • mwilliams0818
    mwilliams0818 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age:28 (almost 29)

    Start Weight (July 7, 2015): 164.7lb 32.2% Body Fat
    Goal Weight (September 29, 2015): 150lb
    Difference: 14.7lb

    July 14: 160.2lb 31.4% Body Fat
    July 21: 160.4lb 31.4% Body Fat
    July 28: 160.1lb 31.4% Body Fat
    Aug 4: 159.9lb 31.4% Body Fat
    Aug 13: 157.4lb 30.9% Body Fat

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.5lbs and -0.5% Body Fat
    Total Weigh Lost/Gained: -7.3lbs and -1.3% Body Fat

    Finally! I know the scale has been going down, but I really wanted to see more of a change. I'm almost halfway to my goal!!! My super amazing boyfriend bought me a treadmill as an early birthday present which I love! I did my first 5:30am run this morning and it went pretty well. I'm not sure I'll become a morning runner. We'll see but I'm at least going to give it a shot. I've really been slacking on my food log so I need to get back on track. Even without the tracking I've been trying to get back into the routine of multiple small snacks and smaller meals throughout the day instead of big lunches and dinners. It's something I've always struggled with because I either forget to eat or feel like all I do is eat. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Melissa consistency is the key. Set small goals and stick with it. Create a good routine and log exercise and food every day and soon you will surprise yourself. Good Luck
  • mwilliams0818
    mwilliams0818 Posts: 16 Member
    izzy214 wrote: »
    One thing for sure, I am NOT the COUCH potato I use to be. I am much more happy with twice the energy and down 3 sizes. That's not to bad. ;) I will keep going even when I feel like giving up and I will be patient and not get crazy if I do have a slip up. I am human and I give myself permission to enjoy an occasional slip up. Life is way to short to worry about being perfect.

    Go out today and enjoy being present in this beautiful world and be Thankful for all we have and accomplished.
    "Life is a journey....Enjoy the ride."

    I feel like that just sums up my entire attitude about this process :smiley: I'm more active and fitting into sizes I haven't seen since middle school is A-MAZING!!!

  • allison9991
    allison9991 Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Allison
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5

    Start Weight (Aug 1): 166
    Goal Weight (7 Oct ): 150

    8 August: 163.8
    15 August:
    22 August:
    29 August:
    5 Sept:
    12 Sept:
    19 Sept:
    26 Sept:
    3 Oct:
    10 Oct:
    17 Oct:
    24 Oct:

    Weight goal for this week: 1.5 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week: 2.2
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    I saw Izzy say she is down 27 lbs and 3 sizes- WOW that is awesome! I am down about 37 lbs since March. However I went out last week and got a few new pants for work. I was an 18 (pushing 20) or 2X. When I was trying on pants I was sure I would be a 14. Uh-uh. I ended up with 16s. How can I be down almost 40 lbs and only 1 size????? Not letting it discourage me, but what the heck???? Is anyone else in the same situation?
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited August 2015
    Congrats Allison down 2.2 pounds! Way to go!

    I hear you fourterrys. Our bodies constantly change and unless we do exercises to firm up and help reduce inches, we don't see a lot of change. Its discouraging and very frustrating when we try our hardest and it seems it is still not good enough. But I bet if we really keep track of our measurements and look back, we will see real change. I am not 20 anymore and I don't know about you, my curves have shifted over the years from an hour glass to a slightly less
    glass and more a__ __. :p Keep doing your best and I am sure you are still beautiful.
  • kyasmom40
    kyasmom40 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in. I think this is great. I need the motivation.

    Name: Amanda
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'2

    Start weight: 181 lbs
    Goal weight: 160 lbs

    Aug 13: 181 lbs
    Aug 20
    Aug 27
    Sept 3
    Sept 10
    Sept 17
    Sept 24
    Oct 1
    Oct 8
    Oct 15
    Oct 22
    Oct 29
    Nov 5
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks Izzy. I really havent done much strength training- mostly walking. Im still damn proud of my 38 lbs and can absolutely see a HUGE difference. I was just surprised that my size hadnt changed more.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Skipping Breakfast

    You know that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, but with so many other tasks competing for your attention, you may decide you don’t have time to eat. When you skip meals, your metabolism begins to slow, plus breakfast gives you that boost of energy you need to take on your day. Without this fuel, chances are, you’ll just overeat later. A new study of Chinese schoolchildren found that those who skipped breakfast gained significantly more weight over a two-year period than those who ate a morning meal.

    The Fix: Have ready healthy breakfast foods you can consume on the run, Crandall says. If you’re rushed, try easy items such as whole fruit, yogurt, homemade cereal bars, and smoothies. PS
  • Newalex16
    Newalex16 Posts: 12 Member
    Make sense
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    fourterrys wrote: »
    I saw Izzy say she is down 27 lbs and 3 sizes- WOW that is awesome! I am down about 37 lbs since March. However I went out last week and got a few new pants for work. I was an 18 (pushing 20) or 2X. When I was trying on pants I was sure I would be a 14. Uh-uh. I ended up with 16s. How can I be down almost 40 lbs and only 1 size????? Not letting it discourage me, but what the heck???? Is anyone else in the same situation?
    It can sometimes depend entirely on the brand of the clothes as to whether a particular size fits or not. The current non-standardised clothing situation means that you can be one size in a particular store, then go to the next one, and you fit in an entirely different (sometimes 2 sizes different) size. Theoretically, there should be about 2" difference going up the hip sizes for things like skirts and pants, but it can vary from country to country. I'd suggest lying the new pants on top of the old ones, and just seeing the actual difference (ignoring what the sizes designations say). That's the thing to focus on!

    In any case, I've noticed far more changes to my body shape from exercising, than from weight loss. You can stay exactly the same weight but, through exercise, can shed inches all over, and so drop clothes sizes. So, really, weight isn't directly correlated with clothes sizes. Get a tape measure, and work out your standard measurements (bust, waist, hips), and take a look at a standard chart (websites like ASOS or similar give rough estimates of what sizes equal their dress sizing). But there are always caveats - a tall woman with 40" hips may wear a very different size than a short woman with the same hip measurements!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Great input, Thanks
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Have a healthy great week end all.
  • megbugs
    megbugs Posts: 107 Member
    Name: Meghan
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (7/11): 259.4
    Goal Weight (10/3): 235

    7/11 259.4
    7/18 255
    7/25 254.4
    8/3 251
    8/8 249.4
    8/15 249.0

    Goal this week: -2
    Overall weight loss: 10.4 lbs

    Bummed out I only lost .4 lbs this week. I went to the gym everyday and took classes (body pump, step, strength, body pump & spin) and got over 70,000 steps for the week. I did go out to eat Friday night but went to a place where they posted calories. Going to be extra diligent to not eat from my daughters plate & grab anything mindlessly. Also going to weigh more food instead of measure. Would love a 2-3 lb weight loss next week!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Meghan you are doing fine, remember muscle weighs more than fat. All the exercising you are doing you are building muscle. Measure yourself each week and see what happens and be patient.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Weigh yourself daily

    Weigh yourself daily. The same CDC study reported that people who weigh themselves once a day are twice as successful at keeping off lost weight as those who don't step on the scale as often. Daily weigh-ins, which can be discouraging when you're on a diet, can be a boon during maintenance; they let you see, and stop, any slow creep upward as soon as it happens.

    Include dairy in your diet. According to a study of 338 adults, those who ate three or more servings of low-fat dairy daily were more likely to keep off the weight than those who ate one serving or less. For women in particular, this has the additional benefit of improving bone health