July 2015 Running Challenge



  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @WhatMeRunning sorry to hear about your son's driving mishap, hope he and the deer are both A-OK! Interesting reading about your HR experiment. I need to do some speed work myself once in a while myself but have been having too much fun either running long or running up mountains. Speaking of which... I need to get suited up and get out there right the heck now!

    @melaniefave41 That water looks very tasty. :yum: Ok maybe not. I kinda like my water to be moving, swiftly!
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Dysentery would serve them right!px0tsaljiurv.jpg
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    edited July 2015
    My training plan calls for 159...
    7/02/15 - 3 miles
    7/04/15 - 7 miles
    7/05/15 - 6.32
    7/06/15 - 7 miles
    7/08/15 - 7 miles
    7/10/15 - 8.06 miles
    7/11/15 - 3 miles
    7/12/15 - 11.03 miles
    7/13/15 - 5 miles
    7/14/15 - 5.5 miles
    7/15/15 - 5.58 miles
    7/16/15 - 6 miles
    7/18/15 - 6 miles
    7/19/15 - 7 miles
    7/20/15 - 6 miles
    7/21/15 - 8.26 miles
    7/22/15 - 5.5 miles 107.25 total
    7/23/15 - 5.5 miles 112.75 total
    7/25/15 - 7 miles 119.75 total

  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    Decided to go for a run this evening after work with my hubby. It was challenging but good! 2.2 miles. So let's make it easy and round up to 22/30.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I really fell off with logging miles over the last week.

    7/25: 13.85 miles

    *hit my goal of 115 miles. Right now, I'm at 124. :).
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    In for July for 60 miles! :)

    July 1st - 3.2 miles
    July 2nd - 6.2 miles
    July 3rd - 6.1 miles
    July 7th - 4.9 miles
    July 9th - 3.9 miles
    July 11th - 7.1 miles
    July 22nd - 4.5 miles
    July 24th - 3.8 miles
    July 25th - 6.5 miles

    Total - 46.2 miles

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited July 2015
    Back up north now, but just a bit further west than usual. Got in a great fast 4 miler tonight along the Mickelson trail near Crazy Horse after spending the day biking the trail. Still, despite that it was 75, I did the run at 5000 feet, the course wasn't flat, and I had spent the day biking, my heart rate at an 8.5 minute mile was around the same as my 10 minute miles in the Florida heat/humidity. Doing my long run tomorrow evening in Omaha (targeting 12-14 miles), so looking for good running paths around the city.

    7/1 - 6 miles
    7/2 - 6 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-mile-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 7/mile pace)
    7/3 - 5 miles w. strides
    7/5 - 13 miles
    7/6 - 6.5 miles
    7/7 - 7 miles w. strides
    7/9 - 6 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-mile-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 6:52/mile pace)
    7/10 - 6 miles
    7/11 - 5.5 miles
    7/12 - 10.5 miles
    7/13 - 8.5 miles
    7/14 - 5 miles
    7/15 - 4 miles
    7/16 - 5.5 miles (w. 6x800 @ 6:40/mile w. 400 walk/jogs between each)
    7/18 - 5 miles
    7/19 - 3 miles
    7/21 - 5 miles
    7/22 - 5 miles
    7/23 - 3.5 miles (w. 5x400 @ 5:45/mile w. 400 jogs in between each)
    7/24 - 3 miles
    7/25 - 4 miles

    Total: 122.5 miles, 4 speedwork sessions
    Goal: 140 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
    Remaining: 17.5 miles, 1 speedwork sessions
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited July 2015
    Busy day, only time for a short trail run. Felt very good yesterday after Thursday's long run. Made both my goal and stretch goal so both go up next month.
    Month to date:		244.43 km 
    Goal:			200.00 km / 124 miles (122% completed)
    Stretch Goal:		242.00 km / 150 miles (101% completed)
    Sat Jul 25 10.49 km Mountain trails
    Fri Jul 24 ----- Rest Day, not by choice!
    Thu Jul 23 33.93 km (27.89 km + 6.04) City seawall and streets, pining for the trails...
    Wed Jul 22 ----- Rest Day
    Tue Jul 21 10.51 km Back to surreal world lake trail
    Mon Jul 20 13.35 km Exploring hills and vineyards
    Sun Jul 19 06.09 km Shorter early morning date run, getting hot!
    Sat Jul 18 08.26 km Check out river trail in wine country
    Fri Jul 17 10.56 km Shake off the cobwebs city run
    Thu Jul 16 09.73 km Mountain trail "run"
    Wed Jul 15 21.89 km City + river path run
    Tue Jul 14 ----- Beer, er, Rest Day
    Mon Jul 13 ----- Rest Day
    Sun Jul 12 21.29 km Lake trail x2 (61.37 km weekly total, 1,173 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 11 06.20 km City streets
    Fri Jul 10 11.11 km Mountain trail run
    Thu Jul 09 10.79 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 08 ----- Rest day
    Tue Jul 07 11.98 km Mountain trail run
    Mon Jul 06 ----- Rest day
    Sun Jul 05 07.66 km Trail run (86.10 km weekly total, 2,209 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 04 18.90 km Mountain trail run
    Fri Jul 03 09.84 km Stanley Park
    Thu Jul 02 11.93 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 01 09.99 km River trail run

    This is North Vancouver's Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge, a hugely popular place with tourists and locals alike. I know, what was I thinking going there late in the afternoon but wanted a run in before heading in to work an unusual (for me) evening shift. Still it felt good because this...

    Didn't persist for long. Fortunately as soon as the trails steepen the casual folks simply... disappear! Yay!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    7/1: 6.5 miles
    7/2: 6.5 miles with the Thursday running crew
    7/3: Rest
    7/4: 3.1 miles (New 5k PR of 23:42!)
    7/5: 12 miles
    7/6: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/7: 5 miles of easy "I'm drowning in humidity" pace
    7/8: 4 miles
    7/9: 5 miles -- quick, fun ones with the Thursday running group!
    7/10: Rest
    7/11: 3.1 miles
    7/12: 14.3 miles
    7/13: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/14: 5 miles
    7/15: 8 miles
    7/16: 6.3 miles
    7/17: Rest day/XT: 4 mile walk
    7/18: 4 miles
    7/19: 15 miles
    7/20: 4.2 miles (recovery style!)
    7/21: Rest/XT day (14 miles stationary bike)
    7/22: 9 miles
    7/23: 9 miles
    7/24: 4 miles
    7/25: 4 miles
    7/26: 16 miles

    Amazing run today. Ran 16 miles 2 mins faster than I did 15 last week. KT taped again and so my heel felt fine, and I ate dried pineapple every few miles to keep my energy up (140 cals of dried pineapple > 200 calories of gel, if you ask me!). The weather was totally perfect, and I felt amazing. Fairly even splits averaging 9:30 despite a fairly hilly route (735 feet elevation gain, which is probably chump change for some of you, but I'm a born flatlander!), with my final mile being a speedy 8:20 thanks to an all-downhill mile. Runs like these are the ones that get me excited for my next marathon; if I can feel this good in July, how great will I feel by November?

    Alright... now, bring it on, 50-mile week! (Which will be my biggest MPW to date!)

    152/175 (seriously, Ticker Factory, what's your damage?!)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    6.4 miles today, which gets me to 88.8 of 100.

    Still no TickerFactory! I tried to just go create a new one, but even that isn't working!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/1 - 1.75mi Today was going to be a rest day because my quads are tight and sore but I did it. It was slow and I went on a sandy path instead of pavement to see if it helped and I do feel a little better.
    7/3 - 3.1mi Did my usual hilly path thru the park. Waited until evening to go but it was nice. Completed the first of 2 virtual 5k's. Now I have the rest of the month to improve my time LOL.
    7/6. - 1.6mi Went for a birthday run with my son, which, While I love spending time with him I hate running with him because i am to much slower than him and he always wants to walk LOL.
    7/7. - 3.1 mi Got up at 4:30am to get a run in before work and make up for yesterday. Think I will skip yoga today, I am sure I will pay for it later this week.
    7/10 - 1.85mi Couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and I paid for it. Very humid, slow run on a hilly trail. I knew I couldn't do the 3 miles I had planned so I worked on powering uphill and maintaining the faster pace after the downhills on the hilly trail I picked.
    7/15- 3 miles Started off badly by forgetting my watch and decided not to turn around and get it. Was also still stiff and sore for my fitness test on Monday. All the strength stuff was "to failure ". But I am glad I went, I saw a doe and fawn and another doe farther down the path. It started out cool and drizzly but stopped halfway thru and ended with nice temperature
    7/17 - 1.6mi Started off in the rain which was nice but after a half mile I started getting a headache which kept getting worse. I threw in a few walk breaks to see if it would help but gave up early. I will try again Sunday.
    7/19 - 3.0 mi Crazy hot and humid and it made my RAD act up worse then it has all summer. Could not get my lungs to clear out and of course forgot my inhaler because I have not needed it yet. So more walking then running but still I was moving.
    7/21 - 2.0 Late posting this, went for a run during lunch and used the dreadmill to see if it made a difference in how I felt when I ran and of course it was much better. No humidity and air conditioner apparently = happy lungs. Only had time for 2 miles because my new boss was on site and I didn't want to disappear for to long but felt like I could have gone 2 more which is a nice change instead of dying in the second mile and barely finishing the third LOL.
    7/24 - 2.5 mi Did my usual double loop of the park today and saw 2 wild turkeys on the path. Neeko was very good and locked in them but didn't move or bark which was nice. Had an upset stomach today which is a first for me but also have been under a lot of stress with a reorganization at work and getting JJ ready for an elite goalie camp this weekend so I am treating it as a one off and not worrying about it.
    7/26 - 3mi. Used the treadmill in my living room unfortunately air conditioner is broken so it got very warm very fast. Was supposed to do 4 miles but ran out of time before I had to take JJ to camp. Bad planning on my part.

    26.5 done 3.5 to go

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I love the picture of Skip and the puppy!!! <3 Your girl is so beautiful and that dog is too cute. I don't blame Skip for wanting to keep her.

    @WhatMeRunning Oh that phone call must have been awful! I hope your son is doing ok!

    7/1 = 5 miles
    7/2 = 6 miles @ 6 weeks postpartum!
    7/3 = weight training in the morning, 4 miles stroller walk
    7/4 = Rest day, holiday dinner with the family and a very cranky baby. Add a dog terrified by the fireworks, shaking, panting and salivating on my bed, and you get the whole picture of my 4th of July night. Breath in…Breath out…
    7/5 = 4 miles run, hot and humid, but I needed it for my sanity; 3 miles walk with the baby.
    7/6 = 3 miles. Super hot, humid, yucky but an outside run it was!
    7/7 = 2 miles around the block. Very tired today.
    7/8 = 6 miles
    7/9 = Rest day, very much needed!
    7/10 = 5 miles
    7/11 = 4 miles stroller walk, both mommy and baby needed it
    7/12 = 4 miles stroller walk
    7/13 = strength training
    7/14 = 1 mile quick walk
    7/15 = 5 miler run, woohoo! Perfect weather this morning.
    7/16 = rest day
    7/17 = 4 miles, hot and humid.
    7/22 = 5 miles. This was a great run! The weather was just perfect and I my baby was peacefully sleeping in her own bed.
    7/23 = 4.5 miles
    7/24 = 5.5 miles. Perfect weather!!!
    7/25 = Much needed rest day
    7/26 = 3 miles stroll with the baby, hoping to go for a run later today

    Progress: 74 miles
    Goal: 80 miles
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    7/1 - 3.3 miles - usually my rest day, but keeping my streak alive (3 more days!)
    7/2 - 4.6 miles while eating lots of breakfast gnats yuck!
    7/3 - 2.3 miles - short run today - took a new running partner who hasn't run in a while. She did great! It was cooler and raining.
    7/4 - 6.2 miles - last day of my Memorial Day to 4th of July 41 Days of Awesome running challenge.
    7/5 - rest day and travel to El Paso ugh what a trip
    7/6 - 2.5 horrible dreadmill miles
    7/7 - 4.2 miles and 2.25 - went and ran where my boss told me. It was beautiful. It was like 90 and no shade during the run and my breathing is taking a beating, but it was worth to 30 min drive to get there.
    7/8 - 5.5 miles
    7/9 - 3.7 miles
    7/10 rest day
    7/11 - 3.1 miles Strong Girls 5K run today.
    7/12 - 5.6 miles - HOT HOT HOT
    7/13 - 3.5 quick miles - working with the big boss today so I had to be in when he got in.
    7/14 - rest day
    7/15 - 4.3 miles
    7/16 - 5 miles
    7/17 - 3.4 miles
    7/18 - 1.6 miles just to move - 2 miles after walking with Macy.
    7/19 - 7.3 miles
    7/20 - 3.4 mile recovery run with Skip (so glad my girl is home!)
    7/21 - 5.5 miles
    7/22 - rest day
    7/23 - 4.4 miles
    7/24 - 3.4 miles
    7/25 - 7 miles went to the Greenway with Skip.
    7/26 - 4.5 miles of sniff and run with Macy (sniff) and Skip (run). Wore Macy out, she had a nice time playing in the creek at about mile 3.5

    96.5 of 100 miles 3.5 miles to goal

    @mwyvr what a beautiful place to run - I guess it got to dicey for the "tourists" ha ha
    @runningmischka thank you, Skip is just growing up too fast. Sometimes I look at her and I'm amazed.
    @kristinegift great run today - what is the brand of pineapple you are eating?
    @baldielove13 - great job reaching goal with lots of days to spare
    @melaniefav41 - love the T Rex picture ha ha!!!

  • Aresende90
    Aresende90 Posts: 70 Member
    Ran my first official 10k race today! (not counting virtual races) It was beyond hilly! The slogan of the race is "its a HILL of a 10k" time was 58:11. So proud of myself! Running a 10k was my new years resolution...yay!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @Aresende90 Congratulations! What a great feeling it is to make a commitment like that and follow through. So, when's your next? :smiley:
  • Keithy9
    Keithy9 Posts: 12 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. This is a continuation from the June (2015) Running Challenge which can be found at:

    Anyone can join in. New & Old. And if you found this thread late, you can join in at any time.
    We have members that are total beginners all the way to marathon maniacs and beyond. We are a friendly and encouraging bunch.

    Here the details from last month that applies here again.

    Anybody want to join me for a running challenge? Set a goal here and mark it every day here. OPTIONAL: You can post your progress by creating a ticker at http://www.tickerfactory.com (If creating ones seems difficult, then don't let that stop you. Just type in your daily miles here.)

    You can run, walk, or do treadmill. Just be consistent. I am setting a goal for 180 miles. However, don't let that worry you. Some can do 25, 50; whatever you like. We can help motivate each other. What do you say? if you are new to running, set a low goal.

    You can set your goal now but wait until Wednesday July 1st to log your runs.

    Also, don't forget to join our group which can be found at:

    There you will find lots of good info, and it's a place where everyone can talk to each other for further motivation. It's also a place to find help when there is a problem with this thread.

    *******OPTIONAL TICKER*************
    Info on tickers since I know there will be questions. Sign up for an account http://www.tickerfactory.com and create your ticker.
    Then you need to update it after you do a run and post it here. Here is what you will need to do.

    After setting up your ticker, you will need to make note of the weblink they give you so you can return. An example would be:

    http://www.tickerfactory.com/exercise/w6K1EiX/ <<<< the last part will be a part of the image link (explained below) that will be supplied to you after you initially create your link.

    When you return to TickerFactory with the weblink, go to your settings page. Make sure you type your pin in that you set when you created your ticker account.
    Then where it says "Your current cumlative value, there is an add button. Just add what you just did and the cumlative value automatically changes. Then hit next.

    Now after you added your new miles (or km's) to your ticker you need to post it here.

    After you hit next, it will give you a bunch of codes suggesting on how to display your ticker.
    Use the one at the bottom where it says Direct Image URL:

    It will look something like:

    To display that correctly in your post, make sure you place the img tags around that link. So it will look, (removing the spaces in the img tags):

    [ img ] http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/w6K1EiX/exercise.png [ /img ]

    ^^^^^^^ Don't forget to remove the spaces between the brackets. ^^^^^^^^^^

    Some key things to pay attention to when posting your ticker.

    1: Use the link that ends in .png
    2. Remember the [ img] and [ /img] tags go in between the link
    3. remove the spaces in the img tags before posting
    4. YES, there is a / in the second /img tag

    Good luck! And happy running (or walking or treadmilling, ect). If you have any trouble or have questions, please feel free to PM me.

    Ms_Chai wrote: »
    If I am new to this, can I join and set a low goal of 20? It will literally be my first 20 miles in about 2 years.

    I guess it will also be "jogging" rather than "running" for me.

  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    3.5 recovery run, dedicated to my beloved car that gave his all getting me to the trails this morning, only to have the clutch go out a mile before.....Cue the bugles. So I got some walking in, too. And had time to go over many wonderful memories. This brings me to 80.9 / 80. Goal has been reached and will be passed with three runs remaining for the month. kmlsorwxrj7t.jpg
    Farewell, Ernesto. May you be recycled into something that does not repeatedly get *kitten* on by birds.
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    @GBrady43068 Good job on registering! Is this your first race? And great choice on the slow and easy.

    @kristinegift "what's your damage" -- hahaha!!

    @skippygirlsmom 3.5 is about the time I start looking for a creek to play in, too! Smart dog!

    @Aresende90 Congratulations on the 10k!

    @baldielove13 Can't wait to see what you set your goal for next month!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited July 2015
    @kristinegift great run today - what is the brand of pineapple you are eating?

    It's Wegman's brand "tropical" dried pineapple. Pretty run of the mill stuff! It's great for runs though: bite-sized pieces and they aren't sticky and don't leave gunk on your fingers, unlike chews and gels.

    Also: you're so close to your goal!! Exciting!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Aresende90 wrote: »
    Ran my first official 10k race today! (not counting virtual races) It was beyond hilly! The slogan of the race is "its a HILL of a 10k" time was 58:11. So proud of myself! Running a 10k was my new years resolution...yay!

    Congrats!! Excellent time, as well! Here's to many more! :)