You are fat says the woman driving down the street.



  • raregem99
    raregem99 Posts: 88 Member
    Girl, I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. You're out there in the blistering heat, working on getting your body back and you just encountered some negativity that meant to derail you. Don't let it. You are beautiful and you looking great even so far. Me and you both went through the same thing today kinda lol. This homeless-looking couple were walking by me outside, talking to themselves about my "booty shorts" and how they wouldn't wear them and just judging me, talking ish etc. The nylon shorts were loose and came way to my mid-thigh; even I had Under Armour shorts on under those for modesty. But, the guy kept looking back at me and they didn't think I heard them quite loudly. So I coolly looked at them and said, "you do know it's 103 degrees out here right?" and "by the way these are called running shorts... can't help that I'm blessed back there. I don't care what you think." Then the guy goes, "Yeah, it is hot out here..." LOL...I got in my air conditioned VEHICLE and drove the hell away, meanwhile they just kept pushing their baby stroller with a broken wheel down the street.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    Why isn't it appropriate? Boobs are covered so....explain please.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hope I'm not derailing here, but OP - you've made some awesome, very visible progress! Go you!

    I am a little confused though. I've always considered the type of bra OP was wearing to be similar to a tank top. Not indecent at all, especially if one is actually exercising in it. Now, the sort of sports bras that look more like actual bras (underwire showing, cleavage galore, etc...) - I can see people being upset about those a bit.

    I'm a bit prudish in some ways too, so I'm just surprised this is a thing, I guess.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I mean, yeah, it's not nice to yell at someone regardless of what you're yelling - it's just... rude. Loud and rude. Mind, I'm a soft-spoken Canadian, so maybe that's just me.

    But if she were yelling just about putting a shirt on, I get that. I don't like seeing any kind of chick walking around in a bra-only set up even in the middle of summer (35C here, 95F in freedom units) either. I won't say anything, but it does make me uncomfortable. You can wear a light-weight tank top over top your bra and that's much better in my mind.

    Men are also a sore-spot (namely because it would be great if women could walk around topless without being arrested or jumped), but I find it easier to accept as it's not as immediately inappropriate.

    If you're out for a run or something and wearing only a sports bra, I get that - that's somehow "appropriate" in my mind. But if it's just out for a walk to the store? No, please dress appropriately. Especially if going into a store. I do not want to shop for produce while standing next to a woman in only a bra. I wash my food, but still. Just... it doesn't feel quite right.

    If she yelled that you're fat, though, that hurts. It's true, and it'll hurt. Hell, it'll hurt even when you're not fat anymore, ha ha! But some people will always yell at you no matter what you do. Smile, nod, say "thanks!" brightly and enjoy your day. You're good, you're fine - keep on keepin' on.

    Hopefully, when you're all fit and rockin' them abs, you'll waltz past her in your sports bra (maybe while on a run, who knows?) and you can wave brightly to her and say "how do you like my top?".

    ...Then run like the dickens.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    This is a joke right. Blaming the victim. You do that too?
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    I mean, yeah, it's not nice to yell at someone regardless of what you're yelling - it's just... rude. Loud and rude. Mind, I'm a soft-spoken Canadian, so maybe that's just me.

    But if she were yelling just about putting a shirt on, I get that. I don't like seeing any kind of chick walking around in a bra-only set up even in the middle of summer (35C here, 95F in freedom units) either. I won't say anything, but it does make me uncomfortable. You can wear a light-weight tank top over top your bra and that's much better in my mind.

    Men are also a sore-spot (namely because it would be great if women could walk around topless without being arrested or jumped), but I find it easier to accept as it's not as immediately inappropriate.

    If you're out for a run or something and wearing only a sports bra, I get that - that's somehow "appropriate" in my mind. But if it's just out for a walk to the store? No, please dress appropriately. Especially if going into a store. I do not want to shop for produce while standing next to a woman in only a bra. I wash my food, but still. Just... it doesn't feel quite right.

    If she yelled that you're fat, though, that hurts. It's true, and it'll hurt. Hell, it'll hurt even when you're not fat anymore, ha ha! But some people will always yell at you no matter what you do. Smile, nod, say "thanks!" brightly and enjoy your day. You're good, you're fine - keep on keepin' on.

    Hopefully, when you're all fit and rockin' them abs, you'll waltz past her in your sports bra (maybe while on a run, who knows?) and you can wave brightly to her and say "how do you like my top?".

    ...Then run like the dickens.

    I wasn't going into the convenient store, just cutting through the parking lot, I normally run in this top, so yeah, it get so hot, even walking in this top is hot, if it's 75-80 degrees, then I shirt myself. So there was no shopping, just her yelling at me. I would never wear that into a store, that is for exercise purposes only. It wasn't just a bra, it's something I see many people working out in or walking around. I'm about comfort, I get support from the neighbors as I do run around the neighborhood, they see me daily and comment on my progress, offer me water, and just stop in the road to give me words of encouragement, which I am thankful for someone seeing my hard work pay off.

  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I wasn't going into the convenient store, just cutting through the parking lot, I normally run in this top, so yeah, it get so hot, even walking in this top is hot, if it's 75-80 degrees, then I shirt myself. So there was no shopping, just her yelling at me. I would never wear that into a store, that is for exercise purposes only. It wasn't just a bra, it's something I see many people working out in or walking around. I'm about comfort, I get support from the neighbors as I do run around the neighborhood, they see me daily and comment on my progress, offer me water, and just stop in the road to give me words of encouragement, which I am thankful for someone seeing my hard work pay off.

    I hear ya - I was just explaining my own feelings re:"shirtless" women out in public. I'm a young woman myself and while it should usually mean that I'm okay with us being out and about in sports bras, I'm not. To each her own.

    Though now I'm confused - you were wearing a shirt and she still said to put a shirt on? From what I can tell in your original post you said you weren't wearing a shirt - just a sports bra?

    Did this woman actually yell at you that you were fat, or is that what you're interpreting from her words?

    Either way, I am not trying to get you to feel guilty or worthless. I just want to help you look at this in an objective manner and see that either this lady was just more prudish (and rude) than you, or that she is insecure enough in her own right to feel the need to comment on your body.

    I'm glad your neighbors support you - I just want to make sure you're not going to let one nasty lady ruin your groove. I wish my neighbors supported me like yours do you, except when I run in the mornings they're usually all still asleep, ha ha! The seniors at the gym who call me "little miss muscles" is quite a compliment, though. It is awesome when others recognize your hard work. :blush:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    uh oh. lol!

    I'm sorry this happened to you.

    I live in S. Florida, Just yesterday I saw a young lady who was extremely overweight (obese), wearing a Handkershif (sp) shirt. The ones where only your boobs are covered and her whole back is out, and some stomach; no bra strap in sight... she was getting on the public bus. I thought to myself "Oh My, what confidence" (sp). Some people are just not as hung up on showing skin as others. "Live and let live".

    I'm very conservative in the way I dress. I like to look sexy without showing alot of skin.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    I mean, yeah, it's not nice to yell at someone regardless of what you're yelling - it's just... rude. Loud and rude. Mind, I'm a soft-spoken Canadian, so maybe that's just me.

    But if she were yelling just about putting a shirt on, I get that. I don't like seeing any kind of chick walking around in a bra-only set up even in the middle of summer (35C here, 95F in freedom units) either. I won't say anything, but it does make me uncomfortable. You can wear a light-weight tank top over top your bra and that's much better in my mind.

    Men are also a sore-spot (namely because it would be great if women could walk around topless without being arrested or jumped), but I find it easier to accept as it's not as immediately inappropriate.

    If you're out for a run or something and wearing only a sports bra, I get that - that's somehow "appropriate" in my mind. But if it's just out for a walk to the store? No, please dress appropriately. Especially if going into a store. I do not want to shop for produce while standing next to a woman in only a bra. I wash my food, but still. Just... it doesn't feel quite right.

    Honestly that is so messed up. You seriously think that lady tummies have cooties that will jump onto your food and make it toxic?
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Honestly that is so messed up. You seriously think that lady tummies have cooties that will jump onto your food and make it toxic?

    Oh no, not at all. But I don't know where some ladies' tummies have been in my area - I'd rather not risk it with the population that's around here. I'd have the same concerns over a man topless and hovering over things I'mma put in my mouth.

    Again, to each their own. If you want someone lying on your food, that's your wont. I prefer a bit more of an unadulterated taste myself.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Honestly that is so messed up. You seriously think that lady tummies have cooties that will jump onto your food and make it toxic?

    Oh no, not at all. But I don't know where some ladies' tummies have been in my area - I'd rather not risk it with the population that's around here. I'd have the same concerns over a man topless and hovering over things I'mma put in my mouth.

    Again, to each their own. If you want someone lying on your food, that's your wont. I prefer a bit more of an unadulterated taste myself.

    So there are what, bugs and things that go on tummies but avoid arms, legs, hands, necks, faces and hair? Which are those?
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    So there are what, bugs and things that go on tummies but avoid arms, legs, hands, necks, faces and hair? Which are those?

    That doesn't quite make sense to me - try again?

    I'll go with a response to what I think you're writing, though. I get that other things touch the food - I just don't need to see a shirtless person next to me in the store. There is nothing wrong with it, I just have my preferences much like I'm sure you do in some things.

    It's like this - in the gym, I don't give two *kitten* about what the girls around me are wearing. You could waltz around in booty shorts and a bikini top, I don't care as long as you're lifting heavy (if not, I'm judging hard, but I won't say anything). But someone else might. Does this make them "wrong"? No, it makes them different from me. Are they "wrong"? No, they're just different.

    Preferences exist. Does this offend you?
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Eh some people suck. Either grow a thicker skin or get a tank top.
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    Well, you can hideout and feel sorry or you can take it as a challenge. Say, I'll show them! When I am done, I'll be fitter and better looking than they are! If anything, mean comments give me more drive to succeed. So get back on track and show them what you're made of.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    I wasn't going into the convenient store, just cutting through the parking lot, I normally run in this top, so yeah, it get so hot, even walking in this top is hot, if it's 75-80 degrees, then I shirt myself. So there was no shopping, just her yelling at me. I would never wear that into a store, that is for exercise purposes only. It wasn't just a bra, it's something I see many people working out in or walking around. I'm about comfort, I get support from the neighbors as I do run around the neighborhood, they see me daily and comment on my progress, offer me water, and just stop in the road to give me words of encouragement, which I am thankful for someone seeing my hard work pay off.

    I hear ya - I was just explaining my own feelings re:"shirtless" women out in public. I'm a young woman myself and while it should usually mean that I'm okay with us being out and about in sports bras, I'm not. To each her own.

    Though now I'm confused - you were wearing a shirt and she still said to put a shirt on? From what I can tell in your original post you said you weren't wearing a shirt - just a sports bra?

    Did this woman actually yell at you that you were fat, or is that what you're interpreting from her words?

    Either way, I am not trying to get you to feel guilty or worthless. I just want to help you look at this in an objective manner and see that either this lady was just more prudish (and rude) than you, or that she is insecure enough in her own right to feel the need to comment on your body.

    I'm glad your neighbors support you - I just want to make sure you're not going to let one nasty lady ruin your groove. I wish my neighbors supported me like yours do you, except when I run in the mornings they're usually all still asleep, ha ha! The seniors at the gym who call me "little miss muscles" is quite a compliment, though. It is awesome when others recognize your hard work. :blush:

    I was out without a shirt, when it's not a thousand degrees (lol) here, then I wear a shirt. Of course it is a hot summer so I can't see wearing a shirt as I am anticipating my stomach to continue to decrease (hopefully) She said the something like "That's nasty you need to put a shirt on" and well since the only thing showing other than my stomach, I can only assume that she was talking about my stomach. I don't know what else she could be talking about as it's not as small as I would like it to be. I appreciate your opinion on the matter, I know we all have them, I just wish this woman would have kept her mouth quiet, it was quite hurtful and while I portray the attitude and I truly thought I didn't care what people thought of me, in reality I guess I do.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    So there are what, bugs and things that go on tummies but avoid arms, legs, hands, necks, faces and hair? Which are those?

    That doesn't quite make sense to me - try again?

    I'll go with a response to what I think you're writing, though. I get that other things touch the food - I just don't need to see a shirtless person next to me in the store. There is nothing wrong with it, I just have my preferences much like I'm sure you do in some things.

    It's like this - in the gym, I don't give two *kitten* about what the girls around me are wearing. You could waltz around in booty shorts and a bikini top, I don't care as long as you're lifting heavy (if not, I'm judging hard, but I won't say anything). But someone else might. Does this make them "wrong"? No, it makes them different from me. Are they "wrong"? No, they're just different.

    Preferences exist. Does this offend you?

    You saying you're nervous about something jumping off of women's stomachs onto the food at the grocery store was pretty offensive to me. My stomach is quite clean.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    GiGiBeans wrote: »
    Eh some people suck. Either grow a thicker skin or get a tank top.

    My husband said I needed to grow a thicker skin too, he was upset too but he handled it better than I did, when we was talking with the "woman".

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    I haven't had this happen, but I would blow kisses and wink.

    Nothing upsets angry people more than absurd happiness.

    Yes, this.

    But OP, I wouldn't feel bad about your response. You are human and she was ridiculous.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    460mustang wrote: »
    Well, you can hideout and feel sorry or you can take it as a challenge. Say, I'll show them! When I am done, I'll be fitter and better looking than they are! If anything, mean comments give me more drive to succeed. So get back on track and show them what you're made of.

    Not going to feeling sorry, I've walked/ran 20 miles in the last 2 days, I am determined to make it to my goal weight which is 150.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ThatMouse wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Honestly that is so messed up. You seriously think that lady tummies have cooties that will jump onto your food and make it toxic?

    Oh no, not at all. But I don't know where some ladies' tummies have been in my area - I'd rather not risk it with the population that's around here. I'd have the same concerns over a man topless and hovering over things I'mma put in my mouth.

    Again, to each their own. If you want someone lying on your food, that's your wont. I prefer a bit more of an unadulterated taste myself.

    You moved the goal post. First you comment
    I do not want to shop for produce while standing next to a woman in only a bra. I wash my food, but still. Just... it doesn't feel quite right.
    What does the quote I copy have to do with people lying in your food?

    Also the quote I copy is hilarious. Its funny because it makes no sense either.