July 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • josefinejem
    josefinejem Posts: 256 Member
    Name: Jo
    Age: 40
    Height: 171 cm

    Start Weight (1st July): 67.1 kg
    Goal Weight (1st August): 63 kg

    1st July: 67.1
    8th July: 67.4
    15th July: 67.9
    22nd July: 66.9
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 1.0
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 0.2

    Successes/struggles this week: Finally losing some weight! Have worked out a lot over the last week; possibly too much since I’m now dealing with knee pain and so can’t run for now. :(
    Have also stayed under my calorie goal most days, and on the days I have gone over it’s all to do with socialising and no emotional eating. This is a huge deal for me. Not going to hit my goal this month, but hoping the downward trend will continue this last week and a half!
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    It's weigh day again, where does the week go??

    Name: miinorawr
    Age: 27
    Height: 5ft 3 (I think)

    Starting weight: 13st 8lbs

    Start Weight (1st July): 13st 9
    Goal Weight (1st August): 13st (-9lbs)

    1st July: 13st 9
    8th July: 13st 5
    15th July: 13st 2
    22nd July: 13st 3 - dang, wrong way
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +1lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: -6lbs

    Successes/struggles this week:

    Struggles: ate way over calorie Thursday - Sunday
    Gained a pound - too much over eating! Here's to a better one this week, really want to get to 13st by next Saturday (1st august)
    Emotional eating due to rejection after interviews
    Was not successful with either of the interviews

    Completed week 2 of NHS S&F programme and moved onto week 3! This is the furthest I've ever got with this regime, here's to completing level 3 and making it to level 4 :D
    Went to Sosa dance class and felt a little but more co-ordinated, complimented by the instructor
  • bumblebeez86
    bumblebeez86 Posts: 208 Member
    July 2015 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name: Adele
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st July): 154.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st August):149 lbs

    1st July: 154.4
    8th July : 153.6
    15th July : 155.8
    22nd June: 155.6
    29th July :
    1st August

    Week 1
    Weight lost/gained this week: loss 0.8lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: loss 0.8lb

    Even though I only lost 0.8lb its still a loss and that's always the right direction :smiley: Had 2 days where I was over a little bit (also its the time of the month)

    Week 2
    Weight lost/gained this week: gain 2.2lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: gain 1.4lb

    Didn't log properly this week just goes to show you have to be committed to make it work. I did keep up the 30 day squat challenge though.

    Week 3
    Weight lost/gained this week: loss 0.2lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: gain 1.2lb

    Didn't log at all this week and had my sisters hen do. Mind is not in the right place at the moment.

    Week 4
    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:
  • trillionblue
    trillionblue Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Aine

    Start Weight (1st July):67.9kg
    Goal Weight (1st August):65kg (dream weight!)

    1st July: 67.9kg
    8th July: 69.2kg
    15th July: 67.7kg
    22nd July: 66.8kg
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.9kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.1kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Feeling quite bloated but the scales and the tape measurements seem to be on track so I'll just go with it. Have another tummy bug at the moment so that's not going to help things. Just going to keep an eye on it all. One week left! Won't be at the 65 but at this stage I'm on dream weight anyway so really happy!
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    edited July 2015
    Name: buxbert
    Age: 43
    Height: 167 cm

    Start Weight (1st July):83.5 kg
    Goal Weight (1st August): 80.5 kg

    my birthday is 16th of August, by then I want to weigh below 80 kg. If it happens before that day, fine with me!

    1st July: 83.5
    6th July: 83.2
    15th July: 82.9
    22nd July: 82.3
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: lost 0.6
    Weight lost/gained this month: lost 1.2

    Start: Successes/struggles this week: I really liked the June Challenge as it made the overall tendency more visible. Early May was when I started here on MFP and there is some progress. I am very happy about it! I weigh myself daily but obviously there are fluctuations, so with the weigh-ins here it is easier to notice a general direction. Was hoping to start July with half a kg less, well, no. Still, I start July with 3 kg less than June, so HURRAYH!

    Week 1: No exercise this week, I have been ill and it is really hot so I feel rather weak. Weather changing now and a cold can only last so long so I hope for a change next week. Also a bit of a motivational low as I am exhausted and tired in general so I am giving in to stupid snacks a bit too often.

    Week 2: went to gym a couple of times and that was great. last weekend was bad though, party - food, drinks... and the day after with lots of carbs and pizza. had planned swimming yesterday and couldn't go because of dentist emergency. frustrating as I miss my regular swim classes a lot! on the bright side: there is a tiny loss and I am healthy again. I feel my motivation is back and so I am usually less in danger to make stupid choices. 4 day visit to my parents coming up - might be tricky but I feel strong enough not to fall into old traps.

    Week 3: went to gym only once (but a good one ;-) ), no proper exercise but lots of moving and playing with my kids at the grandparents' garden. I was down at 82 before and gained a tiny bit during our stay. I am still under 83 - my magic barrier I couldn't cross for so long - and I am highly motivated. I can see my body changing (other people can, too!) and I feel rather relaxed about reaching goals at a certain time. It is a lifestyle change after all and I am planning to live a long life, no rush.
  • Jenkorp72
    Jenkorp72 Posts: 103 Member
    July challenge:

    Name: Jen
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'1"

    Start Weight (1st July): 171.6
    Goal Weight (1st August): 162

    1st July: 171.6
    8th July: 170.2
    15th July: 167.8
    22nd July: 167.6
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: 4.0

    Successes/struggles this week:
    WEEK ONE: Had a good week. Have been struggling to workout after working ten hours a day. Have to work thru that. Waking up early is not an option considering I'm already up at 4 AM for work.

    WEEK TWO: Bought a Fitbit and allowed it to track my calories. Had a good week this week. Didn't splurge too much. Keep telling myself to buckle down but it's hard. Chocolate is my downfall. I keep craving it but don't want to. Gotta figure that one out.

    Goals met:
    1.) I can wear my wedding band again!

    WEEK THREE: Only two ounces?? Ugh! No cheat meal this week then and add more time to my workout.

    Goal for this week: 3-4 lbs. Must do this to get back on schedule.
  • AislingHunter
    AislingHunter Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Aisling
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st July): 168lbs
    Goal Weight (1st August): 162lbs

    1st July: 168
    8th July:
    15th July:
    22nd July: 163
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Wow, pleasantly surprised! Since I was in China for 2 weeks, I couldn't weigh myself. I drank a lot of beer, so I didn't think I would have lost many lbs (although I did drop nearly an inch off my waist, which is amazing).
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Name: Dave
    Age: 55
    Height: 6'6.5"

    Start Weight(1st July): 220
    Goal Weight(1st August): 218

    1st July: 220
    8th July: 218
    12th July: 215
    15th July: 217
    22nd July: 215
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight loss/gained this week: -2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5

    Successes/struggles this week: Lost 2 pounds that I gained last week. I'm in maintenance so as long a I maintain my weight and stay below 218, I'm fine.

  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    Name: John
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 50
    Country: Canada
    Starting Weight 01-07: 143.6 lbs ( 65.14 kg )
    Goal Weight 01-08: 138 lbs (62.6 kg )
    Final Goal : 135 lbs ( 61.24 kg)

    01-07: 143.6 lbs ( 65.14 kg )
    08-07: 142.2 lbs ( 64.5 kg )
    15-07: 143.6 lbs ( 65.14 kg )
    22-07: 142.6 lbs ( 64.68 kg )

    Loss/gain for the week: - 1. lbs ( - 0.45 kg )
    Loss/gain for the month so far: - 1. lbs ( - 0.45 kg )

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Struggles : Ok it has been a bad 2 weeks for me. First Canada day than a week off work and my daughters birthday. My daily weight has been all over the place but on the up side I am at the same weight that I was on the 1st, so OK if I was maintaining but horrible to loose. Well back at work this week so back on track and loose these last few pounds!
    Successes: At least I am headed in the right direction, but do not know if I will reach my goal this month, but if I get below 140 it will still be a win.
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Name: LLduds
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (1st July): 160.4
    Goal Weight (1st August): 154

    1st July: 160.4
    8th July: 157.0
    15th July: 157.0
    22nd July: 154.2
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.8
    Weight lost/gained this month: -6.2

    Successes/struggles this week: A few pounds decided to make a graceful exit this week, thank goodness! I'm still doing very well on my eating and exercise...no real struggles at present (other than mild impatience).
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Age: 53
    Height: 6'1"
    Start Weight (1st July): 204.6
    Goal Weight (1st August): 198.6

    1st July: 204.6
    8th July: 204.8
    22nd July: 202.6
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: na
    Weight lost/gained this month: 2.0

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • hybridtheory45
    hybridtheory45 Posts: 84 Member
    Name: Alyssa
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (1st July): 230.6
    Goal Weight (1st August): 225

    1st July: 230.6
    8th July: 229.8
    15th July: 228.8
    22nd July: 227.8
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2.8lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: For successes-I bought a food scale and found out that my guestimating was actually over my actual calories consumed, so I have been able to add a little more in and still lose! I also lost an inch on my waist from the last time I measured, thanks to 30 Day Shred. For struggles- motivation was my main struggle again. Honestly until I come and look at this thread and my last update, I feel like I'm not losing very quickly, or enough, but then I see I lost a pound since last Wednesday, and I feel better. Onward!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Name: Katie
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st July): 153
    Goal Weight (1st August): 150

    1st July: 153
    8th July: 153
    15th July: 152
    22nd July: 151
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2

    Successes/struggles this week: Ate a lot on sunday, but seem to be back on track. I did actually get to 150 last friday!
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Name: Carrie
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st July): 316.6
    Goal Weight (1st August): 299

    1st July: 316.6
    8th July: 310.4
    15th July: 308
    22nd July: 304
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -4 lbs.
    Weight lost/gained this month: -12.6 lbs.

    Successes/struggles this week: Stayed consistent: logged & exercised everyday. I kept up with not eating after 6pm which I believe is the key to my weight loss. I struggled with the heat. There were many times that I didn't want to make something to eat and just get a pizza or fast food. But, I didn't! :)
  • breezyAandii
    breezyAandii Posts: 30 Member
    Name: Andi
    Age: 23
    Height: 167cm

    Start Weight (1st July): 56.4 kg
    Goal Weight (1st August): 55.5 kg

    1st July: 56.4 kg
    8th July: 55.9 kg
    15th July: 55.2 kg
    22nd July: 55.4 kg
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.5 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 0.5 kg

    Successes/struggles this week: No struggles this week :) Except maybe getting to the gym. I had such a busy week that the only time I could fit in a gym session was on Monday after work. Will try harder to make it to the gym


    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.7 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.2 kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Woah, I've reached my goal! Wow that was easier than expected! But I will still keep doing the challenge because with TOM approaching, I know I will pick up a bit so we'll see where we are on the 1st of August. I did manage to fit in an extra session in the gym. Did this class called Piloxing, which was amazing!!! It was really tough but it gave me exactly what I needed, a fully body workout


    Weight lost/gained this week: +0.2 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.0 kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Only a very slight increase considering it's that TOM... I've kept up with my gym session. I planned on having a burger today as a reward but thought , rather not. It's not like I'm craving it. This way, if I do later get cravings, I won't feel bad for giving in
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Name: Nadia
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st July): 172lbs
    Goal Weight (1st August): 162lbs

    1st July: 172lbs
    8th July: 169 lbs
    15th July: 167 lbs
    22nd July: 168 lbs
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +1 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 4 lbs

    Struggles this week: I felt like I was on a roll for a few days, and then all of a sudden I lost it. There were two nights of binging and not as many workouts this week. It was a stressful week because my final exam for the smmer class I'm taking is today, so I resorted to the familiar stress management - chocolate. Looking forward I'm pretty optimistic though, I am back on track with mindful eating and exercising. It should show at the next weigh-in.

    Successes this week: I made it through wihout giving up completely.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Name: Kathy

    Start Weight (1st July):187
    Goal Weight (1st August):179

    1st July:187
    8th July: 185
    15th July: 184
    22nd July: 184
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week:Lost 0 pound
    Weight lost/gained this month: 3

    Successes/struggles this week: Grandson's birthday party!
  • ProfessorCrafty
    ProfessorCrafty Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Linsey
    Age: 31
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (1st July): 270.6 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st August): 263.0 lbs

    1st July: 270.6 lbs
    8th July: 269.8 lbs
    15th July: 268.2 lbs
    22nd July: 266.8 lbs
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 1.4 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 3.8 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week:
    ***Struggles - Road trips, even relatively short ones, suck. Spending 3.5 hours in a car each day for a few days does not help with "moving more" and my food choices were not that great. All week long, my fitbit's step count has been lower than I would like.
    ***Success - Even with a pretty "off the wagon" weekend, I made sure to eat at a deficit the other days of the week and am slowly adding in more exercise.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning on this wonderful Wednesday! B)

    A friend who has lost 110 lb told me this:
    Each time I face temptation I tell myself:
    "That food will taste good for only 2 minutes, but this new healthy body will feel good for a life time"
    I posted this on my refrig!

    Name: Reba
    Age: 69
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (1st July): 221.4
    Goal Weight (1st August): 213

    1st July: 221.4
    8th July: 220
    15th July: 220.2
    22nd July: 218.6 o:)
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Week 1
    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.4
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1.4

    Successes/struggles this week:
    I cannot get to 219. My scale has shown every possible combination of 220._ this week.
    I just knew today was the day, but I am not giving up. Tomorrow is a brand new day
    My "blood clot" leg has continued to hurt.
    I am trying so hard NOT to turn to food when I am hurting
    NON SCALE VICTORY - My capris are a whole size smaller!! YEA

    Week 2
    Weight lost/gained this week: gained 0.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.2
    Successes/struggles this week:
    Had a terrible night Monday. Went to the kitchen and
    started eating - and kept eating.
    I have been able to walk outside 4 days this week. The
    other 3 could not b/c of leg.
    I am so disappointed in my weight. Really thought it would
    be in the teens this week.

    Week 3
    Weight lost/gained this week: lost 1.6
    Weight lost/gained this month: lost 2.8

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Wed - Sat
    I have been very careful about my food so far this week.
    Yea! The scale finally moved! I am in the teens. I have not seen this number for a very very long time. It is humbling
    to me that I am really losing weight.
    I went down another size!!
    Sun night
    Grazed through the kitchen while the wind storm was tearing up our trees
    Tues night
    Did not eat enough at dinner and con't eating all evening until I went to bed. I was fortunate that the scale did go up.

    Week 4
    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:
    Successes/struggles this week:
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    Name: Minato
    Age: 27
    Height: 159 cm

    Start Weight (1st July): 85.6 kg
    Goal Weight (1st August): 83.1 kg

    1st July: 85.6 kg
    8th July: 84.2 kg
    15th July: 83.1 kg
    22nd July: 81.9 kg
    29th July:
    1st August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.2 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: 3.7 kg

    Successes/struggles this week: I've been really tired and weak, lately. I should be getting to bed earlier, but I haven't been. This week has also been a struggle for my weight. I plateaued practically all week and despite trying my hardest, I seemed to gain? That might just have been timing or something. Well, gladly, I still lost a good amount, this week, so I guess I can't complain.