Unsupportive Family



  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    I'm in total agreement with everyone who says you don't have to eat it just because he bought it. At the same time, I understand not wanting to hurt your dad's feelings... It's a tough spot to be in.
    One thing that might help is to figure out why he's doing this, a bit deeper than just that he's trying to be nice.
    Is he just trying to surprise you with a treat now and then? If so, maybe you can suggest some other treats he could get, either healthier choices from the same restaurants or low cal frozen yogurt fresh fruit from the roadside stand... Whatever you'd really like.
    Is he just trying to provide you with hot meals but he sucks at cooking/works late or otherwise unable to cook dinner? Maybe you can offer to do the cooking or cook dinner with him.
    Is there some previous bond over fast food from when you were young? Maybe you can say "Hey dad I used to love it when we went for burgers and split a large order of fries and just talked. Do you think we could pick up some [insert food that fits your goals] and hang out?" (If you actually do want to do that)
    If he's really just being controlling or manipulative or favor sharking then you're best off just refusing to eat the food with no alternative given. It's best to put and end to that kind of behavior as soon as possible (I know from painful experience)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Your dad sounds like a sweetheart. I agree with everyone who suggests having an honest, loving discussion about it, not just refusing to eat fast food. Your dad loves you, and your healthy goals are important.
  • Strawili
    Strawili Posts: 48 Member
    Suggest a trip the two of you can go on to a farm market or grocery store with fresh produce, take some home, and cook together.

    It honestly just sounds like parental nurturing and he's not sure how to go about it. Maybe he'll take interest in eating healthier!

    My mom is like that.. I load up on veggies and she pushes the steak at me, saying I need more 'substance.' Woman, I am substance. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm just starting my weight loss journey. I'm a college student home for the summer and I'm finding that my dad is not supportive of my new lifestyle. He constantly buys me fast food even after I tell him not to, and he gets offended when I don't eat it. So today, I just ate it so he would not get his feelings hurt, and I went over my calorie limit and I feel like crap. I know he is trying to be nice, and I love him for his thoughtfulness, but how can I get him to back off with the fast food? I don't want to hurt his feelings anymore. I tried to explain that I want to be healthier but he just tells me to "live a little"
    You aren't always going to get support. I made a thread about this a couple of months ago.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    While I agree that it's your body, your choices, a lot of families don't know how to express care other than food. Try picking some healthy options for him to bring you - lots of places sell salads, or fruit and yogurt, or grilled chicken or fish. Ask him to bring you one of those options. If he refuses, you might need to have a talk with him about respecting your adult status. But if he really just wants to bring you something to eat, he'll try to bring you what you ask for.

    I think this is it, probably.

    Go with him - it could be part of a nice day out together, maybe - and let him see you choose the food you want. It might click that way.

    You might wind up getting the exact same food every time though, if he's doesn't feel comfortable on that side of the menu, so choose wisely. Or do it a few times. But I think even just getting him to identify one meal would be a win.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    That's when I call my dog over. I'm happy and my dog's happy. :smiley: Perfect. Honestly, you got to learn to say no and say either get me A, B, or C or I'm not going to eat it. I appreciate it, but I'm not going to eat it. I appreciate all that you do, but I need you to listen and respect my boundaries.