

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Barbie – Good to see you enjoyed the show. Talking about your next dog doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your current dog. It can be just that – a conversation, a dream, reflection, etc. When the time comes, the right dog will find its’ way into your heart. My sister has not replaced her dog yet, but I’m sure someone will drop one on her porch step soon, and she will know if that is a “forever” dog, or just long enough to care for it until the right master comes into it’s life. // Congrats on resisting the pizza. I am often the same way, so I either put ¾ in the fridge or freezer, or am thankful that DS and DH eat it before I have time to go back for seconds. Last night I made turkey hot dogs and corn on the cob. I got 1 of each, DH had 2 of each, DS ate 7 hot dogs and 3 ears of corn. Then, asked for pizza. How can anyone afford to feed more than 1 teenager male athlete? Kim – Yes, my brain leaves, and it is hard to find it again.

    Lillian – sorry about your bee sting. I was stung in my hair just beyond my ear. I took 5 bees out of my hair last week Wednesday. It hurt for a long while. I hope yours gets better soon. I’m a fan of benedryl pills and cream.

    Katla – I usually love shopping. I wish I could shop for you. Is there a registry? That always makes bridal shopping easier. I hope you have fun ! ! !

    Sylvia – Hooray for the canoe trip. It sounds like the bird music was lovely. What a great NSV to need a new life jacket.

    Grits – I have heard that coyotes make the sound of children laughing during a feeding frenzy. One time I called the Police because I thought a bunch of little kids were running around in the hay field behind my house, and the Police told me that they would be around soon, but that it was likely just coyotes. Minnesota grows their raccoons huge, too. I had one on my steps one night, and I started throwing rocks at it but it growled and charged me, so I just sat in the car until it got bored and walked away. The only coyote I have seen in Milwaukee was about the size of a Britany Spaniel, so not really huge. However, it didn’t take enough rabbits for moving to the next neighborhood.

    Joyce – I think the ZsaZsa comparison is a compliment. She was always put-together and proper, yet a little mysterious, and very sexy. // So sorry about your fall. I hope you feel better quickly.

    Sharon – Sorry about the coughing attack. That is so miserable.

    Heather – Does your DH play Cricket? // Today is a new day. You can do this. We all can, we just need to forgive ourselves and re-focus.

    My work day is almost complete, and I am only on page 65, so I need to copy/paste and start signing off. I didn't even log most of my food so far, because work is just so busy (typical for a Monday) and trying to catch up here. I may have time tonight after produce shopping, but no promises.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (no news lately on the lion)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- where do you live that you had those earthquakes? That would be kind of scary!

    Sylvia- I'm glad you are having a good Birthday!

    Joyce - I agree, Zsa Zsa has always been a very beautiful woman! That would be a compliment.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member

    @Mary in MN - " I am also having trouble sticking to eating clean and healthy. I still do try to keep my calorie count in line. It is really difficult for me. Not that I'm happy that you are having trouble too but it also makes me feel like I'm not abnormal when I have trouble sticking to the program. We can do it!"

    Don't EVER feel like you are alone in not wanting to eat healthy. None of us would be here if it came easy to us. I just ate a bag of light popcorn for lunch. Ugh!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Mary from MN - I saw that pickle brine remedy on Deadliest Catch the other day! It sounds disgusting, but I guess if you're cramping hard it's worth it.

    Gloworm - Sounds like you have had a lot to deal with over the past few years. Some people seem to gain weight when they're stressed out and others lose it, but either way you can't beat yourself up about it! Kudos to you for taking steps to get back to your routine.

    Gayle - Happy anniversary! May you celebrate many more!

    MNMargaret - Lucky you - zucchini bread is wonderful and you can make it as loaves or muffins depending on how you want to reckon your serving size.

    I have the WORST case of don't-wannas lately. Having to kick myself in the behind to do anything useful, including eating well and exercising. I need to turn that around now, because I've got family coming to visit this week and I know there'll be plenty of opportunities to fall off the wagon.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Gayle Minneapolis -wow congrats, that's a great achievement. Take losing weight one day at a time, set small goals of 10 lbs or so at a time. Take your measurements, a great way to see progress other than the scale. We are all here to support and encourage. Welcome.

    @Becca wow way to go girl. Love your pic of the bald eagles, very cool.

    @MNMargaret - lol. Love the excerpts from the church bulletins.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Sylvia~ Happy Birthday
    Gayle~ Happy Anniversary
    feeling a tad bit better, but called my kidney dr, and they told me to buy allegra . so i did, and just took it.. will also check and see if I have any debrox in the house, could be wax build up in the ear...
    ya'll are a busy group.. when I am feeling better will check in <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Here I am
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gloworm- welcome to our "tribe". (I saw on Facebook today that if someone says "me, too!" to something you share then they are part of your tribe. There are a lot of people here saying "me, too!".) Sorry about the loss of your siblings. "Me, too!" on raising 10 and 7 year olds, but mine are my sister's grand-daughters and have only been with me for two years. We are in the process of terminating parental rights so I can adopt them. They have had no contact with the parents in two years.

    Beth- I sometimes feel like I am suffocating with my CPAP mask if my nose is at all plugged up from allergies or a cold. I used to use a nasal decongestant spray right before bed to open up the nasal passages so I could use my CPAP. Now my doctor has me on a steroid nasal spray that I use every day and it has totally solved the problem.

    Terri- "you, too!" with the kids and their difficulties! It was tough, wasn't it! I sometimes refer to my middle son as my poster child for birth control. No one could believe that I handled his behaviors without going off the deep end and many said I should institutionalize him from a very young age. He still has his struggles, but he is totally honest and compassionate about other people. He is conscientious about taking care of his own bills, and keeping his apartment clean. So even though he cannot work, I feel that he is doing very well. And yes, the lack of knowledge about mental health issues is appalling. That is why I am so open about my own, and my kids. So people can see that you can be a good person, hard worker, intelligent, etc. AND have a mental illness. And you can own your own home with no mortgage, be a good neighbor, contribute to the community, etc. The media portrays all of us with mental illnesses as being either homeless drunks or violent murderers. Neither stereotype has ANY basis in fact.

    Keep up the good work all of you!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    edited July 2015
    happy bdayyyyyyy whippet!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Mary from Minnesota - I'm in Oklahoma City
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sylvia: Happy Birthday. You share the same birthday as Bugs Bunny, my all time favorite cartoon character.

    Gayle: Happy Anniversary #41. Sounds like a sense of humor is one of the keys of your happiness.

    Jane: Sending prayers up for the baby's liver. Miracle happen.

    Well, I just got back from an unplanned trip to the doctor. I've been stuffing down nausea and discomfort for two days, and just couldn't take it anymore. I had h-pylori 4 years ago, and I suspect it's flared up again. Need to wait a couple days for the blood work to come back.

    Colorado Foothills where it's in the 90's
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Sylvia...Happy Birthday!
    Gayle...Happy Anniversary!

    Chris in MA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @margaretturk One eagle was just visiting. Most of the time its just the pair. Somedays they both look like one huge bird, they snuggle so close to each other... Aw....Love...eagle style...

    @mollywhippet ooops DON'T accept the PACKAGE!!!! Return to sender!!! I will throw it off my balcony and scare the neighbors!!

    Becca being crazy in the coastal waters off the most northest tip of Oregon....(Im not in the surf presently)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Holy crap on a cracker, Pip, that collarbone just shattered. They going to try to get you pinned or anything to stabilize it?
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Gayle - happy anniversary!

    Sylvia - Happy birthday!!

    Pip - OOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

    After seeing Pip's x-ray, I feel wimpy for complaining about my shoulder! But, I'm gonna whine a bit more. Interactive PT started today. Ouch!

    The boy child is back home until school starts. He hadn't been home an hour and he was already already asking when his sister is leaving! The answer is still the same: When I can fasten my own bra!

    PT wiped me out today which is good in that I have not been hungry today. Too tired too eat is one way to keep food out of my mouth.

    Tomorrow is a 6-month visit with my GP. He doesn't know I had surgery so we should have plenty to talk about.

    Nothing much going on here.

    Carol in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip!!!!! Wow!!! Let us know what they are going to do to help you! Praying for you for a speedy Recovery!

    Janetr- I just researched the earthquake outbreak in your area. It is astonishing how many you have had this year over 1900. I don't think they are worried as they should be. I taught earth science for over 20 years and this is not natural as we know it. I did read that they think that it could be a one in 10,000 year event. Report written by CNN. Biblically some people would say it's written.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    i'll type more tomorrow, i'm tired
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Mary in MN - We now have more earthquakes than California. It's crazy and kind of scary. The worst one was about 3-4 years ago and did do quite a bit of damage in some areas. One a couple of months ago was early in the morning and about shook us out of bed.

    @Pip - oh my goodness, what are they going to to with your shoulder? You are one tuff little lady!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, oh my goodness! I don't think I could function at all with an injury like that, much less all the biking and running you are doing. Are they going to fix it?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pip double ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Healing thoughts!