

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yesterday I spent several hours in my yard pulling weeds. since I had been too depressed to get out there, it was pretty bad. Last night my hips were very painful- I did not sleep well at all. And today I have a ton of things to do for my quick trip tomorrow! ARGH! Hope my brain works well enough to get things done properly!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Heather wrote - "Yoghurt, yogurt, - I make my own. Yum. We eat a lot of it. For raita , like JanetM I mix it with finely chopped cucumber and mint, also garlic and scallions. In Turkey it is cacik (pronounced jajick), in Greece tzatziki. I love it as a dip with veggies instead of hummus, which is very high in calories. I do occasionally make a low fat version of hummus which doesn't do so much damage, but generally it is one of my favourite things that I have to avoid."

    I have no clue as to how to make yogurt but I do eat a lot of nonfat Greek yogurt, about 80 calories per serving. The raita sounds yummy. I'll try it using plain Greek yogurt. I too avoid hummus due to high calories and carbs.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Miriam - are you headed to Boulder to pick up your son? I'm from Denver originally. Have a daughter, 3 sisters and tons of nieces, nephews living there.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Slept eight straight hours, and taking today off with my daughter/SIL and the grandbabies... or at least that's the plan, anyway. Picture of my amazing son-in-law with Haley and Tyler, four months old and four years old, and my beautiful daughter, who's usually behind the camera. I get them for four more days... and will miss 'em when they go.


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Gayle - I had rotator cuff surgery with (evidently) major repair done to my bicep. I am almost five weeks out of surgery and still in the immobilizer sling.
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Anniversary, Gayle. When we first got married, the pastor told us if we could make it 25 years, the odds of staying together would finally be in our favor. It will be 28 yrs for us in Sept.

    Pip, try to rest and keep us posted on your injury.

    I looked up a recipe for raitha as I'd not heard of it either. It sounds like something I'd like to try. Summery and light.

    I also eat hummus with veggies-mini carrots and sweet peppers are my faves.

    I had really been in a rut with poor health habits, but I am back on track with weighing in, eating right and exercising. Thanks to all for your motivation. The scale if finally moving in the right direction and it feels good.

    I am going to think hard about goals for August.

    Toni in MN


  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Toni, look in Indian recipes for raita. It is spelled numerous ways. I make one that has tomatoes as well as cucumbers and a touch of onion and Cumin with fresh cilantro. I don't make it often since I want to eat the whole shebang. My recipes for Indian food mostly come from the Time Life cookbook series. I also have a cookbook from a now defunct Indian restaurant in Chicago, Bengal Lancers. I was good friends with the host/ cook there for years.

    Janet, yes, heading to Boulder tomorrow. Have a neighbor house sitting for me. I have a sister and her husband in Boulder- they both just retired from the university there. He was a tenured prof in the Anthropology department specializing in Sri Lanka and Tamil populations. She negotiated contracts for the aerospace research program, involved with the Mir satellite, etc. There oldest son teaches at the September school in Boulder (an alternative high school). I have a nephew in Denver who does the videotaping and editing of the major league sports there. I have a namesake that lives there too, but she spends a lot of time with her fiancé who is from Brazil. She does urban planning.

    I also have a huge connection to OKC. Another two sisters lived there for years. Now there are two nephews there. I lived there for about a year straight out of college. Worked at the Children's Hospital in their brand new psychiatric unit in 78-79. I was down there this winter for one nephew's wedding. He is adopting my girls' baby brother who had meth in his system when he was born. The other nephew down there is the girls' father. He is fresh out of jail and heading back if he shows up for an October hearing. He has a history of not. Real sociopath.
  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Morning, ladies!

    Rori, hope the nausea is better.

    Pip, yowie!! Hope the doc lines you back up quickly!

    Miriam, good on you for getting outside and pulling some weeds. Fresh air and sunshine!

    Gayle, happy anniversary!!!

    Couldn't fix the zipper on the dress, which is a shame, because my DD picked it out for me. It's a long zipper, and the material of the dress is separating from the zipper right at the spot the zipper sticks. I sent a complaint email to the store I bought it from, to see what they will do for me (worth a try, at least). Replacing the zipper would cost a fortune.

    Have a terrific Tuesday!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Miriam - I was in Sri Lanka this Feb. We loved it.

    Just finished prepping my dinner. It's from a book called Anjum's New Indian. Yummo recipes. This one is Mustard and Coconut Prawns. You would have laughed at the sight of us chiselling and hammering the block of frozen, grated coconut I had bought months ago. Major operation! It's all ready to go now. I like to get my food prepped after lunch as I'm too tired and hungry at 6pm and then can't be bothered to fiddle around. This way it will take less than 10 mins.

    Had a good yoga session with my friend. Then we chatted for ages. :D

    Will I do more exercise today? Yoga doesn't really do it for the calories. Now if I can get on that rower . . . . . . . . . DJ! :laugh:

    Tomorrow we have our trip back to Rick Stein for our free lunch. :) We will go on the train.

    Love Heather UK
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @tonitewriter - Our pastor told us that we really weren't 'married' until he signed and filed our marriage license with the Clerk of Court and asked us if we had any doubts. LOL! :o This August 20th will be our 43rd, <3 I could not have found the most 'perfect mate' for me. We've had our 'up's and down's' but none that we could not work out. We never go to bed - mad at one another and saying "I Love You!"

    @nccaroleb - I have had my rotator cuff repaired (right one) twice. First one caused by a stupid fall; 2nd time after a bad seizure where I hit the deck top railing, stiles, and bottom deck railing. Knocked me out and 2 out of 3 ambulances got 'stuck' using their GPS. Between the 2nd and 3rd DH and DOS took me to the ER in the car. Third ambulance sent because they 'had' to try to get to me due to the call in for an ambulance. DDnL had called to cancel the call; but, they came anyway. Next time we need an ambulance if it has been raining we will tell them to come out a different way (even if it takes a little longer). That way they only have to travel down 1 mile of dirt road (which is still normally passable).

    - I'm sure you are enjoying the DGKs. Thursday we take 3 of our 4 DGDs to the beach. We always have fun with them for this special treat.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Stay for the day-
    40min 85r 80w 18.5mi 10g = 258cal
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I’m still here. Reading everything and admiring the pictures. Not commenting much because I am in the middle of a huge project at work so I have less free time.

    Leaving on a jet plane tomorrow. Heading to Seattle for a vacation. I have a 4 day getaway planned with a group of friends. This is a group of women I met on-line through Weight Watchers so I know this will not be a dangerous eating time. While we do eat well, we make sure the options are heathy. Looking forward to a long weekend filled with laughter.

    I’ve been struggling this month. I’ve gained 2.4 lbs. I know what I need to do. But I keep sabotaging myself. One of the things I hope to accomplish while I am on holiday is to have some heart to heart chats with friends who can give me some tough love. They are much like this group here with sympathy when I need it, good insights on possible reasons for behavior, and a willingness to call me on BS when necessary. I’ve got to nip this “eat the world” behavior in the bud and get back to healthy eating before this gets out of hand.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    edited July 2015
    morning peep-c's -

    all in all i think the doc visit went really well. he took another set of x-rays as you saw. first he was surprised that the emergency didn't give me a sling to wear or anything. after what he told me, no surgery, just gonna let it heal as is. i am having to wear this thing all day that keeps my posture straight and pushes the bone down. now i have a new pain, my neck is killing me wearing this. he also knows about my riding and exercise. he didn't tell me to stop or anything. he was actually impressed on how good i look and the range of motion that i have considering when it happened. when i asked, he advised no running (which i hadn't done) for another month. when i asked, he says that this won't affect me arthritis wise down the road because it's not in my joint. also said if i did a lot of manual labor he might have suggested surgery but since i'm an office worker, he said if it was his shoulder, he wouldn't. i have his go ahead to try to ride from the gym to puyallup/work (11mi) with my backpack to see if i could handle the pressure on the shoulder due to the backpack i would be carrying. he says the backpack actually would be good so it could have pressure on the bone pushing it down. so there you have it folks. now today i have an eye appointment and we will see how that goes. thanks for all your concern :0) luv u bunches

    oh and no mention of him wanting me to do physical therapy
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Meg, so glad you are pleased with the kitchen floor and kudos for doing the trim. Any chance we get a picture of any of this? You know some of us nosey ones like to not only hear about it all but we like to see it too. happyyes.gif You take it easy out in the heat. A heat stroke is nothin’ to fool around with.

    Penny, what a beautiful dress, but….. there just ain’t no excuse for anyone our age to wear heels that high. OMG, I guess your feet were killing you unless you were used to wearing high heels every day.

    , I saw your quake on the national news this morning. And I thought California was bad.

    MicheleNC, I absolutely love the Spinach and Feta Pie. I’m going to make it again today but with just a touch of dill and I will add some garlic to mine. I’ve eaten it warm, room temp and cold right out of the fridge. Depending on how you are going to use it, Heather had a good idea about making it in a square pan and cutting it into squares. It comes out fairly firm so you can just pick up a piece to eat. You said, “Went to exercise, went in the pool, went to senior bowling, then ceramics then mahjongg” Is that your week’s activity? Lol If I did all that in one day I’d probably be in bed for the next 3 days. You and many of our friends here just never cease to amaze me. You go girl!!

    Joyce, your sleeping aches sound similar to mine last night. Normally my right shoulder and left hip are what hurt so it’s always fun finding a sleep position other than flat on my back. Last night it was both hips and shoulders. I hope you are able to sleep well tonight. smiley-sleep012.gif Glad you got a good estimate on the tree work.

    Lisa, your daughter is beautiful and your SIL isn’t bad either.  What cute Grands. You enjoy them while you can.

    Toni, thanks for the visual on the Swiss Cheese Diet. bop.gif

    Heather, have fun tomorrow at your Rick Stein meal. Do you already know what you will order?

    Mia, what is with this gaining weight??? That is not what you are here for!! We will give you some tough love, too. What are you eating or is it how much??? I hope you have a good time on your get away, but you need to get a grip, right now. Not in 10 minutes, not in an hour, not tomorrow and not when you get back from your trip, but right now. Do you hear??? BACK AWAY FROM THE FOOD TROUGH!!!! smiley-love016.gif

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    When my doctor took me off my diabetes medicine he warned me that it could cause me to gain weight. Often when people go on the medicine, they lose weight. So between the stopping smoking and then stopping this medicine, I was a bit concerned, but when I weighed today, the scale was down 1 ½ lbs. Woo Hoo. Happy dancing all around the town. Well, ok, just around the room. I’m sneaking toward that 170 mark ever so slowly. wiggle.gif Tonight we are going out to dinner so I have to look up the menu to decide what I'll have.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am going to be going into town to all the shops with my DS and DS IL. It is our annual shopping spree. Whenever my DS comes to visit we go shopping and out to eat.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    I am still on page 66, so forgive my late responses please.

    Lisa – When we had our Bar and Grill, we closed for almost an entire week for Deep Cleaning. It just blows my mind that you could get it done in a day. We also had at least 1 employee each year that spent more time leaning or on their phone than actually doing any work. My MIL was “the boss” of the cleaning week, and she was mean about it, so I tried my best to be out of town or busy doing something else that week. Congrats on your accomplishments; that was a huge endeavor to accomplish in a short time.

    Gloria – Welcome and congrats on your weight loss. Hugs for your personal losses. I also lost a sibling (my sister) to cardiac issues in my home. It is a different kind of hurt. I hope you are working your way through the grieving process.

    Tuliplor – I like celery and carrots for hummus. I feel like I get the complete flavor of the hummus that way. I enjoy kale chips as a chip, but I have never found them strong enough to dip into hummus. If you do, please let me know. Yum. I just saw that Drkatiebug suggested radishes. Radish is supposed to be helpful in increasing metabolism. Apparently a person only needs to eat 1-2 per day. I need to get myself some radishes.

    Peach – It was someone at work that got snarky with me, not anyone on this site. Sorry that I didn’t word that properly.

    Mary MN – Bellagio is one of the better (luxury) Casino/Hotels. There will be SO many things to do. The Spa looks heavenly, with many pampering options, and of course there is a fitness center. One thing I learned the hard way while in a Las Vegas spa is that they are men/women separate, so clothing is optional, and while I was in the whirlpool with my suit, someone came in without a suit, left, then came back. Next time I will wear a more neutral colored suit to not make others uncomfortable. Cirque d’ Soleil is likely expensive, but I would LOVE to see it. The Botanical Gardens are free. The Fine Art Gallery is under $20 per person. There are at least 9 different shops (yes, costs money if you buy stuff while you shop, but I also enjoy window-shopping). And all that is just inside The Bellagio. Plus, just a shuttle ride or walk away is all the other things to do, Casinos to visit. People watching is fun anytime of the day/night. Fremont Street at night is a sight to behold, from the music laser light show, to people watching and gift shop wandering. DS and I like to search the Travel Channel Foodie locations, to eat stuff that is different for us. One time, many years ago, I went with the man I was dating at the time, and our goal was to purchase and share a Hurricane drink at as many locations as possible, just to have the glasses to bring home (we split the collection evenly when we ended the relationship). If you go to the place where you sign up for the Loyalty cards, they used to also give out a coupon book, so you could get discounts on drinks, food, gifts, etc. One year when DS was about 8, we took him along for the Men’s National Bowling Tournament, and forgot to pack him shirts. He had a great time going to all the different Las Vegas gift shops buying T-shirts from many different locations. That was an interesting collection. Oh, I’m getting so jealous. I just want to go somewhere for no reason other than to enjoy and relax. My next trip will be Reno for the Men’s National Bowling Tournament (March), then Indianapolis for Junior Gold National Bowling Tournament{July} (my life would be so boring without sports).

    Gail – Happy Anniversary.

    Becca – Congrats on your weight loss. And finding a new walking buddy.

    Well, I didn’t get my morning workout today, because a patient showed up 45 minutes early, and I can’t leave them alone in the locked clinic for that long. I can stay late after work today, or invade my dad after I get home. Since I finally broke my plateau (by 0.8 pound), I am re-motivated to work extra hard on this again.

    Time for lunch, and the hand bike. I will try again this afternoon to catch up.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited July 2015
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Just this minute heard from the lawyer that my ex has agreed to the payment of my legacy from my ex DMIL. :bigsmile:

    She died 10 years ago and left me a small legacy as we remained close even after the break up with her son. She was a much beloved grandmother to my two boys and I continued to visit her because I was very fond of her. (My own mother was useless as a grandmother) My ex is a decent man, but a procrastinator and has recently been suffering from depression. He got into problems with the probate and it all had to be redone. Christmas 2013 I recieved an interim payment from the lawyer, but I have been waiting for the rest. The family home has at LAST been sold :grumble: and the lawyer is now preparing the documents. :drinker: I have even got a tiny bit of interest dating from the last payment, which I asked for.

    I am fond of my ex and I am sorry that he is having a hard time health wise, but this was definitely coming between us. When I actually have the money I will breathe a sigh of relief. Perhaps he will now get a headstone for his parents' graves. Grrrrrrrrrr! My boys were very upset about that. :ohwell:

    On the minus side, my rental is not selling and I have been advised to drop the price. :sad:

    DH has just come back from the doctor and he has told him he doesn't need the SSRIs. So he is stopping them. I am not happy about that, but it is his decision.

    Love to all, Heather UK

    PS - didn't do any extra exercise. >:):'(

    PPS - DJ you are a LOSER! <3
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just caught up, at least for now. Working from home today because the carpet guy was coming to measure and I need to take my daughters to get their hair cut over lunch. It’s nice to have the flexibility in my job to work from home when I need to (or just want to) but they are threatening to kick me out of my cubicle so that I would either have to work from home or from a “hotel” cube. I do like to go into the office but want my own personal space when I’m there. So, we’ll see what happens. Carpet guy showed up at 8:30AM (he was supposed to be here at 9) and both girls were still asleep. Ah, the life of a teenager. Had to quickly get one out of bed so that he could measure the two bedrooms.

    Pip (@pipcd34) – Along with everyone else… Yikes! Take care of yourself. Glad the doctor's visit went well.

    Janet (@Janetr7476) – I hadn’t even heard of fracking until a few weeks ago and didn’t know exactly what it was. I’ve read a couple of articles now. The one article about how to do fracking safely only addressed the potential water supply and air pollution issues and didn’t mention how to prevent the earthquakes. Even though it is increasing our oil and natural gas supply, sounds like it should be stopped. I say let’s focus on alternate energy supplies like wind energy. We have lots of windmills here in Iowa.

    @Miriamwithcats – We’ve been in our house 20 years now, but the previous owner was also a very bad do-it-yourselfer. Over the years, we’ve redone pretty much everything he touched. At one point, we had some electrical work done in the basement and the electrician found wires just lying in the ceiling. Can you say fire hazard?

    Raining buckets here today but will be back to a hot and humid 90 degrees tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member