

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Joyce...I also have a french door with a screen. It slides on a track.
    Off to walk Jake in a minute. Lovely weather here by the ocean!

    Chris is MA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! The humidity has dropped 20° and it feels wonderful! Although we have winds gusting to 40 mph today and I will not be able to go over to my DS I L and try out her new paddleboard. Instead I will pack and get ready for our trip to Las Vegas today and we rescheduled the paddleboard for tomorrow.

    Joyce- I think that's cute about your husband wanting a certain type of Fedora! Sometimes they are just as girly as we are.

    Sharon - I wonder if it is meant to also help reflux. I know Dr. Oz was talking about that as well. You might want to go on to his site and Google it.

    Allison- good for you joining the health club! Go and have fun and you will see the results.

    Heather - enjoy your fish dinner! I hope it is as good as you are hoping for.

    MNMargaret - we have electric heat and did not have ductwork either. We only seem to need AC one or two days a year so we bought one of those air-conditioners that you could vent out a window I would not suggest one of those. Have fun on your picnic!

    Toni - thanks for the laugh!

    Lillian - all this talk about bees I have to chime in! I have had the big bumblebee trying to get into my house. Not just one but several of them at different times. I am allergic to bees and it feels like they are hunting me! I opened the inside door to our screen porch to find one hovering at face level! I can't imagine what they are after because there are no flowers inside my screen porch.

    Terri- very cute picture!

    Carol/peach - I agree with you on the grandkids! Mine almost killed me last week! They are worth it though. We get to go to a baseball tournament tonight and tomorrow night to watch the youngest.

    DJ - I love the song leaving on a jet plane! I will be seeing that real soon. Enjoy your haircut!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Janetr – Way to work. It is nice that people were cheering for you.

    Chris MA – I also hope the instructor lets you swap the class. You deserve to do what is best for your body.

    Yanniejannie – Hugs for your travel difficulties. I hope nobody was hurts. It’s hard to keep a positive attitude after such situations. You are REALLY holding it together. I hope you get that Hotel room.

    Sylvia – I have tried and enjoy quinoa several times. My GP told me it is an “ancient grain” and has a lower glycemic index, so it is a beneficial grain during weight loss and maintenance. I usually just added the instant garlic bags from Sam’s in my soups last winter. I figured for about $1 per bag, I could afford to dislike them, but I liked them, and also shared with friends. It is truly so nice that you continue to help your son and grandkids. I don’t think I could allow anyone that close to me to suffer with hunger if I could help it. Most of the time when my DD calls for money, I make her car payment for her. Most of the grocery stores in Minnesota sell cigarettes, and I have a problem sending her grocery money knowing she will likely spend a portion of it on cigarettes and not food. At least if I make her car payment, she can still get to work. // I hope everyone enjoys the Science Center.

    Barbie – So glad you and Jake found a system that works so you can do your weight training. Hubbies can be as bad as kids that way, right?

    Becca – So Sorry your TOPS group is being so clique-y and passive/aggressive. Just stick with us, and keep doing your best. Take what you need, and leave the rest. Look at that, I made a rhyme.

    NcCarol – Sorry for your rough day. I hope there is light at the end of your tunnel.

    Mary – I am not confident enough to NOT wear a suit, I still wear one in the private whirlpools, etc. I just wasn’t prepared for the situation. I LOVE warm whirlpools, so I will never give them up if I can help it. I have never been to the Pawn Stars location, but agree that I would like to visit, just to say I did. Your room sounds amazing. I would likely spend extra time second honeymooning or relaxing, too. I’m getting more and more envious. Be sure to tell us all about it, so we (or at least I) can live vicariously through you, like we did Pip and everyone else who narrated their vacations.

    Jane - Hooray for Nathan. I hope the liver situation is settled soon. It is sad what has to happen for him to get a liver, but it will be so much more than exciting to have him healthy.

    Meg – I hope you get some relief from the sauna soon.

    Allison – Congrats on the new gym. I hope it works out super-well for you !

    Pip – I just can’t imagine NOT going in there and getting those bones set into place. I feel like I have good pain tolerance, but I don’t think I ‘d want to do anything with my collar bone sticking out like that. I’d be afraid of walking into a door or something, then having the darn thing poking through my skin or something else equally as crazy. Gentle Hugs !

    Lillian – Happy Belated Birthday (sorry I forgot, blame that on mental-pause, too). Welcome back to the track ! ! ! I hope you can stay focused.

    I held all 3 of my planks for 60 seconds each last night. The key for me is to count backwards on my phone, because "only 40 seconds so far" is self-defeating, but "only 20 seconds to go" seems easy inside my brain.

    The lion was seen again yesterday, this time just a few miles North of it's previous locations. I guess the DNR is working with the Humane Society and Police Department, and live traps have been set with raw and cooked meats inside (brats, imagine? this is Wisconsin after-all). They also have plans for re-location. If it is a mountain lion, it will go into the wilderness in Northern Wisconsin. If it is a domesticated Big Cat, it will go to a Colorado Sanctuary.

    I have been using the frozen bananas so many of you suggested, and today it made for a lovely addition to my old fashioned oatmeal. I hope they are 29 cents a pound again today, so I can stock up again. If I'm lucky, the same store will have cod filets for $3.99 / pound again Sunday, too, so I can stock up on fish. It is so easy to make on the Foreman Grill. I don't know what I will do if mine ever breaks.

    Today I was able to get to work early (and no one was waiting for me) so I spent 10 minutes on the bike. It seemed like forever, since my left knee is swollen and wobbly lately, but I checked my e-mail, and survived. Lunch will be the handbike again (no wrist or elbow pain anylonger, yay!)

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    a tidbit of information- actually John Denver wrote the song , and Peter Paul and Mary recorded it.
    well depending what time the countertops come in tomorrow I i might try my hand at a zumba class lol. this should be interesting
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    it starts at 6 am , so should be ok
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone!

    Just had the perfect day!

    Walking down from the train we called in the pharmacy to buy a few bits and as there was a BOGOF offer I picked out a purple, pink and blue glitter nail varnish for DH'S party. :laugh:
    Then I showed him the houses I have half an eye on in the centre of Winchester. He didn't run away shrieking!

    Then we strolled to the restaurant. We were greeted by the woman I had spoken to on the phone, shown to a window table and had the perfect meal, served by the most friendly and helpful waiter. I had crab with wasabi mayonnaise, turbot with hollandaise and gorgeous spring greens and broccoli, creme brulee with a raspberry compote and a double espresso. Lovely Spanish white wine and a glass of Montbazillac for dessert. DH had fish soup, dover sole and the same dessert as me. The bread was to die for. It comes from a bakery in Southampton, so we will check that out.
    Altogether perfect. And free. Would have cost around $170 I reckon. :noway:
    Then we strolled to the river before dropping in at the Oriental supermarket. Bought my dim sum bits. The server said, "Have I seen you at the gym, you are in great shape." ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Good day all round.

    Lisa - beautiful family!

    Pip - my dad had a detached collar bone. From a roll over car wreck. He had no idea at the time.

    Now relaxing. It will just be eggs tonight. Hooray!

    Love Heather UK

    PS I have donated some money to a cancer charity I support in recognition of my free meal. I have emailed the lady to tell her so. :)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    DJ, Katla and others about those 3" heels... I totally agree high heels aren't intended for use by humans. I wouldn't have bought them if there had been anything else in the right color. But this was October and the darn fashion mavens had dictated that the only colors shoes could be sold in were various shades of charcoal and bright fuchia. Zillions of those to choose from, but all the wrong color. The only shoes in the right color were the ones nobody had been silly enough to buy — until I came along. Come to think of it, I could have bought jogging shoes in the right color, but much as I disdain fashion, my sense of style prohibited going that far.

    Pip, the mere sight of your shoulder makes me cringe. I can't imagine simply leaving it that way. The doctor says wearing a backpack will help push the bone back into position, but (s)he doesn't have to experience the pain of putting the pack on, carrying it, and taking it off again. I feel for you; I know how frustrating it can be when you can't get out and maintain your ordinary exercise regimen.

    I had a nice NSV the other day :) I'm at my parents' summer cottage, a place I've been visiting for 60 years now. For the past decade or so, I've also been jogging early in the morning – taking advantage of the early rising that comes free of charge when I'm on the East Coast but still adapted to European time. The other day I ran my standard 5.4 km track a full minute faster than ever before!

    Backlash time today, though. Maybe it was the temperature, maybe the humidity, maybe the fact that I had first done a 28-minute strength training routine. Whatever the cause, I felt exhausted from the moment I set out — even slowed to a walk several times. Then I got to thinking maybe I'm not getting enough protein to repair the wear and tear on my muscles. So today I'm going to increase my ration of that delicious cottage cheese they sell "ovah heeya".

    Another challenge today will be taking the parents' two cats to the vet. One of them is grossly overweight - big as a raccoon! I'll have to capture him and manhandle him into a cage. Not looking forward to that!

    Penny, whose husband is now back at the Pole
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,994 Member
    :) Lillian, I am lucky to live in a neighborhood that it beautiful for long walks...my dogs love it here and will walk for over an hour

    :) DJ, congrats on taking the effort to order right in the restaurant....do you cut your own hair?

    :) Terri, those are great hats...you are very creative

    :) Alison, enjoy your new gym membership..it sounds great

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifI'm finished walking dogs and now am headed to line dance
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    Got room for a newbie? :) Engineer, business owner, wife, mom, nerd, age 51, from Pennsylvania (where it's really steamy today and I'm dreading that lunchtime walk...).

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I :heart: this!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    morning peepheads -

    well, the dizzy spells i have noticed have gone down alot. no more constant headache. slight pressure in the head still, not much. the only time i'll get dizzy i have noticed is when i lay down too fast or from laying down, getting up too quick. i rode my bike in to work from the gym for the first time and i did okay. rode easy, took my time.

    last year when i was riding to work i would past by this assisted living complex and the man in a wheelchair was on the sidewalk waiving hi to all the cars that passed. when i would ride past him, he would wave to me and i would wave back. i noticed this year, he's not there anymore. :0( i hope he was healthy enough to go back home. i think about him every time i pass there.

    big surprise. when i was at starbucks yesterday morning, i saw an old workout buddy that i used to see every morning at the old gym working we used to go to. hadn't seen her in awhile. she just bought a house RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM ME! ON the same street. i could walk there. might be about 5 houses down on the other side of the street, isn't that crazy? she got the keys that day and moves in this weekend. small world.

    fanncy and katla - yes they could fix w/pins that's what the visit was for. surgery or no. i picked no. he said if i was a person that did manual labor he would suggest it but i'm an office worker. he said they could fix w/pins and a plate but would end up needing another surgery later to fix the fragments that are in there, so, nahhhhhhhhh.

    exermom - it will be a conversation piece.

    megblair - i didn't ask about PT and he didn't mention it. i guess its cuz i'm doing so well on my own.

    janetr- actually the brace is making my NECK hurt like a mutha, the shoulder i feel pressure but no pain.

    jmkmomm- my dizzy spells are just about gone thank goodness. the only time i'll get them is when i lay down too fast or from laying down, getting up too quick. after my eyes were dialated, i put my contact lens back in so i was able to see better. no i guess the ER didn't see that, i was pretty swollen then.

    grandmallie - glad you joined the gym.

    terri_mom - cute!

    damnit - yup, no surgery for me.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    son`s surgery went well.One tired mom,couldn`t sleep
    Hope u all have a good day
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Pip -- you just hang in there -- I guess what happens in Vegas does not always stay in Vegas after all.

    I really needed some good news today after crying myself to sleep from adult child worry syndrome last night. Nothing I can do about the situation, but sometimes the tears just appear all on their own. So today just before I went over to a co-worker's retirement party I hopped on the work scale and lo and behold I was down another whole 2 pounds! It is like a miracle! I stood on the thing for a couple of minutes and let that arrow settle real good because I could hardly believe it. So at the party I treated myself to the smallest piece of cake I could find and really enjoyed it. It was the first time I had indulged myself at work in months. I do not think I have been this weight since the late 1980s. Now that is the end of the hi-cal food celebration and on to the rest of the weight loss project for me. Sixteen and 3/4 pounds since Christmas and hopeully more to come.

    Everybody dealing with this heat try to stay as cool as cucumbers! And I love this bunch of tough ladies! Your stories help me not wimp out too often.

    Betty in WNY-- it is even hot here!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Last evening DH and I walked the walking trail for a couple hours so got most my steps. Tonight we are planning to walk another part of it. Today is another long day 6-5:30. Has not started out the best had someone call in so had to find a replacment. I do think the boss is going to have to do something as this person calls in about once a week the last month or better. Then is upset when her check is small. Oh well do the best we can.

    yanniejannie--Hope you get the insurance to pay up for hotel. Glad you know who did it.

    Sylvia--I hope your DS knows how lucky he is to have you and all your help.

    pip--That does look uncomfortable and sore. Sure hope you heal fast and can be done with it.


    Mary--Our DS and DDIL went to Vegas several months ago and said the pawn shop was a disappointment. They did go to Count Customs and found that interesting. They even bought DH and I home t-shirts from there. I do like the sounds of your room. I would be tempted to be in that tub for hours.

    Joyce--Thanks for the reminder about what a hug can do. Lee has been having her big ups and downs. I have set with her while she cried and just threw up her hands. It still comes and goes and I keep telling her that is normal. I really think the grief classes that the funeral home has will help, only problem is next session doesn't start till fall. I just keep trying to be there for her as much as possible and she will let me.

    Allison--Good for you getting the gym membership.

    Lillian--Happy B-lated birthday. One Day at a Time.

    Carol--I agree, I love my grandchildren, but by the time they go home from a visit I need a nap.

    Teri--Like the knited hat and hairband. I can knit but nothing fancy like them.

    Heather--Glad to hear your lunch was very good. Very good of you to donate to the cancer chairty.

    Betty--Hugs. Sometimes it is hardest when there is nothing we can do and just sit by and by there for them.

    Well going to be a hot day, I hope there is a nice breeze when I get off so walking will not be so hot.
    Have a great Day. Love each and everyone of you. Thanks for all you do and being here.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. Boy the weather is so much better today, much less humidity. I had to come to work for Advanced Cardiac Life support renewal class so DH is home with the wood floor refinishers and the housekeeper, all trying to work at one time!

    We hit a snag with the countertops. My grey marbled looking quartz slab came in totally white, which won’t do. I have to go out there in a bit and look for another counter top. That will be difficult because I didn’t like anything else the first time AND I’m locked in to that special order grey sink. I don’t want granite….everyone I know with granite hates it.

    Katla: I read that poem by Janie on my home page and it cracked me up!

    Janetmmcc: your post reminded me of a newspaper story I read yesterday about how Europeans think Americans use too much air conditioning. It said that Europeans tend to keep their homes/ businesses cooler in winter and warmer in summer, so they only wear their sweaters indoors in the winter where as
    Americans wears sweaters inside in the summer because it’s so cold! LOL

    Joyce: relieved to hear that the bid was for way more work than tree removal! I about fainted! I don’t have a smart phone, but do actually have a digital camera (I know, kicking and screaming!) so can upload that way.

    Alison: so good for you to join that gym!!! It will be a good stress buster too

    Margaret: I can’t imagine the work it will take to add duct work! Holy cow

    Toni: hilarious cartoon!

    Lillian: I don’t know if I said this, but “they” caught the mountain lion that was prowling about down the street from us. And we live in a near-city environment! Stay safe! And stay away from those bees!

    Terri: gotta love the minion hat!

    Carol: I’m with you blessing those who keep grandkids a lot. That is one thing DH and I said we would never do so I can’t imagine the work it takes. Not having had little kids I really have no idea!

    DJ: haha I’d choose winter! But I’d prefer to choose fall!

    Mary I can’t wait to hear about your trip.

    Penny: I have to say I do love my “hooker heels” but don’t wear them a ton and when I do, I get dropped off at the restaurant door. My naughty daughter has a worse name for them!

    LPN welcome aboard.

    Pip: so glad you are doing better! You had us all worried

    Jane: healing prayers for your son and sleepy eyes for you!

    Betty: adult child worry syndrome! OMG I love it. Not that you have it and suffered, but the name is just perfect. I wish you peace and less worrying!

    Vicki: stay cool when you are out walking in the heat!

    OK well I best get going to the counter top place. I am dreading this. Not sure what I will do if I don’t find anything suitable and that goes with that crazy sink. Then I’m heading to the pool. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    bkrimpet - what happens in vegas gets posted on facebook and everywhere else :0/
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Anybody have a way to use black raspberries that doesn't require masses of butter / sugar / flour and all the other high-calorie stuff we want to avoid? My mother has tended her black raspberry bushes like babies for many years and this summer they are producing tons of berries. After breaking both hips last winter, Mom can't get out and pick them now (they grow on a steep rocky slope), but I'd like to bring her some of the bounty and use it in a dessert.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member



    This nudist loves this hahahaha...

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Anybody have a way to use black raspberries that doesn't require masses of butter / sugar / flour and all the other high-calorie stuff we want to avoid? My mother has tended her black raspberry bushes like babies for many years and this summer they are producing tons of berries. After breaking both hips last winter, Mom can't get out and pick them now (they grow on a steep rocky slope), but I'd like to bring her some of the bounty and use it in a dessert.

    I love to make a compote out of berries...just put berries in a pot, add some fat-free syrup, then put a tablespoon of cornstarch in a cup with a bit of water to blend...and add it in after its all heated and bubbly. Great on whole wheat waffles, or in yogurt. You can put it on healthy icecream too :-)