

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, all the TOPS members that had issues with my friend that is the games person, weren't there, and neither was my friend. I need to send her an email. I did the games, and I won the basket! Got a bunch of quarters (will come in handy next Wednesday at the laundromat), some fresh blueberries from a lady who's got a prolific bush, (ok that sounded strange), and I won another contest (had someone draw my name and I lost so I got a bunch of dimes people have put in). So from 22nd to 29th I have lost 6.75 lbs. It blows my mind, but I have worked really hard. The proof is in the pudding...well my journal. I know I can't eat like this week all the time, but it wasn't a bad week hunger-wise. Well today my son has a doctors appointment, and its been 3+ years that he has been seen. Just a intro appt. So I am digging out all his shot records etc...and trying to read dates of the innoculations from his shot card...aaaack, nurses write so messy! Thank God he is a healthy sort, maybe he will need some shots but all in all a healthy 16 yr old.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited July 2015
    Mary we are looking into a system similar to what my brother has because his home was built in the 20's it has radiators too. The system does not use duct work. It looks like a room AC mounted on a wall. It is also possible for it to produce heat too. The condenser is on the outside of your home. I was on the third flood of his home when I visited St. Louis recently and I was quite comfortable. I agree the last few summers I haven't felt we needed it. It was that summer about three years ago when it was hot and humid most of the summer I felt we needed it. The windows we have in our home do not accommodate room AC's. We have one build in AC in our kitchen and it is getting quite old.

    Terri love the picture.

    Had a good time with my teacher friends.
    Going to look up how to make Kale chips with all the Kale from my garden.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks, Becca. I'll try that! It occurs to me that with a berry compote, I can go easy on the sugar for my own sake but put sugar on the table for people like my father, who has a serious sweet tooth.

    Meanwhile, I did a search on our favorite website skinnytaste.com and found a raspberry-blueberry gazpacho with fresh mint that I definitely need to try. The ingredients list reads like an inventory of what we've got either in the fridge or in the garden: blueberries, raspberries, raw sugar, orange juice, lemon juice, lime juice, lemon zest, fresh mint leaves for garnish.

    Okay, our raspberries are black rather than red, but otherwise...

    Recipe here
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Barbie, I love this. I have searched to find other things to enjoy as a "reward" besides food, but then I finally came to think, is it not enough reward how good I feel, how I look, that I am off meds, all the other terrific benefits of not being over-weight. I try to list them when I feel I need a reward, also my husband is a terrific cheerleader.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I managed to finish my laundry and pack last night. It has been hard to concentrate on work today because I’m ready to head out to the airport. Soon now.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement and for the loving kicks in the behind. I do know what I need to do to get to my goal weight. I can do what I need to do. This is not an impossible task. Besides, I really do like the “new” me much better so sticking to a new lifestyle has some wonderful perks that I do not get from my “old” behavior. Some days it is easier to remember that than others.

    Here’s hoping everyone has a good week. I’ll try to check in, but if I don’t manage it I’ll see all of you in August.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Janetr, I write a gratitude list every morning to stay focused on the things that are right about my life.....I weigh myself every morning and my reward is that the scale tells me that my weight continues to be a lot lower than it was when I started this journey.....I have a pile of shirts size Small instead of size XL and my jeans are sizes with a single digit.

    :) Meg, we don't have the money or inclination right now to remodel our kitchen and reading your story about the countertops makes me grateful that we haven't embarked on the project.

    :) The man is here today to remove the bushes from the side of the garage so we'll be able to plant our new lavender plants and iris bulbs soon.....I am very excited.

    <3 Barbie from warm NW Washington
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Barbie, I love this. I have searched to find other things to enjoy as a "reward" besides food, but then I finally came to think, is it not enough reward how good I feel, how I look, that I am off meds, all the other terrific benefits of not being over-weight. I try to list them when I feel I need a reward, also my husband is a terrific cheerleader.

    Love this!!!!!! So true!!!! Food is social, think of all the special occasions with food. That's part of normal eating n living. Gayle Minneapolis
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited July 2015
    JanetMMcC wrote: »
    Fiddle - care to share the veggie chili recipe?

    I put about 4 pounds of corn, 12 small cans of different kinds of beans, 10 small cans (small is about 15 oz I think) of diced tomatoes, cup of cut up onions, some garlic, 20 cut up zucchinis, 2 pounds of broccoli, 2 pounds of cauliflower, any veggies lying around in my fridge, 2 cans of chili peppers, 2 containers of firm tofu that have been crumbled into a frying pan with 3 TBS of chili powder and 2TBS of coumin. I boil it for a couple of hours. I have 3/4 of a cup every morning for breakfast, sometimes with 2.5 ounces of turkey breast added. It's very filling, isn't hard to make, and is pretty healthy.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    looks good fiddle
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hello all: Lovely day here. My DD and I picked wild blackberries. She made some freezer jam with some of them and I had some fresh for lunch today. Almost makes up for all the prickly vines we have had to clear from our property!

    Sylvia - Happy birthday late.

    Gayle - Happy anniversary.

    Pip - Yikes woman! I am surprised you were able to carry on with the things you did.

    Need to get my standard poodle groomed and have found it much more expensive in WA than in SD, about double the cost. She may get groomed a little less often.

    Michele - A neighbor gave us some golden zucchini. Can I use it just like the green or does it need something different?

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited July 2015
    I was watching TRUST ME I'M A DOCTOR on TV tonight and they said that if you habitually have a craving for something like chocolate or cheese, if you visualise yourself eating 30 chocolates before you eat the actual chocolates you end up eating half the amount you normally would.! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sounds weird, but they showed it in an experiment so I'm going to give it a try with my cheese cravings. :ohwell:
    The other thing was that if you are going to cook with fat it is better to use saturated or mono saturated fat as it creates fewer cancer causing molecules than polyunsaturated fats. So, use rapeseed oil, olive oil, butter or lard if you are heating it. Do not reuse oil. Not that many of us are making fries every night! :laugh:

    They also looked at a virus treatment for some cancers including melanoma. It may be given the wider go ahead in about a year. Sounds promising.

    Sue - I only grow yellow zucchini and I use them in exactly the same way.

    Love Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Janetr, I write a gratitude list every morning to stay focused on the things that are right about my life.....I weigh myself every morning and my reward is that the scale tells me that my weight continues to be a lot lower than it was when I started this journey.....I have a pile of shirts size Small instead of size XL and my jeans are sizes with a single digit.

    Barbie, Oh wht a wonderful idea. I need to do this too. I will put it in my journal. I am still so thrilled with the difference in how I feel and the activity I am am to take part in that I have not been able to do for years. I had to go get my Driver License renewed Monday. The young girl said wow, you really need a new one, you have lost a lot of weight. These are the kind of things I treasure. I DID IT, 125 lbs and I'm going to keep it off. I feel too good to let it sneak back up. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gayle - you're right food is very social but we don't need to let it be THE only thing we do. Naturally thin people, don't even look at what's on the big table of food. They just go about their business and have a good time. Let's do that, its much harder when we drool over it lol

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    You guys know I do a lot of whining about not making much progress on my weight loss, but as I was logging my weight this morning, I looked back at my history. I am down seven ponds since Jan 1. That is a lb a month. Nothing to brag about for sure, but it is definitely better than gaining. I feel encouraged by this. Maybe I should change my name from katiebug to turtle. Slow and steady!

    Feeling a little bummed because it looks like our adult son will be moving in for a while. Hopefully not long. His lease is up and he is trying to find a place closer to his job. Right now he has a 45 minute commute. It's been hard to search because he works all the time, plus we live in an area where small rentals are hard to come by. On this plus side, his job is going well. The company hired him permanently (they always start with a temp agency), moved him from second to first shift, and gave him more responsibility. We've told him his stuff has to go in storage, but even so, he has to have clothes, toiletries, etc. DH and I have have gotten way too set in our ways.

    I'm babysitting the grandkids tomorrow at their house, so I'm excited about that. I'll keep the two year old while DD and DSIL take the six year old to first grade sneak a peek, then go shopping with DD at a consignment sale, then back to babysit both of them while DD and DSIL go to a parents' meeting about DGD's pre-school. I should be able to miss rush hour traffic going and coming, so that will be good.

    Bought the ingredients today to make the spinach feta pie from Skinny Taste. I'm going to make it on Friday. Totally excited to try it.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    How cool is that? I have jolted my body out of its slumber!!! (mentally doing cartwheels today)

    Becca in Oregon ....finally getting her ducks in a row...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    (((((hugs))))) to @pipcd34 You are one tough cookie and you get a GOLD STAR for bravery from me!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki - thanks for the info on the pawn shop. I bought an Old Mother Goose book just to see if we could get on the show. Maybe we will forget it!

    Meg - too bad about the counter tops! I hope that gets straightened out for you.

    Becca - yea! On Winning the Basket!!!

    Terri - we looked at those too. Also the tour where they put the unit in the attic and run the duct work up there and vent through the ceiling.

    Barbie - enjoy planting your new plants.

    Sue - isn't that the truth. Some prices are like that here at our new town. Clothes are ridiculous.

    Mary from Minnesota