

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey, my friends. Just checking in. I had a coughing fit this morning, so my DH insisted I go to the doctor. I got a shot in my butt and an inhaler. I'm ready to kick this bronchitis to the curb.

    Oh, and I saw the first signs of the skin peeling on the top of my foot today, but just a little bit. The anticipation continues on the Baby Foot!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited July 2015
    Last night Stan forgot to close one of the garden gates, well Blaize saw and ran down the paddock. Stan chased him in the car and herded him back home. Blaize jumped on my bed to tell me "daddy shouted at me for chasing wallabies" Oh poor doggy
    Back to breakfast, 3 smoothies and dinner today My toilet LOVES me too much
    My Joe Cross recipe book SHOULD arrive today
    Training - JJ Bikini boot-camp 1. JM kettle-bells, walk dog
    House 2 clothes washes and drying on line
    Winter here so stocked up on frozen fruit for smoothies

    Peach pie delight smoothie = 352 calories
    Chol 0,Na 51, Carb 83, Fat 1, Pro 3, sugar 48, Fibre 3
    Tasted really good, I threw up with black coffee, carpet shampooed
    I have LOST 1.5 kgs or 3.3 lbs on Joes juice/smothies

    Joe's books JUST delivered

    Updated ticker
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @DamitJanit said~
    Becca, poor thing, it’s all the fault of the food bank. They should know better than to give you something like that and then have the nerve to hold you down and force you to eat it. So sorry. Maybe next time will be vegies? Okay, you vented, now put on your big girl panties and eat right. I’m eating right pretty much but having a hard time moving more. What a pair we are. We can and will do this!!!

    I actually choked on my coffee with that one! Why oh whyyyyyy do I blame the world for my choices. They are my choices and I need to own up to them! I DID weigh-in though and didn't take an excused absence like I could have done at my meeting. Hows THAT for owning up? (I just gave meself a hug right now)... :-)

    @No_Ecuses said~
    Becca - "My goal is to be willowy, and walk thru this world with grace." I love that mantra and I might just borrow it for myself.

    I used to use that phrase when I walked about 5 miles every day way back in 2009. I also would say in my head, "I am 150 lbs I am willowy and walk thru this world with grace." There is proof that positive thinking can change what your brain tells your body to do. By saying that phrase my mind would hear it, and my brain would say..."You aren't 150 lbs girl! But I will make all the connections to try to make that happen!" That is of course what I think my mind tells my scientific brain. And my body just did what its told. It's creative reprogramming.

    @terri_mom said~
    Becca – I see your rant over in the corner. Since my pity party is under it, I think it should spontaneously combust soon. Thanks for sharing.

    I am a Gemini!! When I am happy I am really REALLY Happy, but when I am mad (or sad), I am HORRID! Today I heard a slight emplode....what that us? Or maybe my chicken soup I had in my belly!!! We need a WOMEN AGES 50+ REUNION....We just take over a members yard, eat healthy by taking over their kitchen. Like CAMP but for US....

    @Vickil57 said~
    Aw hugs back at ya.....You know you need 5 hugs a day for mental health!!! I give hugs to everyone. Even the people that hand out food at the Food Bank we visit. I hug my ladies at my TOPS meeting, I hug the man that I met at a church down the coast that now works at the Gas Station, I hug the lady at the library, I hug my neighbor with the dog that adores me, and of course I hug my 16 yr old constantly....My husband however, gets the hugs with lovers tags attached to them. The hugs you start and end the day with. The hugs that you fall asleep into.

    I have quieted the ranting and venting in my head. I read a Weight-Watchers magazine, watched "Being 600+" weightloss show, watched "Extreme Makeover" show, and swam like I was being chased by JAWS in the pool today... Thanks my friends for your caring words!

    Becca by the Beach (back to baseline mentally)

    Thought for the day:
    "Exercising would be a lot more rewarding if I could actually HEAR the calories scream as I am burning them!"
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, I think it’s fabulous that ya’ll are having a wonderful trip with some indulgences. So did you end up not paying for the cabana and just the food and drink? Um….I’m thinking that was more than 2000 calories, but at this point, who’s counting. smiley-eatdrink016.gif

    Lisa, in that case, keep drinking your sugar coffee. The main thing is to eat and drink what makes you feel better.

    Heather, so glad you had a wonderful time with your friend. And sorry about your other friends’ problems.

    Linda, I feel your pain because I wake up with aches and pains every day, too. Depending on what I’ve done the day before, some days are worse than others. I can’t imaging getting up and exercising first thing, because it takes me a while to lube up. But you know what they say, “At your age”… old.gif

    Rosi, while you are there an extra day, try to enjoy. Great picture…wow you are up there! Food looks yummy!!

    Terri, I’ll keep kicking, if you will give me a swift kick. I just can’t seem to get back in the exercise groove. I am doing pretty good on eating but would do better if I didn’t have my Vodka and Tonic each night. The summer just calls for it, what can I say? The diet tonic helps but they don’t make calorie free tonic. smiley-eatdrink006.gif Okay, we just both have to Get A Grip!!! We know we can do this.

    Sylvia, sorry about the key problem. Great find on the sofa. Hope you can find someone to help get it in the apartment. Have a good time on your trip.

    Mia, congrats on getting away from Granny panties. Hey we all take happiness anywhere we can get it. I’d be excited too.

    Terri, great news from hubby. I hope he sticks to it for both your sakes.

    Jane, that guy was a Jerk! Sorry you had to run into him, or ah maybe you should have run into him? Have a better day. (((Hugs)))

    FBarbie, welcome to a group of very supportive ladies. Please sign each post with a name you want to be called and a location. This is a life journey for most of us. Since you already do the exercise, this should be a cake walk for you. Log everything that goes in your mouth and drink lots of water. Come often and join right in.

    Cynthiamr, welcome to you also. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. Also, we ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called. It helps us respond to you.

    DrKatie, I hope you start feeling better real soon. I still don’t know what Baby Foot is but I guess congrats on the peeling? LOLbaby.gif

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a NSV today. I don't remember who it was a few months back that talked about having collar bones again, but today I noticed that I do too. How cool is that???cheer.gif

    Wishing the best to all my friends. Good night.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @DamitJanit ok I shall confess....I just discovered vodka in my 40's and wow, it goes with just about everything..... Presently I have a bottle of "Whipped Cream flavored vodka".....don't stress now, I have had it for a couple of months, and every now and then I put it over ice, (or mint ice cream).......
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Hi peeps

    ok I just bonked my head on the computer screen.....trying to sneak a sip!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,998 Member
    smiley-happy026.gifAbout coffee--I stopped drinking coffee in 2009 when I started on MFP and realized that the big reason I liked coffee was the flavoured creamer that I put in it...I tapered off gradually over about a week and haven't had coffee since then....not drinking coffee (or any substitute) has made it possible for me to walk the dogs for two hours in the morning without having to come back to the house to pee...I drink four glasses of water when I get home from the the walk.

    smiley-happy026.gifAbout crafts....I used to do a lot of crafts (knitting, crocheting, beading, counted cross-stitch) until I decided that being active was a high priority for me if I wanted to lose the weight and be healthier....now I knit when I am at meetings or while riding the recumbent bike and abandoned the other crafts....I also gave up baking as a hobby...now my identity is something other than the cookie baker or the crafter.

    smiley-happy026.gifMy first NSV was when my undies fit better and buying new ones in a smaller size made me very happy---that happened long before anyone noticed that I was losing weight, but every morning when I got dressed, I felt super happy.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    22,000 steps
    almost three hours of dog walking in smoky summer weather
    half an hour on the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
    line dance class in the morning and line dance performance practice in the afternoon

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @barbiecat I commend you for quitting drinking coffee. I need to do that. Its the splitting headaches that I am dreading!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening, ladies! Just a quick pop in. Went to the doctor today and got my stitches out. It felt like he swung my arm all over the office. He made me yelp! I rarely react to pain (in public, anyway) so it really scared my daughter. I survived, came home with a new pain script, instructions for mild stretching at home, and orders to wear the sling for at least three more weeks.

    Hope everyone has had a good day!

    Carol in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    We switched to half/caf a number of years ago. Since I started MFP I am down to 1 cup a day, but still love my coffeemate.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Hi peeps

    ok I just bonked my head on the computer screen.....trying to sneak a sip!!!

    I am lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m8j4xktyeflo.jpg

    Here's another for you

  • evinston
    evinston Posts: 31 Member
    @barbiecat Wow! 22,000 steps. Way to go.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Annr , I tapered off coffee very gradually over at least a week---a little less each day in order to avoid the headache

    @evinston , when I first started carrying a pedometer, I struggled to get to 10,000 and it took a long time to find ways to get more steps...i am fortunate to be retired so I have a lot of time to walk.
  • WannaBFitnFifty
    WannaBFitnFifty Posts: 2 Member
    New to the communication boards. Nice to see this whole community interacting. Happy July.

    July Goals:
    Stay the course, stay the course, stay the course
    Continue to do daily squats to increase strength in legs and core
    Get in 8 glasses of water a day
    Do daily stretches
    Keep following eating plan

    Wish me luck!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 minutes of a Peak 10 Pure Strength DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class. First, I'll stop at the Humane Society to drop off my aluminum then probably go to Bi-Lo for items on sale that I have coupons for.

    Made brownies for tomorrow night, then went to lunch with the Newcomers, went in the pool, then to pick up the beer butt chicken stand I'd loaned out, then to WalMart, stopped to buy honey (this guy up the road from me has his hives in his backyard....can't get much more local than that!) then home to make a blueberry coffee cake since Ken can't eat chocolate. I don't know how it's a coffee cake since it isn't made in a coffee cake pan. Well, we shall see how it is

    tuliplor - you sure do know how to make someone drool, don't you? So glad we're helping you. I like to prelog my food if I can, then I can see if I'm over on the calories what I can eliminate.

    JanetOKC - love your magnet

    Penny - safe travels. I've really enjoyed your pics

    Becca - when I gain three pounds, it seems they aren't that hard to take off. Now continuing to take off...that's a different story. I agree with DJ - put on your big girl panties and start eating right...and now!!!! A Women 50+ get together would be so wonderful. Whipped Cream vodka over ice -- sounds delish

    I'm thinking that tomorrow we'll have the beer butt chicken. Vince says I made it for Ken & Lynette once before, but I don't think so. We'll have corn on the cob, I'm thinking I'll make some rice, probably need another vegetable. Then have the brownies and blueberry coffee cake for dessert. I tell you, I do my best thinking in the pool. that's where I was when I got the idea for the storage shed for the pool stuff and that's where I was when I decided what to have for dinner tomorrow. I know that I've thought of other things in the pool, too.

    Julie, Terry, fitnessbarbie, cynthia, dzotalis and everyone new - welcome

    DeeDee - if being retired you can't keep up with this thread, how did you do it when you were working??? I know that sometimes I have trouble keeping up. I remember FIL saying after he retired "where did I ever find the time to work?" Now I know what he meant!!!

    terri - Payne's scores have me in amazement. I'm thrilled to death if I get just two strikes in a row. Doesn't happen very often. I bet he can kick himself about that second frame. NO HANDICAP????? Good luck to your son, hope he gets that scholarship money. How great of you to donate blood

    Cheri - Personally, I hope for Chapel Hill. If not, Staunton will do. Great NSV. I never could wear capris. I see you do crocheting? Have you ever done c2c? I get how you increase, but not how you decrease. Lovely quilt and afghan.

    Lesley - your peach smoothie sounds great. Do you have nutritionals for it?

    DJ - I made a salad this morning and was I ever glad that I did, because that gave me something good to munch on. I'll probably do that tomorrow, too. Great find of those collarbones

    pip - that bill would have made me gag. But like you say...it's once in a lifetime

    Carol/Peach - I MUST get my pants in the petite dept. usually tops, too. Sometimes I can get by with a ladies top because of the way it's cut and I can sometimes get away with a smaller size in shorts in the ladies dept, but no way can I get pants! I'm 5'1" too, and I hate hemming things, too. Lately, I've gotten to where I'll have a little bit of meat but give me my veggies. That reminds me, I got grilled veggies at lunch today. Ordered the black bean burger, no mayo (just lettuce and tomato) and instead of chips, fries or pickle, I substituted grilled veggies. I don't now why, but they were SO full of grease. I used at least 6 napkins to blot up the oil

    Rosie - congrats to your dd. Love your fridge

    Heather - you are such a good friend

    Leslie - are you still throwing up? Feel better soon

    Sylvia - sure hope you can get that sofa into the apartment. So sorry about the key, it locked by itself???

    Carol in NC - bet it feels good to be rid of those stitches. Will you need any pt now?

    Michele in NC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    It took me all month to catch up, I thought I would be another year older by the time I did. But I made it, before I celebrate my birthday which is St. Swithin's day (July 15). I can't comment on all that's been going on but I have been following. Thanks for those if you who sent prayers, I will advise you of the reason and outcome soon.

    Tomorrow I begin the C25K class at 5:30 am. I have been successful in getting up 5 minutes earlier each day and getting on the elliptical so it wouldn't be a shock to my body to exercise so early in the morning. I must admit that I am enjoying getting the heavy exercise over early in the morning. My big problem now is that I am having trouble sleeping, it may have nothing to do with the exercise though.

    One of my goals for June was to increase my water to 64oz./day and I have been doing pretty well with this goal, hit it about 75% of the time. Wasn't that good about strength training though, only about 6 times last month. I'll have to work on that.

    Getting better at managing social gatherings. I may gain a bit but right back on track the next day and I lose it within a week and continue the slow methodical loss. I have to plan my long distance driving food better. Next road trip is weekend after next and I am taking my 8 year old step grandaughter to visit my mother and then on to my BFF's house at the beach. I know this trip will involve stopping st rest areas because she will be with me, I just have to plan better so I don't gain so much on these trips.

    I am now less than 6 lbs. away from my first major goal, and 11 lbs. away from the healthy weight ramge. I never, ever thought that I would be this size again and I thank all of you for the inspiration to keep going. I am cheering you on as you have cheered me. I went thrift store shopping last weekend and am now mainly in a size 8!! Down from a tight 14. My vacation to Mexico is in 3 weeks and I needed all new summer clothes. Got 15 items for less than $70,including 2 dresses, 1 pair of pants, 2 skirts and many tops. Almost everything was a designer name. I did finally find some bathing suits (not at the thrift store, not something I would buy used) but at a discount store. I stayed away from that binding miracle fabric that made my fat redistribute to places it had no right to be. I did not want to get a bra for my back as well as my front! These suits are comfortable and I am ok with the fact that I will never look like Pip. But I may give her a run for her money in the tan department. I will have to post a pic of my legs when I get back from vacation.

    Love all the pictures. Keep em coming!

    It's getting late and I have to run at 5:30 am so I need to get some sleep.
    Nighty night

    Chris in MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    At the bellagio
  • loralou1571
    loralou1571 Posts: 11 Member
    New to the communication boards. Nice to see this whole community interacting. Happy July.

    July Goals:
    Stay the course, stay the course, stay the course
    Continue to do daily squats to increase strength in legs and core
    Get in 8 glasses of water a day
    Do daily stretches
    Keep following eating plan

    Wish me luck!

    You can do this! We have a lot of ladies here that are very encouraging and helpful! Welcome! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Barbie wrote - "About crafts....I used to do a lot of crafts (knitting, crocheting, beading, counted cross-stitch) until I decided that being active was a high priority for me if I wanted to lose the weight and be healthier....now I knit when I am at meetings or while riding the recumbent bike and abandoned the other crafts....I also gave up baking as a hobby...now my identity is something other than the cookie baker or the crafter."

    Thanks so much for the eye opener, or should I say slap up along side the head. I have been the "baker/crafter" in my family all of my adult life. Now I'm going to be the 'ACTIVE' one. I've been so much more active the last several weeks and I feel great. Feeling better mentally, physically, sleeping better and can see the change in the fit of my clothes. I may even make a sign to wear around my neck, Active One.

    I so enjoy our group and look forward to reading everyone's escapades each day. See less of each of you tomorrow :)

    Janetr OKC

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Really tired , must go to bed. Can't even stay awake to watch the chuck wagon races from the Calgary stampede.

    Another Friday to work..... all the fires, roads being closed and opened... phones ringing all day!! EEEKKKK!!!

    Good night all

    Lillian in Smoke filled West Central Saskatchewan