

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Quick check in...got up at 5:10am to go to C25K class. Perfect weather, 63F and drizzly. 5 other women in class, I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest but very pleased to be one of the fitter ones. All that elliptical has been very beneficial. I actually RAN for 1/2 mile, TWICE! Didn't collapse and wasn't sucking air like some, quitting smoking last year also a big plus. Hoping this will get me to that goal weight (which is now 5 lbs. away) by the end of the summer. I was so pleased with myself, exhausted now though.

    My step grandaughter accompanied me to work today. I worked 1/2 day, we walked to the post office with Jake the rescue dog, strolled downtown with a stop at the toy store where we both got mood rings, then to a park at the beach which has a hamburger/fish/ice cream joint that is heavenly. I bought her lunch but I had low sodium turkey on a deli flat that I bought from home. We walked, she jumped around for another hour and then we both had ice cream. YUM! After the yucky weather this morning the day was absolutely beautiful. We both had a great time and I'm very happy.

    Going to a friend's for a cookout tomorrow, haven't seen him in about 5 years and am thrilled to reconnect. To the beach with another friend on Sunday. Looking forward to a great weekend and hope all of you enjoy also.

    Chris in MA
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here and CLEANING DAY with pizza for lunch. Smoothie is "Very Berry Chocolate" from Joe Cross's Smoothie book, 1 serve morning and 1 serve afternoon
    1serve = 176 cals, pr 5,car 22, fat 8, sat fat 5, fibre 7, sugar 11, sodium 68
    Yes his books delivered yesterday and checked out. OOPS each recipe = 2 serves. Know now
    Tomorrow Sunday's lunch is 2 serves of "Almonds on a Date"
    1 serve = 230 cals, p 5, car 33, fat 11, sat fat 1, fibre 5, sug 21, sodium 130
    Stan makes Sunday brunch and I make Sunday roast

    training today is jillian's kick-boxing and her kettle-bells

    Yesterday I too Blaize for a walk along the plantation tracks in afternoon. Told him we had to watch out for snakes (all 3 here are poisonous) Well daft dog started looking for snakes

    My daughter knows she will probably lose her long hair. She is having her hairdresser friend cut it and will donate the hair and wear a beanie. She starts chemo on 17 of this month at hospital down the street from her home, so no need to drive. She is walking and doing yoga

    I only drink black coffee with breakfast rest of time it is water or herb tea

    Lesley in Tasmania (winter and COLD)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    The picture with the show girl I unfortunately does not find flatter him. I think better of him than that since he is so good to you. I think we need to remember this is a public forum that anyone can access. I know I have privately messaged members here when I wish to discuss issues that I do not want on a public forum. I also know from other sites that some members can get pretty offensive that is why I am here on this forum.
    Once you hit the post button on a public forum it is for the whole world to see family, friends, bosses.
    :heart: MNMargaret

    Thank you for addressing this Margaret.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Margaretturk- thank u for your reply and I am sorry that pic of Kirby w/a showgirl offended anyone. This was also posted on Facebook but we r aware of what the internet postings can do. There was nothing posted that would jeopardize his job or put him in a negative light. Anyone that knows Kirby knows it was done in fun and I think in good taste
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Friday to All!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Hi peeps

    ok I just bonked my head on the computer screen.....trying to sneak a sip!!!

    I am lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m8j4xktyeflo.jpg

    Here's another for you

    Wholly Moses!!!! He is a cutie!!!! I MAY NEED to straighten his TIE......hahaha :-)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Fri to all.
    hugs jane
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just chiming in on the Sparkling Ice conversation to say that it does contain sucralose, which is Splenda. I didn't realize until I offered my son a taste of mine one day and he said he could taste the artificial sweetener. I like the La Croix sparkling drinks that have zero calories and no added sweetener of any kind. The lime is especially good. I also like the coconut, but it's hard to find around here. They might not taste as good to you though if you are used to drinking the sweetened Sparkling Ice.

    I'm certainly not judging (lest my Diet Dr. P habit be judged), but I think you are right to limit the number your son has.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Drkatiebug I like LaCroix water too. I also like Target blueberry sparkling water. Splenda is intensely sweet. I wish I could endorse it because a friend of my father was on the team at Monsanto that helped to create Splenda, and he was a great guy.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

    Enjoying his day
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, does that mean starting tomorrow we can call Kirby a dirty old man? Tell him to put that tongue back in his mouth! Lol Oh and now that’s a thong.

    , welcome. Please tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and also a location. This is a very supportive group of ladies, so come often.

    Katla, enjoy your visit with DS and DDIL. Will they leave on their sailing trip from your house or take the boat to their house?

    , have you ever tried the pills they sell at the drug store for Leg Cramps? The tiny little plastic bottle just says “Leg Cramps” on it but they really help when I have one of those nights.

    DrKatie, is the baby foot supposed to do the trick in one application? I try to remember to put lotion on mine each night before bed but don’t always. I do lotion them after each shower. That is one reason I get a pedicure about once every two months, plus the fact that I can’t really polish my own toe nails since my spinal fusion. Great way to start your day. smiley-chores005.gif It sounds like a rest is in order.

    , I’m gripping as hard as I can. I hope the hotel has a nice fitness center you can use. When I travel I now take my resistance band so at least I can use it in the room if I don’t get to a fitness center. Push-ups work for me also as I’m still doing them on my dresser.

    , good going on the writing. I can’t wait to see the shrugs you bought. Enjoy that sherry. smiley-eatdrink043.gif

    Miriam, glad you are getting out and getting over your slump. Keep moving upward.

    Vicki, sending prayers for your friend. I hope her situation gets better soon. Also prayers for your Mom. You are a good friend but don’t forget to take care of you.

    Mary, if you rewrite the contract for more $ to cover the roof, you can have the Realtor put the commission at a set amount that would not include that amount. Each state is different but I’m sure there is a way it can be done there. She will want it to close as much as you do, so I’m sure she will cooperate. Good luck. (FYI, I know when I was a Realtor the roof would have had to be done before closing on an FHA)

    Mia, that’s great that you had the cancer removed before you even knew it was there. Good for you on your lunch.

    Heather, safe travels and a fun visit.

    Chris, Kudos on being the fittest in class, running and showing up the others and most of all for being so close to goal. Way to go. It sounds like a wonderful day and I hope you have many more.

    Lesley, how nice of your daughter to donate her hair. Who is there to go with her for chemo? I know my friend that has been going through that has always wanted her family with her. I can’t imagine how scary that is to start.

    Pip, be sure to tell Kirby, bday.gif I’m sorry some were offended by your post. I figure if they can walk the streets like that, you can post it on the internet. I hope you both have a great day.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope each of you has a wonderful weekend
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pjsnead
    pjsnead Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I just found this community tonight. I'm excited about joining a group too! I live near the coast in NC.
    EI, NC
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Margaret and DrKatie thank you for your posts on sucralose. I've been doing some research on sucralose (albeit internet research) and there are so many conflicting opinions on artificial sweeteners of any sort that it is difficult to decide if the information being presented is accurate or not. The topic of artificial sweeteners was a question asked of the dietitian at the cardiac rehab program. Her response was that they are approved by appropriate authorities for consumption in reasonable amounts. "Anything in moderation" was her motto. Fortunately, I haven't experienced any side effects from the occasional use of sweeteners.

    Terri: I do find the sparkling ice quite hydrating. For me its the carbonation that makes it refreshing, not the sweetness. I maybe have one of these a day on really hot days... especially when others are drinking pop or booze. I hope this information as well as the info from Margaret and DrKatie will help you to decide if it is appropriate for Payne. :smile:

    Have a great weekend!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Happy birthday Kirby!

    I've had a pretty good day, in spite of a rough start. I didn't sleep well, as I already mentioned, which led to a headache. Then I accidentally got a look at my droopy, naked self in the hotel mirror. I was truly surprised by the sheer magnitude of the loose skin on my rear end, my inner thighs, and my lower belly. It hangs down in sheets. So, I wasn't feeling very good about myself today. (I may have mentioned that I don't look in the mirror very often, so it was sort of a surprise. I can feel it, of course, but I could pretend it wasn't there if I didn't see it.)

    We had a good time at chimney rock, then Scott's Bluff, and then the Agate Fossil Beds. There weren't many walking trails because apparently this area is infested with rattlesnakes. At the fossil beds, we finally found a wonderful 2.7 mile trail that went up to the top of a nice tall hill. It was a wide cement path with mowed shoulders that went all the way to the top. Well, ALMOST at the top we saw a snake slithering his slimy self right across the path in front of us. Did I squeal in terror and run the other way, like I would have done any other time? NO! I waited patiently (sort of) till he was way past the path, and then walked on to the top. I wanted that ENTIRE distance, and no little rattlesnake was going to cheat me out of it. Yesterday I didn't make my 10,000 steps, but today I'm way over.

    I think it says a lot about how far I've come that going for long walks are my favorite part of any trip nowadays.

    Well, I'm going to try to get to sleep early. Good night everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    emoticon-object-027.gifMN Margaret, my husband has gotten leg cramps at night for years---bad enough that he'd wake up hollering---now he drinks quinine water (diet tonic from the grocery store) and keeps a bar of soap in a sock under the covers at the bottom of the bed---he says it makes no sense, but it works.

    emoticon-object-050.gif If you do enough reading you can find stirring arguments in favor of and against almost anything (caffeine, artificial sweeteners, protein, carbs, carbonation, dairy, running)...this is such a great thread because we are all so open-minded to each other's beliefs.

    smiley-sport033.gif Sylvia, I agree with you....going walking is my favorite part of our trips.

    <3 Barbie
    21,000 steps today including teaching the beginning line dance class and walking dogs

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Last Saturday's story

    This week (not at all chronological):

    Didn't sign this one because I wrote it entirely from a news release, and it was short

    Had trouble making myself get out and walk this morning. Finally managed it, and got in a reasonable number of steps, though I was utterly sluggish.

    Several comments about desserts reminded me -- a diabetic caterer told me about Sans Sucre chocolate mousse mix. The top cracks after a few days in the fridge, but it's very tasty and low-cal.
    Some of their other flavors didn't impress me as much. You can turn the chocolate into mocha by mixing it with 1/3 cup powdered skim milk and a cup of coffee instead of mixing it with regular skim milk.

    (Using the Wayback Machine)

    Penny - would putting pedestals with something-or-other on them behind the window alert the birds that it wasn't all air and keep them from flying into the window? I've also seen stick-on bird silhouettes sold for the same reason.
    And how great to see your legs as others see them. :)

    Wonderful pix, everyone!

    Lisa, you look terrific after the race, all happy and colorful.

    Peep, that man of yours has a good eye for a landscape as well as being a good eyefull. :)
    Wowza on the bikini shot. :) (Why not get Kirby to take a pic of you? You can still get a pic at home. <g>)

    Lisa - very cool, having to go thru your closet again!

    Cheri - Sounds like y'all are doing well. Maybe just put a daily note on top of the mail or on the front door:
    Hug Cheri.
    Kiss Cheri.
    Ask Cheri about her day.
    Listen to Cheri.
    Tell her how your day went.
    Or start with just "Hug Cheri" and add a line a week. :)

    Katla - In exchange for your link to the Anna's hummingbird pic, here's a limerick I wrote for www.oedilf.com.

    Anna's hummingbird: jewel on wings,
    He's a hummer who buzzes and sings.
    Watch him dive-bomb to court
    And then pull himself short.
    I could watch him through thousands of springs.

    And here's a link to the limerick that inspired mine:

    Marie Swaney - I hope this crowd works as well for you as it has for me. :) Logging exercise and food helps, I find (though I now have an exercise tracker to do the walk-tracking for me).

    Cathy in CA - I've had the short-time blues myself. Putting things out in front of the group helps, I think. :)

    Linda/IA - about the sealed bag - I always use the freezer bags because they're stronger.

    Beth in WNY - great idea about declaring a birthday week. :) Let's all do it!

    nkcrites - Way to go! I just hit 50 days logging myself. :) And yes, log even the bad eating or exercise days.

    Margaret Turk - What a gorgeous yard you have! Pretty pink astilbe, too. A couple limericks about it:

    A LOT of new people! Welcome, all!

    Sylvia - Way to go, jogging halfway across the dam and not getting winded! You rock!
    And very cool about your husband walking w/ you.

    Tina - sorry about the kids' inability to visit. It's *possible* to rent a car without a major credit card, but it's more difficult and the company wants a huge deposit.

    Linda in CA -- Holy canolli, Batman! That woman not only made 10 miles in a day, she KINDAJOGGED it! On my best day jogging so far, I made 8 minutes, and my best total distance has been 4.97 miles (including credit for walking in place).
    I tried to "draw" a cattle prod license, but couldn't get itto come out evenly.
    My anti-yoyo was fear of diabetes and the astonishing ease with which I took to "no white carbs." I'd been buying candy, chips or ice-cream two and occasionally 3x a day, and just permuch stopped.
    For light, fun, escape reading, try Elle Druskin's Liberty Heights series. The first one is Animal Crackers.

    Kim - another one-time competitive swimmer here. :) I loved butterfly - a stroke which clicked suddenly when I was about 10. Until then, I floundered on the 'fly. Growing up with Speedos, I never saw anything *ahem* about them. :)
    A belated shout of joy about your mom. "I know she always does her best" - remembering that helped keep me sane when my mother was alive.

    Joyce IN - for your science-loving granddaughter, these might be fun
    And for Ellie,
    Art supplies, fancy notebooks and pens might be good, too.

    Allison - yaay for the lush garden. :)

    Denise - welcome!

    Heather - Once you have the memoire in shape, try some query letters, and see what happens.

    Gilly - enjoy the visit with the 3 grands!

    Lisa - I didn't know that 1lb::4lb knee impact. Good to remember.
    That windowpane quilt is just gorgeous.

    Said a cranky old crafter, "Today
    I'll add beads to my snowflakes, OK?
    Beading bracelets just takes me
    Too long, and it makes me
    Too crotchety, dear, to crochet."

    I tried but failed to make it end "Can a crotchety crafter crochet?"

    Miriam - The brilliant mathematician should have just considered reconstituting OJ as the 3:1 ratio it is. :)

    barbiecat - I'll often eat half a restaurant meal and take the other half home. The half-meal usually fits my calorie budget.
    Sometimes I'll subdivide the leftovers. This past week, I made tiny dice from leftover chicken/lamb/kofta kebab meat and used it on two big spinach salads for lunch at work. I had about 2.5 Tbs of hummus left over from the same dinner out and mixed it with lemon juice as dressing on those two salads. Next time, I'll probably use a bit less lemon and make up the difference with water. Am also considering spices, though not sure just what.
    I forgot to ask to have dressing on the side of the salad that came with that meal, so before I ate the remaining greens I dumped them into a sieve and stuck it under the faucet.

    Lenora - i sure hope that nasty sinus infection has been dispelled over the past week.
    Lovely compliment from the stranger! I like to compliment people too, but rarely think of anything more original than "Nice dress!"

    Linda WI - welcome! I need to get back to kayaking and canoeing. Wow, 2 spinal surgeries in 3 years - rough times.

    MNMargaret - lovely salad.

    NC Carol - <<huge amounts of sympathy>>

    Tulip Lori - I may be repeating some breakfast/snack ideas, but ...
    --1/2 c unflavored oatmeal w/ cinnamon and 1/3 c of dry skim milk mixed in before you add water. If you have enough calories, 1 oz of raisins or 1 cup blueberries, strawberries, or other berries.
    --If you're in reach of a Costco, they have freeze-dried fruit in 45- 50-calorie pouches. (You can also smash up one of those and add to oatmeal.)
    --1 cup Dannon Light & Fit yogurt, 1 cup frozen fruit (my favorite is dark sweet cherries). Make sure it's no-sugar-added fruit.
    --cut veggies (keep a stash in the fridge)
    --Strawberry salad! :) A handful or two of spinach or other greens, a cup of strawberries. I usually take mine without dressing.
    --Don't pick up a bite until you've thoroughly chewed and swallowed the last. (I'm bad at this.)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Last night when I went to bed I was freezing so I wore a winter night gown to bed. Was cold the entire time, so got up at 4:00 am and got another blanket and put on top of me, I already had a blanket and light weight summer quilt on me. Finally slept then til about 7:15. Got up not feeling too bad so I went to water aerobics. About two hours after I got home I got really sick, tried to pass out and called Jack to come in from his shop. I got hot and sweaty and clammy. Jack came in the house and made me lay down and put a cold cloth on my head. Soon after I was cold again. He covered me and I did doze off a bit. I think I may be getting one of my infamous July sinus infections. Ugh! I have some prescription antibiotic ointment for my nostrils so I used that this evening, I hope it heads off a full blown sinus infection. Hopefully I sleep well tonight and feel better in the morning.

    We have a great group here, so busy and motivated. Sleep well my friends. See less of you in the morning. :)

    Janetr OKC

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Took my aluminum to the Humane Society, then went to BiLo to get items on sale that I had coupons for then went in the pool at the Y. I find it so much better to just go and do my own thing. I got a much better workout.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a Pure Strength DVD then go to the farmer's market. Then the Hallmark store to get some of the ornaments we ordered.

    Chris in MA - happy birthday. when we go away, I always pack my own food. Some suggestions: I take a 1/2 sandwich of turkey, I've taken (preportioned) carrots, grapes, I take some of those (now don't laugh) baby food vegetables (hey, they don't need refrigeration, you can get plain green beans or carrots, it's enough for one serving), V-8 juice in the small cans, soy milk in the small non-refrigerated cartons, apples, oranges, pears, depending how long I'll be gone I may take some cheese but that does require refirgeration so I have to be careful, the 100 cal packs of almonds, raisins, fruit (no sugar) strips. Just some ideas. Big congrats on being so close to your first major goal. What bargains at the thrift shop! I don't like to buy bathingsuits at a thrift store, either. Same with underwear. big congrats on running, that's awesome

    Joyce - that's me. My high handicap helps the team. Yea for high handicaps. Glad they got all of the cancer. So sorry about your friend glad you found out about it.

    Mary in MN - have fun at the baseball game

    Sylvia - so sorry you got such a bad hotel

    Welcome everyone new

    Not a whole lot of time today (boy, what's happening). Vince finally put the chickens on the grill (we're having beer butt chicken). Just going to skim a bit here and then hopefully get the rest of the dinner ready

    Cheri - I gave a lot of my extra crafting items to the local elementary school. The art teacher will use the yarn, etc. Thanks for the help about the c2c crochet. I saw a video on starting but what do you do when you get to the point where the blanket is as wide as you want it? That part I'm confused about

    DJ - the blueberry coffee cake I baked in a 9 x 13 pan. A regular coffee cake pan is sort of like an angel food pan but not as high and the bottom doesn't remove

    It's hot today, but not humid by me. Was (of course) in the pool.

    Linda in IA - what is a color run?

    pip - love the pics of the birthday boy. At first I thought that was you in that skimpy outfit! Wish Kirby happy birthday from me.

    terri - yes, but do you decrease the same way in c2c? Wouldn't that look funny? Lovely blanket

    mia - what luck your doc found that tumor! Great potluck. Don't you just hate it when people bring "yukky" foods and love it when someone brings something decent?

    Ken & Lynette came over for dinner. Ken wasn't feeling good and they came here late, but that's OK. They were going to leave early since Lynette has to work tomorrow, but as they were pulling out (this was after Ken took his cocktail of pain meds) Lynette's tire was totally flat. I helped Ken into the house so he could sleep some while Vince tried to help change the tire. He wasn't sure where the jack would go, it looked like there was plastic where the jack should have gone and he didn't want to jack the car up on plastic. Fortunately, it's a new car for Lynette (she's had it 6 weeks) so she has roadside assistance. The guy came from the next town over and changed the tire. We just helped Ken go out to the car so they can go home.

    Lesley - is it possible for your daughter to have a wig made out of her own hair???

    Heather - have fun with your friends

    Boy, we're getting lots of people from NC joining

    Tomorrow is my "official" weigh in day and I know that I'm going to show a gain. For one thing, I had a piece of that blueberry crumb cake just now. The good news is that at least it's out of the house now so I won't be tempted at all. Also, I'm not going to get nearly the amount of sleep I should be getting. Oh well...

    My eyes just really started tearing so I'm really having to skim the posts. Then I need to take a shower and get to bed.

    JanetMMc - wonderful way to save that salad

    janetr - sending virtual chicken soup your way. Sounds nasty.

    Michele in NC
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    The scale was kind to me this week. I have waffled with the same 5 lbs for two weeks. We moved my office at work this week and I had to work in a kitchen job coaching a client so was on my feet for three hours. I hope to keep it moving down. In north Idaho our weather has been super hot then a storm with lots thunder and rain. Downtown it poured but my house 5 miles away up hill there was not a drop.
    I love reading all your comments, just not so good at commenting back.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh, DARN, blink and it takes two hours reading to catch up!!!! TEN pages, some I confess to just scanning. I've had a few days of extreme busyness........Tues., one long evening meeting, Wed., the first of our running club summer evening fun runs (I did set up, registration, and served food), still carting the friend with the broken foot around, and, sadly a very dear elderly friend who lived in my neighborhood and has been living out of state with her daughter has died. I've been the liaison between the out of state family and the neighbors and our exercise group in keeping everyone updated as arrangements for services to be held here are completed. This has taken a huge amount of time the past two days. Sorry to report that my food has not been stellar and I think I've worn my phone ear down to a nub.

    Enjoying seeing our world cup soccer champs on the various tv shows. They sure looked like they enjoyed their ticker tape parade!!!!

    DD is working at the show barn in am, then off to Fredrick, Md. for her college roommate's wedding. I can still hear her upstairs and she has to be at work for 7am. She should get there for the dinner the night before (Sat.) and plans to drive back here after the wedding on Sunday. Ahhhh........youth! The couple is honeymooning in Banff, Alberta, Canada. They are both working on their PhD's in engineering.

    Comments are probably kind of old but here they are.

    Mary.........No blueberries in my yard; it's about a 20 min. drive. I live in a small development of about 400 homes on the edge and the truly rural part of the city is south of me. Hope your house problems are solved by now.

    Lisa.........Hosta edible?????? Hmmmmm....who knew? But then we wouldn't have the gorgeous plants if we ate the shoots! Interesting info, thanks........but I think I'll pass. Had to smile.....EVERY veg. on the list that causes gout is one of my favs.

    Penny........Love the weedy arrangement!

    Margaret.........VERY pretty hosta; I can see why it's your favorite. I've picked Japanese beetles off my basil!!!! And, green worms eating my tomato blossoms and leaves.

    Heather........Loved the tea dance picture; you look very pretty.

    drkatie........OH, "deer", poor hosta! Thrilled you are feeling better.

    DJ.........Sweet little doggie!

    terri...........Your hosta is very pretty too!

    poop..........OMG.........first I wanted to jump in the pool, then I wanted a sip of the drink, then I almost fainted over that bill, then I "admired" the bartender..............you sure do fit a lot in!!!!! and Mr. Kirby sounds like he's having a FINE time of it..........Happy Birthday to him!!!!

    Rosie........Congrats to your DD. Wow, that balcony shot made me dizzy!

    Janetmmc........Enjoyed your links again.........OMG, that sinkhole story!

    janetr.........Feel better!!!!

    On the spam phone calls..........I don't answer if I don't know the number on the caller ID usually and I don't have an answering machine........I just return calls from numbers I know. I will "google" numbers, just type the whole thing in and various sites will let you know if that number has been used for spam or suspicious calls and what they were about. If I do happen to answer and it's a real person I say......"This number is for my personal use. I do not accept solicitation calls. Please remove us from your list and do not call this number again." As to if this actually works, who knows.

    Hello to all those I missed. G'nite all!