

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @lhannon062709 - who now has 'physical' custody of your DGS? Is the 'joint' custody issue due to a 'new' person in the life/lives of one or the other of the parents? I think it is a shame to use a innocent child as a 'pawn'. My DnL has joint custody of her daughter and they live in the same town; so swapping child out so that each have her 1/2 of the year does not pose much of an issue; and he also still has to pay her C/S because he makes a lot of money. All of it is either put into child's savings account or used for things like dancing lessons or things needed for her to be a cheerleader at school; or playing some sort of sport. She gets all excited when my son picks her up after school; because she knows he will then do something with her that she finds as fun to do. Such as riding around, looking for deer sheds. She doesn't mind saying that they do things 'for fun' when he picks her up. He'll take her hunting or fishing or just riding around in the lake behind their house or checking the cameras to see where the deer are feeding (as a part of his job as a Wildlife Biologist for a hunting preserve.

    Please pray for my DYS and his 'new' wife - that she'll get pregnant soon. They called last night and they are leaving for the beach with another couple and a total of 5 children. I know they'll have a whole lot of fun. We're taking the 3 other DGD to the beach the end of this month. I wish they did not live so far away from us.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @DJ - I too got very nauseous when this happened. I do feel better today, not 100% but hoping the antibiotic will nip it in the bud. When I took my blood pressure this morning it was 78/65 so still a bit low but coming up I think. Thanks for asking.

    I had a weight loss of 4 lbs this morning. Which was a net loss of 2 cuz I had gained 2 last week. Still all in all, I have lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. Hoping for 2 more by a week from Monday when I go to the bariatric surgeon for my 18 mo checkup. That will make me at the goal I set when I started MFP. After that I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing for a while, logging every day honestly and exercising. I would love to lose 10 more lbs. But my main thing is to keep up the exercising and get in better shape and hopefully firm up some of this saggy, as other have mentioned.

    I'm so excited. I have ordered a waterproof FitBit. By the way they do make them waterproof. Its waterproof to 200 ft and it will measure water aerobics. Some said it does not do so well on lap swimming, etc. But I can't swim lol I'm supposed to have it by Monday. :)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    @lhannon062709 - who now has 'physical' custody of your DGS? Is the 'joint' custody issue due to a 'new' person in the life/lives of one or the other of the parents? I think it is a shame to use a innocent child as a 'pawn'.

    My DD has primary custody, but the ex was supposed to pick up the DGS for the summer. He sent a text to my daughter, taunting her that he was picking up the DGS, was going to move out of state, and would not be letting her know where he was taking him.

    She used the text to get a temporary restraining order, and, due to a number of other issues, is suing for permanent custody and child support she's never received.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dr. Katie: I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I don't use sucralose anymore either. I've cut off the no calorie soft drinks in favor of sparkling water. If I want it sweeter, I use sugar, honey or stevia. I also invented a new iced coffee concoction that I'm fine-tuning. So far, I like it very much. Cold coffee, 1 tbsp of Hershey's cocoa powder, a tall glass filled with ice cubes, and stevia to taste. 10 calories. The cocoa powder is lumpy unless I use a stick blender to mix it with a little coffee before I put it into my glass and add the rest of the coffee. Stir with a spoon to mix and voila! :bigsmile: Take that, Starbucks! :devil:

    Terri_mom: There is nothing wrong with meat and potatoes, plus dark green veggies that a stiff dose of portion control won't tame. I speak from experience. :flowerforyou: As a fellow coffee addict, I want you to know that AARP touts coffee as a miracle health drink that is good for the brain, whether it is caf or decaf. :bigsmile:

    Heather: You've led an amazing life. I think it is wonderful that you found your Prince Charming and are now having the HEA you deserve. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Happy Birthday to Kirby! Give him an extra hug. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: You are a good daughter and a good friend. :flowerforyou:

    Re sparkling water: I've bought Le Croix lime and enjoyed it, but I like the lemon lime sparkling water we buy at Fred Meyer best. Fred Meyer is part of the Kroger chain now. I wonder whether other Kroger stores carry it as a store brand. There are several flavors and there is no added sodium or artificial sweeteners. :heart:

    DJ: DS and DDIL will leave on their journey from our house. Our boat is too heavy for trailering & would have to be partially disassembled to go on a flatbed truck in order to fit under overpasses. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I'm not able to comment on everything anymore, either, and I don't worry about it. I am pleased every time I see your posts. :flowerforyou:

    LilyMay: I'm sorry the fires are still going and making you suffer. It seems like a tough summer there. :broken_heart:

    I wore my bike shorts under my jeans for yesterday's riding lesson. They made a very pleasant difference. Rather than ride in a ring, my teacher took me for a trail ride last night. WAHOO! That was fun! :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: Afterward she had a lesson and I watched part of it. I really enjoyed seeing what she was up to. Her lesson was beginning dressage, and its purpose was training her mustang to a higher level. The horse I ride has already had that training.

    DS and DDIL will be here later today and I have some housecleaning to get done. They'll leave on their cruising adventure from here Wednesday so I doubt they'll go home in between, but I don't actually know.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    JanetMM love the Limerick. Thank you.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning--well, it is as I start this, anyway. :smile:

    Grits - I don't know how I injured my shoulder but suspect it was from carrying things that were too heavy. From what i can gather, the rotator cuff tear was small but there was a lot of damage to the bicep. I have 5 incisions -- one of them is on my underarm area. 90% of the bruising is near that incision. BTW, having stitches removed from one's underarm hurts like hell! After a point, the majority of my pre-surgery pain was in my bicep. I will follow the PT's advice to the letter because I don't want to ever go through this again. Not as much because of the pain, but because of the lack of independence in having only one useful arm.

    Thanks so much to those of you who shared stories of their grandmothers!! My daughter inherited the enormous bosom gene and she and I both got huge laughs out of those stories. And, just for perspective, my bra size of 36HH is a European size. The equivalent US size is around a 36K or 36L. AND, I still can't fasten the blasted thing by myself!!

    I hit one of those mental 'points' on Thursday. I am fed up with the rolls and the 'tighter-than-they-should-be clothes.' I was much more conscious of everything that went into my mouth and I logged with complete honesty. Today, I have walked for 20 minutes and have eaten healthy foods. It will be much harder without my usual exercise (that 20 minutes was much slower than I'm used to), but I do have control over what goes into my mouth.

    Lisa - Your comments yesterday about your 'damaged brain' really hit home with me. It made me think of many of the bad food choices that I have made over the past few months and how stupid it was to seek my comfort in food. Thank you!!

    Thanks to all of you for the well wishes! Even though I'm not responding individually, believe me, I am reading and soaking them up.

    New lady from NC coast - When I read your sign-off, I read el NC and just now realized it was ei! Duh!! I adore EI!! I have friends with a house there and I REALLY like to visit.

    Well, I guess I should get back to the laundry. :frowning: That's one of the things I can't get my daughter to keep up with. I'm figuring out how to manage as best I can.

    Love to all!

    Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Arrived in Chicago area waiting in line for registration. They are expecting more than 3000 kids this year
  • Linzer140fit
    Linzer140fit Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All,

    Excited to see this group and looking forward to getting to know everyone as we work toward our goals!

    I'm 51 and doing an intensive 12 week challenge. I can't jog/walk/precor or stair step for fitness right now, but I can do a stationary bike, row and weight train. I am 20-25 pounds overweight right now. Body fat 34 %. :(

    Goals for July:
    **Weigh in under 160
    **Lower Body fat percentage by at least 2% ( I have an Omron measurement unit at home)
    **Exercise at least 5 times per week, even if only 20 minutes HIIT cardio
    **Drink 5 glasses of water a day (hate water), abstain from diet soda
    **Prepare 2 family friendly meals per week (at least) with food that falls within my program, be looking at new recipes and put more effort thought into what we are all eating mainly for dinners.

    I need to look back...whoever made that costume jewelry Christmas tree, that was beautiful!! My mom has a jar full of costume jewelry. But I think she's promised it to someone. But very, very neat idea!

    Have a successful day all!

  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Lisa- green peppers is one of the veggies I don't like it. I do like the new little colored sweet peppers. I have to watch eating certain foods I get kidney stones have very bad acid reflux.
    I changed my eating habits on Apr 21st and have lost 32 lbs - now have 100 lbs to lose.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Z - welcome and glad to see you've made the decision to just do it. Do what exercise you can and log, log, log your food and beverage intake. There are many things you can do besides just water. Add no calorie flavor drops to it, try the Sparkling Ice they have been discussing on here, if caffeine doesn't bother you, drink iced tea.

    Becca made the tree that lites up, I made the smaller framed one. Thanks for the cudos. I now have some really cool "old" jewelry my niece sent home with me to make her a tree. She wants it on red velvet so I'm going to give that a try.

    Again, welcome and best of luck.
  • madrecon_3
    madrecon_3 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Tawanda and I just found this post and would like to join. I have been logging on for about 6 wks. and I have lost 13 lbs. and I need to lose at least 30 more. And I am looking for friends to help motivate and I will do the same. My July goals: Continue to log food daily, not be so concern with the scale, continue to work out 3 x times a week for 1 hour each, add more veggies for snack. :)
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Just got back from Tai Chi and I hit up a garage sale on the way. Bought a couple of large mugs especially for use by my DDIL.. now I can throw away the ones that have a chip that she insists on using!

    There is a lot of smoke here today, not sure where we're getting smoke from probably either Saskatchewan or from the fires in Jasper. We need rain desperately... hopefully without any lightening!

    Thought for the day: "The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it." - Arnold Glasow


    July Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for July - Increasing protein to 130g per day. Do one week at a time so that can adjust as I go.

    2. Log all meals - try to pre-log to get a better handle on calories for the day

    3.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Family reunion - 3 days of fun and hard work
    • W2: Tai Chi with friend who will start beginners and needs some company. Hot Stone Massage
    • W3: Lunch with cousins, surprise Dad for his birthday
    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sat,hanging out with Violet,7 going on at least 20+.lol
    hugs jane
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2015
    Jane - aren't they just amazing! :flowerforyou:

    Back from London. Phew! It was BUSY up there and very warm, but it was wonderful to meet our old friends. We hadn't seen them for two years and during that time they have been living in Colombia, but the minute we saw them it was as if we saw them last week! ! ! ! DH did his amazing "thing" with the two children, aged 5 and 2, and our friends were amazed and grateful. I rarely use the word "genius", but it truly does apply to DH and his way with kids. You just have to see their faces and hear their laughter - they don't give their parents a backward glance. The wife's Colombian mother was with them, so I even got a chance to practice my rusty Spanish. :bigsmile:
    Did a lot of walking and did my strength training before we set off, but my feast on the train coming home was over generous and I finished off the evening with a large piece of cheese while DH was watching England beat Australia in the Ashes. (Cricket) That meant he was upstairs so I cracked the cheese safe open. :ohwell: Tomorrow is another day.

    Hope to get some rain tonight for the garden.

    Love to all from a very tired Heather in Hampshire UK


    Will post photo soon.

    Here it is. Our friends with St Paul's Cathedral behind them. Lovely day and a lovely young couple. Nice that a friendship can cross generations. :love:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited July 2015
    Carol thought of you made a refrigerator oatmeal recipe from our paper: I made half of this recipe.
    2 cups old-fashioned oats( do not use steel cut)
    1 and one half cups milk
    one-half cup Greek yogurt
    pinch of salt
    2 tsp. pumpkin spice
    1 tsp vanilla
    2 tbsp maple syrup
    1 large carrot shredded
    one-fourth cup raisins
    2 tbsp unsweetened coconut

    one-fourth chopped walnuts optional
    Mix cover put in frig at least 2 hours. Keeps 2-3 days. Yum!

    Glad you are on the road to recovery!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Carol thought of you made a refrigerator oatmeal recipe from our paper: I made half of this recipe.
    2 cups old-fashioned oats( do not use steel cut)
    1 and one half cups milk
    one-half cup Greek yogurt
    pinch of salt
    2 tsp. pumpkin spice
    1 tsp vanilla
    2 tbsp maple syrup
    1 large carrot
    one-fourth cup raisins
    2 tbsp unsweetened coconut

    one-fourth chopped walnuts optional
    Mix cover put in frig at least 2 hours. Keeps 2-3 days. Yum!

    Glad you are on the road to recovery!

    :heart: MNMargaret

    That looks yummy except, what do you do with the carrot? Seems like it would taste a bit like carrot cake...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Carol you shred it. It is a take on carrot cake without the frosting.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Margaret - The oatmeal recipe sounds yummy to me.

    Janetr OKC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    A day of thunder and lightening but almost no rain here. DD had more than her share of heavy rain on the parking lot that is otherwise known as I-95. She should be checking in to her hotel in Fredrick about now judging from the last call and may actually make the dinner at 6pm on time.......the girl never leaves much "wiggle room" but somehow it always works out for her.

    Paula.......You are located between DJ and myself; welcome!

    Welcome to the other newbies also.

    Lisa..........Fingers crossed for your daughter to get custody. Wasn't it rather nice of the crapweasel to put his threats in writing???? That should sway any sane judge, hopefully.

    Lillian........Glad the breeze is giving you some relief from the smoke; hope it's not fanning flames elsewhere.

    Katla..............YAY for the bike shorts and a good riding lesson......so glad they gave you the padding you needed to not make your saddle sores worse. They must have been deep from the length of time they are taking to fully heal.

    terri.........Have fun now that you are safely arrived.

    Carey........Good quote.

    jane.........Glad to hear Violet is in her usual fine form!

    Heather........They look like lovely people. Nice that you could get together and it worked out so well.

    Margaret and Carol.........I've used jars of baby food carrots in some recipes, esp. one carrot cake which always turns out great........may work in the oatmeal.

    Trying to decide if it's too damp for the dog park tonight; temp is lovely, in the 70's.