

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, I am really curious about the lavender. I have tried planting it in four different spots in my yard and it just hasn't done much of anything. I have heard that it does best with sandy soil and great drainage. Do you know what the soil is like at that farm? I am about to give up on it, but seeing those pics make me remember why I wanted to grow it in the first place. Maybe Iowa is just too darn wet. By the way, you look fabulous!
  • jlann55
    jlann55 Posts: 19 Member
    I joined this group last week so still new, I enjoy reading the posts, Lillian I think we got all the rain here in Ohio, I hope it comes your way, I am trying to keep moving more everyday, finally have sunshine here, so I am planning on a long day of working out in the pool, wish you all the best!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    @pipcd - I think you need to tell your MD that you are dizzy; it still could be a concussion even though they said you did not have one. If you hit your head in your accident - it is important to let him/her know. I don't see how you can ride a bike when your shoulder is broken. I couldn't do a damn thing when I tore my rotator cuff (twice). Just good that I am ambidextrous.

    @peachstategal - yes, the new medicine seems to be working. I still cough; but not 'coughing jags' that almost would make me throw up anything. Nose is beginning to run again. So I doubt I'll get into the pool today. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday for sure.

    @lestan48 - funny story told by a co-worker. A farmer had paid something like $5000 for a steer for breeding purposes, so they put him out in a field with cows. The first time he mounted a cow to breed; he backed into the electric fence. After that he would not go close to a cow - not even in a 'breeding stall'. Ruined for breeding purposes. The story was really funny because this guy was animated in telling the story and he spoke with a very clear Southern Drawl.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday. I am off at noon today and off the weekend. Tomorrw DD and family are coming and going to stay the night. I had fun school shopping last evening and going to get the bags ready for them to take home. Our friend and her DD stayed the night with us so they could get up and be at the surgery center early this morning. I did not get to sleep until after midnight as was having trouble relaxing. 4:30 sure came fast. So may get a nap in this afternoon after I run some errands. Want to go to the fair grounds and get 7 more tickets for the christian concert at the State Fair.
    I have a new habit. Whenever I go into a store that sells clothes I have to look. Since I do not have to buy the largest size and hope they fit. Last evening I got two new tops and pair of long shorts. All were on sale so spent around $30. Before I never wanted to even look.
    Bev & Gina & Barbie--Welcome, you have come to a great place for support and friendship. Come often.
    Sylvia--Sending prayers and hugs that all goes well with the DGC's visit. Could the heat be part of the reason your weight is up? I know if I am out in the heat I will swell up.

    pip--Sorry to hear you have a couple breaks. Please take care of yourself.

    Annr--Looking forward to seeing the pictures of you in the dress. I bet you look great.

    Lesley--Sure glad Blaize was not hurt. That made me think of the time I was around 14 and my brother was 17. We were at the farm down the road pickup up milk. He went over in the corner to go to the bathroom and ending up peeing on the electic fence. He screamed and was crying that he would never be able to have children.

    Barbie--Hope you enjoy your lavender ice cream, it is only once a year.

    I talked to my mom last evening and she got the results from her tests and there is no tumor. Praise God! She said is feeling alot better and planning on going home Sunday. Then next Wednesday her and three of her friends are going to Fort Robinson to see some plays, she will be gone about 4 days. I am excited for her.

    Well ladies is about time to call it a day. I am so looking forward to having the afternoon and next two days off. I will try and check in, but will be logging. Have a great day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Quick post while I have a minute.
    I RAN a whole mile this morning and then another 1/4 mile. I can't say I enjoyed it, but I'm awfully proud of myself.
    Off to NJ with stepgrandaughter Trinity tomorrow morning.
    Have a great weekend!
    Chris in MA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Cheri – Congrats on the walking distance. Next month, when we get our 4 gig data back on our phones, I’m going to try downloading music or podcasts. I hope that helps with my ability to walk through the pain and boredom. You are inspiring, as is Barbie and everyone else who can get in so many steps.

    Pip – So sorry for your fracture. I pray for quick, easy healing, and if surgery is needed, that everyone involved has steady hands clear minds and strong backs. Keep us informed to the best of your ability.

    Becca – Looking forward to seeing you in the new dress.

    Barbie – Thanks for sharing the lavender, and the beautiful picture of you.

    DJ – The Holler House is the oldest bowling alley in the USA; only 4 lanes, so they kept everything original, including manual scoring and manual pin setters. The owners make it clear before a person starts bowling that the pin-setters are a tipped position, and that your score will be reflective of the money that arrives in the finger holes of the ball (just to make it fun for everyone, they do NOT have leagues). // I have decided many things about my poor car. #1) It has a bullseye on the back bumper. #2) I am going to figure out how to strap a trampoline to the back, so the next person who rear-ends me will go flying up or sideways instead of crashing into my car. #3) the next car I buy will be the brightest color I can find, and will have flashing lights on the back, in hopes of preventing more crashes.

    Sylvia – Although I am still bad about it, my Dad’s favorite saying is ‘God keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth”. I wish you much luck with the toxicity about to walk into your life; even though it will be temporary, it is difficult.

    Joyce – my DD has always been artistic, and sometimes, just to give her variety, I would buy colored chalk and construction paper. She would also get excited about scotch tape and toilet paper, to make wedding gowns for her dolls.

    Peach – I first mentioned the accident yesterday, because it happened right before leaving for Chicago for the bowling tournament. Of course my back hurt immediately, but my neck didn’t start bothering me until Wednesday. I am stretching it whenever possible, and self-massaging. I’m trying to avoid using the Insurance too much at this time.

    Allison – I will chime in about the cell phone data as well. We share 4 gigs between 3 of us, and DH has asked me to attempt to stay under 1 gig for myself. He also has DS phone set up so that when he reaches his 1 gig, he no longer has access AT ALL. Mind you, this is because he IS a kid, and spends way more time playing games than we wish (I know, how many hours are in this kids day, but he only sleeps 7-9 hours at night, and is always on the move). DH needs to use more gigs than I, because he works on a roof and coaches baseball, so he needs to know the weather on a minute-by-minute basis. It makes me wonder if you can get your carrier to set up your phone in a similar way as my sons, so you personally never go over? Or, like Carol mentioned, you can see how much data was used by each person? It saddens me that you need to be so conniving and defensive, but it is what it is, and there’s only so much you can expect to change about another adult. Hugs that everything settles down soon. "Sometimes the best Offense is a good Defense" (or something like that).

    I think I'm working through lunch today, to make up for not taking my full 8 hours of vacation each day, so I will likely read and post more again later.

    I really stocked up on cherries yesterday, because a store had them for $0.99 per pound, and that's a tough price to beat. They are huge and delicious.

    Yesterday I cheated with corn chips, and I'm paying the price with swollen joints and water retention, not to mention that without the chips I would have stayed under calories, but they were yelling to me after finishing my food diary, and I was just walking through the kitchen while home alone getting ready for bed. Stupid corn chips. I really wish DH would hide them, because I wasn't looking for them, and didn't really realize I had eaten them until it was too late. Darn ! Ok, back on track this morning !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited July 2015
    Terri I need that quote too. Thanks! Reminds me often times saying less is more.

    Vicki great news about your mom!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited July 2015
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Cheri – Congrats on the walking distance. Next month, when we get our 4 gig data back on our phones, I’m going to try downloading music or podcasts. I hope that helps with my ability to walk through the pain and boredom. You are inspiring, as is Barbie and everyone else who can get in so many steps.

    Allison – I will chime in about the cell phone data as well. We share 4 gigs between 3 of us, and DH has asked me to attempt to stay under 1 gig for myself. He also has DS phone set up so that when he reaches his 1 gig, he no longer has access AT ALL. Mind you, this is because he IS a kid, and spends way more time playing games than we wish (I know, how many hours are in this kids day, but he only sleeps 7-9 hours at night, and is always on the move). DH needs to use more gigs than I, because he works on a roof and coaches baseball, so he needs to know the weather on a minute-by-minute basis. It makes me wonder if you can get your carrier to set up your phone in a similar way as my sons, so you personally never go over? Or, like Carol mentioned, you can see how much data was used by each person? It saddens me that you need to be so conniving and defensive, but it is what it is, and there’s only so much you can expect to change about another adult. Hugs that everything settles down soon. "Sometimes the best Offense is a good Defense" (or something like that).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    The audio books I download from the library do not use up data to download as long as I am near wi fi. Once downloaded they play off the phone also not using data. Music is the same. Download using wi fi then play off the phone without data. If you make sure the downloading is done over wi fi and you play them from the phone not the "cloud" there should be no data usage.

    I would not be able to walk long distances if it weren't for being able to listen to something along the way. You lose yourself in what you are listening to and the feet just keep ya going. I find that I concentrate on the story or music and not the walking or anything else I might be worrying about in life.

    We have a family plan with AT&T and share data between 3 phones. My husband will do everything in his power not to use data. A schtick of his. My daughter in Chicago and I split 2 gig and never run into problems of going over. For the most part we live in a wi fi free world so that helps. I use Map My Walk during my walks and it barely uses data thru its GPS data.

    My son is a data guru and explained the whole wi fi vs cloud stuff to me. As long as the information is downloaded on the phone (books, podcasts, music etc) you won't use data. Anything playing "live" from the source or cloud will use data. Believe me when I say I needed to understand b/c I do not want to explain a data overage to the hubs! There is a place in Settings on the phone where you can set a data limit alarm. Also and app that tells your usage. Plus we can request a text from AT&T telling our current usage balances.

    Have a great Friday!

    Cheri in rainy NE Ohio

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    @pipcd - I think you need to tell your MD that you are dizzy; it still could be a concussion even though they said you did not have one. If you hit your head in your accident - it is important to let him/her know. I don't see how you can ride a bike when your shoulder is broken. I couldn't do a damn thing when I tore my rotator cuff (twice). Just good that I am ambidextrous.

    please know, I am all about being honest w/my doctors when I see them. they know that I am dizzy; I KNOW that it IS a concussion do to previous experiences with them and I DID hit my head (bump to prove it). I don't hide stuff from docs so I can get away with doing stuff without them knowing. he knows that I am riding to/from the train station and that I am slowly going to the gym. i'm not running right now because of the bouncing that will make my shoulder hurt and don't want to slip on the treadmill.

    thanks to ALL for your continuing concern. love you all for it.

    oh and welcome all new peep-stirs to the group !!!

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Wow Lisa, lots of changes coming at you all of a sudden. How exciting. Remember to pause every now and then and breathe. Even good things can cause stress so be sure to take care of yourself.

    Pip – It sounds as if you have found that sweet spot somewhere between resting enough to heal and getting enough exercise that you don’t atrophy.

    Michele in NC – Holding you and your DH in my heart. May all be well.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Hello folks! I'm baaaaaaack!

    Rubbish internet at the hotel. :s I was not best pleased when I arrived at the hotel to find that the "Generous" room my DH had booked was actually a "Comfy". Grrrrrrr! It was nice enough, but not at all the same thing. :sad: I should never let him book stuff, but sometimes he just goes ahead and does it. It is never quite right. Or he gets it wrong. I am a perfectionist and I always check things really carefully and ask questions.
    I let it be the enemy for a while and had to give myself a good shaking.
    We went for a walk along the beach and got my shoes full of fine sand. Had to empty them 4 times! Grrrrrr! :laugh: Not my best morning!
    Things improved after a not very good lunch at the pub.
    The walk to Old Harry Rocks was great, despite my hips protesting. I was necking painkillers! But beautiful views and a good temp for walking. The best bit was a drink in the garden, looking over the bay and a wonderful meal. I even got them to turn down the music.
    We shared a cheese platter for dessert and I asked about the cheeses. That went through 3 people until one did some research and was able to tell me exactly where they were made. This is a restaurant that prides itself on home grown produce and everything sourced within 25 miles! A bit more training required. But it was an excellent meal.
    It was the first time I have seen DH a lot drunker than me. He asked for a Kir as an aperitif in the garden and they brought a HUGE one. Enormous! He was quite hungover this morning, but recovered.
    Today we went to Kingston Lacey - a National Trust stately home and garden. Wonderful. (Joyce?) We bought yellow zucchini from the kitchen garden and had them this evening. Yum!

    Tired now, but glad I got over my hump. It only hurts me. :cry: In all it was a great time. :D

    Welcome new peeps! I saw Bev and Gina, but there are probably others. Hallo, everyone!

    Love Heather UK

    Thought I would post a photo of me last night in my yoga teacher's hydrangea dress, just before we went down for dinner. I have others, but they are still on my phone and I have to send them to myself. :laugh:

    SORRY! You'll have to click on the jpg link below. :sad:

  • Micmaust
    Micmaust Posts: 10 Member
    I am new to this thread, and looking for some motivation. I have used F.P. for a few years, off and on. I need to get involved so I will maintain interest and accountability. Yesterday I went swimming and vacuumed for an hour. Then my back was killing me. Today I am going for a bike ride, that is easy on my back.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Micmaust wrote: »
    I am new to this thread, and looking for some motivation. I have used F.P. for a few years, off and on. I need to get involved so I will maintain interest and accountability. Yesterday I went swimming and vacuumed for an hour. Then my back was killing me. Today I am going for a bike ride, that is easy on my back.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    One for the wild flower lovers among you. <3
    The walk along the cliffs. Guillemots sit on that pointed stack.


    And me again, in front of Old Harry!


    Love Heather, back in Hampshire UK

  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    @DJ, Myrtle Beach, SC. Because I cant couldnt cook, I went surfing the internet for recipes for all the new ingredients I am trying. Part of my new life style (note not a diet) is to look for new foods instead of manufactured processed foods. I have 2 food rules, a) no manufactured processed foods and only buy ingredients that have 3 or less ingredients on the label list. This way it cuts out all the "additions" to food like sugar and salt. I control what I want to add to my food now. The trouble was because I was used to buying processed foods I had to start looking for what to cook, as part of that process I stumble across things almond pastry made from almond mass left over from almond milk which in turn ended up as me making almond milk to see what it was like.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Everyone new : Welcome ! ! !

    Heather – the dress is beautiful, and a perfect fit. I hope I look as good as you when I grow-up.

    Lisa – Hugs and peace throughout your changes. Onward and Upward.

    KateKyi – I admire your drive to make so much food from scratch. I wish I had the desire, time, and ability that you have. Kudos ! ! !

    Vicki – Yay for your Mom’s results.

    Chris – Congrats on your run. I am impressed.

    Cheri – Thanks for the explanation about the music and podcasts and such on my phone. We do have wireless internet at home, so I will attempt to get stuff downloaded this weekend. I know we used most of our data this weekend in Chicago, because the wifi at most of the bowling alleys was repeatedly kicking us off. DH sometimes uses his phone as a HotSpot, but that drains his battery quite quickly. I am so excited to move into the next technological phase of my life.

    Pip – Yes, we are all very worried, and that’s where everything is coming from. This is a huge “house of mothers”, so enjoy the concern and know that we all wish we could spoil you in person (and the same goes for everyone who is ill or injured or recovering right now).

    Only 2 hours of work to go, then sit in the 88 degree heat watching DH coach DS's baseball game. I forgot a game-time snack, so I'm going to save my mango for at the game in case DS forgets to grab a bag of cherries for me. We usually eat out after baseball games since it is so late, and I just need to chew something while I wait. Then, I have every intentions of sleeping late tomorrow, hoping to catch up from earlier this week.

    I hope you all have a great weekend. I will try to stop in, read, respond, and log my food.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Barbie, I am really curious about the lavender. I have tried planting it in four different spots in my yard and it just hasn't done much of anything. I have heard that it does best with sandy soil and great drainage. Do you know what the soil is like at that farm? I am about to give up on it, but seeing those pics make me remember why I wanted to grow it in the first place. Maybe Iowa is just too darn wet. By the way, you look fabulous!

    Where I live in Washington seems to be a good climate for lavender....all I know is that it grows well here and doesn't seem to need much care.

    Here is a link to some better info about growing lavenderpurplehazelavender.com/lavender/growing-lavender/

    :) DJ, my lavender shirt is an official shirt of the festival...it's the one I bought in 2012 and since I don't wear it often, it's still in good condition.

    :) Line dance class this morning was smaller than usual but included three women who were in town for the lavender festival and wanted to start their weekend with dancing.

    <3 Barbie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! Enjoying the weekend with family! Moondance got flooded last night so the evening entertainment was canceled. Walked into town and on the trails. Over 11,000 steps so far.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather – You look absolutely gorgeous in the dress. I'm glad all in all you ended up having a good time. Can you explain to us less knowledgeable, what a “comfy” is? :)
    Oh wow, just saw the other two pictures. You look like a teenager. Beautiful shot of the cliffs. Thanks so much for taking time to share these with us. I've learned a ton.

    I definitely have to post this around my house. I so do this – thanks. DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.

    Micmaust – Welcome. You will find loads of support and encouragement on our page. This is THE greatest group of women. Please sign each time at the bottom of your post a name you would like to be called and perhaps a little about yourself and your goals. Again, welcome aboard.

    Barbie – I would love to go to line dance classes. My hubby will not consider dancing, any where, any how. Can I go to classes alone and not feel out of place. I'm sure we must have some classes around close if I check it out.

    Janetr OKC

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sylvia - Hope everything went OK with the DS's ex.

    Heather - The scenery is lovely and so are you.

    Mary - So nice that you can walk to town. It must be a small place.

    I was so frustrated today. Ordered a swim top on line and it came and was too large. Tried to take it back to Sears (that's the .com I used to order it) and they could not take it back because they said it was a market selling through Sears. Got home and found a number to contact Swimwearforall and was told that I would have to pay the shipping cost to send it back. At that point, I hung up because I had already paid $8 to have it shipped to me and wasn't about to pay $8 more to ship it back. It wasn't that expensive a piece. I just couldn't believe that you could buy something from a huge retailer and they couldn't take it back at the store. As Heather would say...Grrr!
