Eating so much is a pain?



  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    So I didn't pick the best day to show my meal plan when I made this post. It's just my safe foods. So I eat those when Im hungry and don't feel up to cooking much. Normally i don't eat a lot of wheat but i've added it back into my diet so I can get my calories up. The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker. The only time I go near milk is when i have cereal, which I barely eat. I do cook and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but even when I do my calories still never seem to be even close to the 1700 mark. And i over estimate calories so I don't go over because I am actually scared that eating will cause weight gain. The only type of weight i want to gain back is muscle but at the same time I can't afford to have this mind set anymore because I will be underweight soon. (I'm 5'4, 111lbs and 18 years old)

    I didn't quite explain everything in my first post and I'm sorry.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Cottage cheese (45)
    Rye bread with almond butter (180)

    That's only like 1455

    And lately when I eat i count, over count and binge eat to get my calories up and I shouldn't do that. Well more like I eat to humor people who think I don't eat enough. But I eat what I do have in the house, and my family isn't exactly on the health road that I am so I don't always have so much. That's all. And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    So I didn't pick the best day to show my meal plan when I made this post. It's just my safe foods. So I eat those when Im hungry and don't feel up to cooking much. Normally i don't eat a lot of wheat but i've added it back into my diet so I can get my calories up. The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker. The only time I go near milk is when i have cereal, which I barely eat. I do cook and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but even when I do my calories still never seem to be even close to the 1700 mark. And i over estimate calories so I don't go over because I am actually scared that eating will cause weight gain. The only type of weight i want to gain back is muscle but at the same time I can't afford to have this mind set anymore because I will be underweight soon. (I'm 5'4, 111lbs and 18 years old)

    I didn't quite explain everything in my first post and I'm sorry.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Cottage cheese (45)
    Rye bread with almond butter (180)

    That's only like 1455

    And lately when I eat i count, over count and binge eat to get my calories up and I shouldn't do that. Well more like I eat to humor people who think I don't eat enough. But I eat what I do have in the house, and my family isn't exactly on the health road that I am so I don't always have so much. That's all. And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.

    Okay, try adding a tablespoon of butter or almond butter to your oatmeal or sprinkle some nuts, brown sugar, and fruit. Instead of just egg whites have the whole egg, add some cheese to it to make it an omelet. Have a baked potato with butter/toppings with your chicken, or use olive oil to cook your veggies. Again, add fruit/nuts to your cottage cheese.

    Adding a serving of nuts will give you between 100 and 200 calories. Cook your food in a bit of oil to add 100-200 more. Apples are great, but eating 5 of them to get your calories up isn't the best idea. That's a lot of fibre and would be very filling.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    So I didn't pick the best day to show my meal plan when I made this post. It's just my safe foods. So I eat those when Im hungry and don't feel up to cooking much. Normally i don't eat a lot of wheat but i've added it back into my diet so I can get my calories up. The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker. The only time I go near milk is when i have cereal, which I barely eat. I do cook and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but even when I do my calories still never seem to be even close to the 1700 mark. And i over estimate calories so I don't go over because I am actually scared that eating will cause weight gain. The only type of weight i want to gain back is muscle but at the same time I can't afford to have this mind set anymore because I will be underweight soon. (I'm 5'4, 111lbs and 18 years old)

    I didn't quite explain everything in my first post and I'm sorry.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Cottage cheese (45)
    Rye bread with almond butter (180)

    That's only like 1455

    And lately when I eat i count, over count and binge eat to get my calories up and I shouldn't do that. Well more like I eat to humor people who think I don't eat enough. But I eat what I do have in the house, and my family isn't exactly on the health road that I am so I don't always have so much. That's all. And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.

    Okay, try adding a tablespoon of butter or almond butter to your oatmeal or sprinkle some nuts, brown sugar, and fruit. Instead of just egg whites have the whole egg, add some cheese to it to make it an omelet. Have a baked potato with butter/toppings with your chicken, or use olive oil to cook your veggies. Again, add fruit/nuts to your cottage cheese.

    Adding a serving of nuts will give you between 100 and 200 calories. Cook your food in a bit of oil to add 100-200 more. Apples are great, but eating 5 of them to get your calories up isn't the best idea. That's a lot of fibre and would be very filling.

    I eat all those apples because it's just something I do love and it gets my calories up, but I want to stop eating them so much. I'm a picky eater. I only eat egg whites because I am not a fan of yolks. I don't use butter and seldom I use oils. I do eat like brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa and such too but I like keeping my carbs under 200 on most days. Especially if I've eaten wheat like I have for the past two days. But I will try the avocado since I do love them, :) and add berries to my cottage cheese or maybe almond butter?

    Thank you for those tips.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker.

    You can still add calories to a shake without milk. A tablespoon of peanut butter (or other nut butter) easily adds 90-ish calories. Bananas will add some thickness, as will avocados (and the flavour is easily masked). Toss in an orange fruit like mango or peach slices - I find the flavour complements berries nicely.

    For a while I was drinking a smoothie made with pumpkin puree, a banana, and various pumpkin pie spices that was amazing. Peanut butter and banana is also a nice combination, as is mango and avocado. You can use juice as a liquid instead of green tea, and if you're a fan, coconut milk works nicely too.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Grapefruit and apples aren't particularly calorie-dense fruits, and while that's good while you're trying to lose weight, you want to go the other way. Put your yogurt on a sliced up banana, mix in some berries or nuts, and make sure you're not eating fat-free yogurt. Add a bit of brown sugar, maple syrup or dried fruits to your oatmeal. Have a whole egg instead of just the whites - scramble it up with some cheese and you've got an easy calorie boost. Smoked salmon in an omelet is fantastic. And don't forget to count the oil you're cooking with!
    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    I'm sure you can think of something else to snack on besides popcorn. Not that it's not tasty, but if you're having trouble meeting your calorie goal, why not a palmful of nuts, some of those little babybel cheeses (maybe with an apple?), or even a cookie or two?
    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Not sure how you're preparing your chicken, but obviously preparation is going to impact calorie count. Slice it up and make a quesadilla by adding some cheese and tomato sauce, or make a fajita with cheese and guacamole. Make a veggie stir-fry and I promise you can get over 170.

    Feel like fish instead? Well, fish tacos are an option (I like mine with guac and chopped mango), or you could make some fish cakes. If you're using canned, this recipe is really easy, and the sauce is a super easy boost to calories:

    Are your veggies in the form of a salad? Add nuts and dried fruits, and use an oil-based dressing. One of my favourite salad combinations is spinach, pecans, cranberries, and a raspberry vinagrette. Or you could roast them with olive oil or sesame seed oil.
    And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.

    I think the randomness is part of what's causing your problems. 100 grams of apple has about 50 calories. 100 grams of pecans has about 700 calories. You want to find some calorie-dense foods that you like, and use them instead of a whole pile of apples and carrots. Nuts, cheese, oils, avocados, and other such high-fat foods are the sort of thing you want to look into.

    When you eat less, your body gets used to it. You produce different levels of the hormones that control appetite, and you just plain don't feel hungry. Before I started tracking on MFP I used my appetite as a basis for when I should eat - turns out I was eating 1000 or so calories a day. I would probably still be severely undereating if I hadn't started tracking, and therefore started eating more.

    It feels counterintuitive and wrong, but calorie counting helped me to eat more and choose foods that would give me an easy boost without feeling stuffed.

    You can eat rice and potatoes and still keep your carbs under 200, but is there a health reason why you want to do that? When you're relearning how to eat, it's best to put as few restrictions on what/how you eat as you can. Your protein and fats are really low, too, so restricting carbs is just going to lead to over restriction.

    Also, you might want to take a look at some of the women's success posts when it comes to weight lifting. Here is a post by a woman who gained 13 pounds while lifting - - and she actually looks smaller in the after pics.

    Finally, if you're not already, I strongly suggest that you speak to someone who has experience with disordered eating.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    So I didn't pick the best day to show my meal plan when I made this post. It's just my safe foods. So I eat those when Im hungry and don't feel up to cooking much. Normally i don't eat a lot of wheat but i've added it back into my diet so I can get my calories up. The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker. The only time I go near milk is when i have cereal, which I barely eat. I do cook and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but even when I do my calories still never seem to be even close to the 1700 mark. And i over estimate calories so I don't go over because I am actually scared that eating will cause weight gain. The only type of weight i want to gain back is muscle but at the same time I can't afford to have this mind set anymore because I will be underweight soon. (I'm 5'4, 111lbs and 18 years old)

    I didn't quite explain everything in my first post and I'm sorry.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Cottage cheese (45)
    Rye bread with almond butter (180)

    That's only like 1455

    And lately when I eat i count, over count and binge eat to get my calories up and I shouldn't do that. Well more like I eat to humor people who think I don't eat enough. But I eat what I do have in the house, and my family isn't exactly on the health road that I am so I don't always have so much. That's all. And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.

    Okay, try adding a tablespoon of butter or almond butter to your oatmeal or sprinkle some nuts, brown sugar, and fruit. Instead of just egg whites have the whole egg, add some cheese to it to make it an omelet. Have a baked potato with butter/toppings with your chicken, or use olive oil to cook your veggies. Again, add fruit/nuts to your cottage cheese.

    Adding a serving of nuts will give you between 100 and 200 calories. Cook your food in a bit of oil to add 100-200 more. Apples are great, but eating 5 of them to get your calories up isn't the best idea. That's a lot of fibre and would be very filling.

    I eat all those apples because it's just something I do love and it gets my calories up, but I want to stop eating them so much. I'm a picky eater. I only eat egg whites because I am not a fan of yolks. I don't use butter and seldom I use oils. I do eat like brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa and such too but I like keeping my carbs under 200 on most days. Especially if I've eaten wheat like I have for the past two days. But I will try the avocado since I do love them, :) and add berries to my cottage cheese or maybe almond butter?

    Thank you for those tips.

    A little oil will go a long way to helping with your calories and isn't overly noticeable. I like to roast veggies in the oven with herbs so I toss them with a tablespoon of oil to help get them golden and crispy. Good luck :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    So I didn't pick the best day to show my meal plan when I made this post. It's just my safe foods. So I eat those when Im hungry and don't feel up to cooking much. Normally i don't eat a lot of wheat but i've added it back into my diet so I can get my calories up. The reason my shakes are so low in calories is because that one was only made with green tea and some berries (forgot to mention) because I am not a huge milk drinker. The only time I go near milk is when i have cereal, which I barely eat. I do cook and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but even when I do my calories still never seem to be even close to the 1700 mark. And i over estimate calories so I don't go over because I am actually scared that eating will cause weight gain. The only type of weight i want to gain back is muscle but at the same time I can't afford to have this mind set anymore because I will be underweight soon. (I'm 5'4, 111lbs and 18 years old)

    I didn't quite explain everything in my first post and I'm sorry.

    My normal daily food menu is this:

    Oatmeal (120)
    Half a grapefruit (60)
    Yogurt (50)
    Coffee (sometimes) (15)

    Rye bread with almond butter (180)
    Egg Whites (70)
    Apple (80)

    Shake (175)
    popcorn (180)

    Chicken (120)
    Veggies (50)
    yogurt (50)
    apple (80)

    Cottage cheese (45)
    Rye bread with almond butter (180)

    That's only like 1455

    And lately when I eat i count, over count and binge eat to get my calories up and I shouldn't do that. Well more like I eat to humor people who think I don't eat enough. But I eat what I do have in the house, and my family isn't exactly on the health road that I am so I don't always have so much. That's all. And the fact that I feel stuffed after lunch for the whole day and it makes it rough for me to eat because I naturally don't want to. But I do. And now I am eating just random things like 5 apples to get my calories up. It is a pain and it happens to be overwhelming. Maybe I should really try to stop counting.

    Honestly it sounds like you're developing an unhealthy relationship with food. The idea of "safe foods" is associated with eating disorders. You should not be afraid to eat. Food is good for you. It will fuel your workouts and help you be healthy. If you're trying to build muscle then you need to be eating at a surplus, or at least maintenance, getting plenty of protein (1 gram per pound of lean body mass), and doing some kind of progressive loading strength training. You shouldn't be eating at a deficit at all.

    Instead of trying to fit all your calories in at the end of the day, spread them out. Add some peanut butter to your apple. Cook your veggies in oil. There have been tons of suggestions in this thread, so make some of them work for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you want to gain back "muscle" then you better start eating a lot have to eat at a surplus to 'gain muscle'...

    what is your work out regimen like?

    Like others said ..start adding in greek yogurt, steak, eggs,etc...

    I can easily have 1200 calories in one meal with a steak and some red potatoes...

    I can make a protein shake with three scoops protein powder, peanut butter, one cup of milk, and some greek yogurt and that is right about 600 diary is open if you want ideas...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You seem to have an eating disorder and should seriously speak to a professional who specializes in the field.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Being scared of gaining weight is not a good sign. 1700 calories is not a a high calorie diet. Have you been in treatment for ED? If not, there are some significant red flags going off that are pointing to ED.. Please check out this site and see if any of the symptoms ring true for you.

    Recovery can be a scary prospect but you are worthy of health and happiness. .
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Umm....try eating an actual meal. Those are snacks, not meals.

    I agree with the above

    Try having breakfast, lunch and dinner, Then add snacks on top

    I love food too much, I don't have a problem getting my calories in - Maybe have higher calories meals???
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I figured OP was a vegetarian. Maybe not. Who knows.

    Diet could use some beans, nuts, leafy greens, lentils, etc etc, though.

    The diet in the OP is certainly not in any sense of the word balanced.

    I'm vegan, and I surely dont eat like OP..... Lol..... I consume 120 grams protein per day :)

    CAn you give some vegan protein recommendations?
  • VixenInTraining
    I just love how the OP posts asking for advice on reaching a higher calorie goal, and the internet "doctors" and "experts" diagnose her with an ED after reading 1 post. LOL Seriously who do you people think you are? Diagnosing and giving medical advice? Please. I see it on every post too, and usually its the same posters diagnosing and giving medical advice. I'd like to see their qualifications other than just losing a few pounds. Frankly I'm getting tired of the the term "ED" thrown around here so loosely.
    "Oh, you don't eat a 3000+ calorie diet like me? You have an ED!!!" :laugh: And on one guys profile (zachbonner i think) it says " I will tell you if you're not eating enough". WELL THANK YOU, GOD!!! :noway:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    How many carrots do you have to eat to reach 240 calories? I think I'd rather eat a spoon or two of peanut butter.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Umm....try eating an actual meal. Those are snacks, not meals.

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Umm....try eating an actual meal. Those are snacks, not meals.

    Yep. A meal would do wonders for you.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I just love how the OP posts asking for advice on reaching a higher calorie goal, and the internet "doctors" and "experts" diagnose her with an ED after reading 1 post. LOL Seriously who do you people think you are? Diagnosing and giving medical advice? Please. I see it on every post too, and usually its the same posters diagnosing and giving medical advice. I'd like to see their qualifications other than just losing a few pounds. Frankly I'm getting tired of the the term "ED" thrown around here so loosely.
    "Oh, you don't eat a 3000+ calorie diet like me? You have an ED!!!" :laugh: And on one guys profile (zachbonner i think) it says " I will tell you if you're not eating enough". WELL THANK YOU, GOD!!! :noway:

    As others have said, there are terms OP has used that are characteristics on an ED. Ex: 'safe foods'. Also, her photos show that she is likely flirting with being underweight, yet says "she is afraid to eat too much". There is nothing at all wrong with expressing concern about her well being.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Eat whole cup of cottage cheese or at least a half a cup (the packaged serving size). The half cup would be 120 calories (240 for the cup). 4% fat of course.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Do you all realize you're replying to something that's months old?

    I'm pretty sure this (dead) horse has been thoroughly beaten by this point.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    just noticed date of thread...
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I just love how the OP posts asking for advice on reaching a higher calorie goal, and the internet "doctors" and "experts" diagnose her with an ED after reading 1 post. LOL Seriously who do you people think you are? Diagnosing and giving medical advice? Please. I see it on every post too, and usually its the same posters diagnosing and giving medical advice. I'd like to see their qualifications other than just losing a few pounds. Frankly I'm getting tired of the the term "ED" thrown around here so loosely.
    "Oh, you don't eat a 3000+ calorie diet like me? You have an ED!!!" :laugh: And on one guys profile (zachbonner i think) it says " I will tell you if you're not eating enough". WELL THANK YOU, GOD!!! :noway:
    I don't disagree that people jump to conclusions here, but in this case....the OP's profile states that she has suffered from an ED...I'm sure that's where it came from...not people randomly "diagnosing" her.