Why do people act like eating is a chore?



  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I get super busy and can't fit in time to eat sometimes. I feel like there are days when I have to choose between eating and sleep. It's no fun.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's really "funny" to see replies from people who have 50-100lbs more to lose (!) and still say "I don't understand how anyone can eat 2,000 kcal... I'm stuffed after 1,200" etc...
    So how exactly did you get overweight if you're stuffed after 1,200 kcal?
    Am I the only one who thinks that's ridiculous?

    For myself: I love my food. And I love my sweets. That's the reason why I became that heavy. I have to restrict myself to stick with 1,300-1,500 kcal a day. I don't feel starved, but I don't feel super full either on an average day.

    Am I the only one who thinks its ridiculous how many people are saying this? Your body changes..your stomach shrinks..you view food differently than you did before.
    Your stomach does not shrink. That is 100% myth. It's 100% a mental thing.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Some people love the attention they get from claiming they are sooooo full on their 500 a day diet and couldn't possibly eat more. Look how many responses they get.

    Some people eat some really healthy stuff and in the right combo they probably are actually full at 1200 calories.

    I have not experienced this phenomenon yet. I'm hungry and I like food - and not just 1200 calories of carrots. :drinker:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's really "funny" to see replies from people who have 50-100lbs more to lose (!) and still say "I don't understand how anyone can eat 2,000 kcal... I'm stuffed after 1,200" etc...
    So how exactly did you get overweight if you're stuffed after 1,200 kcal?
    Am I the only one who thinks that's ridiculous?

    For myself: I love my food. And I love my sweets. That's the reason why I became that heavy. I have to restrict myself to stick with 1,300-1,500 kcal a day. I don't feel starved, but I don't feel super full either on an average day.

    Am I the only one who thinks its ridiculous how many people are saying this? Your body changes..your stomach shrinks..you view food differently than you did before.

    That would make sense if people were eating the same types of foods as before and simply couldn't enough of it.

    That's not the case. These people are going from nothing but calorie-dense foods to pretty much nothing but "healthy" or "clean" or "diet" foods that are low in calories.

    If you ate hamburgers and ice cream for every meal, then went to eating carrots and spinach and grilled chicken breast, yeah you're going to get full on fewer calories. But if you just can't eat enough calories with veggies and lean meats, have a freakin hamburger and ice cream sometimes.

    The point is that it's stupid to say you "can't" eat enough calories when it's so easy to just incorporate some of your old foods.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Might I suggest you divide your day into 3 meals and 3 snacks.
    Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner (tea), and Supper.

    You need approx 2 to 2.5 hours between each.
    You need to drink 2 glasses of water with each meal and one with each snack.
    Don;t go to bed until 2 hours after your supper snack.

    Always try to eat protein for breakfast. For example eggs.

    I hope this helps you.

    Kindest Regards

    4 hours in between and bigger meals with more protein.
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    Most people change to healthier eating habits when they begin to lose weight. I find 1200 calories to be a decent amount of healthy foods, mostly veggies and lean protein. Or it can be a very tiny amount of fast food that will make you feel awful. If I exercise I eat more. Or have wine. But really, I just do what's good for me and don't worry about what other people choose to do for them. Not having cake does not equal eating disorder.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    There are some HANGRY people on here.

    Like someone said protein + fat = fullness
    so here, have some bacon

    I had salad for lunch today and I'm stuffed!!
    Salad for me = Mixed greens and veggies with avocado, hard boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, goat cheese, pesto chicken

    That's a pretty tasty (and dare I say nutrient and calorie dense?) sounding salad, sunflower seeds aside. My stomach may have rumbled.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm quite petite at 109 pounds so I think I might have some insight on this. Let me put it this way. Eating enough is a chore for me most days. Either I genuinely feel full at around 900 calories, or it's hard for me to find calorie dense foods around the house that are actually healthy. If I still consistently ate junk food, then no, eating wouldn't be a chore. But for some people, I think constantly tracking and trying to balance macros and what not can become boring, so they would rather just give up on the whole process. If I had the choice to eat 2,000 calories of whatever I wanted and not gain a pound, I would. But that's just not an option for me, so maybe I cope with that by having the mindset that eating can't actually be enjoyable. It all comes down to the individual person and their circumstances.

    If it's hard for you to find healthy calorie dense foods around the house, wouldn't it make sense to go out and buy some healthy calorie dense foods to keep around the house? We aren't hunters and gatherers anymore. We do have control of what we eat and easy access to a much larger variety of foods to choose from.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I consider eating to be a sublime pleasure, not a chore.
  • littlelouis
    littlelouis Posts: 54 Member
    I'm quite petite at 109 pounds so I think I might have some insight on this. Let me put it this way. Eating enough is a chore for me most days. Either I genuinely feel full at around 900 calories, or it's hard for me to find calorie dense foods around the house that are actually healthy. If I still consistently ate junk food, then no, eating wouldn't be a chore. But for some people, I think constantly tracking and trying to balance macros and what not can become boring, so they would rather just give up on the whole process. If I had the choice to eat 2,000 calories of whatever I wanted and not gain a pound, I would. But that's just not an option for me, so maybe I cope with that by having the mindset that eating can't actually be enjoyable. It all comes down to the individual person and their circumstances.

    If it's hard for you to find healthy calorie dense foods around the house, wouldn't it make sense to go out and buy some healthy calorie dense foods to keep around the house? We aren't hunters and gatherers anymore. We do have control of what we eat and easy access to a much larger variety of foods to choose from.

    Well, yes, I'm aware. However, I don't buy the groceries, I just make the lists.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Beats me, this is not a problem I've dealt with unless I was sick. 2000+ calories for me forever! More seriously, I do wonder how this happens. Most of the folks in the 1200 camp say they feel full eating 1200 calories of healthy foods, which makes sense. But it's not like those eating way more than that are gorging on McDonalds and Pizza Hut; they're eating healthy foods too! So how is it that those in the latter category are able to pack in all that food while the 1200 cal folks are having a hard time? Just musing...doesn't matter to me either way.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Why is peeple different? Need 2 no. Message pls.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Honestly. My maintenance is 2300 cals, and some times I'm still starving after that, two days this past week i ate 3000 cals!
    How do some people claim they're too full after 1200 cals? :noway:

    Because we're all different and they may be full after 1200 calories. Just because you can eat 3000 calories doesn't mean everyone else can...Or maybe they just don't want to. Who knows!? Whats it to you? lol Eat what you want and let others do the same. This journey is different for everyone and requires a lot of tweaking and adjustments.

    I've eaten at 1200 calories, and while I didn't feel FULL at the end of the day, I didn't go to bed hungry. I was satisfied. And then there have been days where I can't get enough food. It just depends on the person.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    There are some HANGRY people on here.

    Like someone said protein + fat = fullness
    so here, have some bacon

    I had salad for lunch today and I'm stuffed!!
    Salad for me = Mixed greens and veggies with avocado, hard boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, goat cheese, pesto chicken

    When I have salad as a meal it goes about like that. A load of veg with boiled egg, beans, cheese, nuts/seeds, avocado, BACON or other bit of meat, and homemade dressing (usually made with delicious EVOO, no FF bottled stuff.) It can be a really filling meal. I'll add something like a piece of toast if I want more carbs. "Healthy" is not synonymous with low calorie.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I dont believe it because someone who ate 1200 or less, without some sort of medical condition, would be normal weight or under weight if they consistently consumed that much.

    Plus, for the most part, I find this to be a female phenomena and we all know women cant admit to being hungry especially when dieting.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    It is the second most ridiculous first world problem, complaining about having a hard time eating enough. The ultimate fwp being, complaining how hard it is to drink water.

    ETA: This assumes no medical issues.

    right on. you are sooooooo right.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    It's really "funny" to see replies from people who have 50-100lbs more to lose (!) and still say "I don't understand how anyone can eat 2,000 kcal... I'm stuffed after 1,200" etc...
    So how exactly did you get overweight if you're stuffed after 1,200 kcal?
    Am I the only one who thinks that's ridiculous?

    For myself: I love my food. And I love my sweets. That's the reason why I became that heavy. I have to restrict myself to stick with 1,300-1,500 kcal a day. I don't feel starved, but I don't feel super full either on an average day.

    I got overweight because of a hip injury that made it painful to even stand, let alone try and walk. I didn't go to the doctor for almost a year because I was afraid they would take me out of work and I couldn't afford that. For 11 months I did what I had to at work at that was about all the movement I got. It's easy for your metabolism to slow down and put on 15 lbs in that time. Since I'm losing weight now, I decided to go ahead and go to the lower end of my weight range.
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    Eating is a chore because I am lazy and I am weird. Calorie amounts aside, I really am lazy about food. If I am sitting around, its not meal time and I feel really hungry, I will just ignore it. Not because of calorie counting but just because I dont want to make anything and I dont really keep premade foods or junk food in the house. I also dont want to have to get in my car and go get something. I am not saying I dont eat premade foods or junk foods, just that I dont keep them in my house which for me is a great way to limit them to a 'now and again' treat as opposed to every day thing.

    I am also a bit weird about food consumption in general. I wake up in the morning and the idea of food is just sickening, takes hours before I can contemplate eating something, I have just always been this way, going back as far as me and my family can remember. So I usually have about 2 meals a day and maybe a snack. One of those two meals needs to be early enough that it can digest enough to not make me sick at workout time in the afternoon. After workout time I am usually starving but have dinner set up to go. But even then its still a chore to me to make the food and have to sit down and eat it. I have always been a member of the crowd of 'I feel like there are so many better things I could do than eat right now, this is such a waste of my time'.

    So for me, not so much about calorie counts, more just I find food a chore in general. Yes I like the taste of food, just hate the effort and time it takes to prepare and consume it. I consume probably close to 1500 when all is said and done for the day, I dont track properly so most days I enter my lunch calories split between breakfast and lunch and then by the time dinner comes around I dont bother anymore because I know my counts in my head. I probably consume 600 calories ea for my two meals and yeah its a lot of calories for one sitting especially if I am eating mostly dense foods. So yeah I am stuffed and would find it hard to fit in another full meal into my day.

    So I am weird and lazy and have no desire to change... there ya go, thats why its a chore.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My 4-year-old grandson thinks eating is a chore. He hates it. Every bite is a struggle with him.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Honestly. My maintenance is 2300 cals, and some times I'm still starving after that, two days this past week i ate 3000 cals!
    How do some people claim they're too full after 1200 cals? :noway:

    Because we're all different and they may be full after 1200 calories. Just because you can eat 3000 calories doesn't mean everyone else can...Or maybe they just don't want to. Who knows!? Whats it to you? lol Eat what you want and let others do the same. This journey is different for everyone and requires a lot of tweaking and adjustments.

    I've eaten at 1200 calories, and while I didn't feel FULL at the end of the day, I didn't go to bed hungry. I was satisfied. And then there have been days where I can't get enough food. It just depends on the person.

    none of us got fat eating 1200 calories a day. didn't happen. what has changed is that people are suddenly paying attention to what amount they are eating...and that big salad looks like its filling, so they're telling themselves they're full...when last month they mindlessly ate a 3000 calorie burger meal without a second thought. This is actually a good thing, because being aware of what you're eating helps you make the changes you need to make. It is a process, it is finding out how to fit healthy filling satisfying food into your plan, so you're enjoying your food as well as staying healthy.