Losing Weight without Working Out?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    If you want to lose just weight then by all means eat less then you burn. If you want to lose fat and keep your muscles, then I would advise exercising as well...

    Hey, if you don't believe in losing weight without working out, please stop commenting on my thread. Clearly you don't believe in it and now you're just spamming. So please leave the thread, thank you.

    If you read his comments throughout the thread you would be healthier if you take his advice :wink:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    If you want to lose just weight then by all means eat less then you burn. If you want to lose fat and keep your muscles, then I would advise exercising as well...

    Hey, if you don't believe in losing weight without working out, please stop commenting on my thread. Clearly you don't believe in it and now you're just spamming. So please leave the thread, thank you.

    But...he's right.

    Yes, he maybe, but this thread is not about that
    What is the thread about then? You asked a question about losing weight without exercising and I gave an answer to the best of my knowledge.
    it's for help for people who have a harder time with motivation to work out, or are just getting started in losing weight and want to start by easing into more healthy food choices.
    What have I said that leads you to believe that I do not understand that? Exercising can be as intense as an all out HIIT session, or as relaxing as yoga or a long walk.
    He's said what he's wanted to say, but now he keeps replying to people and talking back. We get it. :P Not trying be mean though.
    It's called having a discussion. It's a public forum. Grow up...
  • lilpistol77
    lilpistol77 Posts: 5 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Trying to lose weight without working out is like trying to have sex with your clothes on...

    Exactly. You're cheating yourself out of a real accomplishment and lots of great endorphins. I get the wanting to lose weight, but weight loss alone does not create better health. Mental or physical.
    I'm not obese or anything, and I CAN technically work out, but I have the most terrible motivation ever and so I thought that trying to lose some with just counting my cals better would be a good start. If I lose the weight, I will get a real accomplishment, because the whole reason I want to do this is so I don't hate myself, so I can fit into a size 8 again SOME DAY, and so my mother can stop making fun of me and my weight like she usually does. So, it will help mentally, big time.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Of course you can lose weight without exercise.

    I don't know about losing 25 pounds by October - that's a lot in a very short time - but you can lose weight without lifting a finger.

    Okay, yeah, that is quite a big number of weight to lose, you are completely right with that. :) But honestly I just want to lose enough so I can fit into a Halloween costume that I had handcrafted when I was like, 15/20 pounds lighter. (And back then even then my mother told me that I needed to lose weight to look good in it...)

  • lilpistol77
    lilpistol77 Posts: 5 Member
    It sounds like there is definatly a little depression factor going on. So being able to relate to that...if you start working out, the natural release of endorphins is going to give you a natural feel good high. Not only that but just dropping weight without toning muscle leads to sagging excess skin. Not sexy. Don't cheat yourself. Take the opportunity and add a workout that will provide lean muscle. Then you will find yourself feeling better mentally as well as making those who doubted your comittment eating their hearts out. The motivation will come naturally after a couple of weeks of being comitted to yourself and this change! I just finished jillean Michaels 30 day shred and started her ripped in thirty plan. It has been tough to say the least but I love the results I see and feel. And now I look forward to my workout. P.S.- it only takes 20 minutes of your time and you can do it at home.
  • vlovell24
    vlovell24 Posts: 61 Member
    Actually, orangevalkrie isn't wrong. He is describing a protein sparing modified fast. I did it for two weeks to jump start weight loss. It worked very well. It is a hard routine, but it does its job, and it is used by several supervised weight loss clinics. Again....it's hard, but it does work.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey guys! I don't come to this forums often, but I was wondering, is there a way to lose weight without exercising but eating well? What tips/food suggestions would you suggest to help with that? I would really appreciate your help, for I need to lose at least 25 pounds by October...
    Wow, great comments!

    My 2 cents...
    If just weight loss is the goal, sure. No need to ever exercise. Just diet.

    For optimal health and good fitness, exercise is a must.
    My goals are higher than mere weight loss, and those with an aversion toward exercise are usually too undisciplined to tackle weight loss, so you might want to rethink this.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide.

  • kikomansauce
    kikomansauce Posts: 59 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale to weigh your diary entries?
    A food scale? What do you mean?

    So I can relate to the "don't wanna exercise" thing. I would do the just eat less and lose weight thing if I didn't love food so much. I work out so that even after I lose weight, I can eat more and stay slim. But that's besides the point...

    Dunno if someone tackled this already, but it seemed like no one did... Apologies if it's been answered.
    Using a food scale(so you can see how many grams a food is) is really helpful for measuring things exactly - so the calorie count would be exact. Y'know, using food scales(the ones that have the large plate on the top), measuring cups and spoons while you cook. Some foods, like oils or some grains for example, can have a significant calorie change even from a little change in weight and amount. So it's important to measure your foods exactly. It's to prevent eating a lot more calories than you think you are. Maybe that will help?

    Not sure if it'll help you reach your goal by October... It is a lot of weight loss in a short amount of time. Please don't starve yourself - the weight's just gonna come right back. Just stay under the limit, but don't go crazy xD By not going to the extreme, you might not make it to your goal by October... But just because you can't reach your goal at the right time doesn't mean you won't still be happy about it. Just keep on tracking and staying under the limit, and see where you are by October :) You'll definitely see a difference, and if there isn't any difference, then something isn't working - how much you're eating, maybe you're not tracking right, maybe you do need to work out? But October gives you enough time to see the changes you're supposed to see, or perhaps what changes you need to make in diet, nutrients, or workout plan, so you can cater to what your body needs to lose weight. And that will help you to continue with the tracking or whatever you discover to do, past the deadline of October.

    Hope this helped. Good luck!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    If you want to lose just weight then by all means eat less then you burn. If you want to lose fat and keep your muscles, then I would advise exercising as well...

    Hey, if you don't believe in losing weight without working out, please stop commenting on my thread. Clearly you don't believe in it and now you're just spamming. So please leave the thread, thank you.

    This is a public message board. People can post whatever opinions they want on any thread as long as they aren't violating the rules.

    When you put yourself out there, you are going to get all kinds of opinions, not just the ones that are going to agree with you. If you don't like it, don't post.

    If you only want blind support from yes men who will only tell you want you want to hear, then post this to your wall and delete anyone from your friends list who disagrees with you. That's not what the forums are for.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    If you want to lose just weight then by all means eat less then you burn. If you want to lose fat and keep your muscles, then I would advise exercising as well...

    Hey, if you don't believe in losing weight without working out, please stop commenting on my thread. Clearly you don't believe in it and now you're just spamming. So please leave the thread, thank you.

    uh, please read the guidelines, i hate the misuse of spamming on the forum...

    Spam: Use this flag to report BOT style spam. If its a non-sense post with a link or one account posting a flood of oh say posts about an astrology hotline, then please use this flag to report it.
  • gillian_nalletamby
    gillian_nalletamby Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with you that you don't have to exercise to lose weight. That's why it's weight loss is 80% of what you eat and only 20% exercise. However, exercising is far more than just for weight loss. As someone else mentioned, it also has a lot of mental health benefits as well as building stronger bones, improving your cardiovascular health and toning your body. It's also a lot of fun.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    I agree with you that you don't have to exercise to lose weight. That's why it's weight loss is 80% of what you eat and only 20% exercise. However, exercising is far more than just for weight loss. As someone else mentioned, it also has a lot of mental health benefits as well as building stronger bones, improving your cardiovascular health and toning your body. It's also a lot of fun.
    and it also can make the process of losing weight a whole lot more enjoyable...