Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been doin good for the most part... however with the nice weather and birthdays and such I'm put in situations I probably don't handle as well! lol... I'm one of those.. I'll have 1 drink.. okay one more... okay 1 shot.. and then BAM! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO lol. Then of course the aftermath of drunken munchies... it's a vicious cycle..

    With no celebrations I do very well.. maybe 1-3 nights a week 1 beer.. weekend well it really depends. I'm married and have a 16 month.. hubs works 3rd too, so our days are a little different. Glad to be here to give support and recieve it!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Ooooh, thank you SO much for this thread. I go over my calories all the time because of my wine habit. I just love it. I'm not bothered by beer or spirits but if there's wine in the house it gets opened and if dh and I open a bottle, we drink a bottle. The secret obviously is not to have it in the house!!

    My goal is to not have any at all at least four nights a week - I figure Monday I need one because of work and Friday because work is over and weekends are weekends!

    I agree it's MUCH harder in the summer - it's light so late and there are BBQs and all that. And the World Cup ain't helping either!! Mind you a few months ago I would have said it's harder in the winter 'cause you just want to curl up with a nice glass of red in front of the fire. LOL.
  • victorianjewel
    Hurray - glad to have provided inspiration for the name of our group! :wink:

    As I mentioned in the other thread - I'm keeping myself motivated (and as part of a greater challenge on another thread) by putting $2 in a jar for each "dry" day.
    My other biggest motivation is my health - I'm insulin resistant - so for me, pouring a glass of wine is almost the equivalent of pouring a large glass of white sugar, and drinking it :sick:

    So what's your biggest weakness?

    Hands down, for me it's a toppy bottle of cab or shiraz, or better - a blend of the two!

    I used to be a single malt girl, but decided a bottle a week was definitely encroaching alcoholism :embarassed:

    On a warm evening, sitting out on my deck by the pool - it's belvedere, perrier and lime!

    Edited to add: We are in the process of building a wine cellar - a true cave, which will hold 900+ bottles.:huh:

    I want to come live with you, in your cave!!
  • victorianjewel
    Options I live in a tragic place where a good night out is being run over by a tractor

    Note to self: use the word "tragic" more often, steal tractor.

    Don't run anyone over in said tractor, that would be tragic.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hurray - glad to have provided inspiration for the name of our group! :wink:

    As I mentioned in the other thread - I'm keeping myself motivated (and as part of a greater challenge on another thread) by putting $2 in a jar for each "dry" day.
    My other biggest motivation is my health - I'm insulin resistant - so for me, pouring a glass of wine is almost the equivalent of pouring a large glass of white sugar, and drinking it :sick:

    So what's your biggest weakness?

    Hands down, for me it's a toppy bottle of cab or shiraz, or better - a blend of the two!

    I used to be a single malt girl, but decided a bottle a week was definitely encroaching alcoholism :embarassed:

    On a warm evening, sitting out on my deck by the pool - it's belvedere, perrier and lime!

    Edited to add: We are in the process of building a wine cellar - a true cave, which will hold 900+ bottles.:huh:

    I want to come live with you, in your cave!!

    I was going to try to deter you, since I live in the North (Canada) - but noticed you are a Canuck too... But I can still scare you with Quebec cold climate and language debates!! :laugh:
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I've been trying to think about how to best use this message board. Daily report in on the previous night's alcohol consumption?
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I think that would work - set a goal of some sort and then report on progress?!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm a gin girl. Love a good gin with some tonic or on the rocks. And lately I've had a mini love affair with IPA's and black and tans. I also drink wine. H3ll, I like it all.

    Generally I try to only drink one night per weekend. Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes that doesn't hack it though.

    Currently, the country music coming through the window from the engineer's office next to me is making me seriously crave some booze to get me through the rest of the day. Normally I don't mind it, but there have been way too many slow sad songs pouring forth in the past hour or more.

    I've decided instead, since I can't drink 'till 4, that I will reword Kenny Chesney's "All I need to know" song to "alllll I neeeedddd is beeeeeeeer." And maybe that will get me through.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Bumping for when I come back from vacation...I need this board more than you know...:blushing:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    As I mentioned in the other thread - I'm keeping myself motivated (and as part of a greater challenge on another thread) by putting $2 in a jar for each "dry" day.

    How much do you have in there?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Haha - I'm not counting until end Aug!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Count me in!

    Seeing that you are a Blackhawks fan helps too!

    Just trying to cut back a bit and not drink during the week and keep it reasonable during the weekends.

    Wow, this is exactly what I needed!

    Thanks for starting this and now I will continue to read the rest of the posts.
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    For those of you who may have seen Tameka1220's post this morning about her near 2 weeks without alcohol, it's certainly created some great discussion - mostly from people like me who think that's really quite the feat! So half joking or not, it sounds like those of us who just can't give up the empty calories might need to stick together! So I'm starting this thread as our little "support group" for those who either want to try to go totally on the wagon or just drink in moderation/cut back. Most of all, no judging! I don't care if you drink every day, only on weekends, whatever. Everyone on here is smart enough to know the effects of alcohol on the diet and the body as a whole, and if you don't understand why we still want some well then I think we may just need to agree to disagree. Otherwise, welcome my fellow imbibers! Bottoms Up (pun slightly intended)!!!

    OH EM GEE!!!! I wanna cry!!! I'm so touched! It's like having a child!! LOL!!! i luv it DAVE!!!! i will catch up and read everyone's post. Ok so today i had a double shot of espresso, needed something to carry me thru today.

    And for everyone else: Hello!!! It's me Tameka1220, the crazay, but now inspirational lady doing the daring fast of no liquor for the month of june!!!! so far so good! Awwww this is too cute! I think i'm in love LOL!!!!! Ok, good luck folks
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Okay - I'm right there with you. For me it is a vicious circle. I drink to feel numb (crappy marriage, finances,kids etc) - which in turn stops the weight loss - I get mad at myself and it starts all over. Sad - truly sad. Why is it I can be a "good friend" to other people - but I'm down right evil to myself?

    Hi Mom216, been there, done that, got the tattoo. i feel you! next time u feel like u need to drink to get numb, send me a message. since you're good to others i think u deserve to have someone be there for you too!!!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Hurray - glad to have provided inspiration for the name of our group! :wink:

    As I mentioned in the other thread - I'm keeping myself motivated (and as part of a greater challenge on another thread) by putting $2 in a jar for each "dry" day.
    My other biggest motivation is my health - I'm insulin resistant - so for me, pouring a glass of wine is almost the equivalent of pouring a large glass of white sugar, and drinking it :sick:

    So what's your biggest weakness?

    Hands down, for me it's a toppy bottle of cab or shiraz, or better - a blend of the two!

    I used to be a single malt girl, but decided a bottle a week was definitely encroaching alcoholism :embarassed:

    On a warm evening, sitting out on my deck by the pool - it's belvedere, perrier and lime!

    Edited to add: We are in the process of building a wine cellar - a true cave, which will hold 900+ bottles.:huh:

    weakness for me: VODKA. any kind but preferably (lol) ciroc
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Here's a link to my original post today!!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    It seems I have found the place to be, yes am a lush, yes would rather be luscious but hey can't have it all! I love wines (plural) jamesons, g n t's in fact don't like to discriminate..... I would like to learn to do things (for example drink) in moderation but got to 44 n still not there, I guess I'll just have to keep on practising ;)
    question "is it really possible to have an open bottle of wine in the house in the evening and NOT finish it?"
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I'm a reporter, it's a prerequisite before you take the job that you drink at least twice a month and at least three times a week during an election. ;0)

    On top of that there is the kids, the husband, the mother and father, and going through a short sale, yup, sometimes I have myself a swank dirty martini.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am a lush. I love to drink.:drinker: I used to drink alot. (1.75 Litre vodka during the week and another on the weekend along with lots of bottles of wine.) I have since only been drinking on Friday and Saturday nights and actually measuring and counting it. Not fun but I want to lose. I have been doing okay until last night.

    I am tired of being good. I am tired of being unemployed (over a year now thanks to a layoff) and I wanted a drink so I had one. (or three) and then I beat myself up about it. :angry:

    I love the taste of quality alcohol and good wine:love: . I think I have come to the right place.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    question "is it really possible to have an open bottle of wine in the house in the evening and NOT finish it?"

    I have heard about it but i have never actually witnessed it or been a part of such a ridiculous act.