Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    I love to drink, part of my hesitation on dieting in the past has been that I don't want to give it up. My husband is a homebody. The one place I can get him to go to is Mexican restaurants. He is always willing to split a picther of margaritas and a plate of nachos. I honestly do not want to give this up because during this time I have his undivided attention. Plus I don't have to cook. I also like a glass of wine in the evenings. Something has to give, I have to cut back on the wine and not go out as often. I don't want to be completely sober, but cutting back sounds good.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I love to drink, part of my hesitation on dieting in the past has been that I don't want to give it up. My husband is a homebody. The one place I can get him to go to is Mexican restaurants. He is always willing to split a picther of margaritas and a plate of nachos. I honestly do not want to give this up because during this time I have his undivided attention. Plus I don't have to cook. I also like a glass of wine in the evenings. Something has to give, I have to cut back on the wine and not go out as often. I don't want to be completely sober, but cutting back sounds good.

    My hubby and never drink together (He's a recovering alcoholic) but we used to spend time eating. Now we do physical things together like hiking or taking walks.

    When we want some time to ourselves where we can just sit, we go to a coffee shop and sit out front and people watch. We still have to have out "date time" but this time it's healthier. I've lost 4 pounds in the last month by doing that and of course diet, exercise and all the other rot. =0)

    Give it a try. The pros are you still get to spend time with the hubby, it's healthier and you get to dodge a DUI.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Glad to hear my imbibing is semi-normal. I'm having my first dry night in a long time.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    question "is it really possible to have an open bottle of wine in the house in the evening and NOT finish it?"

    I have heard about it but i have never actually witnessed it or been a part of such a ridiculous act.
    I have seen my own home! My hubby drinks mostly red wine, which I mostly can't stand. He's also one of those people who will open a bottle, have one glass and then not touch it again for MONTHS! I won't drink it, but it makes me crazy to know that a perfectly good bottle of wine is slowly dying in front of my very eyes, so I eventually wind up using it to cook (when I cook). Six months later, when he starts looking for the open bottle, I feign innocence and tell him he must have finished it off. Or I blame his sister :laugh:
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member

    OH EM GEE!!!! I wanna cry!!! I'm so touched! It's like having a child!! LOL!!! i luv it DAVE!!!!

    You're an inspiration! Or a poster child LOL :drinker:
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    question "is it really possible to have an open bottle of wine in the house in the evening and NOT finish it?"

    I have heard about it but i have never actually witnessed it or been a part of such a ridiculous act.
    I have seen my own home! My hubby drinks mostly red wine, which I mostly can't stand. He's also one of those people who will open a bottle, have one glass and then not touch it again for MONTHS! I won't drink it, but it makes me crazy to know that a perfectly good bottle of wine is slowly dying in front of my very eyes, so I eventually wind up using it to cook (when I cook). Six months later, when he starts looking for the open bottle, I feign innocence and tell him he must have finished it off. Or I blame his sister :laugh:

    Now that is what I call a bad habit, your husband needs sorting! letting perfectly reasonable wine turn to vinegar, criminal!
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    So are we doing check-ins..daily? weekly? Is it like weigh-ins where it is possible to cheat by only standing on one leg...hang on..I can drink whilst standing on one leg so that won't do...anyway..

    Yesterday- NO ALCOHOL! This was however due to the fact that I had taken the cushions off the sofa to wash the covers, I then forgot I had removed the cushions, had my glass of wine in hand, went to sit down and due to the unexpected trajectory of my bottom not meeting a cushion I fell, spilling wine all over myself...not a drop left. It was the last glass from the chilled white :sad:
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, it may be one of the seven signs of the apocalypse (admittedly it wasn't in the Demi Moore movie), but I did not go our last night and I did not imbibe at home. That's day three. When I started the week I would have been entirely satisfies to get through day two. In fact, yesterday morning I had no intention whatsoever of even trying to withstrain myself last night. But when the time came, I felt like I would be... I don't know... disappointed in myself if I went out. I was SO encouraged by the scale and by the way I felt even after just 2 days.

    I said this yesterday and I'll say it again. I have no intention of going another 24 hours. I have to play a charity golf outing for work today ("have to" lol). The food at these things is crap, and it's being sponsored by... wait for it... a local liquor store chain (to support a local women's shelter). Even then, I have already worked out today, will be hot and tired when it's over, and happy hour will be calling. And you know what? I'M OK WITH THAT. What I like about myself (yes, check it, I like something about myself!) is the change in my attitude. I am sure everyone can relate to what it's like when you first start working out... at first you have to drag your *kitten* to do it, but then after awhile you get into a rhythm and suddenly you feel motivated to go, guilty if you don't.

    So let's hear it people. How did you do last night? Remember, nobody's judging you.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    So are we doing check-ins..daily? weekly? Is it like weigh-ins where it is possible to cheat by only standing on one leg...hang on..I can drink whilst standing on one leg so that won't do...anyway..

    Yesterday- NO ALCOHOL! This was however due to the fact that I had taken the cushions off the sofa to wash the covers, I then forgot I had removed the cushions, had my glass of wine in hand, went to sit down and due to the unexpected trajectory of my bottom not meeting a cushion I fell, spilling wine all over myself...not a drop left. It was the last glass from the chilled white :sad:

    YES on check in! I was typing while you were lol.

    Well, er, everything happens for a reason? LOL At least you get points for style :wink:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I didn't drink last night - I could find the strength to hobble down to my basement after my torturous Crossfit class, nor did I drink the night before, too busy cleaning p!ss off the floor and bathing my dog :grumble:
    I will not drink tonight, so_help_me_gawd!! {{OOO! That reminds me, I need to pay myself $5!!}}

    BUT - My friends arrive tomorrow from CHI-town and I will be drinking for a week straight (bless my poor liver)

    Alison - that was very funny :laugh: Yes, I'm one of *those* people who laugh at others when they fall down.:embarassed:
    Dave - Good on you mate! Try for one more night, and then treat yourself to a great weekend!!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, it may be one of the seven signs of the apocalypse (admittedly it wasn't in the Demi Moore movie), but I did not go our last night and I did not imbibe at home. That's day three. When I started the week I would have been entirely satisfies to get through day two. In fact, yesterday morning I had no intention whatsoever of even trying to withstrain myself last night. But when the time came, I felt like I would be... I don't know... disappointed in myself if I went out. I was SO encouraged by the scale and by the way I felt even after just 2 days.

    I said this yesterday and I'll say it again. I have no intention of going another 24 hours. I have to play a charity golf outing for work today ("have to" lol). The food at these things is crap, and it's being sponsored by... wait for it... a local liquor store chain (to support a local women's shelter). Even then, I have already worked out today, will be hot and tired when it's over, and happy hour will be calling. And you know what? I'M OK WITH THAT. What I like about myself (yes, check it, I like something about myself!) is the change in my attitude. I am sure everyone can relate to what it's like when you first start working out... at first you have to drag your *kitten* to do it, but then after awhile you get into a rhythm and suddenly you feel motivated to go, guilty if you don't.

    So let's hear it people. How did you do last night? Remember, nobody's judging you.

    Last night I did good! despite the fact that i drank a double espresso from starbucks with soy milk and splenda!!! low calories, and fat (yippee, i think). Therefore, I could not go to sleep last night!!!! and i get up at 330am to get to the gym. so around 1100pm last night i took an allergy pill (had to put myself to sleep and since i'm supposed to be fasting from liquor, hence this site).

    If i don't lose any lbs this week, imma make a nice big plastic red cup of ciroc and diet lemonaid!!!!

    Hello everyone!!!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member

    BUT - My friends arrive tomorrow from CHI-town and I will be drinking for a week straight (bless my poor liver)

    Dave - Good on you mate! Try for one more night, and then treat yourself to a great weekend!!

    If they're from Chicago they must be good people! LOL And yeah, heavy drinkers as well. :ohwell:

    Thanks for the motivation but this is baby steps. I miss sitting on the patio with my cronies. Familiar with the old TV show Cheers? Just call me Norm Peterson.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member

    If i don't lose any lbs this week, imma make a nice big plastic red cup of ciroc and diet lemonaid!!!!

    What IS it about those red cups anyway! Congrats on another successful night.
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member

    If i don't lose any lbs this week, imma make a nice big plastic red cup of ciroc and diet lemonaid!!!!

    What IS it about those red cups anyway! Congrats on another successful night.

    Red cups are convenient!! u can toss them away when ur done. oops i mean "recycle" them. Oh no! That just made think about the environment and how the plastic is killing the animals. Ok, imma switch to the washable glasses only!!!!!! Thanks for the congrats too.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    what is ciroc anyway? a liqueur?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Thanks for the motivation but this is baby steps. I miss sitting on the patio with my cronies. Familiar with the old TV show Cheers? Just call me Norm Peterson.

    Ahhh - I will be sitting around my pool and on my deck with vodka mojito in hand.... T-30 hours!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Circoc is vodka.

    Not to be confused with Kiroc aka Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer (Phil Hartman's character on some old Saturday Night Live episodes)
  • victorianjewel
    Hurray - glad to have provided inspiration for the name of our group! :wink:

    As I mentioned in the other thread - I'm keeping myself motivated (and as part of a greater challenge on another thread) by putting $2 in a jar for each "dry" day.
    My other biggest motivation is my health - I'm insulin resistant - so for me, pouring a glass of wine is almost the equivalent of pouring a large glass of white sugar, and drinking it :sick:

    So what's your biggest weakness?

    Hands down, for me it's a toppy bottle of cab or shiraz, or better - a blend of the two!

    I used to be a single malt girl, but decided a bottle a week was definitely encroaching alcoholism :embarassed:

    On a warm evening, sitting out on my deck by the pool - it's belvedere, perrier and lime!

    Edited to add: We are in the process of building a wine cellar - a true cave, which will hold 900+ bottles.:huh:

    I want to come live with you, in your cave!!

    I was going to try to deter you, since I live in the North (Canada) - but noticed you are a Canuck too... But I can still scare you with Quebec cold climate and language debates!! :laugh:

    I grew up in Ontario, so the cold climate won't scare me off. The language debate might, however :drinker:
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Wow, this thread really got me to thinking. In all reality I have packed on the pounds something serious with drinking alcohol. When my husband and I got married we just played a lot and were drinking daily, couple it with the munchies....I got bigger quick (gained 35lbs!!)!!! All this time I was in denial about how I looked and felt about myself, I just drank again after work.

    This morning I had an epiphany - I realized my denial and avoidance behavior I have been partaking in. Quite honestly, when I was a size 8/9 I felt very good about myself and had loads of confidence - I also wasn't drinking at all then.

    I now plan to limit myself to once a week. This alcohol and my lack of will power made me pack on the pounds. I know I can do this!!!

    Thanks for listening...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    You know I haven't drank during the week since February but this has been a bad mental week. so last night I had an unfortunate run in with an entire bottle of Syrah from California's Central coast. However I didn't beat myself up about it. I did it and I don't do it every day so it was okay.