Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I propose a new exercise class: Boozoga. Friday night shots and exercise to celebrate the fact that we all made it through the week. Kindof like the drinking game Presidents and ***holes, but with exercise instead of cards.

    For every yoga pose you screw up or fall out of, you have to take a shot...of Ciroc say.:drinker: How funny would that be??

    Now if only we were in the same town....

    Chili and beer is good. Chilidogs (or pizza) and beer is better. You know I think the thing with us Lushes is that the booze is one thing, but its the food you tend to eat WITH it that gets us into trouble with the cals.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Haha - sounds like boozey-twister to me!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Tameka, I LOVE Ciroc!! It is definitely smooth!!! Hubby and I indulge quite often!:bigsmile:

    ciroc is so dreeeeamy *stars in my eyes* literally. LOL!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    NO INDULGING last night! Hurray me!!

    So do you mix ciroc with another vodka, or do you drink it on the rocks, or mix it with perrier? When I go on vacay in 2 weeks, I wouldn't mind looking for it. I don't think I've seen it at our liquor stores (Canada).
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    NO INDULGING last night! Hurray me!!

    So do you mix ciroc with another vodka, or do you drink it on the rocks, or mix it with perrier? When I go on vacay in 2 weeks, I wouldn't mind looking for it. I don't think I've seen it at our liquor stores (Canada).

    good for you last night! I usually mix mine with sugar free red bull, or diet lemonaid or sprite zero. those items are limited when i go out though, so i just mix it with diet coke/pepsi. ciroc comes in different flavors now too: cococnut, berry and i forget the other one. google them
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Wow, I leave for a day and look what happens, we start talking about bong hits and a border war flares up between the Bears and FudgePackers. :laugh:

    Tabbydog, PLEASE don't say that. As a 40 year old divorced guy with kids, I need you women to be open minded! Besides, he's 16, of course he's going to be surfing for porn and jerking off.

    And I mean no disrespect to our friends from Wisconsin. Your lives are hard enough trying to diet in the land of beer and cheese. Can we all agree to hate Favre at least?

    Thanks to all for the well wishes on yesterday's day on the links. I think I mentioned it was a charity event sponsored by a local liquor store chain. You know how in bars and sometimes liquor stores they have those half dressed hot chicks peddaling samples of different liquors. Yeah, they had one of those on every single hole. Im not saying it was impossible to refrain, since two people in my foursome did just that. Im saying I didn't even try :ohwell: I suspect the next two nights will be the same.

    Congrats to those who have managed not to drink last night. I know it sounds crazy, but taking just a few days off really has helped me move the scale downward, which only encourages me to do it again. After the weekend anyway!

    What's everyone up to this weekend?
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    hey hey hey now, if your gonna have such a fowl name for the greats I think it only fair to have one for da crappy bears :tongue:

    And yes it is hard with the cheese, beer and brats. Face it we make damn good food and drink. And yes we can all agree Favre is a dumb a**. A legend, but a dumb *kitten*. He's going thru his MENapause... And I'm just fine with our young stallion of a QB, I think he'll emerge to do great things. Cant wait! And at least with the chili during football season, I've come up with some great, low cal, low fat recipes. Ground turkey or pork instead of beef. Stew my own tomatoes... it's the damn pasta that throws it off. Yea we put pasta in our chili, what of it! lol. I've noticed that must be a WI thing.... or my family thing, lol. BUT IT'S GREAT!

    As for this weekend, I'm taking my husband to a mud drag for Father's Day..... "hello temptation, how are you?!" Lots of beer, brats, corn dogs, you name it. And of course lots of loud fast trucks.... I think this ones trucks, ah hell, ya know I'll end up drunk for this.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Da crappy Bears? Doesn't quite roll off the tongue :bigsmile:

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    Yes, your weekend plans pretty much require alcohol!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Your right... crappy bears doesn't really work. I have a few we say but I'll keep 'em to myself!

    Hopin this year will be an "in your face" to Favre. Can't wait for football season... but I guess I'll enjoy the summer and nice weather til then!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Back on track last night with no alchol. tonight is wine night and I am looking forward to it. If it doesn't rain all weekend I will be out in the sun drinking if it is raining I will be inside the house drinking less. I still love Favre. :blushing: Sorry, but I do. I have a soft spot in my heart for wisconsin since I once lived there as a kid. I have no such fondess for chicago. I only have horrible memories of each and every time I have been anywhere near there. I do love Lou Pinella and the White Sox though.::bigsmile:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Back on track last night with no alchol. tonight is wine night and I am looking forward to it. If it doesn't rain all weekend I will be out in the sun drinking if it is raining I will be inside the house drinking less. I still love Favre. :blushing: Sorry, but I do. I have a soft spot in my heart for wisconsin since I once lived there as a kid. I have no such fondess for chicago. I only have horrible memories of each and every time I have been anywhere near there. I do love Lou Pinella and the White Sox though.::bigsmile:

    YAY! My grandmother would have been with you on Favre. I'm glad she wasn't around to see what he did tho, and I know she was "rolling in her grave" when it happened. WI is deffinitly a wonderful place, we've talked of moving to Houston where my in laws are and my husbands from..... but I just don't think I can do it.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Football? Isn't that what they're playing in South Africa right now? LOL Call me clueless ;)

    This weekend is shaping up to be a fun one! Tonight is "relax" night. We're all tired - it's been one hell of a crazy week! I might go for a swim, if the pool is warm enough. I'm such a "cold water" whimp! I feel guilty about it too since I have a pool and all (feels like a "waste").

    Tomorrow morning our local farmers market (in walking distance what what!) opens for the season! Yeeeeeeees! I'm not expecting much in terms of fresh produce, but there will be plently of vendors and stuff for the kids - including a free pancake breakfast! Lucky me, I don't like pancakes in the am (not a sugar fan and what's a pancake without SYROP?)

    At 2pm we have our local Flower Parade. This one is for the kiddos. Nice family event and within walking distance of course :) I live in a big city however in the "old section" of town. We're near "Main Street" so we get to walk to all these events all year round. It rocks.

    After the parade I'm dropping the kids off at that's when the drinking starts LOL. No idea what hubby and I are doing, but it WILL involve drinking and walking somewhere to eat/dance etc. - it always does when the kids are away ;) If it's warm enough a nice night time swim......PLEASE DON'T RAIN!

    Sunday the grandparents bring the kids back and we'll have a backyard BBQ for Fathers Day :)

    Happy Father's Day to all the Lush Fathers!!!
  • Joanneh
    Joanneh Posts: 40 Member
    I've just taken a second job - that will definitely help me stay off it at the weekends!! I work 9-5 in an office but have taken on some bar work for Saturdays and Sundays every couple of weeks.

    Generally I keep the drinking to just Saturday night. I like to be fresh on Saturday morning so I can go for a run. Hangover exercise is no fun. Drinks wise I try to stay away from beer, but vodka just makes me too drunk cos I drink it too quickly - so beer it has to be! We don't have any proper light beers here in Ireland - yeah we have light beer but its not light in calories ;-(
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Favre should be a four letter word. I am sure he will be a super winner this year after his ankle surgery. Of course he will make his decision on whether he will play his 20th season in a few weeks. Hmm I am thinking he will. I have to say I am an Orton fan and was pi**ed when the Bears let him go. I cannot stand Grossman and am glad he is long gone. However, I think Cutler is an absolute pr**k and am hoping he gets hurt just enough that he will have to sit on the sidelines. I am already signed up for two of my four fantasy football leagues and the drafting starts in August. No wonder I love Fall so much.

    Well, I didn't drink again last night which makes it four days in a row. I am going down with a couple of my kids to my grandma's tonight and taking her to dinner. I am planning on steering clear of alcohol again today.

    Nothing else planned for the weekend which is just fine by me.

    Time to go do some exercise!

    Talk to you all soon!
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    This is the perfect place for me. Hope you don't mind me joining in. I'll start watching my drinking on "MONDAY" :drinker: Vodka and Sprite Zero is my posion.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Football? Isn't that what they're playing in South Africa right now? LOL Call me clueless ;)

    haha - c'mon, I know you are a closet Argo fan! Als start their exhibition game season tomorrow!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    No alcohol for me last night. It was close, but I managed to avoid it. Thank god, I have permission to drink tonight and tomorrow night. I will try to be moderate, however. I do feel pretty good. Except for the heart palpitations I was having last night when the youngest kid was mouthing off to me......

    Dave, sorry. Never. Again. Raising someone else's kids sucks. If the schedule was the usual dad schedule of every other weekend, or even every other week switching like it is in the summer, it would be okay. But they live with us all the time. Hence, I drink. Every day.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Football? Isn't that what they're playing in South Africa right now? LOL Call me clueless ;)

    haha - c'mon, I know you are a closet Argo fan! Als start their exhibition game season tomorrow!

    Woah woah Argo's for me! ALOUETTES all the way!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I had to add this...I've been at this site for awhile, lost about 10 lbs and then stopped. All the advice said quit the alcohol, which for me was may 1 glass red wine at night. So I did for about 4-5 months, I found that didn't help at all. I just ate at night instead. So now, I have a new job working 4-12 and its a little more stress so when I get home I really need that glass to relax and wind down so I can get some sleep. So I know everyone is different, but stopping the alcohol didn't help me lose any
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!

    I really need to start keeping track of who is trying to do what in terms of goals. I guess it's the honor system for the time being.

    I do in fact have the every other weekend visitation deal, so lookout ladies! LMAO

    I hate to say it but between the mild hangover and the heat here I may be passing on the workout today. Golf outing with crappy food options yesterday, and the scale was down nearly two more pounds this morning. CRAZY! No excuse though.