low carb thoughts?



  • jonnybhoy
    jonnybhoy Posts: 84 Member
    im looking for someone who is versed on nutrition , and what their thoughts on low carb diets.

    i need to improve my diet, and my father who is also mind you type 2 diabetic has lost like over 20 pounds in like 2-3 months from changing his diet

    idk if its a long term thing but wondering if its successful.

    Only benefit I have found on a moderate carb intake is I feel fuller longer so don't have any cravings
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member

    Endurance athletes using slow release carbs and fat are not uncommon

    I did this ride fasted and drank two 100 calorie carb based thermogenic drinks during the ride.

    It is the function of your mitochondria to source fat as fuel when carbs run out.

    My internal medicine specialist got me on moderate to low carb and exercise to reverse my type 2 diabetes.

    So it can happen and you can take control and make things better

    This was my ride today. Burn was mainly fat. I have lost over 125 lbs of body fat.

    I have made this work at 50-100 carbs a day. Not super low. But if you get your carbs thru fibrous veggies it takes some eating.

    Good luck! And of course you know you can't eat more calories than you need.

    High or low carb, your CICO equation holds true.

    I don't know what app you're using but every time you post pics of your bike rides the calorie burn seems way inflated. That's a pound of fat in 2 hours.
    Map My Ride

    I use their GPS for speed and distance since it is an online challenge. You can't enter your own numbers in the contest.

    That ride was almost 20 mph average

    That is burning lots of calories. My ride today was easy at 16 mph and was much lower calorie burn.

    Do you know of a more accurate site to punch in Cateye ride data for estimated calorie burn?

    I don't doubt riding your bike that fast for 40 miles burns a lot of calories, but enough to lose a pound of body mass in the process I don't know. But I'm not an expert on cardio calorie burns.
  • JoAngle
    JoAngle Posts: 18 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    JoAngle wrote: »
    I am 69 and on 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. Is this a low carb or high carb program. Help please. I am confused with the back and forth. I just want to stay healthy. Age is a number, energy etc is most important. Thank you.
    (Right now there is lots of strong talk back and forth about carbs and sugar here. People seem to do it to amuse themselves and distract or annoy everyone else.)
    Your numbers are about right. My carbs are set at 35% but do not pay attention to the carb number at all. I focus on getting enough protein because it is the most important.
    You might like to check out this group:

    They seem to be more about other stuff. I need calculable help. I really thank you for replying.