Processed food......wowzers!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sure, "processed" can be applied astonishingly broadly. I eat a fair amount of canned foods (tomatoes and simmer sauces), to say nothing of desserts and cereal. But there are degrees. Everything from canned tomatoes and packaged tuna to, say, shelf-stable microwaveable ravioli.

    Blerch. I *really* wanted pasta, so figured the microwaveable ravioli couldn't be *that* bad, despite the calorie hit and sodium content.

    It was astonishingly mediocre, with negligible flavor. And not that filling for the amount I ate.

    I already reconciled to most snack chips being nothing but "Sugar, salt & fat" or "Bag O Calories" (The Monsters, Inc. ride at Disneyland did wonders for curbing my desire for vending machine snacks!), but after a year of minimally processed foods, the ravioli was pretty revolting.

    why would you think microwavable anything would be good????
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I bet if I ate some grass-fed beef I'd feel pretty lousy with a quickness.

    I've been a vegetarian for the past 4-5 years (can't remember exactly).

    You know, there's also the fact that the mind is a very powerful thing.

    True story here. I'm on a rather high dose of Cymbalta as part of my chronic migraine protocol. It has a pretty short half-life and optimally should be taken at the same time each day. On days when I've become aware that I've missed my dose, I feel terrible for it.

    Today, I through a glitch in my early morning routine, I missed taking my morning meds. I didn't discover this error until dinner time tonight.

    I felt fine all day.

    The thing is, I know it's my mind when I feel terrible. I... can't undo it.

    What you expect to feel, even subconsciously, is what you will often feel.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Chewing is processing.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Pasteurization is a process. Freezing is a process. Grinding wheat into flour is a process. Combining flour and other ingredients together and baking a loaf of bread is a process (even if you use all organics and 'clean' ingredients).
    Learn to eat in moderation. A little of everything and you will feel good every time you eat and not need to worry about feeling so up-and-down with eating.
  • Midwestwineguy
    Midwestwineguy Posts: 7 Member
    I love the fact that this was my first post on here and waste by a bunch of 'experts' and some smartass answers. I'm glad some of you know it all and have it ALL figured out. I was just making a statement of how I felt after being very proud and satisfied of my progress after being 'out of the game' for so long. I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on. Some of you must be very, very bored. I'm out.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I love the fact that this was my first post on here and waste by a bunch of 'experts' and some smartass answers. I'm glad some of you know it all and have it ALL figured out. I was just making a statement of how I felt after being very proud and satisfied of my progress after being 'out of the game' for so long. I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on. Some of you must be very, very bored. I'm out.

    Stick around. What you will find is that you have a lot to learn and we can help you. We've had a lot of new people show up and say things that don't make sense. Your first post is something that has been said on this site multiple times and is a statement that is not accurate.
    As I said in my post, learning to eat in moderation is important. You can eat many things, not try so hard to stick to 'clean eating', as people are wont to do. Your stomach doesn't like to have one particular kind of food and then suddenly have another, it gets irritated that way.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    I love the fact that this was my first post on here and waste by a bunch of 'experts' and some smartass answers. I'm glad some of you know it all and have it ALL figured out. I was just making a statement of how I felt after being very proud and satisfied of my progress after being 'out of the game' for so long. I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on. Some of you must be very, very bored. I'm out.

    Stick around. What you will find is that you have a lot to learn and we can help you. We've had a lot of new people show up and say things that don't make sense. Your first post is something that has been said on this site multiple times and is a statement that is not accurate.
    As I said in my post, learning to eat in moderation is important. You can eat many things, not try so hard to stick to 'clean eating', as people are wont to do. Your stomach doesn't like to have one particular kind of food and then suddenly have another, it gets irritated that way.

  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    I love the fact that this was my first post on here and waste by a bunch of 'experts' and some smartass answers. I'm glad some of you know it all and have it ALL figured out. I was just making a statement of how I felt after being very proud and satisfied of my progress after being 'out of the game' for so long. I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on. Some of you must be very, very bored. I'm out.

    Stick around. What you will find is that you have a lot to learn and we can help you. We've had a lot of new people show up and say things that don't make sense. Your first post is something that has been said on this site multiple times and is a statement that is not accurate.
    As I said in my post, learning to eat in moderation is important. You can eat many things, not try so hard to stick to 'clean eating', as people are wont to do. Your stomach doesn't like to have one particular kind of food and then suddenly have another, it gets irritated that way.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I love the fact that this was my first post on here and waste by a bunch of 'experts' and some smartass answers. I'm glad some of you know it all and have it ALL figured out. I was just making a statement of how I felt after being very proud and satisfied of my progress after being 'out of the game' for so long. I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on. Some of you must be very, very bored. I'm out.

    I sure thought it was helpful when I figured out what it was. I'd do the low fat thing, then eat something higher in fat. I used to thing it was "bad" food. Now that I learned what it was, I can manage my food intake to avoid such discomforts. Very useful.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2015
    Processed was the sauce (powder mixed with water) on my sweet and sour chicken. Lousy feeling only lasted a few. I was able to get on the bike trainer for 35 minutes with no problem.

    Your lucky, at least it didn't send you to the bathroom sick.
    Going from fairly bland food to a heavy/sweet sauce is torcher for me.
    Keep up the good work !!

    ps... love the name and picture you chose. :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I guess technically I am "processing" food when I batch cook and then freeze the portions. Processing something is not inherently evil. Combining ingredients, canning, freezing. . . all are part of food production and consumption.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I bet if I ate some grass-fed beef I'd feel pretty lousy with a quickness.

    I've been a vegetarian for the past 4-5 years (can't remember exactly).

    You know, there's also the fact that the mind is a very powerful thing.

    True story here. I'm on a rather high dose of Cymbalta as part of my chronic migraine protocol. It has a pretty short half-life and optimally should be taken at the same time each day. On days when I've become aware that I've missed my dose, I feel terrible for it.

    Today, I through a glitch in my early morning routine, I missed taking my morning meds. I didn't discover this error until dinner time tonight.

    I felt fine all day.

    The thing is, I know it's my mind when I feel terrible. I... can't undo it.

    What you expect to feel, even subconsciously, is what you will often feel.

    This is so very true and so very hard to admit to/recognize. Well said
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Thing I have eaten that upset my stomach greatly (to the point that an exercise bike would have been impossible):

    -very fatty food (gallbladder problem)
    -kale and cauliflower (gallbladder problem again)
    -most of a can of pumpkin mixed with 40g of oatmeal
    -a large amount of baby carrots

    If you really did get sick from that sauce, bummer. But since 10 days isn't really very long in the grand scheme of things, I would be more concerned with whether there was something wrong with the sauce or other ingredients.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Six weeks after I did my diet flip, I broke down and ate most of a cheeseburger. It didn't make me sick, but it was uncomfortable. I felt different and not well. There's just a healthier, more energetic, UP kind of feeling that comes with eating healthier foods.

    I get it. :)

    Good for you, eating better. Way to go! :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I bet if I ate some grass-fed beef I'd feel pretty lousy with a quickness.

    I've been a vegetarian for the past 4-5 years (can't remember exactly).

    You know, there's also the fact that the mind is a very powerful thing.

    True story here. I'm on a rather high dose of Cymbalta as part of my chronic migraine protocol. It has a pretty short half-life and optimally should be taken at the same time each day. On days when I've become aware that I've missed my dose, I feel terrible for it.

    Today, I through a glitch in my early morning routine, I missed taking my morning meds. I didn't discover this error until dinner time tonight.

    I felt fine all day.

    The thing is, I know it's my mind when I feel terrible. I... can't undo it.

    What you expect to feel, even subconsciously, is what you will often feel.
    Yep, placebo is all about expectations.

    But people act like being subject to a placebo effect is some sort of personal failing or character flaw so they get all defensive when someone suggests placebo is at work.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I ate my first processed food today in 10 days without thinking about it. My belly isn't very happy with me.

    Whenever you abruptly change the types of food you eat, your gut wont be very happy for a day or so. Try switching to "real food" after eating MRE's for 6 months...

    Matt Fitzgerald's Diet Cults has a good discussion of this.

    Fun and interesting book otherwise too.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sure, "processed" can be applied astonishingly broadly. I eat a fair amount of canned foods (tomatoes and simmer sauces), to say nothing of desserts and cereal. But there are degrees. Everything from canned tomatoes and packaged tuna to, say, shelf-stable microwaveable ravioli.

    Blerch. I *really* wanted pasta, so figured the microwaveable ravioli couldn't be *that* bad, despite the calorie hit and sodium content.

    It was astonishingly mediocre, with negligible flavor. And not that filling for the amount I ate.

    I already reconciled to most snack chips being nothing but "Sugar, salt & fat" or "Bag O Calories" (The Monsters, Inc. ride at Disneyland did wonders for curbing my desire for vending machine snacks!), but after a year of minimally processed foods, the ravioli was pretty revolting.

    Yes, sounds bad. I never eat microwaveable pasta and wouldn't expect anything of it.

    But of course dried pasta (which I eat all the time and make healthy meals out of, with homemade sauce comprised of lots of veggies and lean protein and a little olive oil) is also processed.

    So's the smoked salmon I had this morning and the feta I added to my omelet and greek yogurt. Also maybe my eggs (in a carton). I went to a pretty nice place for lunch and had a salad with a red wine vinaigrette with lamb and olives and lots of veggies on it, and of course any restaurant meal is processed. So focusing on "processed" vs. not just doesn't seem to be to be an important issue.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'll look elsewhere other than this online community for support and friendly interaction from now on.

    Why is questioning whether the issue is "processing," a term that is misused quite often, unfriendly or unsupportive?

    How were we supposed to know you were seeking support or even feeling proud? Your post was about feeling bad.

    I wasn't putting you down by asking what you meant by "processed." I was trying to clarify what you were saying.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Sure, "processed" can be applied astonishingly broadly. I eat a fair amount of canned foods (tomatoes and simmer sauces), to say nothing of desserts and cereal. But there are degrees. Everything from canned tomatoes and packaged tuna to, say, shelf-stable microwaveable ravioli.

    Blerch. I *really* wanted pasta, so figured the microwaveable ravioli couldn't be *that* bad, despite the calorie hit and sodium content.

    It was astonishingly mediocre, with negligible flavor. And not that filling for the amount I ate.

    I already reconciled to most snack chips being nothing but "Sugar, salt & fat" or "Bag O Calories" (The Monsters, Inc. ride at Disneyland did wonders for curbing my desire for vending machine snacks!), but after a year of minimally processed foods, the ravioli was pretty revolting.

    why would you think microwavable anything would be good????

    My bags of steamed veggies are microwavable. :) Also, I microwave pretty much everything. Oatmeal. Spinach, when I want cooked spinach. Chicken I've already cooked....
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I used to know a Muslim guy who once, when discovering the Chinese meal he'd just eaten wasn't halal, soon threw it all back up.

    The mind is a powerful thing.
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