What triggered your desire to lose weight ?



  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    Sitting in the chair watching 600 pound life on TLC. Thinking on how much I weighed in high school (180's when I graduated) wanting to be a healthy BMI and the weight that I am supposed to be for a 5ft 3 1/4 women. To over come my bad thyroid and pre diabetes. And just wanna eat more healthier!
    I have stopped candy, pop, cookies, very high in calories foods, I have started eating more fruit and vegetables then I used to and I drink lots more water!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    The mirror and my favorite shirts not fitting good anymore.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    I made a major move to California, and now am near family: 2 daughters, son-in-law, and new grandson. Needed to find a job and also wanted to take care of my grandson on some days while my daughter and her husband were working. I had knee problems and did not look as good as I wanted to be out looking for a new job.

    Was very physical to tend to a growing little boy. Now I look better and have less knee problems. Still have a ways to go though.

  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    edited July 2015
    I wanted to stop making excuses.
    I wanted to stop feeling like *kitten*.
    I wanted to never again not attend event because looking the mirror while getting ready made me burst into tears.
    I wanted to not fit into these clothes sizes that seemed enormous.
    I wanted the GP who told me I was overweight to be wrong.
    I wanted to shop from any store I wanted.
    I wanted to buck the family obesity trend.
    I wanted to walk without being puffed, like every other 26 year old.
    I wanted to feel attractive.
    I wanted to be found attractive.
    I wanted to have more confidence during sex.
    I wanted to educate myself on how my body works.
    I wanted to access the old wardrobe of things I bought when I felt good about my body.
    I wanted to go to my home town with my finger up to those who looked down on me.
    I wanted my ex's jaw to drop.
    I wanted to stop being the fat friend.
    I wanted to be like my instagram idols.
    I wanted to look in the mirror and feel pride not repulsion.
    I wanted to be in the healthy weight range for my height.

    So yeah....I had to do it! Some of these are no longer important (i.e my ex's opinion particularly), some which were "nice to haves" are now my primary motivators (i.e education about my body).

    This was in April at 84kg. I am 71.4kg today with a goal of 63kg. I am only 4.4kg from my healthy weight range (164cms).
  • shay77223
    shay77223 Posts: 29 Member
    I had always been thin until a few years ago. I gained about ten pounds, considered it a protective layer for my awesomeness and didn't mind it lol Then in the past year I have gained 20 pounds, and stretch marks on my love handles. I need to stop this before it can't be fixed! Also, I love my boyfriend and want to have the bedroom aspect of our relationship back that was so awesome, but it's hard to feel sexy with stretch marks and cellulite, you know?
  • Fulcherj1
    Fulcherj1 Posts: 35 Member
    I went on my awesome honeymoon to Alaska, but I spent the whole trip feeling very worn down and tired while my wife wanted to go out and do everything. We were there during the solstice so we had almost 24 hours of daylight where we were, but I just didn't have the energy to stay out late and do all of these amazing things. I know in my heart that it's because I haven't been treating my body right, so here I am.