I am aiming for 4lb a week loss! Is this realistic

tinicia Posts: 20 Member
Hi guys

I'm aiming for a 4lb a week weight loss and trying to stick to approx 800 kcal a day but I do have the occasional treat :D do you think 4lb a week is realistic? I'm mostly living off fish and veg, fruit and go yoghurt bars any suggestions of fish/sea food recipes would be much helpful.

Thanks for reading x


  • tinicia
    tinicia Posts: 20 Member
    Also feel free to add me as a friend x
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    No and eating under 1200 is frowned upon by MFP

    Read this - follow it - profit

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    That low a calorie amount can be harmful to your health. You haven't posted any other information about yourself, so I don't know just how much of a deficit that is, but if it's enough to lose 4lbs a week, that's way to low. You're better off starting at 2lbs a week or less. You'll be less hungry, less tired, and less likely to quit. This is not a diet plan, what you need to do is change how you eat.
  • tinicia
    tinicia Posts: 20 Member
    I want to lose it safely. I've never been a big eater but what I did eat was junk so I piled on the pounds. Last week I lost 6lb and thought that was to much for one week.. May I ask what you guys have been losing on a weekly basis? X
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    No... just no.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    outside of initial water and waste losses, no...you probably need to adjust your expectations.
    tinicia wrote: »
    I want to lose it safely. I've never been a big eater but what I did eat was junk so I piled on the pounds. Last week I lost 6lb and thought that was to much for one week.. May I ask what you guys have been losing on a weekly basis? X

    when you first start dieting, you drop a lot of fluid weight...namely glycogen...you also are eating less so you have less inherent waste in your system.

    somewhere between 1 - 2 Lbs per week is more realistic. also, weight loss isn't linear...you don't lose X Lbs per week...some weeks will be bigger losses, some weeks with no losses, some weeks with gains due to water retention, etc.

    you're seriously going to need to step back a adjust your expectations here.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited July 2015
    Age/height/current weight? 2lb/week is about the upper ceiling, unless you are very obese. And definitely up your calories! You can look at my diary for food ideas. Do get a digital food scale and weigh what you eat, otherwise you can wipe out a deficit with bad logging habits. (Measuring cups and spoons are not a good way to gague portion sizes.)
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Here's the math - 3500kcal = 1lb of fat, so if you need 1700 kcals/day and eat 1200 kcals/day, operating in a 500kcal/day deficit (500x7=3500) you'll lose ~1lb a week.

    To lose 4lbs a week you would have to operate in a 2000kcal/day deficit - not sustainable or healthy by any standards.
  • nanniek1
    nanniek1 Posts: 10 Member
    Anything less than apx. 1200/day puts your body into starvation mode and to preserve itself it holds on to fat. Weird phenomenon, but, you'll lose faster on 1200 than 800 calories.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • tinicia
    tinicia Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks to everyone that has replied im going to have to up my kcals for 4 weeks and see what happens then take it from there x
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I'm thinking if you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. :-)
    I saw a guideline posted recently..maybe someone will post it here, of what your weight loss goal should be based on the amount of weight you have to lose. I have about 30 pounds to go, so my weight loss goal is 1 pound a week. Typically, if you have quite a bit to lose (50 lbs or more), 2lbs is good to aim for. The closer you are to your goal, the less aggressive your target weight loss per week should be.
    You probably do want to try to eat more calories, though (1200 is usually the lowest MFP sets) as it is nutritionally better for your body, and also because it will be easier to maintain your weight loss in the long run once your eating habits return to "normal". You don't want to go through all of that hard work just to gain it back, after all!
  • xbted
    xbted Posts: 41 Member
    If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As they all said its just no oing to happen 1-2 is normal and with your amount to lose then id go for 1lb a week.
    Rgar would be 500 calories below maintenance. MFP will let you figure what that number is when you enter your details. The calories you suggest is too low. Eat at least 1200, but more likely what you can sustain.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    No, it's not even remotely a healthy way to lose weight, I don't care what you're eating. You didn't gain weight because of junk, you gained weight because of eating too much. While harder to do, you can gain weight (or not lose) by eating too much "healthy foods" too. You can eat the same foods, just not the same amount. 4lbs a week is ridiculously fast unless you are 400lbs and under the supervision of a doctor. Your organs and mostly brain need calories to function. Starvation mode is a myth, but eating 800 calories is dangerous and you will lose muscle. You know your heart is a muscle too, and you CAN lose muscle weight from your heart. THAT'S why it's so dangerous to lose weight so fast. Extremely obese people can lose weight fast, because it's healthier than remaining morbidly obese.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I think you knew the answer was No when you asked!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Absolutely not. And eating 800 calories a day is not a safe way to lose weight.
  • tinicia
    tinicia Posts: 20 Member
    xbted wrote: »
    If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.

    Everyone is different I lost 6lb last week and I always loose weight quickly. Last year I last 3 stone on 3 months with WW
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