I am aiming for 4lb a week loss! Is this realistic



  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Sweetie, I have not read through the pages and pages of comments and so on....so pardon me if I am repeating what others have said. I just recently obtained my personal training certification through NASM and it was repeated there as well, that a diet lower than 1200/day should be done only under medical supervision. As far as losing 4lbs a week, it is possible, but it depends on what weight you start at and what you are eating/exercising. Good Luck
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    By the way, I am a nurse who worked on the eating disorder unit of a major regional medical center.
    I think starvation mode is real, but these are people who have subsisted on a VLCD for a long time. Definitely not your average joe.

    What are you considering as "starvation mode?" Because what people are talking about here is the myth that your body will store fat and you will gain weight on a low calorie diet. If you're subsisting that way for a long time, we can all agree weight gain will not be the result!

    Yes you are right. I was thinking about a person post starvation, like the kids in africa eating plumpy-nut butter to restore their weights. Or an anorexic person who is going through weight restoration.

    I think in those cases the individual has some unusual symptoms while in recovery. Maybe even changes in metabolism.

  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    I don't get where some people on here say that starvation mode is a myth. Why don't you do a little actual scientific research instead of what you read in some weight lifting magazine!
    Because most of us have read the Minnesota starvation experiment. Metabolic adaptation however, does exist, but would usually only affect athletes or people on long term VLCD's.

    So you all developed this opinion based on one study. Wow! There's no arguing with that!
  • Edjeep
    Edjeep Posts: 65 Member
    I have a good amount to loose. I lost pretty aggressively my first several weeks to almost a month. Now 70 days into this so 10 weeks, and my total loss is 39 lbs. so 3.9 per week. I have my MFP goal set for -2.5 per week, usually eat under the calorie goal which started at like 1680 and has dropped a few times, currently 1520. I typically get 1400-1500 (I mean if I am consistently full of good food why eat more??), never under 1350 and once in a while as much as 1900-2000 if I log some exercise that day and need to justify (I typically eat back about 1/3 - 1/2 of exercise). To summarize, I am shooting for -2.5 a week and not upset to see closer to 3.5-4 in reality. I also feel I will be more receptive to the slowdown when it happens, because I know it's rolling pretty quickly now.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    I don't get where some people on here say that starvation mode is a myth. Why don't you do a little actual scientific research instead of what you read in some weight lifting magazine!
    Because most of us have read the Minnesota starvation experiment. Metabolic adaptation however, does exist, but would usually only affect athletes or people on long term VLCD's.

    So you all developed this opinion based on one study. Wow! There's no arguing with that!

    It's not an opinion "we" developed. We are quoting the scientific fact, that was proven by years of studies, that people who do not eat enough do not maintain weight, or gain it. That's not an untrue statement. People like to blame this "starvation mode" for short term weight gain which isn't true because metabolism is not affected nearly that quickly.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    Okay, what I would like is to see other studies supporting this.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    xbted wrote: »
    If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.

    Everyone is different I lost 6lb last week and I always loose weight quickly. Last year I last 3 stone on 3 months with WW

    So why are you here then?

    Because I want to loose more before my holiday

    Then why are you posting questions if you have everything all figured out? :huh:

    I never said I had it all figured out, there's no need to be so rude I was just asking a question

    Heya, doesn't look like you have been on here long, just ignore people that post crap like this that isn't helpful or informative it will happen a lot. Probably just hangry hungry+angry, or just a rude to feel better, it's easy to be a jerk when you can hide behind the internet. It's better not to feed them with replies.

    The others that are telling you it isn't healthy or realistic are correct, slow and steady wins the race.


    watch this.......................see what I did there? Ok I'll show you just one more time..............

    What are you on about?

    Why do you ask? legitimate curiosity? or are you angling for a verbal spar for some reason? Gotta ask cause I can never tell these days.

    I mean what's your point. Obviously.

    If I have to ask then it's not obvious, it was a legit question since I don't know if you were really curious or just someone trying to be an A-hole. This is the internet after all and I can't tell the tone you are coming off with.......well until you said "obviously" so now I know where you are coming from and to answer your question.....................................

    I think you're looking for a fight/drama is what you're doing. Was that plain enough?

    Getting tired of the newbies getting railroaded for asking a question. They shouldn't be made to feel stupid or bad for trying to better themselves even if some of the ideas are misguided, I'm sure you wouldn't like to be treated that way.

    Most everybody is giving her good advice and she is changing her plans.

    You're right, she is getting mostly good advice but I meant in general,some days I just get tired of seeing it and there is just no reason for it. Should be used to it by now though considering it happens all the time and it won't ever change. Kinda like the grammar nazi posts lol those will never go away.

    Mean People threads are for Fridays. OK I think I'm done posting in this thread.

    Man I wish it was Friday.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Good luck being malnourished. Losing quickly has it's cons. Hairloss, finger and toe nails stop growing... pretty flipping bad and not worth losing that quickly.
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I'm sure people have done it, but it certainly is't a "healthy" goal. Usually no more than 2 pounds per week is suggested and that is for grossly obese people whose life literally depends on this kind of weight loss. I lost a total of 80 pounds so you'll get the weight off... Relax and enjoy the journey!
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    xbted wrote: »
    If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.

    Everyone is different I lost 6lb last week and I always loose weight quickly. Last year I last 3 stone on 3 months with WW

    So why are you here then?

    Because I want to loose more before my holiday

    Then why are you posting questions if you have everything all figured out? :huh:

    I never said I had it all figured out, there's no need to be so rude I was just asking a question

    Heya, doesn't look like you have been on here long, just ignore people that post crap like this that isn't helpful or informative it will happen a lot. Probably just hangry hungry+angry, or just a rude to feel better, it's easy to be a jerk when you can hide behind the internet. It's better not to feed them with replies.

    The others that are telling you it isn't healthy or realistic are correct, slow and steady wins the race.


    watch this.......................see what I did there? Ok I'll show you just one more time..............

    What are you on about?

    Why do you ask? legitimate curiosity? or are you angling for a verbal spar for some reason? Gotta ask cause I can never tell these days.

    I mean what's your point. Obviously.

    If I have to ask then it's not obvious, it was a legit question since I don't know if you were really curious or just someone trying to be an A-hole. This is the internet after all and I can't tell the tone you are coming off with.......well until you said "obviously" so now I know where you are coming from and to answer your question.....................................

    I think you're looking for a fight/drama is what you're doing. Was that plain enough?

    Getting tired of the newbies getting railroaded for asking a question. They shouldn't be made to feel stupid or bad for trying to better themselves even if some of the ideas are misguided, I'm sure you wouldn't like to be treated that way.

    Most everybody is giving her good advice and she is changing her plans.

    You're right, she is getting mostly good advice but I meant in general,some days I just get tired of seeing it and there is just no reason for it. Should be used to it by now though considering it happens all the time and it won't ever change. Kinda like the grammar nazi posts lol those will never go away.

    Mean People threads are for Fridays. OK I think I'm done posting in this thread.

    I know I really stirred the pot on this I really want to fight this but that would be jacking her post so I'm not posting another thing.
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.

    What? This is absolutely not true; most do eat, but usually extremely restricted. I'm not sure where you're getting any of your information from here.

  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    millsrobm wrote: »
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.

    What? This is absolutely not true; most do eat, but usually extremely restricted. I'm not sure where you're getting any of your information from here.

    Are you kidding me? I worked on an eating disorders unit and this is exactly what they do. I would like to you to provide me with your research. I WORKED ON AN EATING DISORDER UNIT!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    millsrobm wrote: »
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.

    What? This is absolutely not true; most do eat, but usually extremely restricted. I'm not sure where you're getting any of your information from here.

    from what i have seen, they do eat, and obsess over food, but restrict themselves to a few choice "safe foods"
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    I didn't make the claim, I was refuting the claim. So get the hell of my back!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I didn't make the claim, I was refuting the claim. So get the hell of my back!

    Well this escalated quickly.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    millsrobm wrote: »
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.

    What? This is absolutely not true; most do eat, but usually extremely restricted. I'm not sure where you're getting any of your information from here.

    Are you kidding me? I worked on an eating disorders unit and this is exactly what they do. I would like to you to provide me with your research. I WORKED ON AN EATING DISORDER UNIT!

    I visited pro-ana websites... some of the women managed to eat nothing, but some as "high" as 300 calories. I mean really. You can't put everyone in the same box.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Honestly no. 4 pounds a week is unrealistic and only eating 800 calories a day is extremely unhealthy and will end up doing you more harm than good in the long run.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Okay, what I would like is to see other studies supporting this.

    You're on the internet. It's a wealth of information!
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    millsrobm wrote: »
    Anorexics actually eat nothing. Maybe they don't eat at all, maybe they throw up what they eat, maybe they eat and then spit out what they are chewing. Those anorexics actually begin to have the same metabolism as a child starving. That's how they end up looking the way they do. But for the rest of us who eat very low calories our bodies adjust to burning calories so that we don't lose that precious fat (that when we first became people) that gets us through the winter. And because we usually to revert to our regular way of eating now we are dealing with a higher set point for losing weight.

    What? This is absolutely not true; most do eat, but usually extremely restricted. I'm not sure where you're getting any of your information from here.

    Are you kidding me? I worked on an eating disorders unit and this is exactly what they do. I would like to you to provide me with your research. I WORKED ON AN EATING DISORDER UNIT!

    Well, It's only an N-1 study, but having been treated for this very thing I can tell you that I definitely ate. (As did the others I knew, but this is only hearsay, so I won't count it).
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