I am aiming for 4lb a week loss! Is this realistic



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited July 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    tinicia wrote: »
    xbted wrote: »
    If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.

    Everyone is different I lost 6lb last week and I always loose weight quickly. Last year I last 3 stone on 3 months with WW

    So why are you here then?

    Because I want to loose more before my holiday

    Then why are you posting questions if you have everything all figured out? :huh:

    I never said I had it all figured out, there's no need to be so rude I was just asking a question

    Heya, doesn't look like you have been on here long, just ignore people that post crap like this that isn't helpful or informative it will happen a lot. Probably just hangry hungry+angry, or just a rude to feel better, it's easy to be a jerk when you can hide behind the internet. It's better not to feed them with replies.

    The others that are telling you it isn't healthy or realistic are correct, slow and steady wins the race.


    watch this.......................see what I did there? Ok I'll show you just one more time..............

    What are you on about?

    Why do you ask? legitimate curiosity? or are you angling for a verbal spar for some reason? Gotta ask cause I can never tell these days.

    I mean what's your point. Obviously.

    If I have to ask then it's not obvious, it was a legit question since I don't know if you were really curious or just someone trying to be an A-hole. This is the internet after all and I can't tell the tone you are coming off with.......well until you said "obviously" so now I know where you are coming from and to answer your question.....................................

    I think you're looking for a fight/drama is what you're doing. Was that plain enough?

    Getting tired of the newbies getting railroaded for asking a question. They shouldn't be made to feel stupid or bad for trying to better themselves even if some of the ideas are misguided, I'm sure you wouldn't like to be treated that way.

    Most everybody is giving her good advice and she is changing her plans.

    You're right, she is getting mostly good advice but I meant in general,some days I just get tired of seeing it and there is just no reason for it. Should be used to it by now though considering it happens all the time and it won't ever change. Kinda like the grammar nazi posts lol those will never go away.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    edited July 2015
    dubird wrote: »
    I dont know why everyone here is being so pessimistic about it.It's very much possible...BUT ON A HIGH CALORIE DIET.

    sounds contradictory ??? read along

    well, I just lost around 2 kgs this july on a 2100 calorie a day diet..
    The thing to keep in mind is you should NEVER go below 1200 cals as someone has already pointed it. You need to lose it MAINLY by creating a deficit through EXERCISE.

    Eat a 200 cals above your maintainence and do cario/ HIIT/ weight training to create a 700 deficit.
    I had posted my weight loss program of how I lost 2 kg in a month but many people tagged it too drastic and shut it down...Which is the same wave of emotion i'm seeing here..Please losers!!!! if you can't do it doesn't mean you should be pulling others down as well


    One method isn't going to work for everyone. You're saying that calorie deficit is created by just exercising more? Yes, that does work, but it's not practical for everyone. You can create that same deficit by just eating less. How you create the deficit DOES NOT MATTER. Not everyone can hit the ground running on a serious exercise and weight lifting plan. I sure as hell couldn't! I still can't, to be honest. Yet I'm losing weight just fine and looking more like myself than I have in years. So you lost weight doing your plan? That's great for you, but don't be calling us losers for not being able to or not wanting to follow what you did. Everyone is different, so everyone has a different method to lose weight. It's a lot of different paths to the same goal; one path isn't more valid than any other just because you're on it.

    The OP's question was IS LOSING 4LBS POSSIBLE...nowhere did she mention she wants to lose them all by diet alone..So yes it is possible and in fact SAFE by exercise..because she would be eating above her maintainence. People disagreeing are generally quoting the reason that eating below 1200 is unsafe..and i agree with that.Hence my suggestion is what would work BEST in this particular case and its perfectly safe.
    also I have done this. So theory backed by experiece >>>> opinion

    OP would need to create an approximate 14,000 calorie deficit in order to lose 4 pounds in a week. It's unrealistic and borderline dangerous.

    You lost 2 kgs in a month...so you lost 4 pounds in a month. Averaging to be about a pound a week? THAT is normal.

    4 pounds a week is not normal and is not advisable by anyone.

    (ETA: Anyone with OP's stats)
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member

    what's even harder to believe is that you have succumbed to a cult mentality. Just because most of the people are saying a particular thing doesn't make it right.

    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it!"
    agent K MIB

    Please try quoting facts, not your opinions, if you have no authentic ones, please don't comment or atleast don't discourage someone trying to do something good.
    OP you can do it. Don't be discouraged by the negative comments

    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1694328/pdf/amjph00546-0061.pdf Facts can be found through this article. "....weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week, a rate that is considered potentially harmful." This is posted on a government website done in a controlled study. The study sites this information from the Michigan Health Council as well as the Council on Scientific Affairs.

    Since it's "potentially" harmful, that means that it may or may not be, but I always err on the side of caution. If the claim is wrong and it's not harmful, great, but if it's right, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    So, it is possible to lose 4lbs a week.. but do you know how much time and effort you would have to put in? You would have to find the time to burn 2,000 calories a day. for 7 days, or you can burn 2800 calories a day for 5 days.

    Do you have 8hrs of free time to put in?

    2000 a day??? how did you come to that

    500 cals a day of deficit is all that's required
    which is very much achievable.
    please check your calculations again

    3500 calories = 1 lb
    OP wants to be 4 lb lighter per week.
    14000 calories = 4 lbs.
    Op would have to burn 2800 calories per day for 5 days.
    OP would have to burn 2000 calories per day for 7 days.

    500 calories a day = 3500 calories a week.
    This is not what the OP was asking.
  • SpinSpinSugar69
    SpinSpinSugar69 Posts: 34 Member
    Slow and steady is safer but if you can exist on that amount of calories it is possible.
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member

    ya...i knew that already...but the OP didn't..now she does and the reality will hit her hard... which will become a reason for her laziness. Our individual bickering have saved OP some body fat.

    Knowledge is power, not an excuse to give up.

    I was not bickering, simply stating facts. If someone had told me when I first started trying to lose weight "4 pounds per week is perfectly do-able" then I only lost a pound a week, I would have been the farthest thing from motivated imaginable. I would have felt like a failure because I wasn't losing even close to as much as I "should have been". Honestly, I probably would have said "*kitten* this", grabbed a box of cookies, and binge-watched TV for a couple of days.

    Properly educating people and allowing them to make their own decisions is more motivating, in my opinion, then lying to manipulate someone to try harder to lose weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Is OP kidding? If serious, she needs a wake-up call and a visit to a dietician. With someone this clueless, I wouldn't touch giving my input with a 10 foot pole.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I dont know why everyone here is being so pessimistic about it.It's very much possible...BUT ON A HIGH CALORIE DIET.

    sounds contradictory ??? read along

    well, I just lost around 2 kgs this july on a 2100 calorie a day diet..
    The thing to keep in mind is you should NEVER go below 1200 cals as someone has already pointed it. You need to lose it MAINLY by creating a deficit through EXERCISE.

    Eat a 200 cals above your maintainence and do cario/ HIIT/ weight training to create a 700 deficit.
    I had posted my weight loss program of how I lost 2 kg in a month but many people tagged it too drastic and shut it down...Which is the same wave of emotion i'm seeing here..Please losers!!!! if you can't do it doesn't mean you should be pulling others down as well

    1. You lost 2kg in 1 month, but in her op she is wanting to lose c8kg in a month.
    2. You suggest eating 200 cals above deficit and then creaing the rest through exercise. To hit her target of 4lb a week based on an unlikely perfect conversion then she would need to burn 2000 calories every day + 200 for the above maintenance calories. Even at your level of 2kg a month just by exercise means she would still need to be quite fit and 700 calories a day is quite a lot for many. Probably 90mins of cardio every day plus the weights and any other exercise.
    3. Its very naughty to call people losers in a derogatory way on these forums.
    4. 2kg a month is reasonably modest, 2kg a week is not.
  • squatsanddeadlift
    squatsanddeadlift Posts: 117 Member
    I say do it because its the only way to learn its an unrealistic goal.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I dont know why everyone here is being so pessimistic about it.It's very much possible...BUT ON A HIGH CALORIE DIET.

    sounds contradictory ??? read along

    well, I just lost around 2 kgs this july on a 2100 calorie a day diet..
    The thing to keep in mind is you should NEVER go below 1200 cals as someone has already pointed it. You need to lose it MAINLY by creating a deficit through EXERCISE.

    Eat a 200 cals above your maintainence and do cario/ HIIT/ weight training to create a 700 deficit.
    I had posted my weight loss program of how I lost 2 kg in a month but many people tagged it too drastic and shut it down...Which is the same wave of emotion i'm seeing here..Please losers!!!! if you can't do it doesn't mean you should be pulling others down as well

    I lose weight on 3000 calories? What does that have to do with the OP again?
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