

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I managed four hours of sleep after my long drive. I guess a nap today will be on the agenda. I don't function well without sleep. My adult son is now ensconced in the upstairs bedroom with his two cats. One girls is still asleep but the other is up and ready to play! As I was driving yesterday it occurred to me that my oldest soon to be adopted girl is 20 years younger than my middle son and my younger girl is 20 years younger than my youngest son!

    I am eager to get back to my routine after a crazy two months. My needs have been put on a back burner. I haven't been logging, but have been careful about what I eat for the most part. Haven't stepped on the scale even. Not going to today since I didn't take my diuretic yesterday because I was on the road.

    Hard to believe that school starts in just three weeks!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janetr ~ Thinking of you, your sis, and your BIL. So sorry that they are ill.

    Miriam ~ I am confused! How old are the girls you are adopting? Try to get some rest.

    Heather ~ Your son and children are cute. I never miss the area I grew up in. It was a small Ga town. I love being able to go shopping within a couple of miles from my house.

    Two goals for the day are 1) vacuum the carpet in the den and bedrooms and 2) give the Pom his weekly bath and diluted clorox water treatment. Yesterday, I got the kitchen mopped (white linoleum) and the Pom immediately dipped his feet in his water bowl and tracked mud all over. Ugh!
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi everyone,
    Barbie - thanks for the new thread (sorry nearly typed threat!). Love your august goals but why 'speak up not sulk?' What did I miss???

    Poop - have you managed to get some pain killers yet? I hope you have and that they are working on getting rid of the nasty pain.

    Lisa - hope you are enjoying a well earned rest with your beautiful family.

    Janetr - you look wonderful in those pants, thanks for posting pic, even if some of us did get the wrong idea :-)

    Carol - isn't it horrible when you think you can just reach for a seatbelt and get it buckled and all you get is pain for your troubles?

    Heather - your Rick Stein meal sounded great. Hope you have a wonderful time with your friend and DH enjoys the cricket, I just cannot get enthusiatic about that sport. I think the only time I watched and enjoyed it was when 'beefy' botham was playing, now that was worth seeing!

    Welcome to all newbies and all the people I have missed. I am really bad at doing this but have decided that I have no excuses for not keeping up with the rest of you. I have got an awful week ahead as my colleague has taken a couple of days off and so I will be working from 6.45-18.00 mon-fri and then 8-5.30 on saturday. Will have to get all housework and food prep done tomorrow as I know I will not want to do much when I get home.
    My son has phoned today to let me know that DGD fell off bike yesterday and has broken her leg! What a start to the school holidays for her. And she is the one that starts high school in September, I really hope that it has healed by then.
    My DDiL just brought DGS up to see me at work, he has gained weight and is now 8lb 13oz. I love watching the expressions on his face as they change every second while you are talking to him ;-)
    It looks as if we may get a bit of sunshine this weekend and after the cold, wet miserable weather we have had last week it is really welcome. See you all tomorrow.

    Gilly, Suffolk Uk
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Pip - Ouch!! I am so sorry you didn't get your pain meds. I think, if I was in your position, I would call the office and see if the on call doc would follow up.

    Joyce - Thank you! The seat belt issue was of my own making. Whoever is driving me buckles it for me, I was just pushing myself to see if I could "do it myself!" like I'm prone to do. Looks like I would have learned by now that I usually end up with a setback when I do that.

    Welcome newcomers!!

    I didn't do well with my food yesterday, but I have been working hard at staying within calorie goal so I went outside last night and walked laps around my section of townhouses for about 30 minutes until I had my 'calories left' in the green. It was quite encouraging that I've found a safe place to walk after dark (the only time it's cool enough at this time of year) and gives me no excuses! It's not a permanent solution because I could never walk up to speed there because the ground is too uneven, but slowly is the name of the game for now. I feel somewhat ridiculous at being so proud of my 6800 steps since my usual is so much higher, but that is the most I've gotten since the surgery.

    Well, I hear children stirring overhead so I'm going to enjoy the last minutes of my quiet time. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Kibbly
    Kibbly Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, this seems like a really friendly group :)
    I'm 59 years old, have two grown up sons and two adorable grandsons (not that I'm biased). I retired from my proper job 3 years ago so that I could spend time with my grandsons and help my dad more. I now work for one of my sons part time.

    I have enjoyed reading your comments the last couple of weeks and some of them have encouraged me to do more walking. Thank you.

    Goals for August:
    Track/log everything I eat
    Don't go over my daily calorie allowance
    Complete the number of steps that my Garmin sets me every day.
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks Barbie for getting us started again. I see we already have a few new faces for this month, so welcome.

    I did as someone suggested and took my measurements. I hadn't taken starting measurements but I was able to dig up measurements I had taken last year when I was 2 lbs lighter than my starting weight in May of this year. So, I logged them as my starting measurements and I'll go from there. Anyway, I'm feeling much better today as I have lost 3 inches off my hips!

    I'll be back later to catch up on posts and to post my August goals, but here are my July results.
    • 7500 steps per day - Only missed this a couple of days but my average was over 7700 steps/day
    • Exercise 5 time per week - Did it!
    • 6 glasses of water per day - I think I only missed this one day, so pretty good
    • Make healthier food choices - Overall I think I was successful here, but still have some improvements I can make

    Happy August!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Everyone has such great goals.... I think I should borrow some of them. I have lost some of the gain from eating from the "toxic to me" list.

    August Goals
    *walk 10,000 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *finish Company books
    *organize the new storage areas in the basement
    *get more sleep - 7 hours please

    The wiener roast was a success!! As soon as I get the pictures off everyone's phones I will post one of my DGS and DGD. They followed each other around - exploring. Such a relaxing evening. Even DH got to sit for a bit.... after a fast trip to the city for parts for the baler.. :(

    So... starting out August... today

    --> clean up the house and fire pit area.
    --> walk the dogs
    --> get picture of the labs for pip, they don't sit nice like pips dogs!!
    --> pick peas and shell..... goodness have green beans to pick too
    --> pick sour cherries
    --> pick some more Saskatoon's so I can make DH a pie
    --> do laundry
    --> do 2 months of company books.

    And get that done before DH gets the baler fixed .... I hope it doesn't take him too long - there is about 2 hours of baling left and there is rain in the forecast. And he wants to go visiting later this afternoon.....

    Have a great long weekend ( Civic Holiday - Canadian holiday on Monday)

    Oh crap - just looked at the calendar and I have a baby shower to go to this afternoon. EEEKKKK

    I hope I get to bed tonight!!! Or achieve my goal of 7 hours of sleep.... :)

    Later everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    morning new and regular peep-o-laaaa's!!!
    thanks for starting the new and past months, barbicat!

    pain is a lot less today not gone, just a lot less. kirby gave me 3 of something, don't know what it was, i don't ask, i just take. i know the pain is due to the brace that i'm wearing having to push the bone down. now i'm putting on the regular sports bras on and keeping the strap on the shoulder. i don't wear the brace when i work out but put it on after, for the rest of the day. i was too tired to call the doc (they were closed and didn't want to deal with explaining and calling the after hours line).

    i am thinking, depending on when i get the go ahead to start to run again, i might do the 1/2 instead of the full w/kirby (marathon). we will see.

    this last week, i rode 50.7miles on the bike, not bad. and it said 4055calories burned last week. never look at how much for the week, only the day.

    well, gonna feed the kids, and gotta empty out my locker because they are going to do work in the gym so i will have to lug around more stuff in my backpack til it gets updated, yeay me, more weight.

    type to ya later

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy aug 1st.Barbie thanks!
    My goals are to be as active as I can.
    Loose more wt than july.
    Drink water.
    Eat healthy.
    Make a gratitude list daily.
    jane (from Il)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Terri love the picture.

    Miriam hope you are getting rest today.

    Pip ouch!

    Janetr your sister and DH in prayers.

  • char316
    char316 Posts: 72 Member
    Since my weight loss has not been successful, and i have admitted to motivation issues, it must be time to make a change. So I am going to take everyone's lead and set a couple goals for July:

    1. Spend at least 15 minutes a day exercising.
    2. Log daily
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    My number 1 goal for August has nothing to do with weight loss: find a place for my DS to live! LOL!

    2. Keep my boundaries.
    3. Stay current with my online Bible Study.
    4. Average 10,000 steps a day.

    Thanks, Joyce, for the picture pose suggestion. I was looking at samples online and saw one with the wife sitting and the husband standing. He was looking down at her and she was looking up at him. I think that one might stretch out my double chin and work nicely. I'll be sure to show y'all the finished product.

    My DS moved in last night. Everything is in storage except his work clothes, one duffle bag of socks, underwear and casual clothes, and his toiletries. Really, he isn't any trouble. He is nice, polite, picks up after himself, does not smoke, drink or party and tries to be quiet when he gets up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work. It's honestly more that DH is so set in his ways (remember how I think he is on the spectrum), that he gets anxious, which makes me anxious. And that we don't have a room that can be totally dedicated as "his" space without DH making some huge concessions to the current arrangement, and he is not willing to do that. He doesn't want to make it too comfortable for DS lest he decide he likes living with us again. It's really a good thing that DS is here, so that he can take his time finding a nice place. It's the first time he's had a job that will allow him to afford something a little better than he has been settling for in the past. I wouldn't mind having him at all if DH could bend a little. I just don't think it's in him. Plus, DS really hates the idea of living with his parents at his age, too. The two of them are way too much alike!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Peach, my sons were born in 82, 84 87. My two new daughters were born in 04 and 07.

    drkatiebug, my 31 year old son just had to move in with me temporarily too, since we don't have an apartment for him yet. He will at most be here for 60 days plus a possible 60 more days if we cannot find one. For now his furnishings are going in to storage.

    Miriam in Iowa with 18 cats in my house now! LOL
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks Barbie! Have missed all my friends here. Glad to see many new faces.
    Hope to keep coming back regularly.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks Barbie!

    Here's a report on how well I achieved my goals for July:
    1. Maintain my pound-a-day veggie habit
    — Almost 100%

    2. Weigh and log food when I am cooking
    — Dismal failure. It was just too hectic cooking for so many people.

    3. Exercise restraint when I'm not cooking
    — Ditto. Goals 2 and 3 failed in part because of family tradition. My grandfather always dished up the main course at our table, and my father took over the task 36 years ago, when Grandpa died. We all want him to continue as long as he can, both for sentimental reasons and to give him the satisfaction of playing the part of head of the table. But he's nearly blind and I felt it would be asking too much to make him cater to my special needs. So I pretty much took what I got.

    4. "Choose my booze"
    — This was my resolution to select either the G&T before dinner or wine with dinner, not both. I was only successful about half the time. I should have done better!

    5. Exercise in some form every day
    — I didn't exercise every day, but I averaged once a day over the month. I ran 5 km or more 17 times, took long walks 3 times, did about 30 minutes of strength training 11 times. And I haven't counted the yard work I did on several occasions, digging, cutting brush and dragging to the burn pile, weeding the rock garden. Pretty darn good!

    August goals:
    1. Maintain my pound-a-day veggie habit
    2. Get back to consistent logging starting 11 August, when I return to the High North and resume my ordinary life.
    3. Maximum ½ bottle of wine one day per week (again starting from 11 August).
    4. Jog a total of 100 km.
    5. Strength train at least twice a week.

    /Penny at the Pole
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Saturday ! ! !

    Thanks Barbie, for getting us started again ! ! !

    Sylvia – Glad the multi-cooker was a success. My DS and DH complain that my crock pot foods are dry, so I may need to give that a try. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Becca – I totally get what you’re saying about having friends and being accepted by people who look different. Even being heavy, I also have a big personality, and it puts people off sometimes. I say what I mean and mean what I say (although I do my best to buffer it a little to not be outright offensive). And most of my friends are seasonal friends. Parents talk to me during DS’s sport seasons, but rarely call me or return my calls during the off season. So right now, no one would ever call me to do something, because bowling starts next month, basketball starts in October, and baseball starts in March. I can go to one of the many surrounding festivals, and fit right in and “party” with whomever, but that won’t likely end in a friendship. So, I repeat and reword your sentiment. Thank you, all my friends, for being here for me, through thick and thin ! ! ! // Love the bead idea. I just made a super-size poster for tracking, that will be different colors for weight, measurements, and fat %. My final weight goal is 160, but setting dates is not good for me, so just the goals without dates. I might steal your bead idea, too.

    Pip – Sorry you didn’t get your pain meds before sleep. I hope they are ready for you VERY soon. You deserve it !

    Janetr – Hugs and prayers for your sister and brother-in-law. I hope everyone gets there “in time”. And I pray you all find peace, comfort, and warmth in each other and in your faith. // My Dad is as much fun and nice as you could ever imagine. Thanks for the compliment; I will tell him (he is only 71, his Mom just turned 92).

    Miriam – Hugs ! I hope you call get rest and DS finds wonderful housing.

    Cheryl – My DD is a Home Health Aide at a group home for Autistic teenagers. She has been doing this less than a year, while she is in Nursing School. She used to have physically challenged adults (like advanced MS and such). She seems to like them both the same. I admire her, and you, for being about to listen and respond with your heart.

    Joyce – Thanks for making me smile about sitting at the computer naked, and thinking about how bad it could have been if the cat wanted on your lap. I’m still laughing (and proud of you).

    Chris – Double WooHoo ! ! !

    Gilly – Sorry about DGD and her broken leg. I hope she quickly masters crutches, and also heals quickly. Hugs !

    Drkatiebug – When my middle sister moved in, my Dad allowed her to sleep on the hide-a-bed in the family without a dresser, and most of her belongings in the basement. He said “She is technically homeless, so she needs to feel like she is a burden living here. She is not going to get comfortable”. At first I thought that his attitude was mean, but now I understand that he just wanted it to be a temporary situation, and that she would find her own apartment. So, I think I understand how your husband feels. I have told my DD something similar a few times. “Yes, you may stay here while you find a job and an apartment, and once that happens I will help you get your boyfriend here, but I am not supporting 2 unemployed adults”. My DD wasn’t willing to accept those restrictions, so she still lives with her dad in his finished basement. Keep strong and keep making the best of the situation, and your son will be a better man because of it. Hugs !

    Saturday 8:00am and I already got into an argument with Security. When the clinic is open, they are supposed to check in with me, not use their badge to enter the back of the clinic (what if we had a patient walking around ½ naked back there?). He asks how anyone is supposed to know when the clinic is open. “Well, it is generally the first Saturday of the month, plus I already called the department and asked for my doors to be unlocked, plus all the lights are on and the music is playing and I am sitting at my desk”.

    I did pretty well at dinner with my Dad last night. I ordered a pasta dish, and put 1/2 of it in a to-go container immediately. I had a small salad and squeezed the juice of a few tomatoes on it instead of dressing, but I did splurge on a dish of ice cream. The bar was a little small for dancing, so I pretty much just rocked in my chair or while standing next to my chair. We were home before 10:00pm, and really enjoyed the full moon on the drive. We drove past the new neighborhood that claims to have seen the Lion, but we didn't see it (I'm not surprised). Watched a little baseball with DH before he headed off to bed. Now, I'm at work for another 90 minutes, so I will work-out after work, get milk from the grocery store, and try to convince DH to take me to one of the Festivals in the area (not near the Lion).

    I will likely check in again soon, or later tonight, and try to go to another Festival tomorrow (a great way to get steps in without complaining about my knees because I'm having so much fun).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (actually West Allis, the new location of the latest Lion sighting)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    DrKatie, sure you can drop 50 pounds in two weeks. No problem. And when you do, you’d better bottle that stuff cause you will make a fortune. I think it’s sweet that he wants the portrait done. And you look great in your profile pic so I don’t know what you are worried about???

    Linda, you know we are happy to host pity parties any time, but now that it’s over let’s get down to business. I don’t know about you but my weight can go up 3 lbs in a week with my fluxes. Don’t get discouraged, just keep doing what you know is right and it will work out sooner or later. We just all want it sooner. You can do this!!!

    MNMargaret, I know you and most of the ladies have seen this but I saw again it today and it reminded me of you.
    I kept forgetting my passwords so today I changed them all to “incorrect”.
    Now when I need my password and I type in anything, I get a message that says,
    Your PASSWORD IS INCORRECT. Then I just type it in.

    Pip, what is the deal??? You want a teeny tiny little pill for a big pain???? Not sure that’s gonna happen. ill.gif How long is it supposed to take for you to start feeling better??

    Heather, since your freezer is bursting at the seams, we will just all come for a visit and know there will be plenty to eat. smiley-eatdrink020.gif Sounds like fun to see your friend and maybe go to Paris. Keep us posted.

    Terri, you are so right that, “Ya can’t fix stupid”, so at least you know not to expect any better. But OMG he doesn’t seem to care if you eat or not. *shaking head*

    Meg, so sorry about the burned boobies! Or cleavage or whatever. You know about that McDonald coffee and how dangerous it is. I am glad it wasn’t worse.

    Sylvia, snazzy new cooker. Glad you like it but you made me hungry reading about your dinner.

    Carol, so sorry for your crappy day yesterday and for your current situation in general. Hang in there. It sounds like you are doing great under the circumstances. I know you are ready for everything to be healed but it sounds like you are making really good progress. I certainly have empathy!!! When I broke my wrist, I just had a cast and it was about to drive me crazy to get it off. I’m glad the PT is going well, so just keep up the good work. You know we are all with you and love you. ((((Hugs))))

    Janetr, so sorry to hear about your Sister and BIL. Sending prayers and healing thoughts.

    Terri, great picture. Wow your Dad is nice looking and young looking.

    Curly, welcome. You will find this a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please sign each post with a name you want to be called and your location. Come often and chat whenever you like.

    Joan, welcome to you as well. It sounds like you are off to a great start, so we know you are doing something right. This group has been so important to me in my journey and successes and I hope it works the same for you.

    joniCA, welcome to you too. So nice to have all the newbies at the beginning of a new month.

    Chris, congrats on a great July. I’m sure August will prove to be even more successful. Keep up the good work.
    Gotta share...lost 40 lbs!!!
    Off to the beach.
    Double Woohoo!
    Chris in MA Wow Wee. Woohoo is right!!! How long did that take??? You are doing fantastic!
    Heather, kudos for making a move on the bathroom floor. We had carpet in a bathroom in our first house and I always felt it was so unsanitary. I could just envision all the germs living there. It was a new house and we only lived there for a little over a year so never did anything about it.

    Pip, Damnit, we don’t like you to be in pain!!! Don’t you have any friends with drugs??? JK Sending healing thought to you.

    Shani, welcome. You have had an amazing start with a 13 lb loss. Congrats!!! Please don’t get discouraged when it starts to slow down.. It’s ashamed that your hubby will interfere with your schedule because he wants you with him. It is so helpful when they support our journey and what it takes to make it successful for us. Good luck.

    Cheryl, welcome. It does make it more difficult when we work around fattening snacks all the time and it is such a social thing that we think we aren’t being friendly if we don’t participate. You plan ahead and take snacks that you can whip out, while all around you are munching on donuts. smiley-eatdrink015.gif You can do this and we are here to support you.

    Joyce, don’t even think that I have gone soft!!! I’ll give you a swift kick any time, but on occasion I feel a pep talk is in order. How is this one for , “Step Away From The Food” smiley-char151.gif. Ya have to use a little imagination. You know, a cook out with hot dogs sounds wonderful. I think I’d have to request that the s’mores stay away. The craft fair was very nice. All very professional and nothing looked homemade. The only problem was the prices. Woowee kazowee. I gave serious consideration to a really funky top that could be worn with pants or shorts and would really dress them up. It was $159 and I couldn’t bring myself to spend that much. But it was fun to try them on and a super nice lady at the booth. Wish you could have been there. My fat friend with the bad knee is the one that went with me and we had to stop often for her to sit and rest. I was not that bad, but still in the same situation a year ago. I am so thankful that I am not in good enough shape to actually walk around and enjoy myself. BTW, your hubby has competition as the world’s biggest pessimist. I live with one too. Sometimes it gets a bit tiring.

    Lisa, I think you had a fabulous July. Good for you. I like your goal of weighing less at the end of the month…I think I’ll use that one.

    Mamenat, congrats on your weight loss. Sometimes it just stalls for days and days, but if we keep on keeping on, it will eventually move. Do you have a name that we could call you? If so, please sign your posts for us. It just makes it easier to identify you.

    Heather, great picture!! And what darling GK. I’m putting my money on DH going to Paris with you if his friend doesn’t come at that time. I have decided he likes going on your adventures. It must be love. smiley-love010.gif

    Gayle, good for you on keeping healthy snacks in your van. It really just takes a little planning but is sometimes hard to get into a new habit. Keep up the good work.

    Miriam, I agree that a nap may be in order today. I hate to hear that you haven’t been logging. I guess that is the last thing I’d give up when my schedule is off. pcwhack.gif I hope you can get back on track. We are all here for you.

    Gilly, so sad about your DGD breaking her leg. How special to have DGS visit at work. He is so tiny. Only because my DD was 9lb 2 oz when she was born. Lol I hope work isn’t as bad as you expect. Just hang in there and know we are with you.

    Carol, I think it’s wonderful that you walked 6800 steps. That’s possibly 6000 more than I did, so don’t feel ridiculous at all. You are doing great, so just keep it up.

    Kibbly, welcome. We are happy to have you join us. And yes, this is an encouraging and supportive group. Please sign each post with a name you want us to call you and a location, general or specific. Come often, this thing works.

    Linda, a big CONGRATS on losing those inches. I took measurements when I started but only neck, waist and hips. If that’s all you did, I recommend taking more. It’s so cool to see what is getting smaller as you go.

    Lillian, so glad the wiener roast was a success!! Try to have fun at the shower this afternoon.

    Pip, I’m so glad the pain has lessened. I was worried that you might not be able to sleep if it was too bad. I thought it was such a good idea to skip the marathon, but I know you will do what you want. Just take care.

    Char, I don’t mean to be picky, but why don’t you set some goals for August? That doll in your profile pic should be motivation enough to get healthy and live long. What a darling!!!

    DrKatie, it sounds like you are being squeezed in the middle of your DH and son. I hope he finds a place quickly so DH doesn’t get too bent out of shape. Hang in there.

    Anamika, nice to have you join us. I hope you are able to stop in more often.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My August Goals:
    Log everything I eat and drink
    Concentrate on portion size
    Do more exercise than last month
    Weigh less at the end of the month than I do now.
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    I hope each of you has a happy and healthy day, week and month. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I have no advice. I think you're doing everything right. My tummy isn't flat, and I have extra skin that I'm not even sure surgery could fix if I wanted to take that kind of risk. I love taking my yoga class and spin when I'm able. I haven't liked trying to work with a DVD or tape because I can't see whether or not I'm doing the moves correctly and there is no one to give me tips and pointers. The social aspect of the health club is very positive for me. In the morning when I'm there, the majority of the people are 50+. :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women.

    Pip: I wish I had a magic wand that would relieve your pain. I wonder if surgery would be a good idea and encourage you to get a doctor who can buy a clue and give it some real consideration. At the very least you need someone who will provide reasonable help with rehabilitation. I hurt my shoulder a couple of years ago in a stupid fall bringing the trash bins in from the street on garbage day. I didn't break anything but I seriously stressed a whole lot of tendons. My shoulder still aches and clunks from time to time and I feel the after effects. Bones are structural. You're an athlete and need a sound structure you can depend on. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: If you had pleasure from your progress necklace before, another might also put a smile on your face. I got my biggest morale boosts from smaller clothing sizes. I wish I could keep my wedding rings on. I may take them in and have them resized again. :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: I'm a retired teacher & gained weight every year I taught, then lost part of the gain every summer so the weight kept creeping up. I had no real idea how to manage my weight and stress. I've learned a lot here and I wish you the best success keeping up your discipline when school gets going again. You'll have a cheering squad of opinionated advisors at your beck and call. :bigsmile:

    Chris in MA: Congratulations on the loss! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Would you recommend Being Mortal to others? I wonder whether I can find it in the library. I like your potluck strategy and follow a similar plan. I'm happy that you get to see the grandchildren soon. I'll probably go to CO for DGS's first birthday at the end of August. I hope DH will go with me. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: "I feel somewhat ridiculous at being so proud of my 6800 steps since my usual is so much higher, but that is the most I've gotten since the surgery." You are too hard on yourself. In your situation 6800 steps is an epic success! :heart:

    Char: You've chosen your goals well. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Dr Katie: Good luck having your son live with you for a while. I imagine everyone will have to make adjustments to make the situation work. :heart:

    Anamika: Welcome back!!! I hope you'll be here regularly. :heart: :bigsmile:

    Penny: Travel does make healthy living a big challenge. You'll be back on track when you're in charge of your own life again. :flowerforyou:

    DH and I are going out for breakfast this morning. I'm looking forward to something a little different and it is a good way to put a little fun into the day. the good news is that I've learned ow to order a breakfast that will meet my health requirements. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited August 2015
    Katla - I have my copy on Kindle. I know you are interested in the subject as you were mentioning making a Living Will. That is something I haven't done yet, though I think it isn't legally binding, just a statement of intent. DH is a little uncomfortable with the subject, so I don't push it, but he does know my preferences rather too well. Bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzz. :laugh:
    The book is very well written and the author does not pretend to have all the answers, but he certainly has some questions about the way we handle death in our medically advanced countries.
    He also has some very helpful observations on how to live a fulfilled old age. One is to keep your feet in good order! ! ! ! !
    I think you would find the book very thought provoking reading. :flowerforyou:
    So glad you can join DGS for his birthday. :love:

    Guinea fowl tonight with chard from the garden. :bigsmile: Stewed apricots for dessert with homemade yoghurt. Tomorrow DH will have to cook. :bigsmile: I will be out all day enjoying myself at the seaside with my friend. >:)

    ANAMIKA WELCOME BACK! :drinker: Great to see you!

    Heather in warming up Hampshire UK .

    Two nights ago we had a record coldest night for July EVER. BRRRRRRRR! ! ! ! ! ! ! ( 1 degree celcius.) Just above freezing. It's quite pleasant t shirt weather now. :noway:

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Ladies, since you are the single smartest group of people I know, I have a question:
    Do any of you know enough about Windows 10 to give an opinion? I'm interested in good or bad information about it.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    MB, SC