

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited August 2015
    JanetM -I forgot to answer your question. I concentrate on the ones I have in the fridge and a few others that are my favourites. Last night I had NO CHEESE! Tonight I don't have enough calories for cheese so I won't have any. o:) If you are suddenly confronted with a delicious cheeseboard like you were, I recommend stopping in your tracks, and then visualising eating each of the cheeses in turn in all their deliciousness several times over BEFORE you eat any. The idea is that you will end up eating less. Try to savour every mouthful. The guinea pigs in the experiment had to visualise eating 30 chocolates 3 times a day. I do my cheese exercises probably that many times. Good so far. It also works for pizza or doughnuts or whatever is the craving. :bigsmile: You have to REALLY do it though. Lots of visualisation required!

    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Heather darling picture.

    DJ love to password joke. Unfortunately it is sometimes correct (true).

    Anamika good to see you back.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    afternoon ladies, got out of work came home and mowed the lawn.. DH in a horrible mood. says we have to talk later.. and from someone who doesnt talk... this should be good.. maybe he is sick of my horrible ways ,of me doing nothing at all. and is going to file for divorce.. we shall wait and see..
    all I can say is if he does that he is gonna lose alot.. and I just dont mean money either...
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Welcome August 2015! :)

    My August goals are:

    7000+ steps daily (as counted by MMW and are continuous purposeful walking steps)
    30 Day Strength Building for Beginners (continuation from July)
    3 X per week PT Headache Exercises (totally let these go to the wayside in July and that cannot happen)
    Meet protein macro daily (+/- 5 grams) (managed well in July with 98 grams so increased to 114 grams)

    August may turn into an interesting month as my husband finally got a job offer that he is considering. So I may be burning calories packing up a home to move. Realtor coming this evening to give us an idea on this house's worth. This will be our 5th new home purchase so I am well versed in what is coming down the road!

    Thanks to everyone here in this group! I love checking in with all of you and am so blessed that you will be with me no matter where my husband takes me. <3

    Cheri currently in Fairlawn, Ohio but soon to be, maybe, hopefully in Staunton, Virginia?!

    P.S. Welcome Cheryl Ann! My name is Cheryl Ann too but have always been called Cheri. I was an Instructional Assistant/Intervention Aide for 8 years with Autistic children in a public elementary school!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Michele/Katla - My stomach is probably the flattest its been in my adult life. But as Katla said, I have a lot of extra skin hanging, my upper arms and legs are bad too. A plastic surgeon came to one of the support group meeting before I had bariatric surgery. He told us that he would NOT do skin removal surgery on any one over 65. I'm sure I could find some surgeon to take my money, but its not like I'm going to be wearing a bikini or short shorts, I just cover it up.

    Katla - I had my wedding rings resized once too and they are too big again. I don't wear them in the pool and sometimes doing housework. I don't want to lose them. I may wait a while before sizing them again, but think I will eventually.

    Michele, I think the water aerobics has really helped me with my stomach but I know you do that all the time too, plus all your other stuff. It's like everyone telling me "maybe this is the weight you are meant to be". I'm not happy with it but am going to stop stressing over it and just keep on keeping on. Maybe this is just your body and you will have to camouflage it with clothes as well as possible. I'd love to be as thin as you are :)

    Heather - PLEASE send some of that cool air to very hot and very muggy Oklahoma. I'm not wanting to even poke my nose outside. Have a terrific day at the seaside tomorrow, it sounds blissful to me right now.

    DJ - I'm using only Windows 7, sorry can't be of any help, but I'm not one of the smart group lol

    Janetr OKC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Janet (DJ) - My daughter went to Windows 10 this week but she says she hasn't had enough time with it to give any kind of opinion yet. My son says he's read that it's horrible, but he is notoriously pessimistic about stuff like that. I'm still using Windows 7 and don't plan to change soon because my laptop is so old, I feel pretty certain that it won't run anything newer. If 10 proves to work well, I MIGHT consider upgrading at work.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Anamika - Welcome home!! You've been missed. Update us on the job!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    afternoon ladies, got out of work came home and mowed the lawn.. DH in a horrible mood. says we have to talk later.. and from someone who doesnt talk... this should be good.. maybe he is sick of my horrible ways ,of me doing nothing at all. and is going to file for divorce.. we shall wait and see..
    all I can say is if he does that he is gonna lose alot.. and I just dont mean money either...

    just know that i am with you in spirit and i am slapping him upside the head after every sentence. love you!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    stat for the day:
    expresso extreme bike trail, vindicator -
    part 1 - 21.32min, 4mi = 200 est. cal
    part 2 - 1hr 23sec- 99aw, 12.1amph, 12.8mi = 630c
    total cal 830

    the dr from aetna ins. came and i answered a barrage of questions. that was interesting. he laughed at some of my answers.

    janetr - i'm sorry you're going thru this hard time. i was a stem cell donor for my sister so i know what you are going thru. it's hard on everyone. my thoughts are with you and the family.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Michele – thanks for the good thoughts… today is not weigh in day, but I got on the scale anyway—and Yeah, ½ lb down…. Going in the right direction, that helps my motivation.

    Fiddle - sounds like you are doing great, slow and steady works!

    Jonicalifornia, Karen in OK, Shani, Cheryl, Kibbly– welcome

    Pip – I am so sad to hear you are in pain!!! Any thing anyone can/will do for you on the weekend?

    Joyce – I read about the challenges you face with Charlie, and I am thankful I am single. I know because you tell us too about his good points… but you are a saint to love Mr. Perfect.

    Chris – Congrats!!! But 40 this month??? Since you started?????

    Heather – I have seen pics of the DGC, but not your DS, he’s a cutie. I have a friend that rides a motorcycle and is dating a “hairy biker” he is really hairy and also rides… They are both trying to lose weight and are really clueless, but I am not sure they want a clue. However she loves to cook and I think she would get a kick out of a Hairy Bikers cookbook, which one do you have?

    Gayle in Idaho - your son’s MH, what is MH?

    Gilly - there was a bit where everyone (including) me was apologizing for not keeping up and someone ?Barbie? said hey it is ok… just come back and start in.. so that’s what I have started doing and it takes the pressure off..

    Carol - Starting over from surgery must be hard! And hitting your highest steps is awesome!

    Jane – great goals

    Anamika – fun to see you- I missed hearing about your part of the world.

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 –
    W3 –
    W4 –
    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    thanks for all your concern fellow peeps.

    the pain is really down right now. so i'm good. kinda like an annoying neck ache that you can't get rid of cuz you went to sleep wrong ? i am doing good...

    i wish i had friends that had some cool drugs or i would hit them up. unfortunately, kirby having access to ALL the drugs is too honest and won't share the hospital drugs. :0(.. i guess that's a good thing if he wants to keep his job. :0/
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - thanks for the kind words. Yeh, a lot of people really don't understand what stem cell transplant means. Its been hard. I've not had any news today, I think the kids (my nieces and nephew) are probably traveling today.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Kim - I have the first diet book they did, "THE HAIRY DIETERS - how to love food and lose weight" I think there are three dieting books altogether. Some people reckon the second one is even better.

    Just tried out my sparkly nail varnish. Not at all right for the 70th, but I will wear it tomorrow for the seaside. :bigsmile: It's the kind of thing a twelve year old would wear! >:)

    DH's friend is coming on the 18th till the 20th. That's great! I will have a chat with my friend tomorrow about Paris and if she thinks I would be able to fit around her family reunion. There are flights - expensive because of the late booking, but my favourite hotel has reasonably priced rooms. August is the off season in Paris. :laugh: We will see............

    Still no cheese tonight. I AM hungry though. :sad:

    Love Heather UK

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends! Busy day today; we are going to dinner tonight for DH’s birthday (which is tomorrow) at a seafood place called Plank. I’ll try to be good! But I could eat seafood all day long!

    Any one out there have a fitbit that ever started counting steps cumulatively? Mine is still adding steps from yesterday.

    Thanks Barbie for the new thread even though the year is a little off! 

    My goals for the month are pretty much staying the same. I want to keep steps at 8,000 (I honestly don’t know if I could go up!) and exercise 6 hours a week, which I have been close to. Otherwise stay on plan. I may try to add more produce to our menus but it seems to always go bad. My brother just had his fourth cardiac stent put in this morning and I don’t want to join him!

    Curly girl: welcome to the group

    Joanl9 welcome to you too

    Michele: I don’t have any good suggestions for you; I have always heard that’s a hard spot to tone and that crunches and other “ab work” don’t really help

    Jonicalifornia: welcome to you too . Where in CA do you live? I had a dear friend just move 2 days ago to Santa Rosa

    Chris: I so hope you enjoy your trip!.

    Pip (((hugs)))

    Karen: welcome aboard. I have extended inlaws in Miami, OK.

    Becca: what a great idea. Sorry you didn’t have success with Jenny craig. Where are your favorite resorts? They are hard to find.

    Katla: I will take your lead and find something to enjoy daily

    Shani: welcome to you too. I try to 2 10-minute walks each day which are easy to do and quickly add up when I add my evening workout. But I’m sure you will figure out how to put your health first

    Joyce; yes I was drinking coffee and reading the paper after finishing my meal. I am like you; I have figured out
    how to get more steps in by un-doing all that nursing organization!

    Mamenat: congrats on the weight loss

    Janetr: (((hugs))) I got nothin’ better for ya

    Heather: my brain got stuck multiple times doing this remodel! Great pic

    Gayle & Kibbly: welcome to you too

    Gilly so sorry about your DGD! That is an awful way to start the year!

    Lillian: keeping fingers crossed for sleep!

    DrKatie: good luck on that priority goal!

    Anamika: so nice to see you again! I have missed you

    PennY: choose my booze: love it! Can I choose all? I have being having G&T with sugar free tonic water due to my diabetes and really don’t like it.

    Terri: good for you at dinner!

    DJ yes my cleavage area seems to be dangerous. A waiter put a plate of steak with a huge steak knife down in front of me once and the handle of the knife got stuck right in there and stuck, “boinging” back and forth until we all nearly laughed ourselves sick

    Alison: stick to your guns. You deserve better. Pip and I are taking turns with him. I hardly ever comment on these personal things, but you have put up with enough.

    OK I need to get up and go put the hem back in the pants I’m wearing tonight. They are kind of a palazzo pant and the last time I wore them I kept thinking “geez I took them to the tailor and she didn’t want to hem them, why the hell not…look how long they are…ooops the hem pulled out!” Take care all, meg from Omaha where it’s pretty nice today~
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Afternoon ladies,
    Had the chat with Tom.and I am at a loss for words..
    He broke down and said with tears in his eyes that he is committed to finishing the renovations but after that ,all bets are off,he needs to go off by himself...personally I think he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...and him being the stubborn man he is,will not speak to anyone..he said he needs to deal with this on his own..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited August 2015
    Janetr I should have said her DH is in my prayers.

    Alison prayers!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    new pic are my son`s girls-Leah 2 1/2 and sister Kenzie almost 5 months
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    MNMargaret - Thank you so much. I'm really kind of on pins and needles today, no word from anyone. I guess they always say "no news, is good news". I appreciate your prayers.

    Janetr OKC