

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    I'm at a party and should be having a good time,but am feeling out of it and sad . :'(
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
    Afternoon ladies,
    Had the chat with Tom.and I am at a loss for words..
    He broke down and said with tears in his eyes that he is committed to finishing the renovations but after that ,all bets are off,he needs to go off by himself...personally I think he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...and him being the stubborn man he is,will not speak to anyone..he said he needs to deal with this on his own..

    my heart is with you. perhaps he does need to work whatever it is by himself because it's not fair that his issues are being taken out on you.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kim, MH refers to Mental Health. Several of us here are struggling with our own and/ or have kids with problems.

    Logged the little I have eaten today. Too busy to eat much (and took my two oldest sons, two girls and two grandkids for lunch and do not eat out due to my celiac so I basically skipped lunch). Had a small dish of cottage cheese.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »

    Thanks Barbie for the new thread even though the year is a little off! 

    smiley-laughing025.gif Meg, this is page 3 and you're the first person to mention the weird date....I consider myself a great proofreader and I didn't notice it.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited August 2015
    Michele- I got to my target weight of 121 last year (before I gained it all back) and still had some belly pudge. I got really discouraged. This time I'm doing different exercises. Before, I jogged 2 miles a day then did a bunch of crunches and some weights.

    This time I'm using exercise DVDs to see if maybe my own workout wasn't effective. I might lose a few more pounds. I saw before and after pics on here and one woman had some belly fat but 3 pounds lighter she was flat. I thought that was very interesting.

    DJ- I've signed up for Windows 10 and will post how it is once I get it. I'm quite nervous as windows 8.1 was a big shift for me and not very intuitive.

    My goal this weekend is to stay in calories, even with wine and eating out.

    At potlucks I eat fruits and veggies and a small salad.

    My son graduated from college and moved home till he got a job. He promptly got a job and said he'd move out in 2 years after he'd saved some money. Noooooooo. So, my husband told him he had a 6 month grace period and then would have to start paying his own insurance and other bills (I wish he'd buy his own groceries!).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Afternoon ladies,
    Had the chat with Tom.and I am at a loss for words..
    He broke down and said with tears in his eyes that he is committed to finishing the renovations but after that ,all bets are off,he needs to go off by himself...personally I think he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...and him being the stubborn man he is,will not speak to anyone..he said he needs to deal with this on his own..

    <3 Alison, take it one day at a time and try to trust whatever higher power you have to take care of Tom as he deals with whatever is troubling him.....you have all us to support you and you are a strong woman.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    I am home and in bed...
    needless to say the house has a different dynamic now.. I lived with my ex husband in the same house for 6 months before I could afford to move out..
    I just dont know what will happen here..Tom is still very weepy.. and I feel bad for him.. and I suggested he speak with someone..I can only put it in Gods hands...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Alison - our thots are with you. I know this is a very hard time. You have LOTS of shoulders here to cry on and/or vent or whatever. (((Hugs)))
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @megblair1 I won't go into details here about the kind of resort, but google AANR and there are resorts in every state. Yep I liked making the necklace, shall be visiting a bead shop soon. Will take pictures on the ones I choose
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @DamitJanit The windows 10 isn't like other updates. This one is the last one they will do. Once you download windows 10 you are in their system, and they then can update and make revisions with you not getting a say so. I personally like to have the question posed, "do you wish to update your files?" Then you get a reason why they are doing it, some good, some pointless and we can opt out in undating them. That is my own person opinion.
    sooo not a tech know-it-all, but listens when her husband spouts on about it... lol
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, enjoy that breakfast and Kudos for learning how to order it the way you want and need.

    Cheri, fingers crossed for your hubby. Hope there are new adventures ahead for you. And yep, we’ll be with you wherever you go.

    Meg, you are probably the only one that noticed the year on this month’s thread. Very observant. Gosh, my problem is I love my G&T. I do think the lime makes it though. Do you put lime in yours? If you don’t like it, stop drinking it. It’s not like that vodka is calorie free. Lol

    Allison, my heart goes out to you. I have often wondered why ya’ll were doing the renovations with things the way they are. I will keep you both in my prayers and hope that you just concentrate on you. Hopefully he will find some peace and resolution. (((((((Hugs)))))))

    Jane, what precious children. How can you keep your hands off of them? smiley-char090.gif

    Fiddle, I agree that some body parts are just hard to adjust the way we want. My tummy is actually flatter than I expected it to ever be, but that roll of loose skin below it, is pretty upsetting. Not that I would do it, but I was surprised to hear that a bariatric doctor said he wouldn’t do skin removal surgery on someone over 65. I’ll be anxious to hear how you like Windows 10. I can’t decide if I want to upgrade or not. Such decisions.

    Monday is our anniversary and DH was going to take me out to a new restaurant for dinner. I have a Women of the Moose meeting so we decided to go out on Tuesday. I did look up the menu and didn’t find it to my liking. Just too gourmet and upscale. So we have decided on a steak place that I really like. Since it’s one thing we’ve never done on our Anniversary, we decided to go to the beach that morning. smiley-love007.gif I like making a celebration last longer than one day.

    I hope each of you has a wonderful and successful month. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Well, DS is looking at a place tomorrow. It is a really nice place, but comes with a price tag to match. It does include all appliances, washer/dryer, electricity, water, trash pickup, and a one car garage with opener. It is a guest house/in-law suite on a fancy place. I think it's a little far from work, but it's interstate driving the whole way. He thinks it is affordable, but is a little concerned about privacy. He will know more after he sees it.

    Allison, it may do your DH good to go off by himself and think things through. Maybe he will appreciate you more.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Alison - our thots are with you. I know this is a very hard time. You have LOTS of shoulders here to cry on and/or vent or whatever. (((Hugs)))

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of an Extreme Cardio DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Michelle Dozos Shape Up (Low Impact) DVD

    When we were leaving the pontoon party yesterday, I realized that my head was hurting. By the time I got home my teeth were hurting. What is this? Then I realized that it's my sinuses. Not sure why they were acting up, they usually act up when there's a change in the barometric pressure. So last night I took a Sudafed. Now on the box it says "may cause drowsiness". Well, in me it has the direct opposite effect. I got up at 3:30. Now I know that I'll be real hot and then real cold. And I'll be wide awake and then suddenly real tired. Always, without fail, happens.

    fiddle - welcome to plateau-land. Ahhh, I know it only too well. Sometimes I think it's my body's way of saying that it doesn't want to go to any lower weight.

    Chris in MA - congrats on reaching so many of your goals

    pip - so glad you're here. Where WOULD we be without you???? you, too, Becca

    Welcome everyone new!

    Cheryl - I didn't realize that someone with Hahimoto's had to be on a low carb, high protien, and gluten free diet. Removing gluten, I would think, wouldn't be real hard since you've already gone low carb. Am I right?

    Sylvia - when you use the multi cookier, does it brown the meat or do you have to prebrown it before you cook it?

    Joyce - Vince calls me "the eternal optimist" because I'm always looking on the bright side of things. You sound like me, when I get a load of laundry in, I usually strip down to get as many of the whites/dark in as possible. There have been many times when I've sat at my computer, not naked but very close to it.

    Before I went to that pontoon party yesterday, I made myself a (albeit small) salad, cucumbers, avacado, egg whites. Mainly because I knew that there would be "yuk" food there. And there mostly was, there was fried chicken, these finger sandwiches, someone made some sort of broccoli slaw (I would be afraid of the mayo in it going bad in the heat which is why I put my vege dip in an insulated container. Fortunately, there was lots of fruits, but there were also lots of cakes (which I avoided)

    Lisa - when are you going to Montana and how long will you be gone?

    mamenat - I used to use the chip up machine all the time. I think that's one of machines worth using. The others you sit while you work biceps/triceps/etc. They just isolate the muscle. Good for rehab, tho. I'm going to have to go back to the chin up machine. I usually used about 110lbs assisted.

    Chris is MA - big woo hoo

    Off to the farmer's market now. Just bought some red potatoes, that's all. The guy said that he didn't water the golden beets so we won't have any this year (boo), he couldn't get the seed for the cantaloupe that I like (boo), I got the corn that I want, no one seems to have red okra.

    barbie - I hear ya on the potlucks. That's one of the reasons I had a salad before I went to the pontoon party. Unfortunately, it's many times what I bring that I eat, and doesn't really get finished (probably because it doesn't have all sorts of dressings on it). But at least I bring it home and have the leftovers. Like tonight I'm having the leftover broccoli from yesterday.

    Linda/IA - yea for the inches lost!!!!

    pip - I'm so glad you have less pain. We have aetna, too!

    Meg - have a wonderful dinner. I love seafood places. Oh, I think I know exactly what you all are saying about the abs. I know that you should also work the opposing muscle group. Guess I just needed to vent. Oh, you had me ROTFLMAO about that knife.

    With the sinus problems (taking Sudafed for them), I'm just not hungry at all. Dry mouth (natch), but that's about it

    Alison - (((HUGS))))

    Becca - I didn't realize that once you downloaded Windows 10 they can make updates without informing you. I know that will never ever fly with Vince. He gets upset at Apple because they don't let you have total control over your system

    drkatiebug - I think you have a wonderful goal! I don't think any of my kids would like living with their parents, either. Especially after having been on their own.

    Anamika - you're sure a sight for sore eyes!

    DJ - knowing how you feel about the carpeting in your bathroom (and that's just your family in there), can you imagine what it must be like at the Y? We do have carpeting here, even in the locker room. Don't know why, but they do. Don't have a clue about Windows 10. I do know that Vince has said he won't get it when it first comes out, he'd wait until they got the bugs worked out. I'm running 7 and if we could get the support, Vince would have us on XP still. Happy Anniversary

    katla - I enjoy the social part of going to a gym, too. It's also motivating in a sense "if she can do it, so can I". But then there are times when either they don't have the equipment I need or the classes just don't work into my schedule.

    Cheri - how wonderful for your hubby! You know, Staunton isn't all that far from Newton <hint, hint>

    Went to the farmer's market. This one guy had purple potatoes. Wish I could get Vince to eat them. They taste the same as white potatoes, only they are purple. Made some key lime cupcakes today. Actually, they are for when we have Rummikub here in about 2 weeks, I just put them in the freezer uniced. Then went in the pool. Got dinner ready, went to church, came home and had dinner, now on here. Will take a shower in a few then it's beddybye time.

    janetr - I had a friend who had surgery to remove excess skin after she'd lost over 100 pounds. Her main reason for doing it? Because she'd sweat and it would start to stink being trapped in the folds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you stink. I know that some people emit certain smells. Lynette does. Beth (the lady who lost the weight) might just have been overly-conscious.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    28,000 steps
    three and a half hours of dog walking
    an hour on the exercise bike
    an hour walk with a friend
    18 minutes puttering in the garden
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Oh Alison, hang in there - hopefully he will be willing to talk to you or to a minister/therapist….

    Well it is almost bed time… take care gals. See ya in the am.

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 –
    W3 –
    W4 –
    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, do you really think Tom would go with you to the new swanky gym? It might back fire on you. U[date, I am glad at least he could verbalize his feelings with you. They must have been stewing in his heart for a long time and just boiled up more and more each day. I agree with the others. He now has to make a decision and you can only give it up to God that Tom will make the best decision for himself. I am glad he is going to stay long enough to get the kitchen finished. Although it sounds like since he has broken down, he may not have the desire to finish it now.

    Chris, over what period of time have you lost the 40 pounds? Congrats on it. I tried to set 20 pound increments and soon realized that I needed smaller ones.

    Janetr, have they thought of Hospice care? It is not a death sentence but a celebration of life. You can not be on any life saving treatment in hospice though. Is there anyone you can call to get an update? I know when my Mom was so ill and in hospice, I started a family list on my facebook personal messaging. I would update everyone a couple of times a day and it really helped people who lived out of town keep up to date and it saved a lot of phone calls that the story can get changed as it is passed along. My brother is a chaplain in a inpatient hospice and he said it was such a lifesaver to him top have my messages twice a day that he had his hospice buy computers for the lounge area for the families to use.

    Heather, you have carpet in your bathroom???? Yech! Yes, it needs to be changed. I have seen the vinyl tiles that look like hardwood and they look very nice. Oh, there is that cute little boy again. I see he gets his good lucks from his Dad! Only 2 a little over 2 hours to get to Paris!!!! It takes us over 3 hours to get to our oldest daughters house. and we drive down and back in one day. It would be so wonderful to take one day trips to all those beautiful areas.

    Gayle, my niece married a man who has been blind since birth. He has a Masters in communication but has been unable to get anyone who will hire him. So he works very part time at home on a computer taking calls from companies needing freight hauled and he arranges semi transportation. He has a wonderful speaking andsinging voice and did a lot of radio work in college.

    Gilly, you know we need some pictures of that baby!

    Carol NC, my usual steps for this past year have been in the 1500 range. Yep, you read that right. And I wonder why I have gained weight. So I am very glad to say I got close to 7000 in today.

    Kibbly, glad you finally decided to chime in and write about yourself. Welcome.

    Miriam, it must e chaos in your house. Not all of the kids and animals live in your house at one time do they???? I know you have your adopted youngsters. Are the grown ups still living at home?

    Penny, I know it is nice to have traditions, especially when it involves Grandparents. But how would your family thin if you had a measuring cup at your plate and measured an appropriate portion after Grandfather put it on your plate. Plus, you don't have to eat it all.

    DJ, whe I am at a picnic that is having smores, I have one and use half the chocolate and am fortunate enough that so far no one has used those ginormous marshmellows. A pessimistic husband isn't a little tiring, It is a lot of tiring. But I do love him and tell him I love his. I compliment him when he is dressed especially nice or suggest that he wear a particular pair of pants that I know look really good and at least gives a little hint that his butt isn't that flat. He is very thoughtful at times, maybe a bit to much. He loves for people to agree with him and is very insulted when they don't and works real hard to try to change your mind. Like the other night we went to Denny's. Usually we are a little chilly when we eat out and bring a sweater. Well I forgot one but I know he keeps 3 levels of heaviness in the car at all times. So he said he would go out and get one for me. I told him that the temp was OK. Again I said OK and he again told me tht it wasn't anything or him to get it. He got upset that I wouldn't take him up on the offer. He did that to his Mom a lot. He might like to go to a different place than she did or want a Three Muskateer instead of a Snickers, But he would ask her 4 times if she didn't want to change her mind. Us females do have a mind and we do have the right to our own opinion. About the Windows 10. I belong to another forum, I admit it yes I do. But they have the same close knit family atmosphere like we do except there are a couple of men. So I asked this exact question and it was mainly a negative response. Some were willing to try it but wanting everyone else to work out the bugs first. I will keep what I have.

    Chris, exciting about your husbands potential new job and a move. I do not like packing up a house though. Mary in Minnesota could help you!

    Pip, what kind of job does Kirby have? You know sometimes pain does serve a purpose to let us know when to cut back on what we are doing.

    Meg, Oh the visual of the steak knife boinging back and forth in your cleavage. Was that poor waiter so embarrassed he couldn't wait on you anymore?

    Barbie, Meg was probably reading so carefuly after she wrote she had walked 20 inches. I just saw what you wrote. I don't think I will be around to post in 2105. I wonder what kind of technology we will be using in 2105?

    Well tonight I made myself get up and walk the circuit in the upstairs everytime there was a commercial. Do you know how often there are commercials during Wheel of Fortune??? I was so glad to get a 1 hour show after that. made me exhausted. But also made me drink a lot of water. I can really tell how out of shape I am as far as exercising. It's going to take a bit but I really need to get back to the Y. I will continue to walk here in the house and riding my bike here. But I need to get back to somewhere that I am part of a group and it gives me more accountability.

    Well tomorrow is the day I sing a duet in our choir special and then sing in a ladies trio. The music committee sets the calendar up 3 months in advance. This ladies trio was supposed to be a duet but the song they chose didn't sound right without the third voice. And it was supposed to be for last week but the soprano had to be out of town and we traded with some one so we could do it this week. And the song with the duo I volunteered to do it. I have been wanting to start back in doing a solo but the kind of music the choir does as a group usually calls for a different voice than mine. So this song is just right for me. We are a small church with about 15 people in the choir and I feel conspicuous 'hogging' the special music.

    Can I freeze Greek Yogurt???? A regular size carton is 4 cups and I use 1 cup a night. I don't like my yogurt sitting in the fridge. I think it looses its thickness.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce - Thank you, yes you are right we do use messaging on FB with all the family included. Today I was just anxious and no one had posted anything new. Tonight their youngest daughter said my BiL seemed to be holding his own so they are gong to take the ventilator off tomorrow and see how he does. Thank you for your concern.

    Michele - wrote "janetr - I had a friend who had surgery to remove excess skin after she'd lost over 100 pounds. Her main reason for doing it? Because she'd sweat and it would start to stink being trapped in the folds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you stink. I know that some people emit certain smells. Lynette does. Beth (the lady who lost the weight) might just have been overly-conscious."

    Thanks, I think, for saying I don't stink :) Let me clarify a bit here, my bariatric surgeon does nothing but weight loss procedures, he does not do skin removal surgery on anyone. Therefore he brings in a plastic surgeon to the discussion group to explain what procedures are available and a range of his charges, etc. The plastic surgeon is the one that said he personally will not do skin removal on patients over 65. Like I said earlier, if it were a problem for me, I'm sure I could find a surgeon that would do it. I don't really have "folds of skin" hanging nor have I ever had a problem with body order so that is not a problem for me. If I were younger and wanted to wear two piece swimsuits or shorts, etc. I'm sure I'd consider a skin removal procedure.

    Janetr OKC
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Walked to the library, sat and read for a while, then to the gym, where I read on the recumbent bike for 40 minutes, and on the treadmill for 30. And, dangit, didn't write down the recumbent stats from the machine. Got credited for a bit over 600 calories. Had KFC grilled breast, big size green beans, regular coleslaw, a biscuit and a cookie, and was still under 1200 calories.

    Recumbent bike weirdness - after a while, a couple of toes on my left foot went numb.

    Why does Fitbit think I should be walking 5 miles a day? Is that the average mileage for 10k steps? I've got short legs - my height's all in my back. 11,795 steps got me 3.64 miles.

    My weight's been stoogin' around this week. I hit 152 on July 20, then moved up to 154.5 and just crept back down to 152.5.
    BUT it's 15 lbs since May 22. That's 3" less at waist and hips, down to 33 and 39. Thigh down 1.3", to 19.2. Which all translates into size 16 to size 12. It's 2.5" less at shoulders, to 40, and 3" less at chest, to 35. I wore a blouse yesterday that didn't button last year. (Though a bit of shopping today forced me to realize that I'm still a L top, rather than medium. Butat least no longer XL.) Even my neck is down, though only 3/8 of an inch.

    July resolutions:
    --Walking: at least 7,500 steps a day - um, nope. Made it 4 days each of the past 2 weeks, 5 days week before that, 3 days the week of july 5-11.
    At least 10,000 steps at least 4 days a week. Er, no. Managed that one week of the 4.
    Hit 15,000 steps at some point in the month. Did it.
    --Jogging: Get from a max of 6 minutes to a max of 10 minutes at a time. (Donno if I'll hit this one, but it's worth trying.) - didn't make it. Developed my first shin splints and went to walking.
    --Get up early enough to get in some walking outside before the mirror steps. (This one is HARD.) - very rarely.
    --Keep logging (Fitbit's doing the steps). - check.
    Stay within calorie budget. Ummmm, mostly. Went slightly over 4 days, waaaay over one.
    Watch sodium and sugar. went over sodium 5x, over sugar, um, lots. 18 days.
    --Freewrite 15 minutes first thing on waking. (I've got the notebook. Put it in the headboard last night. Forgot this morning.) did well for a few weeks, not well past 2 weeks.
    --Get in more time at OEDILF and Books & Writers. Got in a bit more.

    August resolutions: Since I clearly need more work on them, I'll go with a repeat of the above
    At least 7,500 steps a day
    At least 10,000 steps at least 4 days a week. Hit 15,000 steps at least one day.
    --Jogging: Get from a max of 8 minutes to a max of 10 minutes at a time.
    --Get up early enough to get in some walking outside before the mirror steps.
    --Strength training: at least 2x a week.
    --Keep logging (Fitbit's doing the steps). - Stay within calorie budget.
    Watch sodium and sugar.
    Try to remember only to sip after 8 pm, and see if that'll keep my bladder from waking me up at odd hours. Even ones, too.
    --Freewrite 15 minutes first thing on waking.
    --Get in more time at OEDILF and Books & Writers.

    Barbie - thanks again!
    Cool about the pot luck companion!
    (I've been known to bring raw veggie platters to pot lucks. Or strawberries with vanilla Greek yogurt for dipping.
    Proofreading reminds me of the resume received by an online acquaintance who was an editor for a megacorp. Experience inclulded "poofreading."
    28thousand steps! That's astounding! <doffing hat>

    JanetR - I'm so sorry about your sister and brother-in-law. They're in my thoughts.

    Sylvia - very cool about the multicooker!

    FPJ - Which weightloss goal did you choose that got you the 1200 calorie cap?

    Curly girl - Your goals look good, and congratss on being so close to goal! What's your job, if you don't mid answering? (If you do, just ignore me.) Do you commute by car, bus or train?

    Joan- Congrats on the 13 pounds! Yeah, I got moving (and tracking) after a long plateau.

    Joyce - aaargh. Charlie does have some good points, right? <wry smle>
    Larry's a pessimist and depressive, but tells me and others that he's proud of me.
    Well done on the stepping!
    You can freeze greek yogurt, but the texture will change.
    I've never noticed it thinning out over 4 days. Or even a week. If anything, it thickens a bit, with a little pool of whey at the top.
    If it's flavored, you could make Greek yogurt popsicles. :)

    Michele in NC: I got in about 1200 of Thursday's 13,150 steps walking in place while brushing, flossing and showering. Did another 400 and 600 walking around the hall during a few off-minutes at work. another 2000 to 3000 during my lunch half-hour. Walking from the office to the ferry landing was another 2500 or so, and I had Larry drop me off at the gym for the rest. Spent 30 minutes on the recumbent bike and 30-plus on the treadmill.
    Sounds like you're going top-drawer on the caricaturist. :)
    Do you really want big ceramics near the pool? I'd be worried about them breaking. IIRC, Sylvia's are some distance away.

    peep - what Michele said, both about the marathon and the pain pills. Glad Kirby had something that helped.

    JoniCalif - way to go! And welcome!

    Chris in MA - you've done great! Especially "another year older but feel 2 decades younger." Yaaay!
    AND 40 POUNDS! <cartwheels>

    Karen OK - welcome! Your goals look excellent.

    Katla - you're doing really well!

    Shani - welcome! Does your husband usually get home at the same time? You could walk around the neighborhood and time it to that. Or if his arrival home varies, could he call your cell when he's 15 minutes out?

    Cheryl in TX = welcome! Could you become the break room veggie supplier? :)

    Lisa - 3/31 over is great! So is 3ounds down,nad teh running. I think all the restaurant work is a reasonable reason for crunchlessness.

    Allison - I hoe the parking lot's safe at 3:30a. Hoep things calm down at work.
    Just read about Tom. Oh, dear.

    Heather - Yay for the vinyl order.
    Boy, 1 degree C in July is a reminder of just how much farther north y'all are.
    Well done on your cheese abstention!
    Anent end of life, Larry knows I want to be a cadaver. And yeah, I know med students make jokes. If I could, I'd have a limerick implanted somewhere they'd find it. Perhaps

    Coffin up for an urn? Jeeze Louise!
    Perennial care? Waste of fees.
    Can the solemn palaver —
    Ship out my cadaver,
    A cut-up for future MDs.

    Gayle - way to go on the van food!

    Miriam - <doffing hat>

    NCCarol - Congratulations on the safeafter-darkwalking.And it's not at all ridiculous to be proudof the highest total since surgery.

    Kibbly - welcome, and congrats on increasing your walks!

    Linda IA - well dne on the goals, AND on the 3 inches off your hips!

    Char316 - good start! Logging food helped me a lot.

    DrKatie - good luck on the apartment!

    Anamika - even though I wasn't around for you earlier, welcome back!

    Penny - way to go on the veggies and exercise! About taking what you get at the table - could you save part of the serving for lunch the next day?

    Terri - goals without dates makes all hte sense in hte world.

    Katla - yaay on figuring a breakfast out that fits your health!

    Cheri - best of luck on the job offer! Keep up those PT headache exercises!

    Meg Blair - I lived in Santa Rosa when it and I were both much smaller. I still remember the address: 3015 McGowan Drive. There was a huge black walnut tree in the back yard.
    If you really don't like G&T with sugar-free tonic, drink something else for the same number of calories. If you don't like it, why bother?

  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    Good evening ladies.Ina here in hot, sultry and litterally on fire California. I love the goals for August. Its like a mix of eating healthy, exercising and the Fly Lady for staying on task with house cleaning. I admit to having a tough time keeping up with poats on my phone.

    I have a knee injury on right and bone spur on left foot in Achilles tendon, so exercise has been zero. I have our Wii Fit out and some DVDs I want to try, and can use my hubby's hand weights.

    Your posts are inspiring and I am staying motivated to count what I'm eating and make changes that will be long term.