True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • NYRhockey00
    NYRhockey00 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Horrendous....turns out i shouldn't wear dresses.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I confess that I love my fiance too death but sometimes I get so stressed out trying to take care of both of us. I appreciate that he does contribute a lot more money and pays for food and everything outside of our normal bills but I just get so exhausted rushing home every day to cook, clean up after we eat. On weekends I slam the days with chores and have a hard time finding time to relax. I just get so tired I snap a lot at him. If he asks me to get something, I snap. I feel horrible for it but I just feel so exhausted and worn out and want him to help or at least take care of himself more.

    Best tell him that. Men are pigs that have to be trained. We can improve, though.

    He went backwards. He use to hate being lazy. He did a lot of stuff and worked hard and if I was sick, he came home with everything and was making me soup, and he would drive all the way to work to pick me up, and all these things. I know part of it is stress and depression and being use to me doing stuff. But I keep telling him he can't just ignore things to talk to me and that he needs to work on stuff and sitting around on video games doesn't fix stress or depression and then I look over and he is ignoring me for facebook...
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    Horrendous....turns out i shouldn't wear dresses.

    Especially on windy days
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    edited March 2016
    I too bought a new dress today...

    Im sure you looked lovely in it .. ;)
  • Shyness40
    Shyness40 Posts: 3,430 Member
    I confess that I love my fiance too death but sometimes I get so stressed out trying to take care of both of us. I appreciate that he does contribute a lot more money and pays for food and everything outside of our normal bills but I just get so exhausted rushing home every day to cook, clean up after we eat. On weekends I slam the days with chores and have a hard time finding time to relax. I just get so tired I snap a lot at him. If he asks me to get something, I snap. I feel horrible for it but I just feel so exhausted and worn out and want him to help or at least take care of himself more.

    Best tell him that. Men are pigs that have to be trained. We can improve, though.

    He went backwards. He use to hate being lazy. He did a lot of stuff and worked hard and if I was sick, he came home with everything and was making me soup, and he would drive all the way to work to pick me up, and all these things. I know part of it is stress and depression and being use to me doing stuff. But I keep telling him he can't just ignore things to talk to me and that he needs to work on stuff and sitting around on video games doesn't fix stress or depression and then I look over and he is ignoring me for facebook...

    If it's like this now I wouldn't make him my husband unless things change. That's just my opinion.
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    ^^^TMI 8^0

    Psssh, amateur. I did that and posted a picture here. The ladies loved it. :laugh:

    I own it
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    I too bought a new dress today...

    Im sure you looked lovely in it .. ;)

    My wife loves it when I wear panties, but the dresses are for her only.
  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    I confess that I love my fiance too death but sometimes I get so stressed out trying to take care of both of us. I appreciate that he does contribute a lot more money and pays for food and everything outside of our normal bills but I just get so exhausted rushing home every day to cook, clean up after we eat. On weekends I slam the days with chores and have a hard time finding time to relax. I just get so tired I snap a lot at him. If he asks me to get something, I snap. I feel horrible for it but I just feel so exhausted and worn out and want him to help or at least take care of himself more.

    You sound just like my ex-wife...
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    I confess that I have my first 5k this weekend and I've not run at all this week :/
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I confess that I love my fiance too death but sometimes I get so stressed out trying to take care of both of us. I appreciate that he does contribute a lot more money and pays for food and everything outside of our normal bills but I just get so exhausted rushing home every day to cook, clean up after we eat. On weekends I slam the days with chores and have a hard time finding time to relax. I just get so tired I snap a lot at him. If he asks me to get something, I snap. I feel horrible for it but I just feel so exhausted and worn out and want him to help or at least take care of himself more.

    Best tell him that. Men are pigs that have to be trained. We can improve, though.

    He went backwards. He use to hate being lazy. He did a lot of stuff and worked hard and if I was sick, he came home with everything and was making me soup, and he would drive all the way to work to pick me up, and all these things. I know part of it is stress and depression and being use to me doing stuff. But I keep telling him he can't just ignore things to talk to me and that he needs to work on stuff and sitting around on video games doesn't fix stress or depression and then I look over and he is ignoring me for facebook...

    Oh man, this is a crappy situation. Get yourself to a therapist. If he'll go with you, awesome, but if not, go alone. Sometimes therapy teaches you how to work through relationship issues to make things better, and sometimes its purpose is to help you transition through a breakup. You may not know which it is until you get through it.
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    I confess that I am too nice and get stepped on a lot. When I try to be assertive it always backfires on me. 0_o

    I prefer nice people, so please stay that way. I have never been good at conflict, stresses me out. So I try to avoid it. But I guess there has to a line you wont let them cross.
  • Shyness40
    Shyness40 Posts: 3,430 Member
    I confess that I ate Mexican food for lunch today.
  • TabithaCheesecake
    TabithaCheesecake Posts: 652 Member
    I confess I once ate a cheesecake semi defrosted because I was too impatient.
  • mjfox61
    mjfox61 Posts: 44 Member
    I confess that in the past decade I have only bought one new shirt (Back to the Future...loooove it).
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I confess a friend convinced me I NEED to go shopping tonorrow
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    I confess a friend convinced me I NEED to go shopping tonorrow

    Was there any doubt of you going?
  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    I confess after an 84 pound weight loss, I still get envious when I drive by certain fast food places (very few, but still a couple).