Odd facts about you!



  • taycheese
    taycheese Posts: 87 Member
    `i'm allergic to flowers, all flowers
    `i'm double jointed, mainly in my thumbs, they can bend backwards and sit on the back of my hands
    `i'm not really that cool
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    I sent ants into space.
  • nblais06
    nblais06 Posts: 376 Member
    In 2009 i went on a moose hunt and my dad and i shot a moose
    Im a good shot with a rifle even at 200 yards
    My volume for tv radio etc has to be an even number
    I can't stand someone taping or clicking
    Most people i know call me a redneck and im okay with that
    My favorite show is Duck Dynasty
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    When I eat french fries with salt I constantly move my fingers to get the salt off. I've been made fun of for that since High School still do it.

    LOL my boyfriend does a similar thing. He constantly rubs his fingers together to get salt or crumbs off his fingers - but mostly when he is talking during a meal.
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    Oh man, there are so many "odd" things about me.. I'll just regale you with a few though

    - I have Sensory Overload Disorder. Everyone can get overloaded by too much stimulation, but it happens much easier with people with SOD. For example, if I'm trying to study, I can deal with people talking around me, music OR tv. If there is more than one of these going on at once, my brain decides it can't handle it and feels like it's filled with static. It can happen with any of the major senses, but for me it's just sound.

    - I'm an Empath and I hate it. While I've been able to be a great "therapist" because of this ability, I really wish I could turn it off. When your day can go from great to ****ty just because of some random person's bad mood, it kinda sucks. I need to learn to control this ability but it's only been in the past few years that I learned that feeling what I feel doesn't happen to everyone. I often wonder if this and my previous odd fact are connected.

    I am a HSP (hypersensitive person) so I can totally relate. When I am around a group of people for longer (even a few hours) I need days to completely recover. I pick up sounds and smells and sights way faster than anyone else"normal people".

    I can smell someone smoking from 5 yards away. I can smell when my mom takes something out the freezer without me knowing (freezer food usually doesn't smell like anything but I will know what it is).

    When I walk into a room I am able to name everything that is in that room within 2 seconds.

    I pick up on people's feelings very easily and have even "read" people's minds (people close to me) on various occassions, but I am NOT psychic nor do I believe in that.
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    I will eat anything, try anything and usually like anything food related. When I first met my now wife, she couldn't cook and burned everything- and I not only ate it all, I liked it. I still burn grill cheese sandwiches and hotdogs on purpose.

    I can eat anything that is spicy up to nuclear level and no one has ever beaten me in a spicy eat off.

    The only thing on the planet that has ever made me gag (with the exception of tequila) is Miracle Whip. That crap is a crime against humanity.
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I won't drink or eat anything that weird windex color blue. I'm scared of all bugs even butterflies and I will physically injure you if you even try to tickle me. I seriously get in a panic and have been known to bite someone just to get away lol.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I have a very high visual memory. I can spell impossibly long words really fast with no trouble, because I see the words in my head.
    I can also remember maps etc. in just a couple of seconds. I never get lost this way, haha.
    I remember conversations by running a Star Wars style scrolling text in my head (yes, it's yellow with the same font as well).
    When I walk into a room I've walked into before, I can instantly see if something has moved. Even if it's like a pen that's moved half an inch. I always remember exactly where everything is. My family knows this and always asks me where they've left their stuff when they've lost something -_-.

    I am also mixed handed (not ambidextrous). Means I do one thing with my left hand and then another with my right. I draw with my right hand, write with my left hand. I chop food with my right hand, drink and eat with my left. You get the picture.
    Also severely dyspraxic.

    I've been tested for autism as a teenager, because I have a lot of "symptoms" of it. But because I don't have the social problems and some of the other developmental problems autistic people have to face with, they determined I wasn't on the spectrum (luckily). I'm just plain odd ;).
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I am deathly allergic to melons and bananas, like go to the hospital carry an epipen allergic
    I love love love fishing and actually had a guy stop dating me because he couldn't handle me catching more than him
    I read tarot
    I pole dance
    I used to be married to a Baptist Minister
    I have dimples in my shoulders and so do all 3 of my kids.
  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member

    I'm obsessed (well, not really, just very interested) with Synesthesia! Just the concept alone is amazing to me. I know a lot of people suffer for having it, but I can only imagine how cool it could be for those that don't suffer. It is also one of the few psychological/mental disorders that can be recreated in a non-"sufferer".

    With all due respect, my synesthesia (along with most other forms of it) is not a "mental illness" or disorder. It is a cross-sensory process, in which our individual senses have somehow become cross-programmed by the neurological development and pathways created during our childhood. Granted, I wasn't fully aware of my synesthesia until later on in life, but research suggests children as young as two are known to experience it.

    I don't suffer from it, and it hasn't affected my intellectual functioning, thereby it is not a disability, either. In fact, most synesthetes have higher than normal standard intelligence and tend to be very creative and artistic. We tend to gravitate towards the arts (in my case, my creativity makes me an exceptional writing and poetry teacher, as I have the gift of painting pictures from words and music "in my head" and relaying those images to my students -- which helps them develop their powers of creativity)

    If you are fascinated it, feel free to read more on the subject, as synesthesia is a fascinating topic and has so many different variations to it, that people who have it might not be aware of it because our minds are that complicated.


    I didn't want to put "mental illness" because I don't see it as that either, but it is listed as that in the DSM, so I didn't know what else to say. I didn't mean it in any disrespectful way. And notice that I used "suffer" as a subjective term. The few people with Synesthesia that I've known have not seen it in a negative light either. Also, having a mental illness is not synonymous with intellectual problems, hence why I never insinuated such things. I have done much studying on Synesthesia and many other psychological happenings as I was a psych student once upon a time.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    ** I'm early every where I go. It makes me nervous to be late.
    ** I don't eat any kind of seafood...not allergic, just can't stand the taste
    ** I don't like corn (I'm always made fun of for this...I get "who doesn't like corn")
    ** I used to have an outie belly button.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I have a compulsion to research-my family all know that if they need to know something, ask me to look up! Need to distract me... ask me to look something up :/ I can't help myself!

    I'm a messy person, but I can memorize the schedules of multiple people all at the same time and organize around it fairly smoothly. For example, I know the workdays of my husband, roommate, the time my sister gets up, my son's programs, my neighbor's schedule (sort of; but he's only been here for a couple of months), my parent's schedules, and just about anyone else I've spent time with. I don't know where this came from because like I said, my house is usually kind of messy ^^'.

    My son has apraxia of speech which is a rare neurological disorder that makes it very hard for him to talk. He's four and has the speech skills of a two year old or so. However, he learned to work the DVD player, Wii, 3ds and computer by the time he was three, lol!

    I have a phobia of driving.

    My sense of hearing is far sharper than my vision. I can play music by ear, I can tell where sounds (even low ones) come from, and i can recognize voices without seeing the person and recognize music from a few notes (assuming I've heard the song before) However, my peripheral vision is awful and I need glasses just to see even somewhat well.

    I cannot do math beyond practical applications; however, I'm the one who handles our budget, bills and taxes. I'm really good at that, but anything like algebra and I fall to pieces!
  • StrongFitSexy
    -I like to crack my knuckles on people's back
    -I played the violin for 7 years, but I dont play anymore, still have my violin
    -love classical music
    -don't really have a sense of smell
    -had literally been near death 3 times in my life due to asthma attacks with bronchitis
    -had 3 car accidents, 2 of them was really bad
    -every chance I get I would kiss frogs if I manage to catch them
    -I dont have seasonal allergies, I get them everyday, year round
    -I suffer from severe acne, i can get a couple of months with almost clear skin but then it comes back to haunt me
    -wore braces for 6 years
    -I was almost legally blind, I needed eye surgery to save my eyes, thank god I can see now!
    -I have very sensitive sense of hearing only when I wake up, everyone literally have to whisper around me, but then im ok about an hour later
    -I'm left handed
    -according to my mom, I never actually talked until I was 5 years old, she thought I was a mute...
    -I was bullied when I was in school
  • missmimichan
    I feel like IM a little bipolar. Lol not diagnosed tho lol.
    My moods can shift so fast!

    I like girls...

  • rebeccajordannn
    rebeccajordannn Posts: 6 Member
    i only eat bread ends lol
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I have a chromosomal mutation that leaves women who have it with only one chromosome, which in turn makes them sterile...and somehow I have an 18 mo old son. I'm a miracle mutant! :)
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    1. I lick my fingertips before putting socks on.

    2. When speaking I gesture with my hands and mouth a lot.

    3. I think it's hot when a guy I'm attracted to chews gum.

    4. I can do a split and am quite bendy even though I don't look the least bit athletic.

    5. I have to sleep on my stomach rocking my butt from side to side.

    6. I believe in ghosts.

    7. I never eat chicken drumsticks down to the bone because I think the bone smells funny.

    8. Walking on grass barefoot absolutely grosses me out.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I have a foot fetish.
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    - I always have breakfast in my office desk (week days)
    - I do my necktie knot always and i hate people getting in done every month or two
    - I became vegetarian trending to vegan
    - I love travelling way too much
    - Hotel rooms are a turn on!
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    If I get touched on one side then i have to touch the other side to make it even. Same with my pockets. Both pockets have to be evenly filled. My work space is immaculate and I'm extremely anal about it but at home I'm messy. I can read Russian but don't speak it. I love watching cartoons and adore animals more than people. Music with repetitive notes irritates me.