Can anyone explain to me macros?



  • jendiaz9732
    jendiaz9732 Posts: 285 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    aledba wrote: »
    hopemula4 wrote: »
    Don't even lift to much either stick to squats so you can have a perfect butt with weight gain and squats also makes you bigger the muscle gets toned.
    I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. Squats are not lifting. They are body weight exercises. Don't lift too much? If OP wants to gain weight, she needs to lift heavy while eating at a surplus.



    OP...if you want to put on weight, hit the weight room hard and eat...i personally wouldn't drop cardio completely, but you could reduce it...cardio is going to increase your calorie requisites which is fine...but the more you do, the more you have to eat...

    To gain weight you need to consume more energy (calories) than you can burn more or do less or some combo're over-complicated something which is not complicated.

    I'm not making anything complicated, I merely asked a simple question. But thank you! That right there sounds very doable!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    praswant wrote: »
    Resistant training helps you to maintain your metabolism. If you do a high level of resistant training, the faster your metabolism burn your caloric intake. Cardio training is for your heart and blood. If you need to gain weight, you need to reduce your resistant training. Eat high caloric food at night before bedtime, you will gain some weight, just like a sumo wrestler does. Also, on myfitnesspal, you should click "gain weight" when you customize your macronutrients.

    Just glance over this post.
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    Well if you love to eat.... Weight lifting + Cardio = more food! :) I do 3 X full body weights + 2 to 3 times cardio a week. I'm only 5"2' and 105 lbs. My maintenance is about 2300-2500 cal. So yes, I eat a lot because I love food.