Starving myself FAT



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    2Poufs wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    You can henceforth be known as the Notorious MFP

    I propose MFP mods change @thorsmom01 's "Member" listing to "Notorious MFP"

    I think that's a wonderful idea ! :blush:

    or NotoriousMom. You know I think you can change your name once.

    Hey Liz was wondering when you'd pop up !

    I've already changed my username once. Some weirdo kept sending me perv mesagaes about spandex so I changed it a while ago.

    Then go with an alter ego >:)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    You can henceforth be known as the Notorious MFP
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Oh my god. You guys those parodies are horrible. lol.

    Yea but they make another clean eating thread a lot more amusing don't they?

    Hey I don't discriminate. If some clean eater or low carber wants to come in and throw down some cheesy lyrics in support of their WOE I'm down...

    I can't wait for the next Sugar is evil thread so I can bust out some Bel Biv Devoe... Poison

    You won't have to wait too long , its an every day occurrence lately ! Lol
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    You can henceforth be known as the Notorious MFP

    too bad they won't let me change my username !

    I told my mom back in 95 that my love for gansta rap would pay off one day....she didn't believe me.. If she could only see me now !
    Lmao !

    Ain't nuthin but a CICO thing baby...
    Now chill, till the next forum thread...

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Where is @UltimateRBF she's the one who started all this!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    tlroof wrote: »
    My epiphany. I recently realized that I was literally starving myself to a fatter me. It's so hard to figure out what to believe in the world of weight loss but this is true! We cannot starve ourselves and get results! I have a very active job working outside since April of this year and I thought I would definitely see some weight loss. I decided to skip breakfast and lunch, eat a late snack and then a small dinner and I hadn't lost a lb! I'm not a 'breakfast person' but I've been forcing myself to eat in the morning, eat lunch each day and an earlier dinner. In the last three days the scale has gone down. I'm sure I'll plateau after I lose water weight but it's good info to get the ball rolling! Eat!

    @tlroof good for you. When we start listening to our bodies it will tell us what it likes.

    How is "forcing myself to eat in the morning" = listening to her body? <confused>

    @snickerscharlie I guess it was kind of like me forcing myself to stop eating carbs. Man can be double minded when it comes to food.

    Gale we aren't close enough to Christmas yet. Pull my other leg, it may play Jingle Bells.

  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Well, that was the best thread I've ever woken up to and enjoyed a cup of coffee over.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    mccindy wrote:
    Exercise combats nothing but a lack of fitness.
    It's pretty good for stress too.

    Starvation mode does exist, but it's not what most people (including the OP & the people supporting
    her/him) think. If it were true that eating too little made people gain weight, nobody would die from anorexia
    or being in a famine or being in a prison camp during war.

    Read this. Read it again. Read it until it sinks in.
    Then bookmark it so you can help explain to others why what they think is 'science' isn't.

    The body needs energy (calories) to run.
    It prefers to use glucose (blood sugar, easily-available carbs),
    then it prefers to use glycogen (slightly more complex carbs stored in liver & muscles),
    then it prefers to use fat,
    and as a distant 4th it uses protein (muscles).
    {Yes, we're all burning some of those all the time, but that's generally the order they're used.}

    Burning muscle is starvation.
    Part of the reason it's 4th is that it's an inefficient conversion. The body gets more energy per gram of
    tissue from the other sources.
    Also, it's a hail mary, hoping you will find (and EAT!) food before you lose so much muscle tissue that
    you can't move, or can't eat, or can't breathe, or your heart stops.
    It takes a long time of eating way below your healthy range to get there.

    The body WILL NOT "hold onto" _any_ calories (fat) if you're eating below maintenance.
    (Use a little common sense.)
    If it did, anorexia wouldn't be deadly.
    Neither would famine.
    POW's would be robust, not walking skeletons.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    Throw your scale in the air if youse a true weigher
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    To MLA honies getting money playin dieterss like dummies
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    You got a scam to shrink waist, please don't myth up the place
    Cause I see some dieters tonight who should be having CICO

    (To Chorus of Big Poppa by Notorious BIG)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    ^^^Nicely said MKEgal!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited August 2015
    wrebecca wrote:
    I am working with a Nutritionist through my insurance company.
    She explained that if you eat too little your body starts out gaining weight because the body
    starts storing the food to protect itself.
    No. Read what I posted just above.

    And BTW 'nutritionist' is a meaningless term.
    I could call myself a nutritionist. (Heck, I'd probably give better advice than most! Certainly better
    than the quack your insurance co. is paying.)

    You need to meet with a registered dietitian.
    That person has college-level education/training in all aspects of human nutrition.

    The person you talked with obviously doesn't. She doesn't understand even the most basic things
    about how the body works. Don't listen to her. Never go back. Discard what she told you, unless
    you check it yourself through a reliable site such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:
    or PubMed

    "A nutritionist is typically someone who completes an undergraduate or graduate degree in nutrition. They may be working as a research scientist, health and wellness educator, professor at a university etc.
    Be aware that there are individuals who market themselves as “nutritionists” with very little or no training whatsoever in nutrition. They may be selling “nutrition products”at a health or fitness center . Before you take “nutrition advice,” be sure to check out the professional background and training of the individual giving it.

    A Registered Dietitian is accredited by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association or ADA)...
    has completed an undergraduate program in nutrition and also a one year clinical internship program...
    must pass a national exam administered by the American Dietetic Association.
    Registered Dietitians must also maintain their registered status through continuing education and advanced degrees/certifications for areas of specialization."
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited August 2015
    oocdc2 wrote:
    Maybe "Starvation Mode" didn't happen to you and others on this site, but it sure happened to me.
    For years, I was eating maybe 800 calories: no weight loss. In fact, I slowly gained weight
    over the years until I was well over 200 lbs. When I joined this site and started to log my food, I
    started to eat more (1450 calories!), but I started to eat better.
    Since you weren't logging / weighing / measuring your food before, how do you know you were
    only eating 800 cal/day? (Because you weren't, or you wouldn't gain weight... unless you're very
    very very short, like maybe 4'6".)
    And the quality (nutrition density) of food doesn't matter a bit to weight gain/loss.
    That's entirely CICO.
    It matters a great deal to health.

    1. Circumstances alter cases: there are potentially too many factors at play for each individual to make one-size-fits-all conclusions, including CICO
    Science works for everyone, even if they don't believe in it.
    That's why it's science & not religion.
    If you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight.
    If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight.
    That's CICO. That's science. It works for everyone.

    We'll (sic) all just trying to lose/gain/maintain weight here.
    :confused: Um, well, yeah... that covers everyone.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    Throw your scale in the air if youse a true weigher
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    To MLA honies getting money playin dieterss like dummies
    (I love it when you call me fat drop-pa)
    You got a scam to shrink waist, please don't myth up the place
    Cause I see some dieters tonight who should be having CICO

    (To Chorus of Big Poppa by Notorious BIG)

    Love it
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    You can henceforth be known as the Notorious MFP
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Oh my god. You guys those parodies are horrible. lol.

    Yea but they make another clean eating thread a lot more amusing don't they?

    Hey I don't discriminate. If some clean eater or low carber wants to come in and throw down some cheesy lyrics in support of their WOE I'm down...

    I can't wait for the next Sugar is evil thread so I can bust out some Bel Biv Devoe... Poison

    You won't have to wait too long , its an every day occurrence lately ! Lol
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    You can henceforth be known as the Notorious MFP

    too bad they won't let me change my username !

    I told my mom back in 95 that my love for gansta rap would pay off one day....she didn't believe me.. If she could only see me now !
    Lmao !

    Ain't nuthin but a CICO thing baby...
    Now chill, till the next forum thread...

    How didn't I think of this line ^ !!!! @WinoGelato lol !
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I eat 1000-1500 calories a day and have lost 7lbs in 2 1/2 weeks.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I was really hoping the low carb group would join us in our 90s rap battle .
  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    Starvation mode doesn't mean gaining weight on a low amount. It means your body adapting to maintain on very low amount, then gaining weight very quickly once you up your calories even a moderate amount. So in starvation one could be maintaining on 600-700 a day, then suddenly gain weight when they increase to 1200. Most of that fat would initially be stored around the internal organs. So no, you won't gain weight by the initial over-restriction; you will gain it from restricting for a period of time, then increasing. I'm not sure how well some element of this apply to those who aren't underweight though.

    Nope, that's not how it works, either. No one would be able to maintain their weight on 600 - 700 calories a day. Just not physically possible. Unless they were a young child, maybe.

    Erm yes I did. It nearly killed me in the end but I did it for a very long time. Then gained on what was initially a very minor increase.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    This thread has gotten great.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    California love - tupac

    Cico knows how to party

    Cico knows how to party

    In the city

    City of mfp

    We keep weighing

    We keep logging

    ( you really must know the song for this to make sense. The hook is well known so hopefully I wasn't the only 17 yr old rap lover in 1995 :)

    Make it stop!