200+ (Week 35) Sizzlin' Through Summer Begins!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Whispers all secret like...Sssshhhhhh......I went to Starbucks and got iced tea for everyone and bought a Molasses cookie to the tune of 360 cals. It was good but not great which of course is always a major let down. It also fit into my cals for the day before I exercise which is nice, but I wish I would have gotten the mini chocolate frosted donut for less cals instead if I was going to get something!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- there's really nothing worse than splurging on something, only to realize it was totally not worth the calories. the mini donut sounds yummy though.

    Checking in for the day:
    2381 needed to maintain
    2707 eaten / 337 burned / -11 day/ -3101 week

    Yeah, you read the calories right. Restaurant week has begun in town. Twice a year it happens, and I"m going out three times this week. It isn't going to be pretty weighing in on Friday. I didn't go to the rec center today, but did a biggest loser workout (last chance workout), so that was something! Of course, dinner reservations were super late tonight, which isn't good for me either... plus I ended up eating more like 2 dinners, cause I was starved when I got home from work and knew I wouldn't make it until 8:30.

    Work was okay today. Tomorrow is the annual children's fair. Ugh. So many kids- I have the potential to be totally crankypants. I might, if they don't corral me into doing something, step out for a bit. haha.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey super pals - time just seems to be flying. Can work get any more busy? Word of mouth referrals are flying in but I want them to stop so I can have more time off to enjoy the summer. I did manage to try a new strength workout by Gen Miller - I used 5 and 7 pound dumbells for 20 min and my arms were killing me. Today I biked for hour - it's sooooo humid today - YUCK - I'm a pile of sweat. I have 8 more min before I have to start getting ready for work. More rain is expected today. My plants love it.

    I broke down and made turkey quesidillas last night. All this talk of food made me hungry.

    Good luck with the kid day - sounds like a good day to have a migraine and stay home:wink:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I still haven't figured out what I'm supposed to do at work today. I'll volunteer myself, but I certainly have no problems gracefully stepping away from the office. haha. This morning I walked to work for the first time- it's under a 10 minute walk, so I definitely need to do it more often.

    Don't know about exercise today. I think there's some reception I need to be at after the health fair, then dinner reservations, then crashing, so who knows. Trying to have my eating be on point at least until dinner. The menu looks fab again.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The past two days I have been a zombie at work until I make a coffee/hot chocolate concoction that makes me act like I'm a crack addict. However, all the extra caffeine has made me incredibly HUNGRY the past two days. I had already eaten my cals for the day before I got home yesterday evening. Thankfully it was zumba night, but I still didn't work out as hard as normal and only earned an extra 700 cals. (I was right beside the thermastat and it went from 73 degrees to 77 degrees in the zumba room! freaking CRAZY!)

    But yeah....I just ate breakfast and I still feel a little hungry. (It could also be that I switched to a different cereal that I'm pretty sure has like, 1g less of protein....didn't think it'd be such a big deal though). I brought a lot of good snacks today and my desk drawer is still full of good stuff. My problem is that I'm tempted to eat all of it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The allergies have finally got the best of me. I feel like massive amounts of *kitten* and I am super cranky because of it. I highly doubt I will be going to the gym tonight as my body is also tired from the working out, less sleep and just all around feeling like cr@p.

    I will try to stay in my cal limit though as I went over yesterday, even though I had cals left over from Monday so it basically evened itself out.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The allergies have finally got the best of me. I feel like massive amounts of *kitten* and I am super cranky because of it. I highly doubt I will be going to the gym tonight as my body is also tired from the working out, less sleep and just all around feeling like cr@p.

    I will try to stay in my cal limit though as I went over yesterday, even though I had cals left over from Monday so it basically evened itself out.

    Update: I'm going to go way over my cals goal today. There is just no way around it. The non fat white choco mocha killed me this morning. It was delicious though, so oh well! I have to remind myself that when I want to splurge on calories coffee is where its at for me. Its my thing. I'm still not working out. I feel like I need a recovery evening.

    I hope you ladies are having a good day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Having Perch, rice and broccoli for dinner. It smells so good. Then Kale Chips for desert!!! Had a busy but fulfilling day. Plan to do paperwork and watch a movie tonight. A client canceled so I called mom and got in 43 min low impact aerobics with her - this humidity sucks.

    Kristina - enjoy eating out.

    Lacey - hope you feel better soon

    Debra - hope your son had a great birthday party!!!

    Kendal - glad you were able to get out with Lexi

    Amber - hang in there!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Another amazing dinner. Checking in:

    2381 needed to maintain
    2474 eaten / 95 burned / -2 day/ -3103 week

    It was NOT a good eating day again... bad food at work and another dinner out, but enjoyed every minute of it. Exhausted. Need to seriously get my crap together and get back on the wagon. Tomorrow is the last day of restaurant week- lunch at an indian restaurant in town. should be yummy!

    Work was CRAZY. I was stuck shuttling people through immunizations. Lots of crying kids. Ugh ugh.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh - lovely ladies - Mr. Scale sneaked in last night. For the last 2 days I was 185 (which was down from last Friday's TOM 187) but today 184.75!!!! I was too afraid he'd sneak off and abandon me again to one of you tomorrow so I had to make it official today:wink:

    No exercise this morning. I have to leave at 7:45 for and an early client. Still need to pack my lunch and dinner and get ready. Workout with mom planned for 7:15 tonight. I have all day tomorrow off!!! My friend was supposed to be here but since she's not, I'm going to spend the day filing papers and catching up on work projects. I'm going to watching eye candy tonight since Burn Notice is on - yeah I think the character Micheal Westin is hot:blushing:

    Hope your week is as good as mine. We had more storms yesterday and last night so no watering - Flips and twirls... The next few days are supposed to be nicer. I haven't been back to see if my garden is water logged. The porch plants look great and the farmer's corn next to our house is growing 4" a day (I swear I can see it grow.) Other years the field has been hay so we are excited to watch this corn grow. It's going to make knee high by the 4th of July... Have a great day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- congrats on the scale moving!

    I'm up 1.5 at the moment- no surprise. Didn't expect to lose anything this week, as I lost a lot last week, and ate way too much, not enough exercise, blah blah blah, but I'm hoping with a decent day of exercise and some serious water drinking, I might be more at a maintaining weight for weigh-in tomorrow. Still adjusting to my new place and schedule

    Today is lunch in town, but plan to get my workout on after work. It's been way too long since I hit up the rec center.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I decided last night that I just don't like the treadmill. It makes me go slower, which keeps my heart rate lower, which makes me burn less cals. I'm scared to run on it. I'm terrified it will slip forward and SERIOUSLY injure my already bad knees. (its not an unfounded fear....it has slipped forward a couple times on me) Plus I forgot to get a final count of how many miles I walked. It had to have been around 1.5-1.75. I was on the treadmill about 35 minutes and burned only 250 cals. :grumble: Thats so not even worth it. I also did 20 min on the elliptical and burned 200 there, so 450 total was ok for the day. but still....I'd much rather deal with the heat and take Lexi to the park at 7:30 where I run without fear of the ground moving.
  • my2loves04and06
    Good morning ladies. I worked the last 2 days and now I'm off these next 2 so I should be more reliable on checking in. Yesterday: 1257 eaten, 203 under goal. Didn't work out at all. I tried the JM Yoga Meltdown when I got home from work but only made it 10 mins. I don't know how she sustains some of those poses! Either I was just still too sore from the 30 DS or work wiped me out. Probably both. I'll try it again another time.

    I need to burn some serious cals today. My breakfast was 688 cals! Oops.

    Kendal - I'm the opposite of you. I much prefer to run on the treadmill because the ground out here around us is so uneven. Who am I kidding. I don't REALLY like to run at all. :laugh:

    Kristina - What do you do that you get all these yummy meals out this week? It's just 1 week and you'll be back in the saddle in no time, right?

    Victoria - Woot for a loss! I try not to get on the scale but once a week because I'm afraid I'll get discouraged even if it's up a few ounces. Hoping my scale goes down since TOM should be completely gone by Sun.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! All drugged up and feeling better today. Still not at top shape from allergies but so much better than yesterday. It "only" took a whopping 6 hours yesterday for the medicine to kick in. I didn't go work out, I went home and had a glorious beer and peanut butter cup and read through my Food NW magazine in complete silence for half an hour before everyone else got home.
    I went WAY over cals...beer and a half, pb cup (one of the big ones), pie with whipped cream....so yeah. Its okay.

    Today i am hoping against hope that I get to do yoga tonight. Jeffs day sounds like its going well and that would be awesome to go and do it.

    Victoria congrats on the weight loss!

    Kendall I can't blame you for not wanting to run on the tread. Frankly it hurts for me to do it too. Both my hubby and I are going to do the Warrior Dash in September and we need to start running outside but I can't with my allergies so not sure how this is all going to pan out.

    Kristina - That is the one thing I miss about living in Portland...the food weeks with all the great restaurants having specials so you can try the cuisine.

    Trace - keep trying the yoga video!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- you need to do what works best for you and your body! I definitely enjoy being outside more... I just can't stand the heat, so will do the treadmill if need be.

    Trace- Ann Arbor's got pretty great restaurants and twice a year (I think) they do restaurant week where many places in town will have set menus... if they are cheaper places in town, it'll be 2/$12 for lunch and 2/$25 for dinner, the more expensive $12 for lunch and $25 for dinner- each involves an appetizer, main course, and dessert. It's a good excuse to try places in town I hadn't tried yet,or wouldn't normally go, as they're more expensive. Went to a place Tues, which was good, not fabulous, except for the appetizer which were potato croquettes over lentils which was amazing. Dinner last night was great- summer roll, vegetarian french onion soup (which I can never find), ratatouille, and sweet mango rice. Yum! Did Indian for lunch- had a great sampler of several yummy vegetaran dishes with a lentil soup and naan. I am fooded out though. It's was an anomaly of a week in terms of food, so I'm not terribly upset if I gain/maintain this week, as long as I get back on the bandwagon. But, yeah, definitely enjoying all the great food.

    Lacey- glad you are feeling better- sorry it took so long for the meds to kick in. Hope you get to yoga tonight~

    After my 5:30 appointment, plan to hit up the rec center for some well-needed calorie burning before collapsing tonight. Would like to work on some more organization at the place this evening, but might just frump and save it for the weekend. We'll see. Found out my mom books a weekend trip to visit at the beginning of August, which I'm excited about and her and dad are driving up and spending a week in October, which I'm looking forward to. As the first weekend they're here is a big home football game, we might take a weekend trip upstate- maybe Traverse City... we'll see.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: