Are you willing to share one thing you used to binge on that now ...

... astounds you when you think about it because of the sheer volume of what you were eating?

I was just thinking back today, and even being removed from that time in my life, I still feel shame at some of the things I put in my body. Luckily I can't now bring up those feelings with the same intensity, but I remember feeling a lot of shame when I was actually caught in those binging cycles. I was thinking that it might be good to start a conversion in order to normalize it a bit and remove the shame.

I'm not ready to share anything yet, but I'm thinking I may work up the nerve after reading some responses. Thanks for taking the time to read this and reply!


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Popcorn, especially when studying. I'd oil-pop it over the stovetop and throw a whack of butter and salt on that and eat a salad bowl's worth.
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    I like the idea of this post! Well, I am willing to admit to something I used to do as a coping mechanism. I had a huge thing for those sour candies that you could buy anywhere. So sometimes I would pop over to the gas station by my house and buy like 3 different large sized bags of those sour candies and any type of cheddar chips. Not really a chocolate fan like the rest, but those were my go to. I seriously regret doing that because I realized how in such a short time I gained so much weight. It's been about 3 months since the realization of the weight (25 lbs) and now onto trying to better my life. I'm working on feeling better physically, mentally, and spiritually, and eating right and exercising regularly plays a huge role in that for me now. No more binging, and no more shame! Best of luck to you on your journey as well.
  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
    When I'd get a big box of See's candy on a holiday. ...
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    I could order a loaded large pizza from Domino's and polish it off in less than half of my 12 hour night shift. The cravings still hit me when we drive by a pizza place, ANY pizza place to be honest, but it's been 2 months and I have not stopped yet. ;)
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Entire blocks of chocolate, multiple packets of chocolate biscuits. I once ate a full jar of nutella.
    I've eaten a whole entire pizza while watching a movie
    You know the family sized microwave popcorn? That would do me while watching tv.
    A kg of carrots
    A tub of yoghurt
    A 500gram packet of choc melts.
    tins of condensed milk

    I was baaaaaad for binging
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Large take out pizza(s), every bite drenched in ranch dressing.
    2 supersized value meals, sometimes with extras from the dollar menu along with it.
    I could put a good dent in a Costco cake with cheesechake filling and/or cream cheese frosting.
    Entire boxes of snack cakes, whole family size bags of chips, 2 boxes of prepared mac and cheese.

    But really, if I wanted to binge I could binge on anything, even if I didn't like it much or it wasn't hyperpalatable. Like cans of vegetables and saltines.

    What embarrasses me about my binge episodes is not so much the sheer volume of the food I ate, but remembering the dread of possibly being caught with all this food (say, right before the binge) and being expected to share and no one understanding this huge lot is just for me. That's what disgusts me, not just the gluttony, but the greed.

  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Large take out pizza(s), every bite drenched in ranch dressing.
    2 supersized value meals, sometimes with extras from the dollar menu along with it.
    I could put a good dent in a Costco cake with cheesechake filling and/or cream cheese frosting.
    Entire boxes of snack cakes, whole family size bags of chips, 2 boxes of prepared mac and cheese.

    But really, if I wanted to binge I could binge on anything, even if I didn't like it much or it wasn't hyperpalatable. Like cans of vegetables and saltines.

    What embarrasses me about my binge episodes is not so much the sheer volume of the food I ate, but remembering the dread of possibly being caught with all this food (say, right before the binge) and being expected to share and no one understanding this huge lot is just for me. That's what disgusts me, not just the gluttony, but the greed.

    I totally hear ya on that one.
  • 1linde
    1linde Posts: 34 Member
    OMG I used to eat an entire bag of reese's peanut butter cups - the family size - about a pound. Oh on the day I binged on the bag of candy it wouldn't have been unusual to have eaten 3 or 4 slices of pizza for dinner before it.

    Fast forward to Friday....I planned to go over my calorie count and have a binge splurge meal for the first time in a month - ribs. I ate 2 and gave the rest to my son - he remarked that was how much my stomach shrunk - I eat about 300 - 400 calories a meal now, even on that binge day I stayed at 1200 calories for the day. They weren't healthy calories on Friday but they weren't destroying my progress either. I think you do lose the taste for unhealthy items once your body acclimates to healthy food choices.

    BTW I used to eat that candy in private. I was watching an episode of Extreme Weight Loss and when I saw the ex cheerleader go out and do the same thing and about sabotage herself it upset me as that is what I used to do.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Ex-secret eater right here too! I would eat an insane amount alone; cheesecake, entire packs of biscuits or packs of large cookies, peanut butter from the jar....could easily pack away 3000 worth of calories in one sitting!

    So glad I got out of that habit.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    Candy of all sorts. Sour gummies, candy bars, jelly beans, candy corn, you name it. My sugar consumption used to be out of control.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    litres and litres and litres and litres of coke per day, the most stupid empty calories in the world
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    When I was about nine, I would eat 2 or 3 big bars of chocolate and a whole tube of pringles, every night after bedtime. I'd already had breakfast, lunch and dinner. For some reason I'd heard of the term 'comfort eating' and was convinced it would make me feel better. This didn't stop until I hit puberty... even after that, I still ate a lot. At least from the age of about 16 I wasn't eating much, I was just eating too much of the wrong things. I'd have a sandwich AND a sausage roll and a pack of crisps and juice for lunch, cookies when I got home and then dinner. In this way I maintained (at about 210lbs) but didn't gain. I'm now 19, 146lbs (5'7) and have a much better relationship with food :)
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    tortilla chips, cheese, crackers, nuts, even cereal. If I let myself get too hungry I tend to binge on those items. I could easily eat 2000 calories standing in front of the pantry grabbing whatever is available. Lesson learned, never go too long between meals.
  • Trishfitz78
    Trishfitz78 Posts: 69 Member
    Large sharing bags of Tangy cheese doritos smothered in garlic dip........... I haven't been able to have even 1 since starting this journey for fear of just eating the whole bag!
  • jb_interiors
    jb_interiors Posts: 37 Member
    It's hard to admit now but I can recall ordering two double big mac meals and a "side" of Mcnuggets, hoping that the cashier would think I was ordering for someone else. Not sure why I cared what a stranger thought of me but I did. And I would eat all of this by myself and reallllllly fast. As if eating it faster would mean it didn't happen or something. Ugh. I don't miss that.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Y'all are amazing! Thanks so much for your answers. I lived alone when I was binging, so I didn't have to eat in secret exactly. I did use to buy groceries and then put them in my backpack before I'd get home because I didn't want the neighbors seeing that I was constantly bringing food home. I think my biggest downfalls were big bags of m&ms and ice cream. Thanks again!
  • WildePillar
    WildePillar Posts: 120 Member
    I can polish off a box of cereal (even full-fat granola!) without milk, straight from the box or bag. And I can bake a cake and eat the entire thing. Also, jars of peanut butter, and several bagels. And chocolate! Sometimes it's weird things, like dry flavored oatmeal.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    For me, it was alcohol. I was drinking 3-5 times a week and having at least a bottle of wine each night. So unhealthy :neutral:
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    Cookies were my go-to binge food. Especially homemade Toll House chocolate chip cookies. I'd eat the raw dough (don't judge please) and then eat 5 or more of the finished product. I'd also sneak cookies at night after my daughter was asleep. This was after a full day of eating about 2500 calories or more, then I'd add almost 100 more all at once. No wonder I was nearly 230 pounds a year ago.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    High gravity beer. Just tons and tons of empty calories.