Are you willing to share one thing you used to binge on that now ...



  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Oh so many awful awful things... pizza was always a big downfall for me. I used to order the $10 Dinner Box from Pizza Hut and eat the whole thing by myself over the course of an evening - which includes pizza, cheese sticks and cinnamon sticks. Just awful. I'm actually able to finally just have a couple pieces of pizza and a couple breadsticks when I do allow myself a pizza night, instead of the entire pizza and entire order of breadsticks. It's very liberating.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    When I was miserable as a teacher every Friday night would be a huge bag of doritos, a box of quality Street chocolate and a bag of haribo- just to forget about the week.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    I bought a hot dog at a baseball game Saturday night. I had two bites and realized it wasn't very good and pitched it. Hated tossing 2/3 of a $3 hot dog, but darn it, I'm not going to eat something unless I'm enjoying it!
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited August 2015
    My go-to meal when I topped the scales at around 260 pounds, years ago was the following:

    * foot-long sub sandwich with extra meat (usually pastrami)
    * large-sized bag of Doritos
    * 1-2 king-size candy bars, and
    * 22 ounce of high-proof beer (maybe an extra one or two if it was the weekend)

    A bit disgusted just typing that. Blech.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jelly beans- can and will eat whole bags of them.
    Same with candy corn.

    Those are two foods I have a hard time stopping eating. I refuse to buy them outside the month they belong in (Jelly Beans = April, Candy Corn = October) and I'll allow myself as many as I want for that month- for the whole month- so I usually go through 4-5 bags- but I can typically reign it in once the bag is gone- or if it is currently not open- but once the bag is open- it's done- there is no going back.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Several things were already mention, like the large pizza and bags of candy but one of my absolute favs use to be a half a box of noodles cooked up and just put a ton of country crock and salt on it. I'm thinking 2000 calories LOL.
  • laurimaki
    laurimaki Posts: 47 Member
    edited August 2015
    At my largest (around 500lbs) I specifically recall several incidents that come to was eating an entire large stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut loaded with toppings, an entire large order of "family" cheese bread sticks, and a 2 liter of Mt Dew....all while playing computer games and not even noticing the amount of food I was taking in. Worst part is, my friend was with me and I didn't even share haha. That was on top of breakfast, lunch, and god knows what other snacks I had that day.

    My binges used to consist of anything I could get my hands on. Leftovers in the fridge, destroyed. Bowl of cereal, sure why not. Chips in the cupboard, gone. Big bowl of ice cream with a bunch of cookies and chocolate mixed in, well I've been this bad already so why not. Once I started, I just hated myself more and more as I continued to stuff food in my face.

    It's embarrassing, yes, but something worth talking about to move past.

    Now sometimes I'll still go way overboard and in the course of an evening eat 3/4 of a pizza...difference now is when I do that I am crippled and can barely move and just feel gross. And I think back and say wow, I used to eat this whole pizza, large order of breadsticks, 2 liter of dew, and could've kept eating. CRAZY...

    My secret is not a secret at all. I know my weaknesses, so honestly the thing that has worked best for me is not buying things I want. I don't buy oreos because I know myself well enough to know that I will eat at LEAST 6 or more in one sitting if not the whole package...that and other things; Ice cream, Chips, etc...I just don't purchase them. I really enjoy having a few at a party or something like that, but I think a huge part of getting on the right track and staying there, is not putting yourself in situations that lead down the wrong track to begin with, aka stocking my cupboards with stuff I know I can't resist very easily.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    i use to go through phases, my tastebuds use to like to eat the same thing till i would tire of it so there use to be a few not so good binges.

    my most shocking one is english raw walnuts. i would eat a whole 1lb shelled bag in two sessions! i never looked at the nutrition info beforehand so i was really shocked when i bought a bag recently and saw that 1 measly serving of 30g had 20g of fats and the bag was meant to be eating in 15-16 servings..its a wonder i grew a baby looking belly whithin the last couple years!!

  • TerriK14
    TerriK14 Posts: 75 Member
    For me it was chips and salty things, like cheese and crackers, occasionally I would go on a sweet streak. I could eat an entire bad of family size chips while watching tv, or on the computer. The sweet would be ice cream and occasionally cookies. Now I have put that all behind me and only keep healthy things in site!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited August 2015
    laurimaki wrote: »
    My secret is not a secret at all. I know my weaknesses, so honestly the thing that has worked best for me is not buying things I want. I don't buy oreos because I know myself well enough to know that I will eat at LEAST 6 or more in one sitting if not the whole package...that and other things; Ice cream, Chips, etc...I just don't purchase them. I really enjoy having a few at a party or something like that, but I think a huge part of getting on the right track and staying there, is not putting yourself in situations that lead down the wrong track to begin with, aka stocking my cupboards with stuff I know I can't resist very easily.

    Same here, I don't buy the stuff anymore. Now I tell myself I have to MAKE the thing I want so badly. And If i can't get the energy up to do that then it wasn't worth the effort of making. A couple weeks ago I had a craving for brownies and I told myself while I could walk down to the local bakery and buy one, that if I really wanted one I would make a batch. It took me 2 weeks to get the energy up to make them. And then my grandma ate half of them.

    My current desire is to make fresh bread. I love bread but I know it will 1) taste better and 2) have less preservatives in it than store bought (unless from a bakery) and 3) it's a freaking challenge! I already killed my sour dough I'm going to try pita bread. HAHA! :p

    Oh and my binge food: Cheese. I have eaten whole blocks of cheddar and those White Cheddar Cheese-its! OMG YUM!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A few examples that I remember...

    - a whole baguette with a whole chunk of cheese (guessing 10-12 servings total)
    - a box of 3 ice cream bars/cones
    - 3 big slices of pie after dinner
    - a whole box of pasta with most of a jar of spaghetti sauce (that was PMS before I lost weight)
    - 3 pastries/croissants at a time

    And the usual really - box of cookies, pint of ice cream, bag of Haribo, family size bag of chips, whole large chocolate bar etc.

    Honestly I guess it wasn't that bad compared to others, volume wise - never eaten a large pizza by myself, for example - but I ate that way a few times a day sometimes.
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    My profile pic is of one of my breakfasts during a Vegas trip (while I was still struggling with a binge/purge ED). And that was after I'd already eaten 3 slices of that chocolate covered bacon. After "breakfast," I grabbed a full sized bag of Cheetos, a shareable bag of Skittles, and a few snack cakes for the hour long drive to our destination. This wasn't an abnormal vacation binge - this was my every day, any food.

    Now that I'm in recovery from the ED and working toward losing a few last pounds in a more healthy way, I love that I can still eat those foods in moderation. Someone brought baked spaghetti in to work today for everyone. A year ago, I would have binged like crazy. Today, I was able to weigh out a portion of about 300 cals and eat it without any guilt or anxiety.
  • sophzhr
    sophzhr Posts: 96 Member
    Haha I'm seeing a trend here for cookies/ice cream/chocolate/bread.... the good stuff :blush:

    From around a year ago, I would eat whole boxes of cereal, multiple chocolate bars, whole large loaves of bread, packs of multiple baguettes, toffee waffles by the box, pasta by the bag, uh....cookies. All of them of course (I could easily put that away now though, I just don't haha).

    Oh, and peanut butters tubs. I now cannot STAND pb for this reason, even the smell nearly makes me sick. :neutral:

    AND....BONUS ROUND!!! When I was 12 I used to eat family sized pasta bakes (for 6 peeps) for dinner, followed by a whole block of cheese myself. And then often a loaf of bread for dessert (I used to ask my parents to buy me my OWN loaf...all for moi).

    Chocolate bars were also my breakfast when I was a kid. Followed by Mcdonalds for lunch, and the aforementioned pasta for dinner.

    When I think back I don't know how I even made it out of childhood lol....
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've never binge eaten large amounts.. but without tracking I will just graze/eat all day long.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    Pasta.Particularly homemade macaroni and cheese. Especially sharp American plus pepperjack cheese. Doughnuts when my sister made them. Chocolate. I'll still eat all of those things, but not all the time.

    I don't put sugar in my coffee and haven't in years. I can't drink it with sugar now. Small wonders. People used to ask me if I wanted coffee with my sugar mountain. I still drink milk, but about a cup a day between everything.
  • sparkynazca
    sparkynazca Posts: 169 Member
    My husband and I would always order 1 large pizza each. And you should see me go crazy at a chinese buffet!
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    I haven't done this in years but when I was still single and living alone, I would order pizza delivery of a medium or large pepperoni pizza and I would eat every last bite. At the time I was maybe only 15 pounds or so overweight...but I went out dancing a LOT and I guess that helped offset at least some of those calories. Now, I can eat maybe 2 pieces of a pizza that size and I'm amazed I was ever able to fit that much food in my stomach in one sitting.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Lays Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    Just reading about all this wonderful food makes me want to binge - just kidding :)
    Although I wouldn't mind some pizza and kettle chips, yummmm.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    still in the cycle cant get out luckily I have finally scheduled some counseling I hope it gives me some better perspective or some tools to break the cycle