Are you willing to share one thing you used to binge on that now ...



  • bezlooney
    bezlooney Posts: 81 Member
    Nutella and peanut butter.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    1. Three 20 ounce pepsis daily.
    2. Chocolate, chips and pastries made up the other three food groups.
    3. Sometimes a bigger than a dollar sized chocolate caramel bar with a pepsi for dinner.
    4. For the holidays a pint of sour cream with Lipton onion soup stirred in with 1/2 of a jumbo sized bag of chips. Then I would purchase another pint and make another Onion Soup Dip to finish off the chips.
    5. I ate my way into Diabetes Type II and a Blood Sugar of 455 (Normal is under 100.) My doctor thought that I was going to go into a coma. No one in my family has it. I dropped everything cold turkey. I've been on MFP for 24 days and always been below calorie and carb goals. I walk 6 miles and climb 8 stairs daily. Sometimes I do calisthenics and high intensity interval training. I lost 8.5 pounds and it looks like a dress size. My pants are falling off and I am packing them up tonight for donation tonight. I already sorted the clothing in my closet by size so I'll find something else to wear very quickly.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I haven't binged in 15 years, but when I did, it was Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and Strawberry Shortcake Rolls. I could eat 5 boxes in a 2-hour movie and still be hungry. I've never done well with carby-sugary foods and those were always my binge choices. Granted, I was exercising like crazy, it was long before diabetes, and it wasn't a common binge, so most people never knew.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    fresh French bread with olive oil and parmesan cheese on it, not toasted or anything just bread oil and cheese! amazing! but ashamed when I log it on MFP and my numbers are red ;-(
  • JudeAdams
    JudeAdams Posts: 5 Member
    I like the idea of this post! Well, I am willing to admit to something I used to do as a coping mechanism. I had a huge thing for those sour candies that you could buy anywhere. So sometimes I would pop over to the gas station by my house and buy like 3 different large sized bags of those sour candies and any type of cheddar chips. Not really a chocolate fan like the rest, but those were my go to. I seriously regret doing that because I realized how in such a short time I gained so much weight. It's been about 3 months since the realization of the weight (25 lbs) and now onto trying to better my life. I'm working on feeling better physically, mentally, and spiritually, and eating right and exercising regularly plays a huge role in that for me now. No more binging, and no more shame! Best of luck to you on your journey as well.
    For me, it was alcohol. I was drinking 3-5 times a week and having at least a bottle of wine each night. So unhealthy :neutral:

  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I used to eat 40 chicken wings and usually got bread sticks to make sure none of the sauce got away.

    also my goto snack was american cheese and olives. I could eat a whole jar of olives and a half pound of cheese together. That sodium alone was over 10,000 (now I eat <1800 a day)
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    I would also do the cereal. I would preemptively set myself up. I had bran flakes so that it would be mostly fiber because the mindset is that it would not ALL turn into fat. I just needed the chewing, eating and feeling full even if it was to disgustingly full. Jars of nut butters went fast. Sometimes I would have a bag of snacks I would have to finish off because I couldn't just leave a 1/4 bag left even if I started eating it when it was near full. This would be how I cleaned out my food pantry of bad foods. If I eat it all now I won't be tempted later. Some foods it would be about taking out the imperfections. Like a bag of chips, I would eat the broken ones. The game would be I would stop when I can't spot a broken one in 5 seconds after finishing the last. Something about order and perfection in the eating habit.

    A lot of the binges came about from boredom, tiredness, and loneliness. No guilt if I was alone. I have nothing better to do than eat and maybe I could get energy from the food I eat. I find that a cup of coffee later in the day allows me to still have the energy to say no to these blind binges. I still struggle eating appropriately all the time.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I still fight binging on baked goodies, bags of candy, anything open and "snacky" however I long ago gained control over the fast food binges.

    It's an ongoing battle. For car trips this summer, I've been eating pumpkin seeds, with the shell on, so their work to keep my hands out of my husband's chip bag. It's worked fairly well.
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    When I was in University I once ate a whole bag of Oreos. I still love them to this day, but I can't have them in the house as I still can't stop at just a couple.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    One downfall is usually sweet crispy/crunchy foods that don't have a lot of fat. Stuff that's easy to just keep munching and not feel full until you've really overdone it and are suddenly beyond stuffed. I have a harder time with this because I eat fast - so a lot goes down the hatch before I realize I've had way more than enough. Cereal, caramel popcorn, gingersnaps, Nilla wafers, amaretti, that kind of thing. I tend to eat whatever is in the container. Not good when my habit was to just grab the box rather than just grab a serving of it. Only good thing is that I don't really go looking for this stuff, I just don't like it that much.

    The other is really good bread. That one's because I love eating it. Every now and then, I'd make a dinner out of a 4 ft baguette and an 8 oz container of pate. I mostly try to avoid really good bread now unless there's only a slice or two available.
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    Pretty much anything sweet. Cakes. Puddings. Icecream. Cookies. Then I would hide the packets in the trash.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I don't have any shame about binging. I probably should feel a bit more shame but i'm glad i don't feel bad about it because i think its somewhat counterproductive.

    I used to binge on ice-cream and sweets and chocolates and cake. I could eat a whole cake. 2 litres of icecream plus more. the good thing for me is that i only binged on sweet foods so I don't have problematic relationships with other foods. I can eat a packet of potato chips or other junk food and not get into a binge. So i'm thankful for that. It was just sugar and now i've quit sugar so i'm free.

    I still eat it but i never buy it or make foods using it. KI eat it when someone offers it to me.
  • zoe263
    zoe263 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a recovering bulimic so when I nine it was on anything and everything in my fridge and pantry that didn't need heating up in the microwave. It was honestly horrible. Within a few hours if clean out the fridge and none of it would be left in my body. Now I'm on medication (family genetic condition) and the meds mean I'm not allowed to eat after 9 at all anyway. I know that's not what you were asking but that's my experience with bingeing.
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    Cheese on toast, and lots of it! Loved the stuff, I just don't buy blocks of cheese now so there's no temptation, I just get the 40cal cheese slices instead and have them every now and again.

    Oh and curry, chips and egg foo yung from the Chinese at the end of my street, every night I can smell it as I walk the dog lol, but I haven't caved and don't plan too haha.
  • cmsimons8
    cmsimons8 Posts: 2 Member
    Buffalo wings and spicy fries with ranch dressing..... Lots of ranch dressing. Haven't had it in 2 1/2 months but I already plan to enjoy that binge one more time when I hit my goal weight!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I feel intense shame just typing this, but.... I used to binge on cake frosting, of all things. An entire tub of Betty Crocker cream cheese cake frosting. No cake needed.

    I think that's when I hit my low point. :(
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I was proud and I bragged about our candy cupboard. Family and guests knew exactly where to go for a treat. I use to eat weekly a pound of Peanut M&M's, a box of Andes Candies, a pound of Reese Cups, a can of peanuts, and a Hershey with Almonds candy bar every evening. I just ate junk all day after my meals. What surprises me is that I was not obese. My husband maintains the candy cupboard now and it has 18 Hershey Bars. I have zero desire for it now. I tried a bite a few weeks ago and it was too sweet for my liking. Can you imagine?
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    :| little debbie snack cakes
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    ice cream. a half gallon over a 24 hour period wasn't uncommon.
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm a salty binger--I can easily eat a family size bag of chips on the five-minute car ride from the store to my apartment. ;( It is very important that I avoid foods like that. Now, if I let myself have a treat of chips, I always buy the little single serving bags you get at the checkout line. I simply cannot stop myself from binging if I buy a large, multi-serving bag.

    I remember one binge, I bought a family size box of Cheez-Its--god I love Cheez-Its. About halfway through, I remember thinking, "I'm full. I don't want to eat any more. I'm not enjoying this." Yet I kept packing in the food. Why did I do that? Why, when I knew I was full and did not like putting the food in my mouth, did I keep cramming it in? I still have binges like this, but they happen much less often, thank goodness. It is an awful feeling, binging.