Trainer says not to start lifting.... Recommends boot camp style workouts



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What I'd like to ask is this.... Do you think it's more beneficial to start lifting after you're more fit?

    So there are lots of variables. What you want to achieve, what you told the trainer you want to achieve, what time you have available, what you told the trainer about your preferences and what your current fitness level is.

    Notwithstanding the statement about outdated which does suggest an issue, saying that out of context of everything else might not be giving a reasonable representation of what he was saying and how he expressed it.

    Equally trainers have their own preferences, in some places you'll get a lift heavy recommendation regardless of your objectives, in others it'll be different.

    Lifting and CV work are complementary. If you've told the trainer that you're only available for three sessions per week and your current level of CV fitness is low I can see an argument to improve that before moving onto a wider programme. If you've indicated that your less likely to stick to a prograsmme that would involve doing your CV work outside of the three sessions that might be what's driving the advice. Personally I loathe the idea of classes, but others love that social experience.

    As with so many discussions on here, it's not an either/ or situation. Work out how much time you have available, use a combination of resistance and CV training. If you've constrained the advice then I can see some situations where it might be the right answer, given your requirements.

  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Your trainer sounds poorly educated and I would find another. With that being said, what are your exercise goals? Weight loss is largely dictated by nutrition, so put that aside as an exercise goal and look beyond that.

    With that being said Boot Camp is not bad for improving aerobic fitness, but it's not strength training. I do like that BC challenges people aerobically, it is good in that sense. I don't like that it's kind of a one-size fits all and that's not the case for most people, especially for those that are previously untrained. Those people likely have muscle imbalances and flexibility issues that need to be addressed.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited August 2015
    Just to add, there's nothing out dated about New Rules...New Rules uses traditional compound lifts that are the foundation of just about any quality lifting program out there...squats will never be outdated...dead lifts will never be outdated...bench press will never be outdated, etc.

    Is it the be all and end all...certainly not, it's a beginner should outgrow it and move on...but it's a great program to start with...the read itself is worth it, even if you don't do the actual program.

    If by outdated he means not enough bro-sci...then he has a point...Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove don't roll with a whole lot of bro-sci...
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I'd be a little weary of someone that thinks those lifts are outdated. He's either blowing smoke because he doesn't like to strength train people...or he's poorly educated.

    Boot camps are fine if that's what you'd like to do but I'm not sure I'd do it with someone who makes that claim. Plus, he kinda dismissed what you wanted.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ...squats will never be outdated...dead lifts will never be outdated...bench press will never be outdated...

  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    What part of it was he dismissing? Killer Calories, "Burn more calories while you sleep!", or lifting techniques? First two is over reaching at best (can't tell what rest of the book is about so reserving final judgement). If you are untrained and out off shape, BC sounds like a good place to get started (as you indicated your fits and starts, it's not much of a waste of yours or his time as well as your money). At least he did give you some BS HIIT routine. Good luck.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    In my experience, trainers at commercial gyms are not the best to go to for lifting advice. Out of 5 or 6 at my gym, there is only one who actually lifts and I only know it because I have seen him squatting, deadlifting and doing cleans. Most of the other trainers have people doing cardio drills with little dumbbells.

    If you really want to start lifting, all the information you need is on the internet.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    If you are untrained and out off shape, BC sounds like a good place to get started

    On the contrary, BC is probably the worst place to start if you are untrained. She needs a movement assessment done by a trainer that has a clue and develop some mobility and strength and then maybe after 4 weeks or so take-on something like BC as an addition to strength-training. I would hate to see somebody hurt themselves in BC if their body is not ready for it. BC is a lot like CrossFit minus the lifting; well... some weights are used in BC depending on the coach.
  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    ideas for inexpensive equipment that can be used at home for lifting.... empty gallon size milk jugs filled with sand or rocks or water... make great cheap yet useful weights if you want to start with those before buying more expensive ones...
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi all,
    I met with a trainer last week. After reading a lot of information about lifting programs.. I decided to get " the new rules of lifting for women". I was wound right up, and brought it along to my first session with my new " trainer" at this new super convenient gym close to home.
    I showed him what I wanted to try, and brought my new book along.
    He said, it's pretty outdated. And then suggested I do the boot camp sessions that they have 3x per week ( 1 hour classes). He said, first try these for 4 weeks and then we can talk again in a month to see about switching it up after that.
    So I went ahead and tried the boot camp class. It completely kicked my butt. we completed a list of 20 things like (15 burpees, lunge walking the length of gym & back with 30 lbs, squat presses with 30 lbs, Russian twists, sprinting, ab wheels, etc, etc)
    What I'd like to ask is this.... Do you think it's more beneficial to start lifting after you're more fit?
    I've got about 30 lbs to lose.

    I started with circuit training and progressed into SL5x5 after reading the forums and learning about the benefits of compound lifting.

    I love circuit training. I maintain good form and try to beat my time. I have learned that increased resistance can help you progress. So, if you enjoy BC, do it! It definitely helps burn calories.

    I also am learning how compound lifts are best for overall strength and hitting more muscle groups. This is a whole different challenge from circuit training. It can wipe you out in a different way. I see it like a HIT as that I give it my all then rest and repeat... It can help you maintain lean body mass as well.

    My foundation is now compound lifting with accessories to keep it interesting. I still throw circuits in for fun.
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    ...15 burpees, lunge walking the length of gym & back with 30 lbs, squat presses with 30 lbs, Russian twists, sprinting, ab wheels, etc, etc.
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    On the contrary, BC is probably the worst place to start if you are untrained.

    You got to be kidding, read the exercises and reps... sounds pretty mild.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited August 2015
    I didn't read all the replies because I assume they are basically, "the guy is a moron, get a new trainer."

    Fact of the matter is that there are lots of ways to skin this cat, and what you do or don't do is largely a matter of goals and personal preference. The only goal you mentioned in your post was to lose 30lbs. When talking about simple weight loss, most people will probably have better success with cardio work (like a bootcamp class) than with lifting because they will likely burn more cals, which means either a bigger deficit or more food resulting in better dietary adherence/consistency.

    So in that regard, your trainer isn't wrong. Why he ignored your interest in weights is beyond me, but there's certainly nothing wrong with classes.

    As for your question... The only time you *shouldn't* lift is if you have a medical reason not to, or if you absolutely completely hate it and it offers no benefit for your goals. Otherwise, fat or thin, fit or not, lifting always has benefits.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    $$$ More money in his pocket. Get a new trainer.
  • dahhhhhling
    dahhhhhling Posts: 66 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all,
    I met with a trainer last week. After reading a lot of information about lifting programs.. I decided to get " the new rules of lifting for women". I was wound right up, and brought it along to my first session with my new " trainer" at this new super convenient gym close to home.
    I showed him what I wanted to try, and brought my new book along.
    He said, it's pretty outdated. And then suggested I do the boot camp sessions that they have 3x per week ( 1 hour classes). He said, first try these for 4 weeks and then we can talk again in a month to see about switching it up after that.
    So I went ahead and tried the boot camp class. It completely kicked my butt. we completed a list of 20 things like (15 burpees, lunge walking the length of gym & back with 30 lbs, squat presses with 30 lbs, Russian twists, sprinting, ab wheels, etc, etc)
    What I'd like to ask is this.... Do you think it's more beneficial to start lifting after you're more fit?
    I've got about 30 lbs to lose.

    I have 50 pounds to lose.

    I've seen more inches go in the last two weeks with heavy lifting compared to when I did only cardio (these include bootcamps, kickboxing, and dvd style cardio and "toning", just to clarify). Just my experience, but yes, I think you should lift. Either tell your trainer that he needs to get with your program, or get a new one that will help you with the moves.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    kcjchang wrote: »
    ...15 burpees, lunge walking the length of gym & back with 30 lbs, squat presses with 30 lbs, Russian twists, sprinting, ab wheels, etc, etc.
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    On the contrary, BC is probably the worst place to start if you are untrained.

    You got to be kidding, read the exercises and reps... sounds pretty mild.
    You're assuming whomever is attempting the exercises are doing it with correct form. Trust that a sedentary/untrained person starting off with BC doesn't do the exercises correctly or with exceptional form.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    I also really liked circuit training. Most of the typical movements used aren't completely unfamiliar - it's mostly calisthenics you likely encountered in gym class + some 2-10 lb dumbbells. I never got hurt doing that, all my stuff happened from running & doing way too much plyometric stuff / jumping rope. (Obviously some people might be doing stuff like swinging all over the place, way out of control, but hopefully the instructor would help with that :/)

    I am also pretty sure that I burned way more doing circuit training than I do on any of the low-impact machines I use now.

    Obviously, lifting heavy is ideal, but if losing weight is a top priority, maybe it's not a terrible thing to do for a couple of months. You're probably starting off w more muscle mass than someone much lighter would, and I'd bet (although I welcome correction on this) that it would let you keep at least some of what you have.
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Hence a "Boot Camp"? And I am assuming it's supervised else OP is really wasting her money.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    kcjchang wrote: »
    Hence a "Boot Camp"? And I am assuming it's supervised else OP is really wasting her money.

    As somebody that is trained in assessing one's movement for mobility and strength imbalances, and as somebody that has done BootCamp; having an educated trainer that knows how to apply their knowledge with an untrained individual via strength training is far better than BootCamp. Yes, BootCamp is supervised but it's also timed. You get to the class, they tell you what to do, the instructor might show you how to do a movement you're unsure of but there's no real coaching and you have 30-minutes to finish the WoD. That's a generalization of course because I can't account for every BC coach ever but that's the gist of how it works.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Your trainer is an idiot.

    Get a new one.

    +1 bazillion!

    Someone telling you not to lift doesn't really understand your goals or what a sustainable healthy lifestyle is. Lifting helps preserve/build lean muscle which burns more calories at rest, prevents unjury and gives people that athletic, "I workout" look.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    There's probably nothing wrong with the boot camp classes, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of a profit motive there. You're paying for the classes, I assume. Once he trains you on the lifts, I'm sure he's anticipating that you won't have as much need for him.

    Lol at switching a client from one on one to boot camp for profit motives. Double lol at that trainer saying NROL is outdated. As if lifts go out of style like the lapels on men's suits

    Exactly, there is nothing new under the sun in the fitness industry. It's all been done before, just now has a new name and higher price.