Why I weigh daily



  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I weigh daily for the reasons in the original post and others.

    Weighing myself daily teaches me how my body reacts to everyday life, how salt causes water retention, how wine causes water loss, etc.

    I am concerned about trends, minimums, maximums, and average, not my weight at any given moment.

    An additional plus is that I start each and every day with a weigh-in that reminds me of where I was, and where I am going.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am addicted to weighing in daily!!! I even pack my scale for vacation!
    Oddly enough, even though I am a proponent of weighing daily, I will go about 10 days without it in early July while visiting family and spending time at the beach. Being summer, it should not be too bad; winter holidays visiting relatives would be a lot tougher. I will limit portions and pick healthy when I can, plus I will do some running and exercising.
  • photography_girl_07
    So I'm new to MyFitnesspal, but I felt that this board made me feel like I'm not crazy. :) I weigh daily because like some other people have said, "it keeps me in check". Before starting myfitnesspal I had lost 28 pounds, and then plateaued. Although this can be a common occurrence for people, it frustrated me to the extreme.....so I started using myfitnesspal, and weighing again daily and I'm no longer plateaued! I jumped off the cliff and into a new weight low!!! Thanks for posting this topic!!! I'm glad I'm not the only person who weighs daily.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I posted this in another thread but thought some may find it interesting.

    I am a daily weigher and love it. Every morning, wake, pee, weigh, log it. I have learned a lot through this like what a high sodium day does to me or hot weather or a HARD workout or a big change in my workout routine - they all add a few temporary pounds for me but they truly are temporary. The fluctuations fascinate me, they don't upset me in the slightest. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, everybody has a different mentality when it comes to how often to weigh yourself.

    I fully understand the concept of weighing once a week or even once a month but this can be very upsetting if you weigh on a high peak day. Look at my chart below and consider these two senarios:

    Let's say I weighed ONLY on the 2nd day of the month.

    May 2 - 239.5
    June 2 - 239.5
    CRAP! I didn't lose anything this entire month!

    How about weekly?

    Sunday May 12 - 237.9
    Sunday May 19 - 238.9
    WHAT! I worked hard all week and I GAINED 1 whole pound!

    Both of these people are are not happy!

    You be the judge, how in the world have I lost weight when I gained a pound in one week or went a whole month with no loss?


    Just sayin' :wink:

    Love this!!! I weight daily too for the same reasons. It's fascinating and a learning experience to see how what you eat affects your weight from day to day. Also TOM, heat, fluids, etc.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    For me, weighing everyday is what i want to do when i get to goal. I can kick myself for not doing that the last time I lost all my weight..for it creeps back on it you don't step on that scale. I will never do that again.

    But as I try to lose the weight.. i look at the scale in a different way. I've decided not to weigh on a regular basis because i get so down when i don't lose as fast as I'd like. It ruins my will power and motivation. I'm going by how my clothes fit..and when I am a few sizes smaller.. I'll weigh... and then wait a few more months..and sizes.. and weigh again..until i get to where I need to be.

    I guess it is all personal.
  • liquey107
    liquey107 Posts: 7
    i weigh myself daily....so i know i am going in the right directions and keep on track.
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    I like weighing every day. It's motivating for me, even when I go down and then go back up. Just having seen the lower number helps.

    Yep, Im like this! I love the scales, I can understand how it wouldn't work for everyone but I love it and its taught me not to panic if my weight changes
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    I am addicted to weighing in daily!!! I even pack my scale for vacation!

    I have done this too - packing my scale for vacation..
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member

    Because if you weigh daily, it's constantly telling people you lose 2 lbs since last weigh in!

    Or you can not input your weight in MFP
    or you can turn off Notification and manually turn in on before you enter a "true loss" and then turn off Notification again.

    But I agree with the "only new loss" Notification :-) That would be great!
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Bit p####d off actually about this. Weighed 17st10 on Wednesday and today 17st 11 despite two days of healthy eating ( All well within my MFP targets and burning calories in the gym. Not too bothered yet but why is this???
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Bit p####d off actually about this. Weighed 17st10 on Wednesday and today 17st 11 despite two days of healthy eating ( All well within my MFP targets and burning calories in the gym. Not too bothered yet but why is this???

    Could be any of these reasons:

    A) High sodium the last few days
    B) A hard workout or a change in workout routines
    C) The most likely and the one you don't want to hear - That's just how our bodies work!

    I am the OP, look at the original chart on page one. One of those big spikes was high sodium but the rest are just "normal" fluctuation. There were no "bad days" in that period. I was very near my goal every day.

    That's my argument for daily weighing at least for awhile, to learn about this stuff and not let it get to you.

    Keep your chin up and keep at it!
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    I like this!

    too bad I'm too busy to start doing this

    It only takes about 30 seconds a day!

    The app I use is a free phone app (shown in the original graph) called Libra. It's not fancy but is super easy to use. I weigh before getting into the shower and then think about why I was up or down while showering. Get out, dry off and log it.

    ok thanks. i downloaded the app today, will start tomorrow, should be a fun project to do for a month, maybe two
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Think of it just like that... a fun project. If it's not fun for you then don't do it! If it bugs you, don't do it! If you get depressed easily, don't do it!
  • dizzysmile
    dizzysmile Posts: 71 Member
    I was weighing-in weekly until earlier this week. The two weigh-ins beforehand had only left me with a 1lb loss (which I know is still a loss, but I was very disappointed and it ruined my whole day). I had considered starting daily just in case my weekly weigh-ins had been happening during an artificial spike - that would suck! - and decided to try it.

    So just for the past 3 days:
    Wednesday: 252
    Thursday: 254
    Friday: 251

    I also take notes for each spike as to why that might be (not using the bathroom, salty meal, TTOTM). If I had only weighed myself on Thursday like normal I'd only have seen another 1lb loss. Because I weighed myself the day before I knew it was a spike due to a salty meal and literally couldn't have cared less. Such a huge difference! No more letting the scale affect me that way. Never thought it'd've been fixed by weighing myself more, but it was!
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Just like you, I void in the am and get my weight BUT I check my weight thru
    the evening too. First I do before eating extra calories which can be tweaked.
    Lastly before bed, because each night I drop up to 2#s. It gives me insight. If
    I were weekly weighed I might miss out on my 'lightest' weight at any given
    time. I seriously get a high from knowing the numbers are moving in the
    right direction. I'd be stressed far worse if I had to wait each wk to weigh.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I posted this in another thread but thought some may find it interesting.

    I am a daily weigher and love it. Every morning, wake, pee, weigh, log it. I have learned a lot through this like what a high sodium day does to me or hot weather or a HARD workout or a big change in my workout routine - they all add a few temporary pounds for me but they truly are temporary. The fluctuations fascinate me, they don't upset me in the slightest. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, everybody has a different mentality when it comes to how often to weigh yourself.

    I fully understand the concept of weighing once a week or even once a month but this can be very upsetting if you weigh on a high peak day. Look at my chart below and consider these two senarios:

    Let's say I weighed ONLY on the 2nd day of the month.

    May 2 - 239.5
    June 2 - 239.5
    CRAP! I didn't lose anything this entire month!

    How about weekly?

    Sunday May 12 - 237.9
    Sunday May 19 - 238.9
    WHAT! I worked hard all week and I GAINED 1 whole pound!

    Both of these people are are not happy!

    You be the judge, how in the world have I lost weight when I gained a pound in one week or went a whole month with no loss?


    Just sayin' :wink:

    Is Libra only on iphone?/pad?
  • splashtree1
    We don 't need to weigh so often more or less with a regular training we know our own weight the thing that i personaly know is that water make difference and even we don't train the muscles tjat we built yes we can loose some...but the fiber that has alredy formed is sufficient food and come back to some days at the gym to have almost everything back
  • mellorunner
    I weight daily and keep a log tapped onto the wall right where the scale is. I find that weighing daily helps keep me focused on what I'm trying to do, and keeping the log lets me look at long term trends. And since it is all in one place, no excuses! (plus its right next to my bedroom door, so I can't avoid the scale!)