Sober September



  • lynder64
    lynder64 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm in for a Sober September too!!! I've been drinking far too much red wine this past year, and then consume "whatever" suits my fancy food wise... my weight has crept back up to my all time high :-( I'm not in a good place mentally or physically because of this. Time to get my act together. Excited to see what this month brings all the way around... weight loss/energy levels/mood

    Wishing everyone great success this month!!!
  • Nch305
    Nch305 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. I like my evening wine,too. And it is interfering with my weight loss.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Day 33 and no alcohol. I feel great, no more cravings. I finally feel like I'm in control, it's my decision and I choose to pay more attention to the needs of my body and not the wants. Today my body needs good healthy foods and moderate exercise, I can do that for it. What it doesn't need is for me to willingly poison my liver.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Count me in, started yesterday again after 3 weeks without it. (weekend at parents, not drinking isn`t accepted)
  • jesha00
    jesha00 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi my name is Jessica. Today marks the start of day #3 for me. I am not certain that I will be able to make it an entire month (or even and entire 7 days) BUT I am hopeful that with the help and encouragement from all of day I may be able to! I love my nightly vodka/crystal light cocktail (actually 3) or a few glasses of wine. But my waistline does not enjoy it and I'll be honest, I've hit an all-time high for my weight. I lift weights and run several times a week, for nothing. I try to eat right but after a few drinks, food choices and portion control become sloppy. Also, I feel better when I have taken a couple days off from drinking. So I'm hoping I can make a couple days turn into a week, and a week into a month.....eventually. How did you all do it? I live with an not easy over here :(
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Great idea - I'm in
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    jesha00 wrote: »
    Hi my name is Jessica. Today marks the start of day #3 for me. I am not certain that I will be able to make it an entire month (or even and entire 7 days) BUT I am hopeful that with the help and encouragement from all of day I may be able to! I love my nightly vodka/crystal light cocktail (actually 3) or a few glasses of wine. But my waistline does not enjoy it and I'll be honest, I've hit an all-time high for my weight. I lift weights and run several times a week, for nothing. I try to eat right but after a few drinks, food choices and portion control become sloppy. Also, I feel better when I have taken a couple days off from drinking. So I'm hoping I can make a couple days turn into a week, and a week into a month.....eventually. How did you all do it? I live with an not easy over here :(

    I did it one day at a time, really, that's all you can do. I make sure I have a bottle of Sparkling Water for the evening (Poland Springs Black Cherry by choice) and sip it as I would my wine. The first couple weeks are the hardest, cravings are always present in the evening, old habits are hard to break. After the 3rd week it gets a LOT easier, the cravings are no longer there (at least for me). Mine is a 33 year old habit of nightly drinking with my hubby. Fortunately for me, he feels as I do and is staying sober as well.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    edited September 2015
    fiddletime wrote: »
    Day 9 for me. I like wine at night. Am now drinking sparkling water.

    I love sparkling mineral water. Not the sweet kinds, just plain old carbonated water with natural lemon flavor. Yum. It's a good alternative to beer. You get the fizz, but not the calories.
  • lilyann1981
    lilyann1981 Posts: 36 Member
    Im in for sober september. Had my first drink in months at a festival this past weekend (30th aug) and then carried on drinking until I ended up singing loudly to Metallica at 2am in the middle of Leeds. I woke up the day after and remembered why i stopped drinking in the first place while sat on a packed train back home. Ive come to the conclusion that alcohol really just doesn't agree with me at all. I eat more, my skin is horrific, my sleep patterns are all messed up and having a killer headache/hangover was not fun at all. So, back to my not drinking and feeling much healthier for it :smile:
  • jesha00
    jesha00 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been thinking to myself that I could have a couple of glasses of wine tonight since I haven't had a drink since Sunday. Man...this month is going to be tough :( Does sparkling water have calories? At night I have been having my crystal light without the vodka -- it serves the purpose. But sparkling water sounds like a good alternative.
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    Day #2 everyone!! I know it's hard... hang in there! I have the MFP app on my phone so if anyone wants to add me and send me a message any time, I should see it right away and can help with encouragement! Having buddies helps :smile: @jesha00 do you have any hobbies/tv shows you like? At first, I felt so useless planted in front of the TV but then again I realized I would be planted in front of the TV anyway but just with alcohol in my system.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Have a big trigger tonight... A late meeting.. Whenever I have worked late I always drank afterwards as sort of a reward.. Sounds dumb I know. Hope I can stay dry tonight when I get home
  • tinaharris2015
    tinaharris2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Brooke1076 wrote: »
    Hi all! This is a continuation from No Alcohol August! I am admitting that I had a rough start in August and I really just want to plow through September without a drop! I KNOW I will shed some extra weight! Those alcohol calories really are killer! Oh and I know this is a litte early, I am just hoping that maybe someone spots this... has a couple days to internally debate it and then decides to join :) Also, here is a post to No Alcohol August in case anyone wants to join and dry out for the last couple days of the month :)

  • tinaharris2015
    tinaharris2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there I've just found this app..and now I've found fellow sober September ppl on day 2 of it aswell..I normally drink most nights so this is goin to b a challenge for me..good luck to u all x
  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    Zephalia wrote: »
    First off - thank you for the encouragement. Second, help! lol Day one and we have half a dozen beers in the fridge. Been sitting there since the weekend and I completely forgot this challenge starts today. I'm really going to struggle to watch my hubby drink them solo. Once they are gone it will be easier but seeing them in the fridge is such a tease!

    I know what you mean! The first week is the worst, especially if you have drinks in the house. Can you hide them? I pack beers behind items in the fridge/ in a special awkwardly placed cupboard which I never use. Out of sight; out of mind!

    Another strategy is a bit of reverse psychology. Allow yourself to have whatever you want whenever you want it so long as... (Fill in the blank; it fits into your calorie goal, you have a glass of water first, you do something else first.)

    Also try to have a substitute - mine is sparkling mineral water with lime slices. I find it satisfies my cravings.

    Let us know how you go!

    I FAILED ON DAY 1. I had two beers last night with my hubby. I told him my plan and that the beers were all his. He said he was saving them for me. About an hour later I grabbed him a beer and one for myself. Then shortly after he brought me the last one. Gah...this was too ambitious for me but all I can do is laugh that I didn't even make it one day! Funny thing is that due to finances, I probably won't have any alcohol in the house for the rest of the month.

    Good luck guys!
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    @Brooke1076 Thank you for continuing the thread.

    Hi Everybody! A month a go I wouldn't have thought it was possible but it was, I went the entire month of August without a drop of alcohol. Saved myself a ton of money in the process. I want to keep this going, at least until I know I can control my consumption. That time is not here yet, when I think of wine I still think in terms of bottles and not glasses :* I hope there comes a time in my life where I can be satisfied with a glass or 2 and not on a daily basis but for now I'm sticking with "Sober September" :)

    I just celebrated one full year with no alcohol. Actually July 18th made a full year. I also loved my wine and beer and also thought in terms of wine by the bottle,not the glass. I started out doing exactly what you're doing, I wanted to go one full month with no alcohol. I didn't think it would be easy,but it was easier than I thought...Not easy...just easier than expected,if that makes any sense. Right now I have no plans to drink again. But,I don't ever say I'll NEVER drink again. Something about the finality scares me.
    I'm sure a lot of people lose weight,but I didn't,because when I drank I had no sweet tooth,but now I have a wicked sweet tooth.
    No matter,I still feel it was the best thing I could have done for my health. It also makes me proud of myself.
  • jesha00
    jesha00 Posts: 29 Member
    @Brooke1076 right now I am short on hobbies. If I'm not working, cooking, or cleaning...than I usually sit in front of the TV and surf the news or whatever on my phone. Usually all of this is done while drinking some sort of an alcoholic beverage. I sometimes run at night and that helps me stay away from the stuff BUT I'm sick right now and have no desire to workout.

    @Zephalia -- you could look at it like you only had 2 beers. Would you normally have more? One day at a time!!!

  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    jesha00 wrote: »
    @Brooke1076 right now I am short on hobbies. If I'm not working, cooking, or cleaning...than I usually sit in front of the TV and surf the news or whatever on my phone. Usually all of this is done while drinking some sort of an alcoholic beverage. I sometimes run at night and that helps me stay away from the stuff BUT I'm sick right now and have no desire to workout.

    @Zephalia -- you could look at it like you only had 2 beers. Would you normally have more? One day at a time!!!

    I only had 2 beers available to me. Probably would have been more if there was more! lol
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Count me in too! My hubby stopped consuming all alcohol almost 2 years ago, but I admit I love love love my red wine. But if I'm serious about weight loss, the worst thing I could do is drink my calories. So, time to (wo)man up and just say no. Great idea by the way :smile:
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    jesha00 wrote: »
    I've been thinking to myself that I could have a couple of glasses of wine tonight since I haven't had a drink since Sunday. Man...this month is going to be tough :( Does sparkling water have calories? At night I have been having my crystal light without the vodka -- it serves the purpose. But sparkling water sounds like a good alternative.

    No calories in Sparkling Water, just bubbles and flavor :)