Anyone else doing this completely alone?



  • needstobefit15
    needstobefit15 Posts: 119 Member
    I have my two kids and my dad that lives in a different city other then that I'm alone.I have to few people on boyfriend and my family ain't supportive. It seems like my boyfriend wants me to stay fat so he can get all the attention.
  • threec
    threec Posts: 97 Member
    Yes, just me. I only have limited support at MFP also because I'm not a calorie counter. I've tried many times to do it that way, and A) I don't have enough of an accountant mentality to find any joy in CI/CO; it's a gigantic chore for me. B) logging makes me think about food all day long - what can I have? how many calories do I have left? Oh no, I want to eat now, what if I run out of calories?

    What works for me is to keep myself as busy as possible with other things until I'm undeniably hungry, then I eat a reasonable portion of what I want (like a homemade bacon cheeseburger on whole grain bread with tomato slices last night), then go back to doing other things (including exercising because it makes me feel good). That's my entire weight loss strategy - wait until I'm hungry and don't stuff myself. I've been losing 1-2 pounds per week this way, total of 21 as of today, so I think I'm doing all right.

    So happy that I'm not the only one here who can't count
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    I am recently divorced, live alone, and none of my friends are currently in any kind of weight loss program. I sometimes share my successes with them, but don't want to bore them with details. I am really grateful for this discussion board because I get great feedback and support. So...thank you!!

    I'm doing it alone as well. I'm glad there are community boards because I find so much information on everything almost daily. It's pretty interesting. :)
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Losing weight alone but with a supportive husband. He does most of the cooking and I serve up the portions. Outside of MFP I haven't really talked about it with anyone, other than acknowledging the few people who have noticed.
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    My husband is tall and slim, and while he wants to eat more healthily and is generally supportive by going on walks with me, I keep most of my weight loss stuff to myself. At most, I'll ask him to walk with me or point out that I only have 400 calories left for dinner when he suggests going to get fish and chips rather than cooking, and he's understanding.
  • busylakemom
    busylakemom Posts: 3 Member
    yea, I hate it
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    My family has a lot of health nuts in it, so it's nice to have them to talk to. And the MFP forums are really great if you feel like your friends and family might be getting a little tired of hearing about it.

    Losing weight is a really big deal. You have to have an outlet to talk about it somewhere or another or you'll lose perspective during the frustrating times and that puts you in danger of quitting.

    I would say use these message boards to your advantage. People here are very helpful. You will get tough love, support, praise, etc. when it's needed.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am recently divorced, live alone, and none of my friends are currently in any kind of weight loss program. I sometimes share my successes with them, but don't want to bore them with details. I am really grateful for this discussion board because I get great feedback and support. So...thank you!!

    Awesome! Keep up the good work. )
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member

    I think that it is actually a lot easier alone.

    I agree!!!!
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm doing this on my own. It takes my husband a little time to get used to me dieting. I plan on this being the last time..... I am recording everything I eat this time as well as my exercise. I do like the community aspect of this app. but I read and don't usually comment. If I stay away from bread and its relatives, I can manage quite nicely! Thanks for all the good ideas on recipes and the like. :-)
  • koreynafenderson
    koreynafenderson Posts: 2 Member
    I am alone but I am not alone.... If that makes any sense. I have tried so many thing over the last decade till I am just lost and know I need to do something.... Just unsure of what! I do MFP ... However because I have tried so many things I am still lost. Looking for an accountability partner
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I'm not alone, I have my MFP friends.
  • katelynneelswick
    katelynneelswick Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, all alome here. My family eats extremely unhealthy and is completely unsupportive. They scoff at me and make fun of me for wanting to eat healthy. I keep everything to my self. It can be extremely hard when someone is sitting there offering you fried chicken and all you can say is no thanks, I'll stick to my roasted cauliflower. And your mouth is just salivating. But in the end it is your battle and only you can fight it. One day they'll be asking us how we did it !
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    Like most of everyone, other than my few MFP friends that are doing this, I only have my mother who is doing better for herself (she's lost close to 100lbs) but not much encouragement. When I try to eat healthier, she only negatively comments about the food. And my S. O. doesn't really focus on a healthy eating lifestyle other than me preparing everything.
    The managing food and calories is the easy part, it's the motivation for getting my butt put for a walk or work out.
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    Live alone, doing it alone, only told a couple of people. I have updated them at a few milestones, but don't really talk about it as I personally might not find it interesting so don't want to bore others. I am not finding it difficult to do it alone, and being able to occasionally post a NSV or other success here is really nice. :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I've had a few people say they were going to start losing because if I can do it, they can, too. They ask a bazillion questions, which I answer. Then they decide to eat like 500 or 800 calories a day, which they do for a day or two or three. Then they're off the diet. Every. Single. Time.

    They're just crash dieting. They don't really want to lose weight.

    So, yup! Just me. That I know, anyway.
    Would you be supportive if someone wanted to reach the same goal you do, more than anything?
    Sure. I'm pretty supportive in general, even if it's not something I'd want. I think I am, anyway. I think people who know me would agree.

    I'm not going to be anyone's coach, though. Not going to call someone up and tell them they need to go to the gym, lol. But will cheer them on if they mention they did it. But that goes for anything, not just weight loss. :)

    I only know one person who is kind of trying to lose weight, but she's kind of back and forth with it. She will get there eventually, though.
  • carlyp79
    carlyp79 Posts: 95 Member
    My husband and Mother know. My kids are toddlers, but they know I go to the gym to get stronger - because my husband tells them so when they get out of bed and ask where I am!
    I decided to do this, I shop and prepare everyone's meals so they are along for the ride at times. My husband doesn't calorie count but weighs himself regularly and tries to stay active, but he has some complex health issues. I feel bad when I tell him I've lost weight because the medications he is on make it very hard to lose weight (steroids and immnosuppressants).

    I have friends who are Certified Personal trainers or weight lifters, or training as Nutitionists... I don't see them often but don't discuss it with them incase they feel like it's 'talking shop' or I'm just another person looking for free advice. :/