September 2015 Running Challenge



  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    edited September 2015
    September goal: 35 miles

    9/1 - 3.1 miles
    9/2 - strength day
    9/3 - 2 miles
    9/4 - strength day
    9/5 - 4 miles
    9/6 - hiking (2.5 hours)
    9/7 - 3 miles
    9/8 - unscheduled day off
    9/9 - 2 miles + strength
    9/10 - 2 miles + strength
    9/11 - rest
    9/12 - 2 miles + strength
    9/13 - 2 miles
    9/14 - 3 miles
    9/15 - rest
    9/16 - 2 miles
    9/17 - strength day
    9/18 -rest
    9/19 - 2 miles + strength
    9/22 - 3.1 miles
    9/23 - 2.1 miles
    9/24 - 2 miles
    9/27 - 2 miles

    September: 36.3 of 35 miles completed

    Met my goal for this month. Still feeling a little sick but I think I'm on the mend.

    @ewrook - nice job on meeting your goal!
    @9voice9 - it's always nice to find a group to run with! Enjoy!
    @snha - congrats on your first 5K!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9/1 - 3.5 miles - way too many pushes on the snooze this morning! :smiley:
    9/2 - rest day walked the doggie instead
    9/3 - 5.1 miles
    9/4 - 10 miles last 2 were HOT HUMID and MISERABLE LOL
    9/5 - rest day - cross country meet - Skip did great 24th in her division 23:37 no where near a PR but it was so hot and humid you could hardly stand to be out there to watch let alone run. Proud of my girl.
    9/6 - 5.1 miles
    9/7 - 5.2 miles of trail running - OMG we had so much fun!!! Skip wanted to practice trail running for her meets and folks gave me some great recommendations of trails to run. We went out this morning and had a blast. The first trail was marked as easy/difficult so it was some easy packed dirt and some gravel with harder roots and rocks to climb. The second was difficult and some parts were about 2' wide and quite a climb (for me LOL). We loved it!
    9/8 - 5.1 miles
    9/9 - 5.5 miles
    9/10 - 7.2 miles nice slow pace this morning, just wanted to get the miles in. Still pretty humid (97%) but the temp was 69 so it was nice. Annoying little doggie chased me this morning and nipped at my heels, honestly people it's dark out keep your doggies inside so they don't get run over.
    9/11 - 5.3 miles - cool 64 but humid 100% morning, but nice weather for a run
    9/12 - xc meet rest day
    9/13 - 2 miles - was going to rest, but did 2 miles at the lake to move my legs
    9/14 - 6.2 miles - good night 46 degrees in Alabama in September who would have thought it!
    9/15 - 5.4 miles
    9/16 - rest day
    9/17 - 8 miles - started off ugly and then got great and felt good. Negative splits the whole way...that never happens :smile:
    9/18 - 5.6 miles
    9/19 - XC meet - rest day
    9/20 - 10 miles felt good the whole run (that never happens) every mile under 11 mins most were around 10:34 the last was 9:56 giving me a 10:33 overall pace. I'd have to check but that has to be my best 10 miler. Taking Skip to see US Women's World Cup team play Haiti this afternoon. Can't wait.
    9/21 - 5.2 miles in the rain - well drizzly
    9/22 - 5.2 miles
    9/23 - rest day
    9/24 - 7 miles
    9/25 - 5.1 miles
    9/26 - rest day XC meet - another great one for Skip she placed 9th at 22:47. She was upset with her time until she saw the varsity boys that usually run 16 min running 17+.
    9/27 - 3.3 mile trail run - we cut it a bit short after Skip took a good fall, cut up her leg and hands. We talked to some nice runners who told her she's an official trail runner now, that once you take a header you're official. LOL

    115 of 120 miles



  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    9/1 rest day -- elliptical
    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!
    9/3 rest day -- elliptical
    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!
    9/5 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/6 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/7 3.32--running again!
    9/8 rest day -- no workout
    9/9 3.52
    9/10 2 -- decided to run two days in a row for first time
    9/11 3.18 -- another day of running (three days in a row)
    9/13 3:11 -- took a day off bc of heel pain (did elliptical though) -- fasted 5K: pace 9:51/mile.
    9/14 4.51
    9/15 4.12
    9/16 rest day
    9/17 4.75
    9/18 rest day (elliptical)
    9/19 4.35
    9/20 4.56
    9/21 rest--elliptical
    9/22 5.25
    9/23 rest day
    9/24 2.8 -- last run before my 5k race on Sunday
    9/25 rest day
    9/26 2.6 -- small run with some sprints, getting ready for the little 5k tomorrow
    9/27 3.11 -- 5K race.

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited September 2015
    8.3 Km Trail run in with the 1/2 of the Sunday group. A new area for me Headed North out of " Tims " ( Canadians Know ) and along the upper river Valley Hill Trails. Part of the trails have been destroyed by Road Construction - Can you say " Runners Detour " through the truckloads of Dirt and Rock piles. Then back on the Trails and dropped down into the River Valley following the Railway tracks heading to the Trestle Bridge. Like Skip @skippysmom I took a tumble ( caught my toe in a small piece of wire sticking out of the ground ) at about 4.5 km so I cut my run short- after pulling the wire out of the ground and throwing it down slope into the trees. Definitely want to return to this area and do a few more trails in the area. Right thigh is a little tender - small muscle strain from the spill.

    9/1 - 0 - 0 - 140 km goal
    9/3 - 6 km - 6 - 134 km to go
    9/4 - 6 km - 12 - 128 km to go
    9/7 - 7.4 km - 19.4 - 120.6 km to go
    9/12 - 11.4 km - 30.8 - 109.2 km to go
    9/13 - 6.5 km - 37.3 - 102.7 km to go
    9/14 - 6.8 km - 44.1 - 95.9 km to go
    9/16 - 8.2 km - 52.3 - 87.7 km to go
    9/18 - 10 km - 62.3 - 77.7 km to go
    9/19 - 6.8 km - 69.1 - 70.9 km to go
    9/20 – 17 km – 86.1 – 53.9 km to go
    9/22 - 10.5 km – 96.6 – 43.4 km to go
    9/23 – 5.5 km – 102.1 – 37.9 km to go
    9/24 – 5.7 km – 107.8 – 32.4 km to go
    9/25 –10.8 km – 118.6 – 21.6 km to go
    9/27 – 8.3 km – 126.9 – 13.1 km to go

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @9voice9 Glad to hear you found a group to run with! My group meets Wednesday at the Local Rec center and Sunday at Tims. The best part of the Group for me is all the new trails that they know.
    @monkeymintaka No I have MooBs - bad Nipple chaffing if you have the wrong top on, or an old top that is starting to fail. Great results from your first 5 mile race. Love the swag bags and shirts.
    @snha - congrats on your first 5K! Very good time for a first race. Takes a bit to get used to setting and holding a pace.
    @skippysmom Trust Skip to be the show off in the photo. Love the look of the Trail area you were in. And you thought that just the name of the race ( Roots and Ruts ) I was going to was scary
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    It's been a very good weekend for me. First the huge 5K PR yesterday and today it was a huge distance PR. My previous distance PR was 13.1 miles, three weeks ago, and today I was trying for 15 but ended up with 16 due to a wrong turn.

    I got to see a great cross section of Minneapolis..industrial, urban, lakes, and serene residential. At some point I'll post a link to some pictures. It was a beautiful run and I'll definitely take this loop again.

    I felt great the entire run and even had a big increase in pace the last 4 miles. My splits for the first 11 miles were between 10:43 and 11:29. My splits for the last 4 miles were 9:22 and 9:47 if I disregard the mile where I got confused and had to stop to check my map. I felt strong until the end, but I was ready to stop when I got back to my truck.


    9/01 - Rest
    9/02 - 6.1 Miles, 11:03 pace, 137 HR, 72F
    9/03 - 5.0 Miles, 10:53 pace, 142 HR, 77F
    9/04 - 8.1 Miles, 12:11 pace, 136 HR, 83F
    9/05 - Family Day! - Innertubing down a nearby river and going out to eat.
    9/06 - 7.7 Miles (5.2 + 2.5), First run: 11:05 pace, 139 HR, 76F, Second run with the kid. Also got in a 3 mile walk with Kody.
    9/07 - 13.1 Miles <-- New distance PR! 10:59 pace, 138HR, 68F
    - 2.3 Miles with The Kid
    9/08 - Rest
    9/09 - 8.5 Miles, 10:41 pace, 142 HR, 69F
    9/10 - 9.2 Miles, 11:04 pace, 138 HR, 60F
    9/11 - Road trip
    9/12 - 5.1 Miles, 10:13 pace, ??? HR, 52F <no GPS>
    9/13 - 5.1 Miles, 11:18 pace, 140 HR, 65F
    9/14 - 8.5 Miles, 10:38 pace, 146 HR, 80F
    9/15 - 8.5 Miles, 11:24 pace, 134 HR, 80F
    9/16 - MN Twins game - 12 inning game after a 1hr rain delay. Got home at 1:15am!
    9/17 - 8.5 Miles, 10:53 pace, 136 HR, 66F
    9/18 - Rest
    9/19 - 6.7 Miles, 10:01 pace, 136 HR,
    9/20 - Gluttony
    9/21 - Gluttony
    9/22 - 8.6 Miles, 10:38 pace, 138 HR, 68F
    9/23 - 5.5 Miles, 10:31 pace, 133 HR, 69F
    9/24 - 8.6 Miles, 10:38 pace, 140 HR, 67F
    9/25 - Rest
    9/26 - 3.7 Miles (0.5 mile warm up, 3.1 mile race with PR time of 26:32)
    9/27 - 16.00 Miles, 10:43 pace, 139 HR, 61F <-- Distance PR by 2.9 miles

    Goal: 135 Miles
    Progress: 145 Miles
    Goal Achieved!
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/9 12 miles
    02/9 12 miles
    03/9 10k
    04/9 12 miles
    05/9 10k
    06/9 34.1k
    07/9 10k
    08/9 20k
    09/9 20k
    10/9 10k
    11/9 20k
    12/9 10k
    13/9 39.1k
    14/9 10k
    15/9 20.1k
    16/9 20.4k
    17/9 10k
    18/9 20.4k
    19/9 10k
    20/9 42.5k
    21/9 10k
    22/9 20.2k
    23/9 20.4k
    24/9 10k
    25/9 20.5k
    26/9 10k
    27/9 35k


    very fast 10k yesterday, didn't even realize I did it - had a wonderful day out in Bristol so was really happy before the run and my brain was already looking forward to it

    today almost 22 miles, did start really well this time, but then after 10 miles I began to be a bit tired - I think it is normal considering I drove 6 hours yesterday and slept 4 hours only

    weather was really good today,people EXTREMELY annoying at the park

    boom of really long dog leads, so dogs far away from their owners and really nice sharp leads ready to cut your legs...

    not really looking forward to 12 miles tomorrow, but have to swap my monday 10k with tuesday's
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Lots of folks tearing up the pavement and trails out there! Great job on hitting the goals and the PRs @ewrook, @Elise4270, @annekka, @snha, @monkeymintaka, @rogue024, @skippygirlsmom (I know you'll get there soon! and sorry to hear about Skip...OUCH!!, and another great photo!)

    This is a heck of a group we have here, and I know I wouldn't be doing nearly as well with my running if not for the advise and support of you folks!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Sep 01      5.2      5.2
    Sep 04      9.1     14.3
    Sep 05      3.7     18.0
    Sep 06      5.0     23.0
    Sep 07      3.7     26.7
    Sep 10      6.2     32.9
    Sep 12     10.6     43.5
    Sep 13      5.0     48.5
    Sep 15      5.0     53.5
    Sep 17      5.0     58.5
    Sep 19      8.0     66.5
    Sep 21      5.0     71.5
    Sep 23      6.2     77.7
    Sep 25      5.0     82.7
    Sep 26      8.1     90.8
    Sep 27      6.4     97.2


    @skippygirlsmom - Awesome photo!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I haven't really had a chance to read through and catch up on everything since the middle of last week! I have missed you guys but life has been crazy at work and personally. I didn't get as many runs in as normal during the week but ran both yesterday and today. No real long run but got in a fast tempo run yesterday and today was going to be a slow just get out there and move, short run that turned into a faster than expected, longer than expected great run. It is hot again at least through this next week (in the 90's all week capping at 97F on Friday - ugh) and the humidity is back.

    09/01.....7.21.......7.21 - + Strength Training
    09/02.....0.00.......7.21 - Much needed rest day
    09/03.....6.10.....13.31 - + Strength Training
    09/06.....2.00.....29.07 - Dog Beach Sunday
    09/07.....5.04.....34.11 - Too hot to be running!
    09/08.....5.14.....39.25 - + Strength Training
    09/10.....5.09.....44.34 - + Strength Training
    09/11.....0.00.....44.34 - Too much work and too hot!
    09/13.....2.00.....60.34 - Dog Beach Sunday
    09/14.....4.46.....64.80 - + Agility
    09/15.....5.55.....70.35 - + Strength Training
    09/17.....7.42.....77.77 - just noticed all the 7s today...hmmm wish I was in Vegas or near a casino :)
    09/18.....0.00.....77.77 - all day waiting at the hospital
    09/19...10.32.....88.09 - more time at the hospital and a trip to the ER
    09/20.....4.38.....92.47 - Hot!
    09/21.....0.00.....92.47 - Dog Beach Monday + Agility
    09/22.....6.32.....98.79 - Hot!
    09/24.....5.30...104.09 - Still Hot! + Strength Training
    09/26.....4.85...108.94 - Fast tempo run to make up for it not being a long run
    09/27.....7.38...116.32 - slow short and easy that turned into more


    I will read through and catch up tonight!
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    edited September 2015
    9/2 - 3.36 miles
    9/4 - 3.30 miles
    9/5 - 7 miles
    9/7 - 3.38 miles
    9/10 - 3.0 miles
    9/13 - 8.12 miles
    9/16 - 3.25 miles
    9/18 - 3.27 miles
    9/19 - 9.54 miles
    9/21 - 3 miles
    9/23 - 3.28 miles
    9/25 - 3.29 miles
    9/26 - 10.89 miles

    Went to the running store, got new shoes...and WHOO HOO!!! I'm BACK baby :) Felt so much better. It was definitely a gamble to run my weekly long run in new shoes, but it was that or not run at all. Worked out, felt great.

    Officially registered for the Niagara International Half Marathon on Oct 25. My second half marathon, and in another country to boot.

    ETA: I saw everyone was talking about where they live - I live just south of Buffalo, NY.

    [img] [\img][/img]
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @JoRocka - I have found Nike and UA compression shorts that have a 7" inseam that are pretty much the perfect length. I only run in compression bottoms because I can't stand having the fabric moving around my legsalso have compression. They also make my legs feel great (bonus)! So in addition to the shorts I have compression capris and long compression tights.
    @ddmom0811 and @JoRocka - I have a Roosport pouch that is like a Running Buddy. I don't use it too often because I use a waist leash with Hobbes and it kept feeling like the leash was going to push it off. I really like my Fitletic belt and also have a Spibelt that works quit well.
    I have Nathan clip on lights that I use on me and on Hobbes' collar. The waist leash is reflective as are my shoes.
    @HonuNui - another beautiful picture!
    @monkeymintaka - I agree on the size of running clothes. It was terrible when I was starting out and even now find the sizing to be really small and I wear a pretty small size of regular clothes now. My daughter has a terrible time finding tops that fit her right and keeps talking about starting a fitness line for women who aren't tiny all over. Great job on your 1st race! It is nice to get free stuff, but then you did likely get up early and ran how far to earn that free stuff? I do love my race shirts and wear them proudly!
    @karllundy, @7lenny7 and @skippygirlsmom - I hope all the puppies (and kids) are feeling better!
    @juliet3455 - your 'Just Stupid Fun' race sounds like so much fun! Great job killing it! Yes you are definitely addicted!
    @5BeautifulDays - way to go running the race when you weren't feeling great. I hope you can take some time now to really recover!
    @kristinegift - congratulations on the PRs. Holy Moly is right - 3 PRs in one month! Wow!! I definitely think you are ready for some great fall racing!
    @7lenny7 - that celebratory IPA is well deserved! Fantastic improvement! Congratulations!!
    @Elise4270 - I think we are all still runners in progress an learning how to as we go along! I agree this group, including you my friend, is great and helps me get out there!
    @annekka - great job getting to 100km! Have fun in HK. Hopefully it is vacation and not work related.
    @9voice9 - nice that you have found a group to run with. I live near LA and have not yet found one close to me, unless I drive down to the beach... Also where my closest running store is.
    @Ohhim - I have a difficult time with setting zones too because my RHR is so low. Most of the calculators come up with a pace I cannot manage so I use what I know just from my experiences running.
    @snha - congratulations on your 5k!
    @skippygirlsmom - love the picture of Skip. I will never be a trail runner - too afraid of that header and breaking something!
    @jtarmom - it is amazing what a difference new shoes can make and how bad old shoes can makes your body feel! Welcome back!!

    Ok - this is really long but I have been away so much I really felt like I needed to catch up! I am so excited to see how well everyone is doing and the progress being made! So many have met and exceeded their goals and others are right there to meet theirs! Great job everyone and congratulations to everyone who raced this weekend!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    edited September 2015
    This is how I feel :)
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    10 miler yesterday

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in both a treadmill pace session (fast) due to rain immediately followed by a slower run with a neighbor late this afternoon. Definitely had some calories to make up for after eating too many wings when watching football. Back to the cooler north in the AM where I'll knock off my last miles. Have about 65 left on the bike & 5 in the pool to polish off for my other challenges.

    9/1 - 5 easy miles
    9/2 - 6 miles total (1.5 run + 4.5 run)
    9/3 - 11 miles total (1.5 run + 4 run + 5.5 run)
    9/6 - 6 miles
    9/7 - 5.5 miles
    9/9 - 5 miles
    9/10 - 8 miles
    9/11 - 8 miles
    9/12 - 4 miles (7 x 1/3 mile repeats w. 2 minute recovery jog at 6 min/mile pace)
    9/13 - 12 miles
    9/14 - 8 miles
    9/16 - 9.5 miles
    9/17 - 7 miles
    9/18 - 5 miles
    9/20 - 4 miles
    9/21 - 4 miles (tempo run treadmill GPS watch test - 10, 8, 6, 10 pace)
    9/23 - 4 miles
    9/24 - 4 miles
    9/25 - 6 miles
    9/26 - 5 miles
    9/27 - 7.5 miles (fast pace run + recovery run)

    Total: 134.5 miles, 3 speedwork session
    Goal: 150 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
    Remaining: 15.5 miles, 2 speedwork sessions
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well done all you PR getters, and congratulations to everyone that ran races this weekend!
    @skippygirlsmom Love that photo! Triumph!
    @juliet3455 Sorry about your tumble but love the description of your trail run. Roads? We don't need no stinking roads!
    @patrikc333 Very impressive mileage!
    @7lenny7 PRs and hitting September goal all in one weekend? What could be better. Oh yeah, the beer you get to drink!

    Be thirsty, my friends.


    I picked up a few training best times for the year today myself but am not all that happy with them (honestly) because I was supposed to be doing a slow run today. That said my HR wasn't off the charts but still, kinda mad at my lack of discipline. I need to do a low HR run test just to see where my aerobic progress has moved to. This week sometime.

    Coming up in October (it's almost October, what???) I've got a 25km mountain trail race featuring some really punishing climbing so for me it's back to the hills early this week (yay!) plus some more speed work and some easy miles along the way too before I have to back off.

    Month to date:		213.50 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (73% completed)
    Sep 27 21.81 km Supposed to be a slow run, not slow enough
    Sep 26 00.83 km Fooling around on the track with the soccer team
    Sep 25 11.66 km Farting around with fartleks on back of a poor sleep ugh
    Sep 24 14.50 km Leg speed development w/ LHR run
    Sep 23 -----    No run, still feeling it
    Sep 22 -----    No run, blood donation day
    Sep 21 13.00 km Lake run + misc
    Sep 20 33.15 km First 20 miler since I started running last fall
    Sep 19 16.28 km First rainy run of the "fall"
    Sep 18 -----    Rest day, GTD day
    Sep 17 14.81 km Midnight run down to zee seawall in the vazees
    Sep 16 10.05 km Pickin' up pace on trail run around the lake
    Sep 15 11.93 km Easy pace, river run and a few laps with soccer team at track
    Sep 14 -----    Rest day
    Sep 13 12.86 km Up up up trail run
    Sep 12 15.04 km MAF HR, somewhat hilly, felt good
    Sep 11 07.63 km Recovery run / Date run in the forest
    Sep 10 10.99 km Dead flat run around seawall
    Sep 09 -----    Rest day
    Sep 08 04.68 km Pushing it on the track 3x1km. I hate the track.
    Sep 07 07.82 km Exploring a different trail to the dog beach
    Sep 06 21.21 km Running gentle hills around the lake, felt great save for blisters
    Sep 05 -----    Life break, coaching soccer 
    Sep 04 07.90 km UBC forest - Date Run Friday!
    Sep 03 -----    More of same
    Sep 02 -----    More of same
    Sep 01 -----    Life break, running an evacuation centre

    It was a glorious sunny day, cool temps, not too windy. Just perfect for running!
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    small jog on Friday of 3.5 miles, plus 8 on sunday bringing total to 61.5. That's currently 13.5 miles over target :-)
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    9/1 - 5.25 miles
    9/2 - 3.55 miles
    9/3 - strength training + cycling class
    9/4 - rest
    9/5 - 34 mile bike ride
    9/6 - 12.82 mile run.
    9/7 - 36 mile bike ride
    9/8 - rest
    9/9 - 5.06 miles + strength training
    9/10 - cycling class
    9/11 - 6.02 miles + strength training
    9/12 - 34 mile bike ride
    9/13 - 62 mile bike ride
    9/14 - rest day.
    9/15 - 3.3 miles. + cycling class after work.
    9/16 - 11.03 miles + strength training
    9/17 - cycle class
    9/18 - 3.5 miles - trainer cancelled
    9/19 - 34 mile bike ride
    9/20 - 40 mile bike ride
    9/21 - rest day … I keep telling myself… rest is when you make improvements.
    9/22 - 3.65 miles + cycling class
    9/23 - 4.08 miles + strength training
    9/24 - cycling class
    9/25 - 4 miles + strength training
    9/26 - 34 mile bike ride
    9/27 - 59 mile bike ride
    9/28 - 3.3 Tapering… HM in 6 days! 100% humidity - 78 degrees at 4:30. :sweat:


    @ohhim - thanks for info on HR. I agree it's confusing and there seem to be a lot of methods to pick from.

    Had a busy weekend, so not much time to catch up on all the posts -- will try to catch up later!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: Rest
    9/2: 7 miles
    9/3: 8 miles am and 6 miles pm with the Thursday crew
    9/4: 6 miles
    9/5: Rest
    9/6: Brunch and walking around museums > running 6 miles in a new town
    9/7: 18 miles
    9/8: Rest
    9/9: 10 miles
    9/10: 7 miles speedwork am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    9/11: Rest
    9/12: 5 mile race (set new 5 mile and 5k PRs!)
    9/13: 12.3 miles
    9/14: 5 miles
    9/15: Rest
    9/16: 7 miles
    9/17: 8.2 miles am & 7.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    9/18: Rest
    9/19: 6 miles
    9/20: 20 miles
    9/21: 5 miles
    9/22: XT-12 miles stationary bike
    9/23: 7 miles speedwork
    9/24: 10.2 miles am, 6.5 miles pm
    9/25: Rest day. Hallelujah.
    9/26: 6 miles including a 5k race (new PR: 22:28!)
    9/27: 15 miles
    9/28: 5 miles recovery

    I've got 7 for Wednesday, so I'll just BARELY make it. I would have tied August (207) if I hadn't skipped that 6 miler when I was in DC! Darn! ;)

    Tried out some new capris this morning: Saucony Bullet Capris. And they are amazing! I always have an issue with length (I'm a mere 5'3") and waistband-rolling with capris. With these the length is fine for a short lady like me and the waistband stayed put the entire time which was amazing. PLUS they have THREE (count 'em: THREE!) pockets: one on the lower back with a zipper and two open, flat pockets on the sides of the thighs. And ladies, I am sure you know as well as I that pockets are usually hard to come by with women's running gear. So not that anyone was looking for a review, but that's mine :)


  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member
    9.2: 1.25
    9.3: 4.1
    9.4: 2.4
    9.8: 4.3
    9.10: 5.25
    9.12: 6.1
    9.13: 2.75
    9.15: 5.3
    9.17: 4.5
    9.20: 8
    9.21: 1.25
    9.22: 5.1
    9.23: 2
    9.24: 4.1
    9.26: 8
    9.27: 2
